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Darwin Correspondence Project

To Otto Zacharias   [11 June 1875]1

[Abinger Hall, Surrey.]

Nothing can be more convincing and clear than the conclusions of Malthus, and yet every now and then some foolish author tries to disprove them.2


The date is established from the printed source (Zacharias 1882, p. 80). The letter was probably CD’s reply to the letter from Otto Zacharias, 3 June 1875.
CD refers to Thomas Robert Malthus and probably to Albert Wigand (Zacharias 1882, p. 45). Wigand, a professor of botany at Marburg, had strongly opposed CD’s theory of natural selection (see Wigand 1874–7). In his letter of 3 June 1875, Zacharias wrote that he was sending CD his review of Albert Wigand’s anti-Darwinian book (see letter from Otto Zacharias, 3 June 1875 and n. 7).


Wigand, Albert. 1874–7. Der Darwinismus und die Naturforschung Newtons und Cuviers. Beiträge zur Methodik der Naturforschung und zur Speciesfrage. 3 vols. Brunswick: F. Vieweg und Sohn.

Zacharias, Otto. 1882. Charles R. Darwin und die cultur-historische Bedeutung seiner Theorie vom Ursprung der Arten. Ein Beitrag zur Darwin-Litteratur. Berlin: Elwin Staude.


CD is convinced by the conclusions of Malthus.

Letter details

Letter no.
Charles Robert Darwin
Otto Zacharias
Source of text
Zacharias 1882, p. 80

Please cite as

Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 10013F,” accessed on 19 October 2024,

Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 23
