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Darwin Correspondence Project

From E. B. Tylor   11 November 1876

Athenæum Club | Pall Mall S.W.

Nov. 11. 76

Dear Mr Darwin

I think I mentioned to you some while since that I was trying to write for Macmillan an “Elementary Lessons in Anthropology.”1 This attempt has been a cause of great trouble and waste of labour to me, inasmuch as though I can write with something like satisfaction on questions of Culture, Language &c. I fail to deal as I should wish with the zoological & biological place of man, the physical classification of races, &c. I now wish to ask if your son who understands anatomy & has written on breeds, would like to collaborate with me, so that we could turn out the little volume between us.2 If you do not think well of this suggestion, it need go no further, but if you mention it to your son, & he thinks it might come to something, perhaps he would manage to meet me in town & talk it over. I expect to leave for Wellington3 on Wednesday or Thursday, so the best days would be Monday or Tuesday. Whatever happens, I should much value your advice in the matter

Believe me My dear Sir Yours truly | Edward B. Tylor

Chas. Darwin Esq


No previous letter in which Tylor mentioned this subject has been found. The book was published as Anthropology : an introduction to the study of man and civilization (Tylor 1881).
It is not clear which of CD’s sons Tylor means; Francis Darwin had medical training, and George Howard Darwin had written on cousin marriage (G. H. Darwin 1873 and 1875). In the published book, Tylor did not credit any of CD’s sons.
Wellington, Shropshire.


Tylor, Edward Burnett. 1881. Anthropology: an introduction to the study of man and civilization. London: Macmillan & Co.


Is attempting to write a book on elementary lessons in anthropology [Anthropology (1881)] and wonders whether CD’s son [Francis] would care to collaborate and aid him with the biological parts.

Letter details

Letter no.
Edward Burnett Tylor
Charles Robert Darwin
Sent from
Athenaeum Club
Source of text
DAR 178: 205
Physical description
ALS 4pp

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 10667,” accessed on 28 September 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 24
