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From J. D. Hooker   20 April 1863



Attacks by Falconer [Athenæum 4 Apr 1863, pp. 459–60] and Joseph Prestwich on Lyell.

W. B. Carpenter fails to attack Owen.

Welwitschia male cones with useless ovules marvellous example of lost function and retained structure.

JDH evaluates his sons.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  20 Apr 1863
Classmark:  DAR 101: 128–31; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Director’s correspondence 174 (New Zealand letters, 1854–1900): 281–2)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4111

Matches: 56 hits

  • … s correspondence 174 (New Zealand letters, 1854–1900): 281–2) Joseph Dalton Hooker …
  • … See Belich 1986 , pp.  76–80, 113–25. See letter to Julius von Haast, 22 January 1863  and …
  • … entrusted to his care for me. I see my letter gets so long that I think it wrong to …
  • … Hooker and Charles Paget Hooker (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [28 March 1863] ). …
  • … refers to the convict prison on the Isle of Portland ( EB ). Letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [ …
  • … 1863] . Hooker refers to Hugh Falconer’s letter in the Athenæum , 4 April 1863, pp.  459– …
  • … Islands, which are now a good 10 days behind England! A thousand thanks for your letter. …
  • … I am grieved with Falconers letter, he has made out no case for himself or Prestwich, his …
  • … 1863] and nn.  22–4). See letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [17 April 1863] , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26 [March 1863] and n.  14. Haast …
  • … 1948 , pp.  273–4 and map no.  4. See also Haast’s letter to CD of 5 March 1863  and n.   …
  • … 2. Hooker’s letter to Haast of 18 September 1862  is in the Alexander Turnbull Library, …
  • … papers 37.96. Haast refers to Hooker’s letter of 2 July 1862 , in which Hooker expressed …
  • … discoveries of glacial shells (see the letter from Hooker to Haast, 18 September 1862 , in …
  • … J.  D.  Hooker 1864–7 , p.  43). In his letter to Haast of 18 September 1862 (Alexander …
  • … in the paper, see Correspondence vol.  10, letter to A.  C.  Ramsay, 5 September [1862] . …
  • … Welwitsch, Friedrich. 1861. Extract from a letter, addressed to Sir William J. Hooker, on …
  • … by 9 10 of readers. Please return Haasts letter at your leisure. My boy Willy is at home …
  • … I had the pleasure to receive here your letter of Sep r . 18 th .  which like all your …
  • … list of plants, promised to me in your letter of June. In the mean time I had the pleasure …
  • … compliment you could pay me, in sending my letter to M r . Darwin & for which I thank …
  • … you heartily. I have written in the enclosed letter to him concerning the animals which he …
  • … Joseph Prestwich in C.  Lyell 1863a . See letter from John Lubbock, 7 April 1863  and n.   …
  • … refers to the last paragraph in Falconer’s letter to the Athenæum , 4 April 1863, p.  460, …
  • … Both articles are reproduced in Appendix VII. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [17 April  …
  • … 1863] and n.  9. See also letter to Athenæum , …
  • … 18 April [1863], letter to Charles Lyell, 18 April [1863] , and Appendix VII. See …
  • … and angiosperms ( ibid. , p.  38). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [17 April 1863] and n.   …
  • … on 25 May 1863 ( Bentham 1863 ). See letters from George Bentham , [ c. 14 April 1863] and …
  • … the basis of Christian belief. In a letter published in The Times , 2 April 1863, p.  10, …
  • … and could not be read literally. Colenso’s letter met with an extremely critical response …
  • … The Times , 4 April 1863, p.  9). See enclosure. Haast also wrote a letter to CD on 9  …
  • … December 1862 (see enclosure to letter from Julius von Haast, 5 March 1863 ). …
  • … See also letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [30 April 1863] and n.  2. William Henslow Hooker ( …
  • … orchid specialist in Britain. In his letter of 7 November 1862 ( Correspondence vol.  10), …
  • … gradual softening of the brain’ ( DNB ). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [17 April 1863] and …
  • … with CD on plant and animal distribution (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 17 March [ …
  • … 1863] and n.  17). In his letter to Hooker of [17 April 1863] , CD had asked for the …
  • … in the nocturnal movements of its leaves (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [17 April  …
  • … that Haast had sent him. In Hooker’s letter to Haast of 18 September 1862 , he explained …
  • … to finish identifying the plants. These letters are in the Alexander Turnbull Library, …
  • … and 1862b, which he also sent to CD (see letter to Julius von Haast, 22 January 1863 ). …
  • … Archives Reference CH 287, CP 608a). See letter from Julius von Haast, 13 May 1863 . A …
  • … and later uplift (see, for example, letter to J.  F.  J.  von Haast, 22 January 1863 and …
  • … J.  F.  J.  von Haast 1862a , p.  7). See letter from Julius von Haast, 5 March 1863  and …
  • … n.  12. Hooker sent Haast’s letter of 9 June  …
  • … 1862  with his letter to CD of 20 September 1862 ( Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 10). The letter from Julius von Haast of 9 December 1862 ( Correspondence vol.   …
  • … in this volume as an enclosure to the letter from Julius von Haast of 5 March 1863 . …
  • … For the confusion regarding the sending of this letter, see the …
  • … enclosure to the letter from Julius von Haast, 5 March 1863  and n.  5. Mr Harris has not …
  • … a discussion of the collection, see the letter from Haast to Hooker of 10 August 1862 , in …
  • … Gardens, Kew (Director’s Correspondence 174 (New Zealand letters, 1854–1900: 276)). …
  • … also mentioned the collection in a letter to Hooker of 9 June 1862 (see Correspondence …
  • … vol.  10, enclosure to the letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 20 September 1862  and n.  7). …
  • … D.  Hooker 1864–7 ) was discussed in his letter to CD of 6 January 1863 . David Monro was …

From J. D. Hooker   [4 June 1864]



JDH is writing letters for Scott, whose temper will be "no obstacle for Hindoos and Musselmen working under him".

New curator at Kew finds considerable neglect, with hundreds of plants dying.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [4 June 1864]
Classmark:  DAR 101: 222–4
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4519

Matches: 35 hits

  • … JDH is writing letters for Scott, whose temper will be "no obstacle for Hindoos and …
  • … Huxley ed.  1918, 1: 47 n.  3). CD annotated this letter in order to send an extract to …
  • … Scott. CD’s letter to Scott has not …
  • … been found; however, see the letter from John Scott, 8 June 1864 . …
  • … In his letter of 19 May 1864 , Harvey had described flowers of a common dandelion …
  • … changed their form “ generically ” ’. In his letter of 10 June [1864] , CD asked Hooker to …
  • … write privately to, & also give Scott a letter to, & who I hope will aid him materially. — …
  • … I know & has seen Balfour’s former letters, thinks so too. — —Cleghorn, Superintendent of …
  • … I know] ‘I’ over ‘I’ pencil 2.5 & has seen … letters 2.6] del pencil ; ‘about Scott’ added …
  • … The date is established by the relationship between this letter and …
  • … the letters to J.  D.  Hooker, 2 June [1864] and 10 June [1864] . The …
  • … from John Hutton Balfour and James McNab in his letter to CD of 28 May [1864] ; CD …
  • … had sent them to Hooker in his letter of 30 May [1864] . …
  • … Balfour’s testimonial, see the enclosure to the letter from John Scott, 28 May [1864] . …
  • … testimonial has not been found; see, however, letter from John Scott, 28 May [1864] . The …
  • … had discussed Scott’s character at length in April (see, for example, letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 20 April 1864 , and letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 25 April [1864] ). See letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 31 [May 1864] . See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 2 June [1864] and n.  3. …
  • … at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. See letters from J.  D.  Hooker, 5 February 1864  and …
  • … n.  7, and [2 April 1864] , n.  8. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 April [1864] and n.   …
  • … had discussed the genus in Orchids , pp.  172–8. See also letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [2  …
  • … April 1864] and n.  8. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, …
  • … 1864] . For CD’s interest in Nepenthes , see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 9 [March] 1864 , …
  • … Middleton, Teesdale, in North Yorkshire (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [26 or 27 April  …
  • … will do so too. I will also give him a letter to Grote at Calcutta, a great friend of mine …
  • … think him suited. God help me, I find your letter of 31 st .  says that silence shall mean …
  • … write to Anderson on Scott’s behalf in his letter of 19 May 1864 . CD suggested that Scott …
  • … to Anderson on his arrival in Calcutta (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 30 May [1864] ). …
  • … to Thomas Thomson . Balfour had given an assessment of Scott in his letter to Hooker of 5  …
  • … April 1864 (see enclosure to letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 6 April 1864 ). See also letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 7 April [1864] . …
  • … of Scott’s recent work on Primula (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 9 [March] 1864  and …
  • … of Edinburgh 20 (1892–5): liv–lv). See letter from J.  D. Hooker, 19 May 1864 . Hooker …
  • … his son, James Backhouse , in York (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [26 or 27 April 1864] …

