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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Francis Darwin   [2 August 1879]1

6 Queen Anne Street, | London, W


My dear F.

We shall be at the “Waterhead Hotel, Coniston”— The train which leaves Euston St. at 10 A.M & reaches Coniston at 6 P.M is a very good one.—2

I have looked to the French life of Dr. Darwin.3

It will be very nice to see you & to hear about axles.4 Bernard is very jolly.5 I asked him whether he liked London. & he answered. “I do, but it is dirty”.

We are all in good heart for our tremendous journey.

yours affect | C. Darwin

Dr F. Darwin


The date is established by the address. The Darwins stayed at the home of CD’s brother, Erasmus Alvey Darwin, on 1 August 1879, before travelling to Coniston (Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)); 2 August 1879 was a Saturday.
Francis was on his way back from Würzburg, Germany. In his letter of [before 31 July 1879], Francis had asked how to get to Coniston to join the Darwins on holiday.
CD had evidently looked at the biography of Erasmus Darwin published in Biographie médicale 3: 384–93; see letter from James Paget, 25 July 1879. Francis had offered to look at it on his way through London (letter from Francis Darwin, [before 31 July 1879]).
Francis referred to his various ‘axles’ (a family word for unresolved work-related issues) in his letter to Emma Darwin of 30 June 1879.
Francis’s son, Bernard Darwin.


Tells arrangements for their journey to Coniston.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Francis Darwin
Sent from
London, Queen Anne St, 6
Source of text
DAR 211: 63
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12179,” accessed on 20 October 2024,
