From Asa Gray 16 June 1874
Botanic Garden, Cambridge, Mass.
June 16, 1874.
My Dear Darwin
The gratification I feel in learning (by yours of the 3rd.) that you are pleased, must, I am sure exceed any satisfaction of yours in regard to my subdued and quiet article in Nature. Lockyer—to my great surprise—applied to me for it, and of course I could not refuse. I think it will generally be regarded by scientific people as just and moderate.1
Odd that you should not have recognized my hand from the first in the Insectivorous Plants—written in fact to vindicate your rights. The papers called forth a 2d hoax—as elaborate as the first, & much better done. I have no idea who wrote them.2
You must, meanwhile, have received article in Nation, reviewing Dr. Hodge’s “What is Darwinism?” You see what uphill work I in making a theist of you, “of good and reputable standing”.3 Do hurry up the book about Drosera &c—4
My plants of Sarracenia variolaris—having lost their spring growth in transmission, have not yet made any that is satisfactory. So I begged Dr. Mellichamp—who had sent me leaves with gorge sanded over at the sweet-secretion part—to send some for the trail. He wrote me it was too late in the season—; they were all drying up. But this morning, with the enclosed postal card came several with the sand sticking fairly well to the glutinous line. And I send you one of them— I wish I could send you Mellichamp’s long letters—about the 2 sorts of larvæ, that appropriate—one the upper, one the lower part of the pitcher.5
My wife (who sends her love to you & yours) is much amused by your backgammon reminiscence.6 For the year past we have a way of getting on most peacefully. I sit by her side & play solitaire with 2 packs of cards, she looks on and helps, and when we dont succeed there is nobody to “flare up” against but luck.
Ever Yours | A. Gray
I think I never sent you my felicitations upon your election & F. Hon. Member of Amer. Acad. Arts & Sciences.!
We are proud to number you among the 75 (too many) And—I may tell you—only 2 negative votes were cast.— one by an Academician who made a speech on the occasion—to which nobody vouchsafed a word of reply.7
A. G
Hodge, Charles. 1874. What is Darwinism? London: T. Nelson and Sons.
Insectivorous plants. By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1875.
AG’s article in Nature was "just and moderate".
Sends his review of C. Hodge’s What is Darwinism? (1874) [Nation 18 (1874): 348–51].
It is uphill work making a theist out of CD.
Gives further observations on Sarracenia variolaris.
Letter details
- Letter no.
- DCP-LETT-9492
- From
- Asa Gray
- To
- Charles Robert Darwin
- Sent from
- Botanic Garden, Cambridge, Mass.
- Source of text
- DAR 165: 185
- Physical description
- ALS 4pp
Please cite as
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 9492,” accessed on 26 September 2022,
Also published in The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, vol. 22