To Charles Lyell   17 March [1863]


His better opinion [of work of Boucher de Perthes].

Explains his position on CL’s treatment of species.

Mentions positive response to his ideas on the part of a German professor [Ernst Haeckel], Alphonse de Candolle, and a botanical palaeontologist [Gaston de Saporta].

Notes negative reaction of entomologists.

Mentions Falconer’s objections [to Antiquity].

Mentions work of Hooker.

Comments on paper by Owen ["On the aye-aye", Rep. BAAS 32 (1862) pt 2: 114–16]

and CD’s review of Bates’s paper [Collected papers 2: 87–92].

Thinks Natural History Review is excellent.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  17 Mar [1863]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.291)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4047

Matches: 39 hits

  • … Lyell. I have been much interested by your letters & enclosure, & thank you sincerely for …
  • … time, when you must be so busy. — What a curious letter from B.  de P.  He seems perfectly …
  • … CD refers to the letter from Lyell of 15 March 1863 , of which a portion is missing. …
  • … He also mentions two items sent either with that letter, or possibly …
  • … with another letter from Lyell that has …
  • … not been found; namely, a letter from Jacques Boucher de Perthes to Lyell (see n.   …
  • … 2, below), and a letter from Lyell to Joseph Dalton Hooker , discussing the behaviour of …
  • … Hugh Falconer (see n.  5, below). The letter from Boucher de Perthes has not been found ( …
  • … see n.  1, above). See letter to Charles Lyell, 12–13 March [1863] and n.  3. In the …
  • … 13 March [1863] and n.  11. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [23 February 1863] . …
  • … C.  Lyell 1863a . See letter from Charles Lyell, 15 March 1863 . …
  • … Huxley and the Natural History Review (see letter from Charles Lyell, 15 March 1863  and …
  • … entomologists (see Correspondence vol.  8, letter to H.  W.  Bates, 22 November [1860] ). …
  • … that his work had not been given due credit by Lyell (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 17  …
  • … March [1863] and n.  6). Letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [15 March 1863] . …
  • … J.  D.  Hooker 1859 . See letter to Charles Lyell, 6 March [1863] and …
  • … n.  35, and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 17 March [1863] and nn.  3 and 4. In Antiquity of …
  • … transmutation of species ( C.  Lyell 1863a , pp.  417–21). See also letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [15 March 1863] , and letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 17 March [1863] . See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [15 March 1863] and n.   …
  • … 21. Owen 1862c . See letters to Charles Lyell , 6 March [1863] and n.  44, and 12– …
  • … truly grieved at what I read in your letter to Hooker about Falconer: I never read …
  • … my friends; & I had written so good a letter (! ) all ready, with a blank for his sentence …
  • … Perthes’s work, see Correspondence vol.  7, letter to J.  D. Hooker, 22 [June 1859] . In …
  • … phenomena (see DSB , and Davies 1969). Lyell’s letter to Hooker has not been found. …
  • … In his letter to Hooker of 17 March [1863] , CD referred to its being ‘a long P.S. ’ …
  • … case’ has not been identified. In his letter to Lyell of 12–13 March [1863] , CD suggested …
  • … replied to this observation in the missing portion of his letter to CD of 15 March 1863 . …
  • … See letter from Charles Lyell, 15 March 1863 . CD refers to his comments on Lyell’s …
  • … Antiquity of man ( C.  Lyell 1863a ; see letters to Charles Lyell , 6 March [1863] and 12– …
  • … 13 March [1863] ). See letter from Charles Lyell, 15 March 1863  and n.  7. The references …
  • … William Robert Grove . Lamarck 1809 . See letter to Charles Lyell, 12–13 March [1863] and …
  • … work in the Darwin Library–Down. See also letter to Ernst Haeckel, 30 December [1863] – 3  …
  • … January [1864] . A.  de Candolle 1862a . See letter from Asa Gray, 27 January 1863 . …
  • … The letter from Alphonse de Candolle has …
  • … not been found, but see the letter to Alphonse de Candolle, 31 January [1863] . …
  • … Gaston de Saporta . See also letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 30 January [1863] , letter to Alphonse de Candolle, …
  • … 31 January [1863] , and letter to Asa Gray, 31 May [1863] . CD considered that his theory …

From John Scott   20 January 1865



Comments on his Primula paper [see 4213].

Describes his situation in Calcutta.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  20 Jan 1865
Classmark:  DAR 177: 114
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4751

Matches: 38 hits

  • … Rungbee Jany.  20 th . 1865. Sir, I trust my letter of the 21 st . December—the date of my …
  • … The letter from John Scott has not been found. He had left his position at the Royal …
  • … departed for Calcutta on 28 August 1864 (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 30 August 1864 , and this volume, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [26 January 1865] ). …
  • … for Scott (see Correspondence vol.  12, letters from J.  D.  Hooker, [4 June 1864] and [ …
  • … miles south-east of Darjeeling (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [26 January 1865] , …
  • … I think I mentioned in a P.S.  to letter of the 21 st .  that on making a passing call at …
  • … to Hooker for comments, and it was eventually returned to Scott (see letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [10 March 1865] , letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 16 [March 1865] , and letter from John Scott, 21 July 1865 ). After a suggestion …
  • … by Karl Friedrich von Gärtner (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter to John Scott, …
  • … 19 November [1862] , and letter from John Scott, 17  December [1862] , and …
  • … Correspondence vol.  11, letter from John Scott, 21 September [1863] ). …
  • … In his letter of 16 May [1864] ( Correspondence vol.  12), Scott remarked: ‘the degree of …
  • … alterations (see Correspondence vol.  11, letter to John Scott, 7 November [1863] ). CD …
  • … without further alterations (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter from John Scott, …
  • … 7 January [1864] , and letter from Emma Darwin to John Scott, 9 January 1864 ). Scott’s …
  • … see Scott 1864b , pp.  103, 106). The letter in which CD noted the mistakes in Scott’s …
  • … CUL.  On Scott’s Verbascum calculations, see the letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [10 March  …
  • … 1865] and n.  6. CD’s letter informing Scott that he had sent copies of his Primula paper, …
  • … to Asa Gray (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter to Asa Gray, 13 September [1864] ). Gray …
  • … the paper (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [20–]22 February [1864] …
  • … he encourage Daniel Oliver to review it (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 13 September [1864] , and letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 16 September 1864 ). …
  • … Oliver after Oliver agreed to review it ( letter to Daniel Oliver, 17 September [1864] ). …
  • … CD also sent a copy to Benjamin Dann Walsh ( letter from B.  D.  Walsh, 29 May 1865 ). The …
  • … in May 1863 (see Correspondence vol.  11, letter from John Scott, [3 June 1863] , and …
  • … Correspondence vol.  12, letter from John Scott, 28 May 1864 ). CD and Hooker had …
  • … for CD’s theory of transmutation (see Correspondence vol.  11, letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 10 June 1863 , and Correspondence vol.  12, letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 5 April [1864] , and letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 6 April 1864 ). Balfour had …
  • … of more practical duties (see Correspondence vol.  12, enclosure to letter from J.  D. …
  • … Hooker, 6 April 1864 ). See also letter from John Scott, 28 May [1864] and the enclosed …
  • … him financial support (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter to John Scott, 9 April 1864 ). …
  • … Scott initially declined (see ibid. , letter from John Scott, 5 May [1864] ); however, …
  • … settled into a position abroad (see ibid. , letters from John Scott , 28 May [1864] and 8  …
  • … Scott at Down (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 7 April [1864] ). …
  • … to Hooker (see, for example, ibid. , letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 22 [May 1864] ), and …

To J. D. Hooker   24 [November 1862]



Sends Asa Gray letter: "nearly as mad as ever in our English eyes".

