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Darwin Correspondence Project
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Gervais, F. L. P. (1816–79)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … François Louis Paul Gervais 1816–79 French zoologist and anatomist. Sarjeant, W. …
  • … A. S. 1980 French zoologist anatomist …

Rossmässler, E. A. (1806–67)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Rossmässler 1806–67 German botanist and zoologist. Barnhart, J. H. 1965 Gilbert, Pamela …
  • … 1977 Sarjeant, W. A. S. 1980 German botanist zoologist

Hartmann, G. L. (1764–1828)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Georg Leonhard Hartmann 1764–1828 Swiss zoologist and ichthyologist. NUC . Bibliography …
  • … 69 vols. ). London and Chicago: Mansell. 1968–81. 9 Swiss zoologist ichthyologist …

Marshall, A. M. (1852–93)

Matches: 1 hit

  • … Arthur Milnes Marshall 1852–93 Zoologist and embryologist. …

Pouchet, C.-H.-G. (1833–94)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Georges Pouchet 1833–94 French physician, zoologist, embryologist and anthropologist. The …
  • … Larousse XIX Pouchet, F. A. French physician zoologist embryologist anthropologist …

Reinhardt, J. T. (1816–82)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Johannes Theodor Reinhardt 1816–82 Danish zoologist. NUC . Bibliography NUC : The national …
  • … and supplement (69 vols. ). London and Chicago: Mansell. 1968–81. 4,5,20 Danish zoologist

Sundevall, C. J. (1801–75)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Carl Jacob Sundevall 1801–75 Swedish zoologist. NUC Svenska Män Och Kvinnor . Bibliography …
  • … and supplement (69 vols. ). London and Chicago: Mansell. 1968–81. 7 Swedish zoologist

Vérany, J. B. (d. 1865)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Jean Baptiste Vérany d. 1865 French zoologist. Studied marine invertebrates. NUC . …
  • … 69 vols. ). London and Chicago: Mansell. 1968–81. 5 marine invertebrates French zoologist

Ritvo, Harriet. 2000. Animal consciousness: some historical perspective. American Zoologist 40: 847–52.

Matches: 1 hit

  • … consciousness: some historical perspective. American Zoologist 40: 847–52. e-journal 20 …

Fischer, Johann von (1850–1901)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Johann von Fischer 1850–1901 German zoologist. Lived in Gotha in the 1870s. Director of …
  • … father of modern terrarium culture. Rieck et al . 2001, pp. 444–5 24,25 German zoologist

Gloger, C. W. L. (1803–63)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Wilhelm Lambert Gloger 1803–63 German zoologist and ornithologist. NDB . Bibliography …
  • … A–Wettiner) to date. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 1953–. 3 German zoologist ornithologist …

Guilding, Lansdown (1797–1831)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Lansdown Guilding 1797–1831 Botanist and zoologist. Colonial chaplain, St Vincent. R. …
  • … botanical artists. 3d ed. London: Taylor and Francis. 1,2,7 St Vincent Botanist zoologist

Jhering, Hermann von (1850–1930)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Hermann von Jhering 1850–1930 German zoologist and anthropologist. Emigrated to South …
  • … London and Chicago: Mansell. 1968–81. South America German zoologist anthropologist …

Nitsche, Hinrich (1845–1902)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Hinrich Nitsche 1845–1902 German zoologist. Professor extraordinarius, zoology, University …
  • … of Leipzig Königlich Sächsiche Forstakademie Leipzig Tharandt Dresden German zoologist

Nordmann, Alexander von (1803–66)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Alexander von Nordmann 1803–66 Finnish zoologist and palaeontologist. Professor of natural …
  • … 1980. 6 Lyceum Richelieu Helsinki Odessa Russia Helsinki Finnish zoologist palaeontologist …

Schiödte, J. M. C. (1815–84)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Christian Schiödte 1815–84 Danish zoologist. Gascoigne 1984 . Bibliography Gascoigne, …
  • … nineteenth century. New York and London: Garland Publishing. 6,8,22,30 Danish zoologist

Vigors, N. A. (1785–1840)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Nicholas Aylward Vigors 1785–1840 Irish zoologist and politician. FRS 1826. ODNB . …
  • … and index. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2004. 1,6,13,16 FRS Irish zoologist politician …

Wagler, J. G. (1800–32)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Johann Georg Wagler 1800–32 German zoologist. PhD, Erlangen. Assistant at the zoological …
  • … Academy of Sciences. 56 vols. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. 1875–1912. 4,19 German zoologist

Wood, William (1774–1857)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … William Wood 1774–1857 Zoologist, surgeon, and bookseller. Published books on conchology. …
  • … vols. and index. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2004. 1 FRS Zoologist surgeon bookseller …

Syrski, Szymon (1829–82)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Szymon Syrski 1829–82 Polish zoologist. Director, museum of natural history, Trieste, …
  • … 1866–75. Professor of zoology, Lvov, 1876–82. Zoologist on the Austro-Hungarian East Asian …
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zoologists in keywords
co-adaptation in Commentary
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Darwin in letters,1870: Human evolution


The year 1870 is aptly summarised by the brief entry Darwin made in his journal: ‘The whole of the year at work on the Descent of Man & Selection in relation to Sex’.  Descent was the culmination of over three decades of observations and reflections on…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Henri Milne-Edwards and Armand de Quatrefages, both leading zoologists in Paris. Quatrefages had …