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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Francis Beaufort   1 September [1831]


September the 1st.


I take the liberty of writing to you according to Mr. Peacocks desire to acquaint you with my acceptance of the offer of going with Capt Fitzroy. Perhaps you may have received a letter from Mr. Peacock, stating my refusal; this was owing to my Father not at first approving of the plan, since which time he has reconsidered the subject: & has given his consent & therefore if the appointment is not already filled up,—I shall be very happy to have the honor of accepting it.— There has been some delay owing to my being in Wales, when the letter arrived.—1 I set out for Cambridge tomorrow morning, to see Professor Henslow: & from thence will proceed immediately to London.—

I remain Sir | Your humble & obedient servant | Chas. Darwin


CD was in North Wales from 5 to 29 August; he was making a geological tour of the region, spending about a week between 5 and 20 August with Adam Sedgwick and visiting friends in Barmouth for the last few days of the trip (Lucas 2002a).


Lucas, Peter. 2002a. ‘A most glorious country’: Charles Darwin and North Wales, especially his 1831 geological tour. Archives of Natural History 29: 1–26.


CD accepts going with Capt. FitzRoy. Explains earlier refusal as owing to his father’s disapproval.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Francis Beaufort
Sent from
Source of text
The National Archives (TNA) (ADM 1/4541 PRO D 262)
Physical description
ALS 2pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 112,” accessed on 24 July 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 1
