Glad to hear of JDH's botanical appointment [with Geological Survey].
Edward Forbes has written about his subsidence doctrine; CD objects to its hypothetical base.
Petitions for a Civil Pension.
Thanks for railway map.
Surprised about Richard Owen: "I thought his courage was as indomitable as his malignity."
Sends extract [Sir John Herschel, "Physical geography", from the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1861)].
Is sending CD an article which he hopes will make him see that there are more causes than ice to account for the structure and wearing away of rocks. [Possibly "On the relative powers of glaciers and floating ice-bergs in modifying the surface of the earth", Can. Nat. 2 (1865): 21-33.] [J. of R. Geog. Soc. London 34 (1864)]
More on Naudin's hybrid; the wonder lessened slightly.
JDH's view that insular plants [distantly] related to those of continents are common came to him only after the lecture was in print; has not yet thought it out fully.
Moroccan flora may throw some light on Madeira flora.
Writes about the Carl Vogt and J. J. Moulinié translation [of Variation].
Samuel Pozzi's translation of Expression progressing slowly.
J. J. Moulinié's translation of Descent is stylistically poor, which may account for low sales.
Difficult to find European naturalists to translate CD's works. They would rather write books on "Darwinisme" under their own names.
Thanks for Dionaea.
George Bentham's last Linnean Society [Presidential] Address [Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. (1873): viii-xxix]. Admires it greatly.
CD's recent work leads him to a different theory [from GB's] on the separation of the sexes of plants.
Huxley has been at Down working with CD on Drosera - very helpful.
A letter from CD's admirers in the Netherlands, sent with an album of their photographs, in celebration of his sixty-eighth birthday.
Presents an account of early efforts in the Netherlands in the direction of developmental theories, and evidence of the support and enthusiastic reception given CD's theory.
Requests duplicates of [H. M. S.] Challenger Pycnogonidae.
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