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Darwin Correspondence Project

From G. H. Darwin to William Clowes & Sons   17 July 1875

Down | Beckenham

July 17. 75


On the next sheet (& on the printed slip) you will find a complete list of all the errata hitherto discovered in the ‘Insectivorous Plants’.1 Mr. Darwin begs you to be so good as to see that the type is corrected in accordance therewith in the further reprints now to be struck off, & he particularly begs you to return him this copy of the errata as he wishes to use it for the foreign editions.

Yours faithfully | G H Darwin

Messrs. Clowes

p 172. line 18. for ‘above two-millionth of its weight’ read, ‘above two million times its weight’.

p. 173 line 3 of 2nd. column of note ⁠⟨⁠    ⁠⟩⁠ large as’ read ‘times as small as’

p 199 line 3 of small type for .0296 read .0675

p 270 last line— a of ‘ample’ has dropped out

p 287 under the figure for Dionœa read Dionæa

[* NB] This would run better

“Therefore, an object between 131 and 177 of the size of a sphere …”

but it is not important enough to make the change if in doing so, it would be necessary to alter the type to an inconvenient extent.2


Wm. Clowes & Sons | Stamford St. S.E.

15 JUL 75

1st Proof


Page 271, line 8 from bottom, for “a little less than the one,” read “a little more than the one.”

" 301, 1st line of small type, for 2.544, read 2.540.

" 372, line 14, for 2.794, read 2.795.

" 373, line 16, for 1.69 read 1.70; and line 22, for 2.794, read 2.795.

" 375, line 22, for 5.588, read 5.590.3


This correction was included on an errata slip in the second printing of Insectivorous plants and made in the text of the third printing.
The corrections for pages 271, 373, and 375, were included on the errata slip in the second printing of Insectivorous plants and made in the text of the third printing; the enclosure is an amended copy of the letter from William Clowes & Sons, 15 July 1875.


Insectivorous plants. By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1875.


Errata for Insectivorous plants, 3d printing.

Letter details

Letter no.
George Howard Darwin
William Clowes & Sons
Sent from
Source of text
DAR 86: B21, B23, B50
Physical description

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 10074F,” accessed on 6 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 23
