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Darwin Correspondence Project

From J. B. Thayer   29 January 1878


January 29 1878.

My dear Sir.

The receipt of your letter acknowledging the arrival of the book about Chauncey Wright—for which I am much obliged,—silently reminds me that I have not yet sent home the letters which you had the great kindness to send me last fall.1 Some of them, I remember, you did not care to have returned; but I have forgotten which these were and the safest course will be to send all. And I do so herewith. The letters are six in number.

I need not say how valuable an addition they were to my collection.

In the selection of some passages from your letters to Wright, I trust there was nothing displeasing to you. In preparing the proof to send to you, I had intended to allow time to ask your express permission, but it turned out that the delay would be a serious embarrassment here and so, after consultation with Mr. Norton,2 I took the liberty of inserting such passages as you saw. In doing this I was studious to omit whatever might, by any chance, seem to you objectionable.3 Yet it was a liberty which I was sorry to take without your leave & probably should not have taken, had not Mr. Norton’s judgment concurred with my own.

Should you care for any more copies of the book, it would give me real pleasure to send them to you.

Yours with great respect | J B Thayer

Charles Darwin Esq.— England


Thayer’s previous correspondence on this subject with CD has not been found. The book (Thayer 1878) included the letters to CD from Chauncey Wright of 21 June 1871, 1 August 1871, 11 October 1871, 29 August 1872, 3 September 1874, and 24 February 1875 (Thayer 1878, pp. 230, 231–3, 234–5, 260–4, 304–17, 331–7; see also Correspondence vols. 19, 20, 22, and 23).
Charles Eliot Norton was a friend of Wright’s and CD’s and had informed CD of Wright’s death (Correspondence vol. 23, letter from C. E. Norton, 22 September 1875).
Thayer included extracts from nine letters from CD to Wright in Thayer 1878, pp. 230–1, 233–6, 240 n., 246, 317–18, and 337–8.


Correspondence: The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–.

Thayer, James Bradley. 1878. Letters of Chauncey Wright with some account of his life. Cambridge, Mass.: John Wilson and Son.


Is using CD’s correspondence with Chauncey Wright in his book on CW [Letters of Chauncey Wright (1878)].

Letter details

Letter no.
James Bradley Thayer
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Cambridge, Mass.
Source of text
DAR 178: 88
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 11338,” accessed on 6 October 2024,
