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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Williams & Norgate   16 March 1880

14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, | London, W.C.

16/3 1880

Messrs. Williams & Norgate present their compliments and beg to inform you, that they have just received copies of the undermentioned Work, to which they take the liberty of calling your atte⁠⟨⁠nti⁠⟩⁠on.

Netter, A., De l’Intuition dans les découvertes et inventions, ses rapports avec le positivisme et le Darwinisme. pp 8vo. Strasbourg 1880 3/61

CD annotations

2.1 Netter … Darwinisme 2.2] ‘Please send me’2 blue crayon circled blue crayon


De l’intuition dans les découvertes et inventions: ses rapports avec le positivisme et le Darwinisme (On intuition in discoveries and inventions: its relation to positivism and Darwinism; Netter 1879) was published in 1879. CD’s copy is in the Darwin Library–Down.
CD probably returned this card to Williams & Norgate.


Netter, Abraham. 1879. De l’intuition dans les découvertes et inventions: ses rapports avec le positivisme et le darwinisme. Strasbourg: Treuttel et Würtz.


Sends details of Netter 1879 (Abraham Netter. 1879. De l’intuition dans les découvertes et inventions. Strasbourg: Treuttel & Wurtz.)

Letter details

Letter no.
Williams & Norgate
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
Sotheby’s (dealers) (11 July 2017)
Physical description

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12537F,” accessed on 5 June 2024,
