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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Thomas Salt   7 April [1850]

Down Farnborough | Kent

April 7th.

My dear Sir

I thank you sincerely for your expressions about my Father & your very kind offer of assistance.—1 I shall be very glad of the investment of which you speak for 3000 or 3500£.— pray do not trouble yourself to inform me of the names of the parities; as you say it is safe, I am only too happy to leave the whole affair in your hands.2

I will today write to Mess Robarts to buy for me 6500£ Exchequer Bills, about which you have been so good as to give me information: hence there will be this sum ready for investment, whenever you can succeed in finding one.3

With my best thanks | Yours very faithfully | C. Darwin

T. Salt—Esqre


Salt’s letter to CD has not been found. Salt had been assisting in winding up the estate of CD’s father, Robert Waring Darwin, who died in November 1848.
On 17 April 1850, CD noted a bond for £3000 from Joseph, Panton, and Edward Corbett in his Investment book (Down House MS), p. 47.
CD’s letter to his bankers, Robarts, Curtis & Co., has not been found, and the investment has not been identified. CD may have been reinvesting a total of £10,000 paid to him by Erasmus Alvey Darwin (this volume, Supplement, letter to Thomas Salt, 12 November [1849]).


Thanks for the information about a possible investment.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Thomas Salt
Sent from
Source of text
Rachel Salt (private collection); sold by Spink’s (dealers), July 2018
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 1319F,” accessed on 1 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 24 (Supplement)
