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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Mrs Stutchbury    22 August 1854

Down | Farnborough | Kent

Aug. 22d 1854


I have at last finished with the valuable collection of Cirripedes, which Mr.  Stutchbury so generously placed at my disposal, & I wish to return them.—1 I shd. be very much obliged if you would kindly inform me, as soon as you can, how I shall direct the Boxes, which are large.— I will inform you when they are sent off, & intend for safety sending them to the Gt. Western Station in my carriage.— I think that the best plan will be for me not to pay their carriage (for I could not thus pay for porterage) but request you to be so good as to inform me what the carriage comes to, & pay by GP.O. order. The Boxes (I do not yet know whether 2 or 3 will be required) will contain the drawers of a Cabinet, & loose specimens. I shall be able to add a few species to the collection. As soon as my second volume is completed a copy shall, of course, be sent to Mr. Stutchbury, to whom I shall ever feel grateful for the kindness & confidence with which he has treated me.—2 Madam | Your obliged & obed sert | Charles Darwin


Samuel Stutchbury, curator of the Bristol Philosophical and Literary Institution, had formed a large collection of Cirripedia, which he lent to CD for use in the preparation of his cirripede monographs (Living Cirripedia (1851): vi). Stutchbury was at the time in Australia, where he was employed by the Australian Geological Survey (Matthews 1982, p. 264).
Living Cirripedia (1854) was distributed in September 1854 (see Correspondence vol. 5, letter to T. H. Huxley, 2 September [1854]). CD sent Stutchbury presentation copies of both volumes (see Matthews 1982, p. 261).


Matthews, L. Harrison. 1982. Samuel Stutchbury and Darwin’s cirripedes. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 36 (1981–2): 261–6.


Arranges to return a collection of cirripedes which belongs to her husband [Samuel Stutchbury].

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Hannah Louisa Bernard/Hannah Louisa Stutchbury
Sent from
Source of text
Matthews 1982, p. 262
Physical description

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 1579A,” accessed on 21 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 7 (Supplement)