Bates’s paper is admirable. The act of segregation of varieties into species was never so plainly brought forth.

CD is a little sorry that his present work is leading him to believe rather more in the direct action of physical conditions. Regrets it because it lessens the glory of natural selection and is so confoundedly doubtful.

JDH laid too much stress on importance of crossing with respect to origin of species; but certainly it is important in keeping forms stable.

If only Owen could be excluded from Council of Royal Society Falconer would be good to put in. CD must come down to London to see what he can do.

Falconer’s article in Journal of the Geological Society [18 (1862): 348–69] shows him coming round on permanence of species, but he does not like natural selection.

Sends Lythrum salicaria diagram.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  24 [Nov 1862]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 173, 279b; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Hooker letters 2: 46 JDH/2/1/2)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3822

Matches: 43 hits

  • … 279b; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Hooker letters 2: 46 JDH/2/1/2) Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … enclosed a set of proof-sheets for CD with his letter of 10 November 1862 , and apparently …
  • … also enclosed a set for Hooker (see letter to Asa Gray, 26[–7] November [1862] ). Hooker …
  • … discussed A.  Gray 1862e in his reply to this letter ( …
  • … see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 26  …
  • … Sends Asa Gray letter: "nearly as mad as ever in our English eyes". Bates’s paper is …
  • … like to read the latter half of A.  Grays letter to me, as it is political & nearly as mad …
  • … disunion. — I return with thanks Bates’ letter, which I was glad to see. It was very good …
  • … Hooker, 6 October [1862] , and letter to Asa Gray, 16 October [1862] ). However, he also …
  • … crosses in 1862, he was determined to make more in 1863 (see ibid. , letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 27 [October 1862] and nn.  11 and 12, letter to W.  E.   …
  • … Darwin, 4 [November 1862] , and letter to Asa Gray, 6 November [1862] ). See also ‘Three …
  • … have been glad to see. — What a pleasant letter your last was. — When shall you begin your …
  • … yours affec ly — | C.  Darwin Asa Gray’s letter to you is fine excuse for writing. — I …
  • … November 1862  and n.  2). See letter from Asa Gray, 10 November 1862  and n.  14. See …
  • … on 13 November 1862 ( Raphael 1970 ); in his letter to CD of [15 and] 20 November [1862] , …
  • … papers in this part of the journal. In his letter to CD of [15 and] 20 November [1862] , …
  • … important modifications of structure’ (p.  170). See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [15 and] …
  • … 20 November [1862] and n.  2. Letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [15  and] 20 November [1862] and …
  • … Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette ([J.  D.  Hooker] 1862c; see letters from J.  D.   …
  • … and [15 and] 20 November [1862] , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [10–]12 November [1862] ). …
  • … see DAR 222 and DAR 75: 1–12). See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [15 and] 20 November [1862] …
  • … of London 12: 299). Hugh Falconer . See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [15 and] 20 November [ …
  • … time’ ( Falconer 1862 , p.  348). See also letter to Hugh Falconer, 14 November [1862] and …
  • … of Falconer 1863  that he had seen (see letter to Hugh Falconer, 1 October [1862] ). …
  • … See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [15 and] 20 November [1862] and n.   …
  • … diagram is in DAR 115: 279b. Hooker’s letter to Bates of 13 November 1862  is reproduced …
  • … in Bates 1892 , pp.  xlvi–xlvii. See also letter from J.  D. …
  • … Hooker, [15 and] 20 November [1862] . In his letter to Bates of 13 November 1862 , Hooker, …
  • … alterations to the proofs of Bates 1862 (see letter from H.  W.  Bates, 17 October 1862 ); …
  • … secretaries of the Linnean Society . In his letter to Bates of 13 November 1862 , Hooker …
  • … Bates 1892 , pp.  xlvi–xlvii). See also letter from J.  D. Hooker, [15 and] 20 November [ …
  • … Hooker had corresponded on this subject earlier in the year (see letters from J.   D.   …
  • … 10 March 1862] , 17 March 1862 , and [23 March 1862] , and letters to J.  D.  Hooker, 14  …
  • … 18 March [1862] , and 26 [March 1862] ). See letter to H.  W.  Bates, 20 November [1862] . …
  • … 1863 . The drawing is an enclosure to the letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 24 [November 1862] ( …
  • … established by CD’s comment to Hooker in his letter of 24 [November 1862] ( Correspondence …
  • … of Lythrum salicaria ; see also ibid. , letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [10–]12 November [ …
  • … similar diagrams in 1862 to two other correspondents (see ibid. , ,letter to W.  E.   …
  • … Darwin, [2–3 August 1862] , and letter to Asa Gray, [3–]4 September [1862] ). A similar …
  • … for example, Correspondence vol.  10, letters to Asa Gray , 28 July [1862] and n.  16, …
  • … included three females and three males (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter to J.  D.   …
  • … You will recollect our discussion (by letter) last winter & will have perceived how much I …

From J. D. Hooker   29 March 1864



John Scott’s career.

Huxley’s vicious attack on anthropologists.

Critique of Joseph Prestwich’s theory of rivers.

Bitter feelings between the Hookers and the Veitch family of nurserymen.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  29 Mar 1864
Classmark:  DAR 101: 193–7
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4439

