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Darwin Correspondence Project

From E. A. Darwin   8 July [1880]1

July 8

Dear Charles—

I was rather puzzled about C.P.’s tithes, but that must be Mariannes share as what I pay to G H D is Catherines share & to the Parker Trust Susan’s share, which with yours & mine make up 4 shares I receive.2

yours affec | Eras D


The year is established by the reference to tithes; an entry for ‘Castle Morton Tithes’, dated 28 June 1880, in CD’s Account books–banking account (Down House MS) records the receipt of £17 11s. ‘per Erasmus’, and, under the same heading, the receipt of £8 3s. 6d. ‘for Frank’ (Francis Darwin). The only year in which tithes were paid in June was 1880.
The payment was for tithes for CD’s property at Castle Morton, Worcestershire. CD and each of his five siblings had inherited one sixth of a ‘Castle Morton trust’ from their father, Robert Waring Darwin, in 1837 (Robert Waring Darwin’s Investment book, Down House MS). The share of CD’s sister Marianne Parker evidently went to her son Charles Parker after her death. George Howard Darwin inherited the share of Catherine Langton and Susan Elizabeth Darwin’s share was apparently left to the Parker Trust.


Details about tithes.

Letter details

Letter no.
Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 105: B113
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12648,” accessed on 16 July 2024,
