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Darwin Correspondence Project

To T. H. Farrer   26 March [1878]1

Down | Beckenham. Kent (&c)

March 26th.

My dear Farrer.

I delayed answering your note of the 20th.2 until I could hear from Mr. Torbitt— I now enclose a fair copy of his answer—3 I have also received a note from Mr Caird, saying that he does not think Mr. Torbitt’s success sufficient to justify an application to Government—4 It would be absurd in me to doubt his judgment, but if Mr. Torbitt’s success was pretty well assured, he would require no aid, as his plants could be sold.— Anyhow I can assure you that I should never have thought of applying to you to aid me in getting up a subscription for Mr. Torbitt; I did so solely because it seemed to me possible that Government would give him some support, & that it would be a great misfortune if all the seeds were lost, By the way I have received two other testimonials to his highly respectable character.5 In a separate note he tells me that 4 acres are planted with the old seedlings & he means to raise 5000 new varieties from the seed of 1877; & will cross fertilise some of their flowers this coming summer—6

Returning to the enclosed note, you will see that he has sent me back my £100;7 & I am perplexed what to do— I do not want to waste money—yet I do not like taking back a portion of my cheque. & Mr Torbitt doesn’t wish perhaps to depend solely on me— Still more do I dislike giving you & Mr Caird trouble about so small an affair— Mr Torbitt speaks, as if he considered the whole sum whether £100 or £200, as a loan.— With more money he would no doubt raise many more than 5000 seedlings— You are accustomed to affairs of all kinds which is very far from my case—& can you give me any advice? Shall I insist on his keeping my £100; & if any more money can easily be obtained give it him now, or keep it for next year—

Forgive me for troubling you with this long letter. | Believe me | Yours very sincerely. | Ch. Darwin.


James Caird does not think Torbitt’s success justifies application to Government. Torbitt has four acres planted with seedlings. Has sent back CD’s £100. Shall CD insist that he keep it?

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baronet and 1st Baron Farrer
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 144: 95
Physical description
C 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11447,” accessed on 6 October 2024,