Matches: 45 hits

  • … medallions (see Correspondence vol.  11, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 6 January 1863 , and …
  • … See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26[–7] March [1864] and n.   …
  • … from his employment at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh (see letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 26[–7] March [1864] and n.  11, and letter from John Scott, 28 March 1864  and …
  • … nn.  18–20). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26[–7] March [1864] and n.   …
  • … Jukes and to Andrew Crombie Ramsay (see letter to J.  D. Hooker, 26[–7] March [1864] and …
  • … the common spruce) in Macedonia in his letter of 5 February 1864 . Godfrey Wedgwood was …
  • … about old Jukes, I quite warmed to his letter & his side. Falconer is one of the 2 classes …
  • … the powers that be —& gave him private letters to all his correspondents: besides giving …
  • … old Spectator in Rintouls time. I have letters from Hector talking of the “glacier origin …
  • … member a year to the Linnean Society (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [before 9 February  …
  • … proposed Scott for the associateship (see letter to John Scott, 9 February [1864] and n.   …
  • … 1888), the incumbent curator at Kew. See letter to J.  D. Hooker, 26[–7] March [1864] and …
  • … on the elder Smith’s retirement, see the letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 5 February 1864  and …
  • … infected with ringworm while at school (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 9 [March] 1864 ). …
  • … which fell on 27 March in 1864 (see letter from H.  E.  Darwin to W.  E.  Darwin, [16  …
  • … the Anthropological Society of London (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26[–7] March [1864] …
  • … and n.  18). Huxley’s response to their letters is in the 12 March 1864 issue of the …
  • … pp.  334–5. Joseph Beete Jukes had written letters to the Reader on the glacial formation …
  • … at the Royal Geographical Society (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26[–7] March [1864] and …
  • … Crawfurd . See also Correspondence vol.  11, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [15 January 1863] …
  • … deposits in Brixham Cave in Devon; in his letter in the Athenæum , 4 April 1863, pp.  459– …
  • … deposits in England and France (see also letter from Joseph Prestwich in the Athenæum , …
  • … 25 April 1863, p.  555, and letter from Hugh Falconer in the Athenæum , 2 May 1863, p.   …
  • … see, for example, Correspondence vol.  11, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 23 April [1863] and …
  • … been found, but see Correspondence vol.  6, letter to Edward Sabine, 23 April [1856] , and …
  • … Correspondence vol.  8, letter to Joseph Prestwich, 12 March [1860] . Prestwich argued …
  • … pp.  216, 219, and Correspondence vol.  11, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 23 October 1863 ). …
  • … both regions (see Correspondence vol.  11, letters from J.  D.  Hooker, 23 October 1863   …
  • … 3 November 1863] and nn.  8–12). In a letter in the 30 January 1864 issue of the Reader , …
  • … Edward Blyth was living in Ireland (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26[–7] March [1864] and …
  • … Hooker about Richard Owen’s Exeter Hall lecture (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26[–7] …
  • … March [1864] and n.  21). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26[–7] …
  • … March [1864] and n.  22. See letter from Asa Gray, 16 February 1864  and n.   …
  • … 7; CD had enclosed this letter with …
  • … his letter to Hooker of 26[–7] March [1864] . …
  • … mentioned his visit from William Jenner in his letter to Hooker of 26[–7] March [1864] . …
  • … dealings with James Veitch (1815–69), see his letter to Hooker of 26[–7] March [1864] and …
  • … secretary ( R.  Desmond 1995 , pp.  152–3, 156, 222). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26[–7] …
  • … March [1864] and n.  9. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26[–7] March [1864] and n.   …
  • … 8. For CD’s comments on the Reader , see his letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26[–7] March [1864] …
  • … Literature, Art and Society (see Correspondence vol.  9, second letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 23 [April 1861] , and letters to J.  D.  Hooker, 18 [ May 1861] and 19 June [ …
  • … expedition in Hector 1864a . Hector’s letters to Hooker are in the Library and Archives, …
  • … is a nondescript. Thanks many for A Grays letter— how doucely he takes the changed aspect …

From J. D. Hooker   9 [March] 1864



Reception of Scott’s paper.

Difficulty of writing Boott’s obituary.

Critical of Edward Frankland’s glacial theory.

Falconer’s and Ramsay’s views on Himalayan lakes lack support of basic evidence.

Taxonomic distribution of climbing plants.

Huxley picks quarrels with minor figures and thus magnifies them.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  9 [Mar] 1864
Classmark:  DAR 101: 189–92
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4404

Matches: 43 hits

  • … Hooker wrote February in error; this letter is a response …
  • … to CD’s letter of [20–]22 February [1864] . …
  • Letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [ …
  • … February [1864] . CD had inquired in his letter to Hooker of [20–]22 February [1864] about …
  • … discussion of his problems with Watson, see the letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 5 February  …
  • … discussion of his son William, see the letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [before 9 February  …
  • … delaying to answer your capital long letter, which I shall now proceed to categorically. …
  • … Watson’s eventual publication, see the letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 5 February 1864 , n.   …
  • … Pamphlet Collection–CUL. Scott 1864a . See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [20–]22 February [ …
  • … s views on species (see Correspondence vol.  9, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 23 [April 1861] …
  • … and n.  9, and Correspondence vol.  11, letter to George Bentham, 19 June [1863] ). …
  • … what is the use of speculating? Crugers letter excited great interest the other night— …
  • … s endorsement of Darwinism, see the letters from J.  D.  Hooker, 16 September 1864  and …
  • … May 1868 ( Calendar no.  6189); see also the letter from George Bentham, [before 22 April  …
  • … who have not been identified. In his letter of 29 February 1860 ( Correspondence vol.  8), …
  • … Antiquity of man in the Quarterly Review (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [20–]22 February [ …
  • … For CD’s and Hooker’s earlier discussions of Frankland’s theory, see letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 16 February 1864  and n.  10, and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [20–]22 February [ …
  • … of sexes in animals; Hooker had mistaken the author of the paper (see letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 16 February 1864  and n.  12, and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [20–]22 February [ …
  • … role of glaciers in lake formation (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 16 February 1864  and …
  • … Ramsay’s and Falconer’s arguments in his letter to the Reader , 6 February 1864, pp.  173– …
  • … Reader , 5 March 1864, pp.  301–3. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [20–]22 February [1864] . …
  • … 1864 ) was originally sent to CD (see letter from Hermann Crüger, 21 January 1864 ), who …
  • … communicated it to the Linnean Society (see letter to Daniel Oliver, …
  • … 17 February [1864] , and letter from Daniel Oliver, 18 February 1864 ); it was read on 3  …
  • … 211–13 (see Crüger 1864 , pp.  128–30, letter from Hermann Crüger, 21 January 1864  and …
  • … n.  8, and letter to Daniel Oliver, 17 February [1864] and n.   …
  • … 9). See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [20–]22  …
  • … February [1864] and n.  24. See letter from Hermann Crüger, 21 January 1864  and nn.   …
  • … 4 and 21, and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [20–]22 February [1864] . …
  • … families, that include climbing plants (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [20–]22 February [ …
  • … V.K. ’ is the vegetable kingdom. In his letter of [20–]22 February [1864] , CD had asked …
  • … own question about the climbing of the pitcher plant Nepenthes (see letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [4–]6 August 1864 ; see also letter from Daniel Oliver, 21 July 1864 ). CD had …
  • … those that Hooker had sent him from Kew (see Correspondence vol.  11, letters to J.  D.   …
  • … 1863] , and Appendix VI, and this volume, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 April [1864] ). …
  • … on the climbing of his specimens (see letters to J.  D. Hooker, 26[–7] March [1864] , …
  • … 1864] ). CD later ordered new plants (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 10 June [1864] ). His …
  • … Barton 1998 , pp.  411, 437–9; see also Correspondence vol.  11, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, …
  • … 15 and 22 May [1863] and n.  12, and letter from T.  H.  Huxley, 2 July 1863 , and A.   …
  • … Hunt to Huxley’s criticisms, followed by a letter of defence from Blake (pp.  303–4). John …
  • … aged 6 (see Correspondence vol.  11, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [28 September 1863] ). …

To J. D. Hooker   13 January [1863]



Acquired characteristics.

Huxley’s lectures: good on induction, bad on sterility, obscure on geology.

Asa Gray on slavery.

Falconer’s partial conversion.

