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Darwin Correspondence Project

To the Darwin children   3 January 1881


Jan. 3d 1881.


I have written to Bank today to pay sums as below to your accounts; but as 3000£ has to be placed from Deposit to current account there may perhaps be a delay of 7 days before money actuall paid to all of you.—1 N.B Perhaps I shall not cut up so creditably next year, as there have been some extra receipts this year.


£ £

William 474 )— 790

Bessy 316 )

George 474

Frank 474

Leonard 474

Horace 474

Henrietta 3162



Henrietta send to George at 6 Q. Anne St. He to William, he to Leonard, he to Horace.

Your obedient Father | Ch. Darwin


The letter to the bank has not been found. CD had started distributing the surplus income from his investments to his children in 1880 (see Correspondence vol. 28, letter to the Darwin children, 10 January 1880).
William Erasmus Darwin, Elizabeth Darwin, George Howard Darwin, Francis Darwin, Leonard Darwin, Horace Darwin, and Henrietta Emma Litchfield. Each daughter was to receive two-thirds of the amount allotted to each son; William was in charge of investing Bessy’s money.


About the distribution of [surplus income] funds among the children.

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12972,” accessed on 19 October 2024,
