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Darwin Correspondence Project

To E. J. Collings   25 May [1879]1

Down, | Beckenham, Kent. | Railway Station | Orpington. S.E.R. [Leith Hill Place, Surrey.]

May 25th

Dear Sir

I cannot spare the time to answer your letter fully, & as I am writing away from home, I cannot give full references.—2 You will find something on the subject in my Descent of Man, but you yourself must judge whether it is of any value— Mr Romanes gave last year at Dublin, before Brit. Assoc. an excellent lecture on the mind of animals, & this was published in the Nineteenth Century or Fortnightly Review,—I think the former.3 An admirable article on same subject by Prof James appeared within about a year in the N. American Journal of Speculative Philosophy, or some such title; but it is not likely that you cd. see this in Bolton.4 Nor do I possess a copy.

Wishing you success in the discussion, I remain | Dear Sir | yours faithfully | Ch. Darwin


The year is established by the relationship between this letter and letter from E. J. Collings, 21 May 1879.
See letter from E. J. Collings, 21 May 1879. Collings had asked for material on animal reasoning. CD was staying with his sister and brother-in-law, Caroline Sarah Wedgwood and Josiah Wedgwood III, at Leith Hill Place, Surrey.
In Descent 1: 34–69, CD compared the mental powers, including reasoning (ibid., pp. 46–8) of humans and animals. George John Romanes’s article ‘Animal intelligence’ (Romanes 1878b) was a version of his lecture to the British Association for the Advancement of Science (Romanes 1878a). It was published in the October 1878 issue of Nineteenth Century.
William James’s article ‘Brute and human intellect’ was published in the July 1878 issue of the Journal of Speculative Philosophy (James 1878).


Descent: The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871.

James, William. 1878. Brute and human intellect. Journal of Speculative Philosophy 12: 236–76.

Romanes, George John. 1878b. Animal intelligence. An evening lecture delivered before the British Association at Dublin. London: Taylor & Francis.

Romanes, George John. 1878d. Animal intelligence. Nineteenth Century 4: 653–72.


Refers EJC to papers by G. J. Romanes ["Animal intelligence", Nineteenth Century 4 (1878): 653–72] and William James ["Brute and human intellect", J. Speculative Philos. 12 (1878): 236–76] on the mind of animals.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Edward James Collings
Sent from
Leith Hill Place
Source of text
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (GEN/D/DARWIN (C)/10)
Physical description
ALS 3pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 12061,” accessed on 30 November 2024,