Alphonse de Candolle on Origin.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  13 Jan [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 179
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3913

Matches: 45 hits

  • … 1861 ( DNB ). The enclosure has not been found. See also letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [12  …
  • … January 1863] and n.  2. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [12 January 1863] . On 23 …
  • … 1862; the lectures were published as T.  H.  Huxley 1863a . See letter to T.  H.   …
  • … Huxley, 10 [January 1863] , and letter from J.  D. Hooker, [12 January 1862] . T.  H.   …
  • … 1844  and 1849; Kölreuter 1761–6 ). See letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 10 [January 1863] , and …
  • … be confusing to a non-geologist. See letters to T.  H.  Huxley, 7 December [1862] and n.   …
  • … 1862a and 1862b. See Correspondence vol.  10, letter from Alphonse de Candolle, 18  …
  • … September 1862 ; see also following letter. CD’s annotated copies of A.  de Candolle 1862a …
  • … de Candolle 1862a , pp.  326–53. See following letter and n.  6. A.  de Candolle 1862a , …
  • … of the last portion of A.  de Candolle 1862b . See also following letter and n.  7. …
  • … See Correspondence vol.  10, letter to J.  D.   …
  • … 24 December [1862] ), and this volume, letter to Asa Gray, 2 January [1863] and n.  24, …
  • … Hooker, 6 January 1863 . With his letter to Hooker of 24 December [1862] ( Correspondence …
  • … Paris (see n.  38, below). In his letter to Hooker of 3 November [1862] ( Correspondence …
  • … on sensitivity in plants. See also ibid. , letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [10–]12 November [ …
  • … allude to Gray that you have seen this letter, as he might not like it, as he speaks of …
  • … of Slavery. — You wrote me a famous long letter a few days ago: Emma is going to read De …
  • … Falconer writes: by the way in one of your letters you insisted on importance of style; I …
  • … man ‘from the whole of the brute world’ ( ibid. , pp.  154–5). See letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [12 January 1863] , and letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 10 [ …
  • … January 1863] and n.  4. Letter from Asa Gray, 29 December 1862 ( Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 10). In Asa Gray’s letter, CD marked some of the plant names with marginal crosses in red …
  • … in the bud (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter from Asa Gray, 29 December 1862 ). In …
  • … differences’ (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 26 November 1862 ). …
  • … a homogeneous form. See Correspondence vol.  10, letter to Asa Gray, 26[–7] November [ …
  • … 1862] . The letter from Asa Gray, 29 December 1862 ( Correspondence vol.  10), is …
  • … for Bentham has not been found. See also letter to Asa Gray, 2 January [1863] and n.  17. …
  • … Rare Books Room–CUL (see Marginalia 1: 51). The letter from Asa Gray, 29 December 1862 ( …
  • … in America (H.  Reeve trans.  1862). See Correspondence vol.  10, letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [21 December 1862] , and this volume, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 6 January 1863 . …
  • … February 1849 (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 24 December [1862] , …
  • … New Zealand ( J.  D.  Hooker 1864–7 ; see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 6 January 1863 ). At …
  • … of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. In his letter to Hooker of 3 January [1863] , CD asked …
  • … collections; for Hooker’s reply, see his letter of 6 January 1863 . In his Account book– …
  • … newly hatched leaf insects from Java (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 6 January 1863 ). …
  • … asked CD’s opinion of Falconer 1863a (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 6 January 1863 ). …
  • … pp.  77–81 (see n.  21, below). See also letter to Hugh Falconer, 5 [and 6] January [1863] …
  • … investigation of this orchid genus, see Correspondence vol.  10, letter from John Scott, …
  • … 11 November 1862 , and letter to John Scott, 12  …
  • … November [1862] , and this volume, letter from John Scott, 6 January 1863  and nn.   …
  • … 3 and 4. See letter to Hugh Falconer, 5 [and 6] January [1863] and n.  22. Hooker had …
  • … particularly interested in medallions. See Correspondence vol.  10, letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [27 or 28 December 1862] , and this volume, letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 3 January [1863] , and letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 6 January 1863 . See letter from J.  D.   …

To Asa Gray   20 March [1863]


Discusses the meaning of C. K. Sprengel’s term "dichogamy". Dichogamous plants are functionally monoecious; Primula is functionally dioecious.

Reports Hermann Crüger’s observations of Cattleya and of bees pollinating Catasetum. Crüger will observe Melastomataceae.

Has built a hothouse.

Fears Amsinckia cannot be dimorphic.

Ill health slows his work on Variation.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  20 Mar [1863]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (58)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4053

Matches: 37 hits

  • … read them (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 29 [December 1862] ). …
  • … The year is established by the relationship between this letter and …
  • … the letter from Asa Gray, 13 April 1863 . …
  • … Gray’s letter has not been found; …
  • … however, a portion of the letter is quoted …
  • … in CD’s letter to H.  W.  Bates, 4 March [1863] (see n.  6, below). CD refers to his …
  • … same value as the stamps you put on your letter, which would be of value to him. — I have …
  • … A couple of days ago I had an interesting letter from D r . Cruger of Bot. Gardens of …
  • … Co. (see Sutton 1966 , p.  41). See also letter to Asa Gray, 2 January [1863] . Campanula …
  • … see, for example, Correspondence vol.  9, letter from Asa Gray, 11 October 1861 , and …
  • … Correspondence vol.  10, letters to Asa Gray , 10–20 June [ …
  • … 1862] and 26[–7] November [1862] , and letters from Asa Gray , 18–19 August 1862 and 29  …
  • … Gray evidently discussed Bates 1861  in a letter to CD written on 9 February 1863 that has …
  • … found; CD quoted Gray’s comments in a letter to Henry Walter Bates of 4 March [1863] . …
  • … Science and Arts , of which he was one of the contributing editors (see letter to H.  W. …
  • … Bates, 12 January [1863] , and letter from H.  W.  Bates, 17 January [1863] ). Bates’s …
  • … Circular 26 (1863): 193). C.  Lyell 1863a ; see letter from Asa Gray, 20 April 1863 . …
  • … See letters to Charles Lyell , 6 March [ …
  • … 1863] and 17 March [1863] , and letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [15 March 1863] . See letter from Charles Lyell, 11 March 1863 . …
  • … See also letter from Charles Lyell, 15 March 1863 . A.   …
  • … Gray 1861a . See Correspondence vol.  10, letter from Asa Gray, 29 December 1862 . The …
  • … indispensable’ ( Origin , p.  97). In his letter to Gray of 26[–7] November [1862] ( …
  • … cases of dimorphism as that in Primula . Letter from Hermann Crüger, 23 February 1863 . …
  • … See letter to Hermann Crüger, 25 January [1863] and n.   …
  • … 2. See letter to Hermann Crüger, 25 January [1863] and n.  6. …
  • … was completed by 15 February 1863 (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 15 February [1863] and …
  • … from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [21 February 1863] ). …
  • … seen dried specimens sent by Gray (see Correspondence vol.  9, letter from Asa Gray, …
  • … 9 November 1861 , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 18 [December 1861] ). …
  • … order to experiment on the species (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter to Asa Gray, 15  …
  • … March [1862] , and this volume, letter to Asa Gray, 2 January [1863] ). He recorded his …
  • … for use in crossing experiments (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter from Asa Gray, 9  …
  • … December 1862 , and this volume, letter to Asa Gray, 2 January [1863] ). CD deferred …
  • … did not flower abundantly in 1863 (see letters to Asa Gray , 31 May [1863] and 26 June [ …
  • … ill health since the end of February (see, for example, letter to J.  D. Hooker, 5 March [ …
  • … Darwin had been ill for much of 1862 (see letter from G.  V.  Reed, 12 January 1863  and …

To J. D. Hooker   [20–]22 February [1864]



Does not know Scott’s qualifications to be curator at Kew.

Frankland’s theory of glaciers is absurd.

Has JDH heard claim that plants in Northern and Southern Hemispheres turn in opposite directions?

Are there plant families with no twining and climbing plants?

