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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Emily Harriet Stanhope   9 August [1849]1


Augt. 9th.

Dear Lady Mahon2

Mr. Darwin is very much obliged for the honour of your Ladyships kind invitation for Thursday, & will have much pleasure in accepting it.3

I beg to remain | Your Ladyships | Truly obliged | Charles Darwin


The year is established by the relationship between this letter and the letter to Charles Lyell, [2 September 1849] (Correspondence vol. 4).
Emily Harriet Stanhope was the wife of Philip Henry Stanhope, Viscount Mahon (Complete peerage).
In 1849, the Thursday following 9 August was 16 August. In his letter to Charles Lyell, [2 September 1849], CD described the dinner that took place at Viscount Mahon’s ancestral home at Chevening, Kent (Correspondence vol. 4). Chevening is about three miles south-east of Down.


Accepts EHS’s invitation for Thursday.

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 1249F,” accessed on 2 December 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 13 (Supplement)
