Tells CD where to pick up the partridge's foot with the ball of earth attached; sends a copy of his remarks on the same. [See Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 3d ser. 13 (1864): 99-101.]
Reports on progress of ice treatment.
Sends CD photographs of his atavistic ears and ears of a foetal orang in the collection of the Zoological Museum, Leipzig.
His beard is darker than his hair, an exception to CD's rule in Descent [2: 319]. Encloses sample of his hair, beard, and whiskers.
Thanks for references about dogs. Fears work will not allow him to deal with subject again. Heartily subscribes to what correspondent says about qualities of dogs. Loves his "with all my heart".
Observations on the insects captured by Utricularia.
CD's pessimistic view [of prospective sale of Insectivorous plants] is to blame for the small printing. Murray's printed only 1250 copies and sold 1700. A thousand more have been ordered.
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