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Darwin Correspondence Project

To F. B. Goodacre   5 December 1879

6. Queen Anne St | Cavendish Squre | London.

December 5. 1879

My dear Sir

Will you be so kind as to inform me whether the two hybrids which you gave me were brother & sister of the same hatch?1 I am glad to find that you have communicated to the Zoolog. Soc. the results of your crossing.2 This being so I will send a short letter with a few remarks to Nature.3 If you do not see Nature & will inform me, I will send you a copy if my letter is printed.

My dear sir | Yours faithfully & obliged | Ch. Darwin


Goodacre had sent CD hybrid geese in 1878 (Correspondence vol. 26, letter from F. B. Goodacre, 2 September 1878).
See letter to Nature, 15 December [1879].


Goodacre, Francis Burges. 1879. On the question of the identity of species of the common domestic and the Chinese goose. [Read 18 November 1879.] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1879): 710–12.


Were the hybrid geese FBG sent to CD brother and sister from the same hatch? CD intends to send a letter on their breeding to Nature [Collected papers 2: 219–20].

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Francis Burges Goodacre
Sent from
London, Queen Anne St, 6
Source of text
Dr John Goodacre (private collection)
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12345,” accessed on 19 October 2024,
