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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Thomas Salt to E. A. Darwin   8 February 1849


Feby. 8th. 1849

Dear Sir,

Mr Wilding has sent me his check for £1177"2"8 being for interests as stated in the inclosed receipts which be pleased to sign & return to me, when I will pay the £1177"2"8 to your credit at Messrs Rocke’s & Co. unless you otherwise direct.—1

I have requested Miss Darwin2 to speak to you on the mode of division of Dr Darwin’s property among his family, & more especially of the North Staffordshire Railway shares & the Shropshire Union Railway shares— There are two sorts of the latter— Also to ask whether the Lichfield Road securities, the debt of the Trust Act trustees, & other small things had not better be sold, or got in as ready money—3 With respect to the Humpfreys family, they cannot pay immediately; but their Solr (Mr Yearsley of Pool) says their affairs are fast arriving at a crisis, & that a forced sale must take place, & in the course of this year he hopes to effect one, so as to complete at Lady day 1850—4

With respect to Lord Powis’s debts, the present Earl will have to ask you to do him the favor to change his late father’s securities for his own,—to enable him to get back a considerable sum from Government in respect of the probate duty paid on the late Earl’s Will—5 To effect this the present Earl must give new bonds, instead of those you now hold— These new bonds will of course be for the same aggregate amount as the old ones, but they need not be for the same sums but may be for any sums that may suit you upon division of Dr Darwin’s property among his family; a separate bond being given to each member of it who takes to any part of Lord Powis’s debt for his particular share of it.— You will find this a great convenience to you in dividing.—

With respect to Mr Childe’s Mortgage, if it should be found too large for any one member of the family, I have suggested to Miss Darwin that she & Miss Catherine may jointly take it—6 Also I think you will find that the securities are for two distinct sums of £46,000 & £20,000 respectively; but the prior title deeds are the same for both, and therefore upon any division of this securities (except as between the Miss Darwin’s) some arrangement will be necessary as to the custody of the deeds.—

I do not of course expect to hear from you at present as to the division of the property; but Miss Darwin wished me now to write to you about it, to prevent any misapprehension on the subject.—

I am, Dear Sir, | Yours truly | (signed) Tho Salt

E. A. Darwin Esq


Charles Wilding was land agent to Edward James Herbert, Lord Powis. This letter concerns the winding up of the estate of Robert Waring Darwin, the father of Erasmus Alvey Darwin and CD. Lord Powis (Edward James Herbert) had inherited the debts of his father, the former Lord Powis (Edward Herbert), to R. W. Darwin. Rocke, Eytons & Co. was a private bank in Shrewsbury, Ludlow, and Ellesmere (Banking almanac 1849, p. 102).
R. W. Darwin had 15 shares in the North Staffordshire Railway Company, and 12 1/4 and 5 shares (of different sorts) in the Shropshire Union Railway & Canal Company. In his list of R. W. Darwin’s financial assets, Salt did not ink in any sum for the Lichfield Road securities; the debt of the Trust Act trustees was not listed. (Shropshire Archives, SA D3651/B/47/1/6.)
William Humffreys owed R. W. Darwin over £30,000 (Shropshire Archives, SA D3651/B/47/1/6). Pool: Welshpool. Humffreys’s solicitor was William Yearsley. The Llwyn estate was sold in 1852 (Shropshire Archives, SA D3651/B/33).
The late Lord Powis had owed R. W. Darwin £40,000 (Shropshire Archives, SA D3651/B/47/1/6).
William Lacon Childe owed R. W. Darwin £60,000 (Shropshire Archives, SA D3651/B/47/1/6). Miss Catherine: Emily Catherine Darwin. After R. W. Darwin’s death, Susan and Catherine Darwin lived together at The Mount, Shrewsbury, until Catherine’s marriage to Charles Langton.


Discusses the division of R. W. Darwin’s estate.

Letter details

Letter no.
Thomas Salt
Erasmus Alvey Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
Shropshire Archives (SA D3651/B/47/1/11)
Physical description
CC 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 1222F,” accessed on 19 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 24 (Supplement)