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  [20–]22 Feb [1864]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 221a–c
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4412

Matches: 35 hits

  • … the northern and southern hemispheres. See letter from Hermann Crüger, 21 January 1864   …
  • … The year is confirmed by the relationship between this letter and …
  • … the letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 16 February 1864 . …
  • … the preceding Saturday was 20 February. See letters from J.  D.  Hooker, 5 February 1864   …
  • … s problems with Hewett Cottrell Watson , see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 5 February  …
  • … 1864  and nn.  14–17. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 5 February 1864  and n.  17. …
  • … Saturday–Monday My dear Hooker I have two letters from you full of interesting news to …
  • … this discussion in ‘Climbing plants’ , see DAR 157.2: 90. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [ …
  • … 8 February 1864] and nn.  7 and 8, and letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 16 February 1864  and …
  • … his curator, John Smith (1798–1888) (see letters from J.  D.  Hooker, 5 February 1864  and …
  • … to send encouragement to Scott regarding Scott 1864a (see letters to J.  D.  Hooker, [10  …
  • … to send a copy of Thury 1863  to CD (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 16 February 1864  and …
  • … n.  12). For additional discussion of Marc Thury and his work, see letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 16 September 1864  and n.  22, and letter to W.  R.  Greg, 21 March [1871 ? ], …
  • … Calendar no.  7609. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 16  …
  • … February 1864  and n.  11. See letter from Hermann Crüger, …
  • … 21 January 1864 , and letter to Daniel Oliver, 17 February [1864] and nn.  6–10. For CD’s …
  • … believe in Falconer’s lakes. — Crügers letter has stirred me up about Orchids, & I skimmed …
  • … has stimulated me. — Since first part of letter was written, I have received seeds of …
  • … 1864] and [25 January 1864] ). In his letter of 5 February 1864 , Hooker had said he would …
  • … paper to be referred to him; however, see letters from J.  D.  Hooker, 9 [March] 1864  and …
  • … of John Scott as an associate of the Linnean Society (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [ …
  • … 9 February 1864] and nn.  2 and 3, and letter from Emma Darwin to J.  D.  Hooker, 15  …
  • … Chronicle , 16 January 1864, pp.  51–2 (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 9 [March] 1864   …
  • … Review ( [J.  Phillips] 1863 ). See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 16 February 1864  and n.   …
  • … see, for example, Correspondence vol.  9, letters to J.  D.  Hooker, 18 March [1861] and …
  • … CD seeds of species of Fumariaceae (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [20 February 1864] and …
  • … as president of the Linnean Society (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 16 February 1864  and …
  • … of CD’s work on climbing plants, see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 16 February 1864 , n.   …
  • … 6. Hooker had inquired about CD’s vomiting in his letter of 5 February 1864 . CD …
  • … ill during the latter half of 1863 (see letter to John Lubbock, [1 January 1864] and n.   …
  • … February he had been feeling ill again (see letter from Emma Darwin to J.  D.  Hooker, 15  …
  • … Hooker’s interest in CD’s work on climbing plants, see his letter of 16 February 1864 . …
  • … For Hooker’s answers to CD’s queries, see his letter of 9 [March] 1864 . …
  • … See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [20 February 1864] and nn.  2 and 3. Loudon 1841 ; there …

To J. D. Hooker   5 April [1864]



Sees difficulty of placing Scott at Kew. Suspects Balfour is prejudiced because Scott is a Darwinian.

CD’s former letter on Clematis [4403] blundered; work now being revised.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  5 Apr [1864]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 227a–c
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4450

Matches: 35 hits

  • … because Scott is a Darwinian. CD’s former letter on Clematis [ 4403 ] blundered; work now …
  • … annotated. See also Correspondence vol.  11, letter from Daniel Oliver, 27 November 1863   …
  • … and nn.  6–8, and 10. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [2 April 1864] and n.   …
  • … the nurseryman James Veitch (1815–69) (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 29 March 1864  and …
  • … How curious all that you tell me about Veitch. What interesting letters you write. — …
  • … The year is established by the relationship between this letter and …
  • … the letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [1 April 1864] . In his letter of [2 April 1864] , Hooker discussed the problems …
  • … on 10 March 1864 ( Scott 1864c ; see letters from John Scott, 12 [February 1864] and nn.   …
  • … both died. You must not trust my former letter about Clematis   I worked on too old a …
  • … 10 and 11, and 19 March 1864 and n.  9). See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [2 April  …
  • … 1864] and nn.  7 and 8. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [2 April 1864] and nn.  10–18. …
  • … at the Royal Institution in January (see letters from J.  D.  Hooker, 16 February 1864 , …
  • … CD omitted a word after ‘infinitely’, but his letters to Hooker of [20–]22 February [1864] …
  • … dissatisfaction with Frankland’s assertions. See letters from Daniel Oliver , [before 31  …
  • … granted some ‘judicious wriggling ’ (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [2 April 1864] and …
  • … see, for example, Correspondence vol.  11, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 15 and 22 May [1863] …
  • … and n.  5). On CD’s disagreement with Lyell’s view, see the letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 23 September [1864] and n.10. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [4 April 1864] . In …
  • … of Edinburgh ( Scott 1863a ); in his letter to CD of [3 June 1863] ( Correspondence vol.   …
  • … to CD’s views was noted by Hooker in his letter of 10 June 1863 ( Correspondence vol.   …
  • … 11), and in this volume, in Scott’s letters to CD of 7 January [1864] and 12 [ …
  • … February 1864]. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 29 March 1864  and n.   …
  • … an optimistic note regarding his health in his letter to Hooker of 26[–7] March [1864] , …
  • … expressed his hope of soon visiting CD at Down (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 29 March …
  • … refers to John Lubbock and his family, (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 9 [March] 1864 , …
  • … on the origin of the glacial epoch, see Correspondence vol.  10, letter to A.  C.  Ramsay, …
  • … 5 September [1862] . Hooker discussed Joseph Prestwich in his letter of 29 March 1864 . …
  • … See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 9 [March] 1864  and n.   …
  • … of Clematis flammula petioles (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [8 February 1864] , and n.   …
  • … cotton thread, the flexure of the petiole was ‘remarkable’. See also letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [8 February 1864] and n.  4, the letter to George Howard Darwin, [after 5 April  …
  • … 1864? ] , and letter from G.  H.  Darwin, [after 6 April 1864? ] . …
  • … the plants he sent to CD on 16 March (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 16 March 1864 ). …
  • … experiments, rather than to William Brooks (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 19 [April 1864] …

To H. E. Litchfield   1 February [1880]



Sends the Litchfields two drafts of a letter in reply to Samuel Butler’s letter to the Athenæum; hopes for their approval.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Henrietta Emma Darwin; Henrietta Emma Litchfield
Date:  1 Feb [1880]
Classmark:  DAR 92: B98–101, B102, B121; DAR 185: 40
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12445

