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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Florence Dixie   29 October [1880]1

Glen Stuart, | Annan. | N. B.

“October 29th. Friday.—”

Dear Sir.—

Whilst reading the other day your very interesting account of “A Naturalist’s Voyage round the world”—I came across a passage descriptive at Maldonado of the subterranean habits of the tucutuco in which you express the belief that this animal never comes to the surface of the ground.—2 I am sure it will be interesting to you to know that tho’ this may be the usual habits of the tucutuco that there are exceptions. In 1879, I spent 6. months on the Pampas and in the Cordillera Mountains of Southern Patagonia and during my wanderings over the plains I have had occaision to notice in places tenanted by the tucutuco, as many as five or six of these little animals at a time outside their burrows. This was on moonlight nights, and I cld. not possibly be mistaken as they wld. frequently come within a yard of the spot on which I lying.— On two other occasions I have seen the tucotuco in broad daylight come out of its burrow and shuffle awkwardly along some 20 or 30. yards ere it took refuge in another of the hundreds of holes with which the ground appeared undermined.3 On one of these occaisions an indian who was sitting near threw an unfinished stone ball of a bolas which he was fashioning at the animal and killed it.— A dog immediately carried the body off so I was unable to examine it and see whether its eyes appeared blind or not.—4 The other one which I caught could see well enough & when I let it go shuffled quickly away.— I feel sure you will forgive me writing what I have done but I felt that what I personally saw wld. be interesting to prove that on some occaisions the tucutuco does come to the surface of the ground.—

Trusting you will forgive the seeming presumption on my part I beg to remain | very faithfully yours. | Florence Dixie.

From | Lady Florence Dixie.


The year is established by the reference to Dixie’s trip to Patagonia in 1879, and by the day in the heading. In 1880, 29 October fell on a Friday.
CD had discussed the tuco-tuco (genus Ctenomys) in Journal of researches (1860), pp. 50–2, the first edition to have ‘Naturalist’s Voyage Round the World’ as the title on the spine of the book. CD had observed the Brazilian species, Ctenomys brasiliensis, in Maldonado (Uruguay); he noted that although numerous, the small burrowing rodents never came out of the ground (ibid., p. 50).
Dixie was evidently unaware that she had observed a different species of tuco-tuco. She may be referring to Haig’s tuco-tuco (Ctenomys haigi), which comes above ground between midnight and sunrise to make brief forays to collect the grassy vegetation on which it feeds; she may also have seen the colonial tuco-tuco (Ctenomys sociabilis), which is strictly diurnal. Dixie did not mention the tuco-tuco in her published account of her travels in Patagonia (Dixie 1880).
In Journal of researches (1860), pp. 51–2, CD had noted that blindness was common in subterraneous Brazilian tuco-tucos.


Dixie, Florence. 1880. Across Patagonia. London: Richard Bentley and Son.

Journal of researches (1860): Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of HMS Beagle around the world, under the command of Capt. FitzRoy RN. By Charles Darwin. Reprint edition. London: John Murray. 1860.


With reference to CD’s account of the subterranean habits of the tucutuco [Journal of researches, p. 58], sends her personal experience of having seen them come out of their burrows. One which she caught was not blind.

Letter details

Letter no.
Florence Caroline (Florence) Douglas/Florence Caroline (Florence) Dixie
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 162: 182
Physical description
ALS 6pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12781,” accessed on 19 October 2024,
