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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Theodor Eimer   6 January [1882]1

Down, | Beckenham, Kent | Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R.

Jan. 6th 1881.

Dear Sir

I am much obliged to you for your kindness in having sent me your work on the variation of the wall-lizard and for another paper.—2

Please accept my thanks and believe me | dear Sir | yours very faithfully | signed: Charles Darwin


The transcription of this letter is from a handwritten copy made in 1953. A note on the copy says that the letter was addressed to ‘Prof. Dr. Th. Eimer’ and postmarked 1882. CD misdated the letter 1881.
The paper on the wall lizard (Lacerta muralis, a synonym of Podarcis muralis) is Eimer 1881a. The other paper is probably Eimer 1881b; a copy is in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL. Eimer had sent a previous work on lizards in 1874 (Eimer 1873–4; see Correspondence vol. 22, letter to Theodor Eimer, 12 December 1874).


Eimer, Theodor. 1873–4. Zoologische Studien auf Capri. I Über Beroë ovatus. II Lacerta muralis coerulea. Ein Beitrag zur Darwin’schen Lehre. 2 vols. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann.

Eimer, Theodor. 1881a. Untersuchungen über das Variiren der Mauereidechse, ein Beitrag zur Theorie von der Entwicklung aus constitutionellen Ursachen, sowie zum Darwinismus. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 47: 239–517.

Eimer, Theodor. 1881b. Eine Dipteren- und Libellenwanderung beobachtet im September 1880. Biologisches Centralblatt 1 (1881–2): 549–58.


Is obliged for TE’s paper on the wall lizard and another paper.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Gustav Heinrich Theodor (Theodor) Eimer
Source of text
CUL: Library Correspondence 1953: ref. 1273

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13600F,” accessed on 1 September 2024,
