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Darwin Correspondence Project

To R. P. Hardy   6 August [1880]1


Aug 6th

To Rolfe Price Hardy Esq | Actuary


The members of the D.F.C. have asked me, as the Treasurer, to find out whether the belief is well grounded that the funds wd allow of an increase of their benefit 2

The Club was registered in        according to the [schedule] of registration by Mr [illeg]3 There have been 3 distributions of surplus cash by permission of an Actuary.

Each member received 10s per week for sickness during first 6 months & afterwards 5s.— Burial fee 5£.

They wish to receive 12s weekly during sickness for the first 26 week & afterwards 6s instead of as at present 10s & 5s. Also to receive 10£ for burial fee instead of 5£, with the power of drawing half the 10£ (i.e. 5£) in the case of the death of a wife. I enclose the balance-sheet for the last year,4 (with some appended facts) which I hope will give you sufficient information to judge by; but if not any other information will be supplied by me.— As the T & member of this small Club (51 members) may I request that before considering your answer you will have the kindness to inform me what your fee will be for officially informing me whether any increment to the benefits can be safely granted.

I beg leave to remain, Sir | your obliged & obedient serv | Charles Darwin

Return accounts


The year is established by the relationship between this letter and the letter to J. M. F. Ludlow, 4 August 1880.
CD had been advised to consult an actuary on the matter of increasing sickness benefits for members of the Down Friendly Club (see letter to J. M. F. Ludlow, 4 August 1880).
The Friendly Club was established in 1850 (see Correspondence vol. 4, letter to J. S. Henslow, 17 January [1850] and n. 6).
The enclosure has not been found.


Asks RPH [an actuary] to act on behalf of the Down Friendly Society whose members wish the rates of benefits to be raised.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Ralph Price Hardy
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 202: 62
Physical description
ADraftS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12680,” accessed on 19 October 2024,
