To C. V. Riley 28 September 1881
Septr. 28. 1881.
My dear Mr Riley.
I must write half a dozen lines to say, how much interested I have been by your “Further Notes” on Pronuba. which you were so kind as to send me.—1 I had read the various criticisms, & though I did not know what answer could be made yet I felt full confidence in your result, & now I see that I was right.—2 What an inaccurate man Mr Meehan is!3 His Epitaph ought to be “He retarded natural science in the U. States as much as any one man advanced it”— I see that he is to report on Vegetable Physiology on the next meeting of your association.4 If you make any further observation on Pronuba—it would I think be well worth while for you to observe whether the moth can or does occasionally bring pollen from one plant to the stigma of a distinct one for I have shown that the Cross-fertilisation of the flowers on the same plant does very little good; &, if I am not mistaken you believe that Pronuba gathers pollen from the same flower which she fertilises—
What interesting & beautiful observations you have made on the metamorphoses of the grass-hopper destroying insects—!5
My dear Sir | Yours sincerely. | Ch. Darwin.
Meehan, Thomas. 1879. On the fertilization of Yucca. North American Entomologist 1 (1879–80): 33–6.
Meehan, Thomas. 1882. Variations in nature. A contribution to the doctrine of evolution, and the theory of natural selection. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 31: 437–48.
Riley, Charles Valentine. 1873. On the oviposition of the Yucca moth. American Naturalist 7: 619–23.
Riley, Charles Valentine. 1880. Further notes on the pollination of yucca and on Pronuba and Prodoxus. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 29: 617–39.
Sheppard, Carol A. and Oliver, Richard A. 2004. Yucca moths and yucca plants: discovery of ‘the most wonderful case of fertilisation’. American Entomologist 50: 32–46.
Comments on CVR’s paper [‘Further notes on the pollination of Yucca and on Pronuba and Prodoxus’, Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. (1880): 617–39]. ‘What an inaccurate man Mr Thomas Meehan is.’ Interested in further observations on Pronuba.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-13360
- From
- Charles Robert Darwin
- To
- Charles Valentine Riley
- Sent from
- Down
- Source of text
- DAR 147: 303
- Physical description
- C 2pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13360,” accessed on 26 November 2024,