Matches: 40 hits

  • … Sends the Litchfields two drafts of a letter in reply to …
  • … Samuel Butler’s letter to the Athenæum ; hopes for their approval. …
  • … in defence of my negligence. — I wish my letter to appear in next number & I sh d like to …
  • … 1. 1880 1.7 There … believe &c” 1.10] del blue crayon 3.1 All … letter] del blue crayon …
  • … year is established by the reference to Samuel Butler ’s letter to the Athenæum (see n. …
  • … 2, below). For Butler’s letter in the Athenæum of 31 January 1880, see enclosure 1. …
  • … 1 February 1880 was 2 February. CD sent this letter, a copy of the Athenæum , and the …
  • … second or both of his two draft letters to the Athenæum (enclosures 2 and …
  • … 3) with his coachman, John Skinner ( letter from H.  E.  Litchfield, [1 February 1880] , …
  • … of Butler 1879 , see Correspondence vol. 27, letter from Ernst Krause, 7 June 1879 , and …
  • … very strongly to anything please return my letter here that I may post it on Tuesday. The …
  • … of duplicity & falsehoods— All here approve of letter Since the above was written I have …
  • … by advice of Frank & Leonard rewritten my letter & shortened it. I hope that you & L.  may …
  • … of considering the case. — M r Butler’s letter is very artful: he throughout makes it …
  • … it very sufficiently useful to him. First letter disapproved by everybody To the Editor of …
  • … the Athenæum Sir. M r Butler in his letter in your last number seems to think me guilty of …
  • … r Dallas for translation. In my private letter to M r Butler I said that it was so common …
  • … enclosure 2 and n. 10). CD’s first draft letter to the Athenæum (enclosure 2) consisted of …
  • … before the sentence mentioned in this letter (see n. 22, below). The section of the …
  • … at a later date. For the second draft letter to the Athenæum , written on the advice of …
  • … and new ( Butler 1879 ). Samuel Butler’s letter regarding Evolution, old and new ( Butler …
  • … November 1879 ( Correspondence vol. 27, letter from Reginald Darwin, 12 November 1879 ). …
  • … Krause 1879a ) for Erasmus Darwin . Erasmus Darwin , p. iv. See letter from Samuel Butler, …
  • … 2 January 1880 , and letter to Samuel Butler, 3 January 1880 . …
  • … For Butler’s brief reply to CD, see the letter from Samuel Butler, 21 January 1880 . The …
  • … 1879b ; for the attribution, see the letter from R. B. Litchfield, 1 February 1880 ). The …
  • … at a later date; he added the words ‘First letter’ at the top of each subsequent page of …
  • … the enclosure is in Emma Darwin’s hand. See letter to Samuel Butler, 3 January 1880 . The …
  • … CD’s hand next to the pasted extract. See Correspondence vol. 27, letter to Ernst Krause, …
  • … 13 August 1879 , and letter from Ernst Krause, 16 August 1879 . Miss Seward: Anna …
  • … Seward . See Correspondence vol. 27, letter from Ernst Krause, …
  • … 12 March 1879 , and letter from W. S. Dallas, 14 March 1879 . Butler 1879 was published on …
  • … section labelled ‘A’) before reading Butler’s letter in the Athenæum of 31 January 1880, …
  • … already aware of its probable contents (see letter from Samuel Butler, 21 January 1880 ). …
  • … the last paragraph of the body of the letter (see also n. 4, above). ‘a sentence that [ …
  • … at a later date See Correspondence vol. 27, letter to Ernst Krause, 14 May 1879 . Butler’s …
  • … sheet was sent to D r Krause, with a letter in which I said that on further reflection it …
  • … Finally I may state, as I did in my letter to M r Butler, that I obtained D r Krause’s …
  • … me all the more not to read it. (Second letter) ultimately rejected— Evolution Old and …
  • … New Sir, In regard to the letter from M r Butler which appeared in your columns last week …

From John Scott   10 April 1865



Comments on CD’s Lythrum paper [Collected papers 2: 106–31]

and on H. Crüger’s orchid paper [J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.) 8 (1865): 127–35].

May take position at Calcutta Botanic Garden.

Regrets he cannot be elected to Linnean Society.

Pleased Asa Gray has commented on JS’s paper.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  10 Apr 1865
Classmark:  DAR 177: 115
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4810

Matches: 37 hits

  • … obliged & obed Serv | J.  Scott. End of letter : ‘Situation good | I am glad to hear that …
  • … to learn more of Indian species (see letter from John Scott, 21 July 1865  and nn.  15 and …
  • … th . April 1865. Sir, I duly received your letter along with the copies of my papers —for …
  • … The letter to Scott has not been found, …
  • … but was written before CD wrote a letter to Scott on 11 March  …
  • … 1865  that is also missing (see letter from John Scott, 21 July 1865 ). Scott probably …
  • … Scott 1864c (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter from John Scott, 19 March 1864  and n.   …
  • … the latter end of March. I trust my other letters and paper on Verbascums have come duly …
  • … inflata . I am sorry to see by your last letter that your health was still weak. I …
  • … all comforts. I will be glad if I have a letter from you soon, & find that I can possibly …
  • … 1864c to CD for comments (see Correspondence vol.  12, letters from John Scott , 28 March  …
  • … 1864 , 5 May [1864] , and first letter of 10 June [1864] ). CD communicated both papers to …
  • … March 1864 (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter from John Scott, 19 March 1864  and n.   …
  • … and Acropera , see Correspondence vol.  10, letter from John Scott, 11 November  1862 , …
  • … Correspondence vol.  11, letters from John Scott , [after 12] April [1863] and 21 May [ …
  • … 1863] , and Correspondence vol.  12, letter from John Scott, 19 March 1864  and n.  16. CD …
  • … for example, Correspondence vol.  12, letter from John Scott, 19 March 1864  and nn.  12– …
  • … Darjeeling, India, in December 1864 (see letter from John Scott, 20 January 1865  and n.   …
  • … was superintendent of the Calcutta Botanic Garden. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [17  …
  • … February 1865] and n.  14. See letter from John Scott, 20 January 1865 . …
  • … The letters from John Scott of 21 December 1864 and 4 January 1865 have not been found. …
  • … s manuscript on Verbascum , which was sent on 4 January 1865 (see letter from John Scott, …
  • … 20 January 1865 , letter from J.  D. …
  • … Hooker, [10 March 1865] , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 16 [March 1865] ). …
  • … on 11 March 1865, has not been found (see letter from John Scott, 21 July 1865 ). CD had …
  • … of Scott 1864a and Scott 1864c in the letter to which this is a reply, which is missing ( …
  • … see n.  1, above, Correspondence vol.  10, letter to John Scott, 11 December [1862] , and …
  • … Correspondence vol.  11, letters to John Scott , 31 May [1863] and 1  and 3 August [ …
  • … the Linnean Society on 4 February 1864 (see Correspondence vol.  12, letters from J.  D. …
  • … 1864] , and 26[–8] October 1864 , and letter to John Scott, 9 February [1864] and n.  9). …
  • … with an abstract of its contents (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter to Asa Gray, …
  • … 13 September [1864] , and letter from Asa Gray, 3 October 1864 ). Scott began his paper on …
  • … and otherwise, see Correspondence vol.  12, letter to John Scott, 10 June 1864 , n.   …
  • … 1, and this volume, letter from John Scott, 20 January  1865  and nn.  3, 4, …
  • … 6. CD’s annotations appear to be notes for a letter to Scott that has not been found. CD …
  • … 1865 (see Freeman 1977 , p.  117). In a missing letter to Scott (see n.  16, above), CD …
  • … cleistogamic flowers of Leersia oryzoides (see letter from John Scott, 21 July 1865 ). In …

To J. D. Hooker   [22–3 November 1863]



Tendril-bearing plants seem to CD "higher" organised with respect to adaptive sensibility than lower animals.

Wishes to encourage John Scott.

Death of JDH’s daughter makes CD cry over his own dead daughter Annie.

Sedgwick’s scientific merit.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  [22–3 Nov 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 211
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4345

