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Darwin Correspondence Project

From Anton de Bary   20 February 1879

Dear Sir,

Having read your kind letter d. Febr. 11, and feeling myself quite innocent of the regular sending of the Botanische Zeitung of which you complain, I wrote to the editor of the journal in order to get an explanation, and I received to-day the answer from Leipzig. The editor writes that, by the orders of Mss. Williams and Norgate, London, he sends to you the B.Z. every week, franco, by post.1 The copies, you receive regularly are therefore the continuation of the journal, which you seem to have formerly received by another way.

I beg you, dear Sir, to allow me the expression of the highest respect, and I remain | Yours faithfully | A de Bary.

Strassburg 20 Febr. 79.


See letter to Anton de Bary, 11 February 1879. CD had asked de Bary to stop sending him copies of the journal Botanische Zeitung, as he was already a subscriber. De Bary was one of the editors of the journal; he probably contacted the publisher, Arthur Felix of Leipzig. Franco: post-free, franked (Chambers). Williams & Norgate were CD’s regular booksellers.


Chambers: The Chambers dictionary. Edinburgh: Chambers Harrap Publishers. 1998.


Since he was innocent of sending the Botanische Zeitung to CD, he inquired of the editor, who informs him that it is sent every week by post by order of Williams and Norgate.

Letter details

Letter no.
Anton Heinrich (Anton) de Bary
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 162: 133
Physical description
ALS 1p

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11890,” accessed on 7 June 2024,
