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Darwin Correspondence Project

From E. W. Fithian   30 May 1878

Commons Preservation Society, | 1, Great College Street, Westminster, S.W.

30th. May 1878

Dear Sir,

Knockholt & Chevening Footpath Fund.1

As Treasurer of the above Fund I have been requested to make a call of one-third of the amount guaranteed towards defraying the expenses incurred in resisting the closing of this footpath. This sum will be sufficient to meet the liabilities incurred.

As you kindly guaranteed £7.0.0.* I shall be glad if you will favour me with one-third of that sum. When the accounts have been closed a Balance Sheet will be sent to each subscriber.

I am, | Yours truly, | Edward W. Fithian

* Chas. Darwin Esqr. £3.0.0
Miss Darwin2 2.0.0
Miss Wedgwood3 2.0.0

Chas. Darwin Esq F.R.S.

CD annotations

Verso of last page:

3) 10 (3. 3.4
9 3
12 10 0
40 01 pencil crossed pencil;
1- C. Darwin
13. 4 Bessy
13. 4 Elizabeth
£ 2"6"8
Total4 pencil


Knockholt, Kent, is several miles south-east of Down, where the Darwins lived; Chevening is a few miles south-east of Knockholt. Chevening was the seat of the Earl of Stanhope; CD had been acquainted with the fifth Earl Stanhope, Philip Henry Stanhope (‘Recollections’, p. 406).
Elizabeth Darwin was CD and Emma Darwin’s daughter.
Elizabeth Wedgwood was Emma Darwin’s sister, and lived in Down.
On 31 May 1878, CD recorded a payment of £2 6s. 8d. under the heading, ‘Fithian for Knockholt Footpath (class 1£ for self) | (15 Paid as Elizabeth and Bessy have each to pay me 13.4)’ (CD’s Account books–cash account (Down House MS)). CD recorded the payment of £1 in his Classed account books (Down House MS). In an entry dated 15 June 1878, CD recorded the receipt of £1 6s. 6d. under the heading, ‘Received from Bessy & Elizabeth in payment of my payment by cheque to Fithian for Knockholt foot-path’ (CD’s Account books–cash account (Down House MS)).


‘Recollections’: Recollections of the development of my mind and character. By Charles Darwin. In Evolutionary writings, edited by James A. Secord. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2008.


Requests, as Treasurer of the Knockholt & Chevening Footpath Fund, part of the amount guaranteed by CD and family to defray expenses incurred in resisting closure of the footpath.

Letter details

Letter no.
Edward William Fithian
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
London, Gt College St, 1
Source of text
DAR 202: 101
Physical description
LS 2pp †

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11535,” accessed on 3 June 2024,
