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Darwin Correspondence Project

From G. H. Darwin   28 August 1881

6 Queen Ann St

28. Aug. 1881 | Sunday night

My dear Father,

I have written to F. Galton, John Price, Reg. D., F. D. & H. F. Bristowe (now sole surviving trustee for F. D).1 I telegraphed to Salt for name of his London agent & have an answer.2

W. arrived here at 1. today & leaves again tonight.3 We have examined the will;4 the following are the provisions

£100 to each exor W. E. D & G H. D

a yr’s wages to each servant5

All real property to you—

& this house with all contained in it (a memo. about giving 4 of the pictures to At. Fanny, Effie & Hope was with the will).6

Personal estate divided into 6 parts

36 to you

16 to At. Caroline7

16 to the Parkers8

16 to Uncle Hensleigh9

This is absolutely all.

The personal estate is large being in value something over 130 000. Every item is entered with his accustomed neatness, with memos. of the whereabouts of securities. W. has made out a list—

I take the will to the solicitors tomorrow   W. has arranged with Herries for a temporary exors account & Leo. & I go tomorrow to Herries to verify the list of securities.10 We found a memo. of birthday & other facts. I telegraphed about this as I think it will be wanted tomorrow. As soon as we hear from you, we shall proceed with further arrangements about the funeral.

I have written so much today I cannot write much more but I thought you might want to know the purely business steps taken.

It came as a great surprize to me & it will be a heavy loss this break up of our London home.

I have in a box locked up the snuff box & watches & a few other trinkets. I suppose they must wait to be valued.

I think if I can I shall run down to York on the last day of the meeting to read the report & get back to town the same evening.11

I have the whole report in type & received it yesterday morning with an urgent request that it shd. be corrected by tonight. I shall get it done I think by then.

Your affectionate son | G H Darwin


George Moultrie Salt was partner in the firm Salt & Sons, Shrewsbury; the London agents were Paterson, Snow, & Bloxam of 25 Lincoln’s Inn Fields.
Erasmus Alvey Darwin had died on 26 August 1881.
Henry Parker and Charles Parker were Erasmus Alvey Darwin’s nephews; Mary Susan Mostyn Owen (née Parker) was his niece.
Leonard Darwin; Herries, Farquhar, Chapman & Co. were a banking firm at 16 St James’s Street, London (Post Office London directory 1878).
The British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting was held at York from 31 August to 7 September 1881; George reported on an instrument for measuring small changes in the direction of gravity (see Report of the 51st Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (1881): 93–126). The report included details of experiments with the wormstone at Down (ibid., pp. 122–3).


Discusses funeral arrangements for E. A. Darwin, and his will.

Letter details

Letter no.
George Howard Darwin
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
London, Queen Anne St, 6
Source of text
DAR 210.2: 90
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 13301,” accessed on 19 October 2024,
