From H. C. Watson 26 November 1856
Thames Ditton
Novr. 26. 1856
My dear Sir
It is some score of years since I gathered the Subularia, & once only. The specimens are in advanced bud, but not quite to the flowering (impregnating) point. From recollection, too distant & unclear for reliance, the plants were under water, & where they would still be under water when (or, possibly, if) the pollen would be perfected.— This does not meet your question.1 There is discrepancy or contradiction in English writers, Smith, Hooker, Lightfoot.2 But the following passage seems simple & clear on the point, & is from an author in general very reliable:—
“S. aquatica”— “In piscinis sub aqua, et, aqua æstate exsiccata, ad margines piscinarum”—
“Sub aqua clandestine floret; extra aquam flores parvi albi explicantur”—
Koch Synopsis Floræ Germanicæ et Helveticæ, ed. 2 p. 73.3
Of Limosella aquatica I have probably seen thousands of plants in flower. It grows in hollows, & sides of ponds liable to fluctuations in the level of the water,—so that it is frequently left uncovered, & certainly flowers out of water. From the situations in which it grows, a day or two of heavy rain in autumn will submerge it while in flower, & I have seen it apparently flowering under water, under such circumstances. I do not recall ever having seen it in flower under water in places where it must have remained under water during the growth of its buds up to the actual flowering. In the wet summer of 1843 I found two plants of it, one nearly in flower, the other in flower & past flower, on a spot where they never had been under water, but must have grown on the ground, out of water,—very proby. carried to the spot in a gardener’s watering-can, either as seeds or as very young plants, from a pond some 60 yards distant; a public road, & thick hedge intervening.—
This is a longer answer than you required, I hope not too long. Dr. Dickie, Prof. of Boty. in Queen’s College, Belfast, could perhaps answer your question as to the Subularia.4 The specimens in my herbarium, the appearance of which most suggests the idea of flowering out of water, are from him, gathered in his former vicinity of Aberdeen.—
Sincerely Yours | Hewett C. Watson
Desmond, Ray. 1977. Dictionary of British and Irish botanists and horticulturists, including plant collectors and botanical artists. 3d ed. London: Taylor and Francis.
Hooker, William Jackson. 1830. The British flora; comprising the phænogamous, or flowering plants, and the ferns. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, & Green.
Koch, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph. 1843–4. Synopsis florae Germanicae et Helveticae, exhibens stirpes phanerogamas rite cognitas, praemissa generum dispositione secundum classes et ordines systematis Linnaeani conscripta. 2d edition. 2 vols. Frankfurt: Fridericus Wilmans. Leipzig: Gebhardt & Reisland.
Lightfoot, John. 1777. Flora Scotica; or, a systematic arrangement in the Linnæan method, of the native plants of Scotland and the Hebrides. 2 vols. London.
Smith, James Edward. 1824–36. The English flora. 5 vols. in 6. Vol. 5, pt 1 (mosses etc.), by William Jackson Hooker; pt 2 (fungi) by Miles Joseph Berkeley. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green.
Responds to CD’s query on Subularia and Limosella. There are discrepancies among authorities on whether Subularia flowers out of water. Limosella certainly flowers out of water.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-2002
- From
- Hewett Cottrell Watson
- To
- Charles Robert Darwin
- Sent from
- Thames Ditton
- Source of text
- DAR 207: 19
- Physical description
- ALS 4pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 2002,” accessed on 26 November 2024,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 6