Matches: 35 hits

  • … 12  November 1863  and n.  4). See also letter from E.  A.  Darwin to Emma Darwin, 11  …
  • … fever, but was evidently recovering (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [13 November 1863] and …
  • … The date is established by the relationship between this letter and …
  • … the letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 16 [November 1863] ; in …
  • … on the Sunday and Monday after that date. Letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 16 [November 1863] . …
  • … on 22 November, CD had a ‘v.g.  day’. The letter from Hooker has not been found. William …
  • … brief— I have been delighted by your long letter & have had it read thrice; but in truth …
  • … with her Mesopotamia— The enclosed curious letter (please return it) is worth reading— You …
  • … Sedgwick 1835 , and Correspondence vol.  3, letter to Daniel Sharpe, [1 November 1846] . …
  • … See letter from E.  A.   …
  • … Darwin, 9 November [1863] , letter from E.  A.  Darwin to Emma Darwin, 11 November [ …
  • … of Origin (see, for example, [Owen] 1860a, and letter from Edward Sabine to John Phillips, …
  • … 302. Huxley, Leonard, ed. 1918. Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, OM, GCSI. …
  • … Zeal has stimulated me to send some old letters to Miss Metyard for her life. — Whoever …
  • … that we have nothing to give. — Thwaites letter & enclosure on Cassia not worth Linn. Soc— …
  • … with names of Languages instead of mere letters. — The more I look at Plants the higher …
  • … been just looking again at your former letter. How well I remember your feeling when we …
  • … Gardens, Kew ( R. Desmond 1994 ). In his letter to Hooker of [13 November 1863] , CD had …
  • … several tendril-bearing plants in July (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [31 July 1863] and …
  • … see DAR 157.1: 39v. ). See enclosure to letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 27 [November 1863] . In …
  • … s view of the Civil War, he and Gray had stopped discussing politics in their letters ( …
  • … see letter from J.  D. Hooker, [1 March 1863] ). See also L.  Huxley 1918 , pp.  39–44. …
  • … or satisfaction to the hearer’ ( OED ). This may be a reference to a letter from Patrick …
  • … Matthew ; the letter has not been …
  • … found but see letter from Emma Darwin to Patrick Matthew, 21 November [1863] and n.  3. …
  • … The note has not been found. See letters to J.  D.  Hooker, 16 [November 1863] , 27 [ …
  • … evidently wondered if information in the letter from George Henry Kendrick Thwaites, 8  …
  • … a paper to the Linnean Society . See also letter from G.  H.  K.  Thwaites, 24 September  …
  • … Oliver discussed this research in his letter to CD of 27 November 1863 . CD refers to …
  • … American Academy of Arts and Sciences (see letter to Daniel Oliver, [before 27 November  …
  • … it was not noticed or reviewed there (see letter to John Scott, 1 and 3 August [1863] ). …
  • … Scott 1864a . Letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 1 October 1863 . …
  • … died in 1851 when she was 10 years old. See letter to J.   D.  Hooker, 10 [November  …
  • … 1863] and n.  5. Hooker’s letter has not been found. CD was considered for the Royal …
  • … Council minutes, 5 November 1863). See letter from E.  A.  Darwin to Emma Darwin, 11  …

To Asa Gray   26[–7] November [1862]


Discusses AG’s article ["Dimorphism", Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 34 (1862): 419–20]. Does not like the terms "dioecio-dimorphism" or "precocious fertilisation". Discusses the separation of sexes in plants; cannot doubt that hermaphroditism is the aboriginal state.

Discusses AG’s observations on orchids and his review of Orchids [Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 34 (1862): 138–51].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  26[–7] Nov [1862]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (50)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3830

Matches: 46 hits

  • … by puzzling intermediate forms. ’ See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 26 November 1862 . …
  • … th My dear Gray The very day after my last letter yours of Nov r . 10 th & the Review in …
  • … much interested by the political part of your letter: in some odd way one never feels that …
  • … deserves encouragement. What a fearfully long letter I have written! P.S.  2 d . Would you …
  • … in crossing them. — I have just had long letter from Hooker on part which crossing plays …
  • … year is established by the relationship to the letter from Asa Gray, 10 November 1862 . …
  • … CD refers in his second postscript to having received the letter from J.  D.   …
  • … November 1862 ; since Joseph Dalton Hooker’s letter could not have arrived at Down before …
  • … been added on the latter date. From Gray’s reply (see letter from Asa Gray, 9 December  …
  • … 1862 ), it appears that this letter was sent in the …
  • … same envelope as the letter to Asa Gray, 23 November [ …
  • … 1862] ; however, since the two letters have separate salutations and valedictions, they …
  • … you must consequently endure a long letter. First for Dimorphism: I do not at present like …
  • … Farewell | C.  Darwin P.S. | In my last letter, I mentioned Bates’ paper: he is a man of …
  • … have been treated separately. In his letter of 10 November 1862 , Gray had enclosed proof- …
  • … review of Orchids ( A.  Gray 1862b ). See also letter to Asa Gray, 23 November [1862] . …
  • … CD refers to a postscript to the letter from Asa Gray, 10 November 1862 , that is …
  • … now missing. In his letter of 16 October [1862] , CD had asked Gray about a report that, …
  • … Gray 1838–43, 2: 38–9). See also letters from Asa Gray , [10 July 1860] ( Correspondence …
  • … with Houstonia , Primula , &c. See also letter from Asa Gray, 29 December 1862 , and …
  • … Correspondence vol.  11, letter to Asa Gray, 19 January [1863] . See ‘Three forms of …
  • … papers 2: 106). See n.  10, above. See also letter to Asa Gray, 23[–4] July [1862] . …
  • … See also letter to Daniel Oliver, 12 [April 1862] . CD’s notes of his observations on …
  • … Viola canina , made in May 1862, are in DAR 111: 3–5. See also letter to J.  D. …
  • … Hooker, 30 May [1862] , letter to W.  E.   …
  • … Darwin, [31 May 1862] , and letter to Asa Gray, 10–20 June [1862] . …
  • … Gray wrote on CD’s letter ‘But Viola goes …
  • … on all summer’; see letter from Asa Gray, 29 December 1862 . CD refers …
  • … of Balsaminaceae sent to him by Hooker in October 1862 (see letter to Daniel Oliver, …
  • … 13 October [1862] , letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 14 [October 1862] , and letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [18 October 1862] ). See letter to Asa Gray, 10–20 June [1862] and n.  24. CD had …
  • … decided that the species was not heterostyled (see letters to Daniel Oliver , 20 [April  …
  • … 1862] and 24 April [1862] , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 30 May [1862] ). There are notes …
  • … spring of 1863, in DAR 109 (ser.  2): 6. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 7 November 1862 , …
  • … from him that it had cleistogamic flowers (see letters from Asa Gray , 11 October 1861 ( …
  • … 19 August 1862, and 5 September 1862, and letters to Asa Gray , 10–20 June [1862] , 23[–4] …
  • … of structure and functions. See also letter to Daniel Oliver, 15 April [1862] and n.  3. [ …
  • … in A.  Gray 1863a , pp.  293–4. See also letters from Asa Gray , 18–19 August 1862  and …
  • … out this experiment on Cattleya , in the letter to John Scott, 3 December [1862] . In …
  • … in Orchids 2d ed. , pp.  288–93. See letter to Asa Gray, [3–]4 September [1862] and n.  9. …
  • … A.  Gray 1862b , pp.  427–8. See also letter from J.  D. …
  • … Hooker, 2 November 1862 , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 4 November [1862] . Gray concluded …
  • … a new era in the science. Bates 1862a . See letter to Asa Gray, 23 November [1862] . Gray …
  • … 1862a in the journal in September 1863 ( A.  Gray 1863b ). See also letter from H.  W. …
  • … Bates, 24 November 1862 , and letter to H.  W.  Bates, 25 November [1862] . CD was …

To Charles Lyell   15 February [1866]


Thanks CL for Hooker’s letter.

Discussion of Hooker’s views on glacial action and temperature with specific reference to S. America.

His squabbles with Hooker on transport of seeds via water currents,

temperate plants, and preservation of tropical plants during cooler period.

Expresses interest in seeing Agassiz’s letter.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  15 Feb [1866]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.313)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5007

Matches: 30 hits

  • … Thanks CL for Hooker’s letter. Discussion of Hooker’s views on glacial action and …
  • … of tropical plants during cooler period. Expresses interest in seeing Agassiz’s letter. …
  • … I have written a long letter; but a squabble with or about Hooker always does me a world …
  • … with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ML : More letters of Charles Darwin: a record of his …
  • … The year is established by the relationship between this letter and …
  • … the letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 21 February 1866 ; Lyell apparently sent this letter or a copy of it to Joseph …
  • … Dalton Hooker . The letter from Lyell, and …
  • … its enclosure, evidently a letter from Hooker to Lyell, have not been found. On Louis …
  • … the valley of the Amazon in Brazil was of glacial origin, see the letter from C.  F.  J.   …
  • … R.  Desmond 1999 , pp.  254–60. No such letter has been found. The ability to ‘wriggle’ …
  • … CD and Hooker (see Correspondence vol.  13, letter to J.  D. Hooker, 19 January [1865] and …
  • … CD’s ‘sledge-hammer hypothesis’ (see also letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 21 February 1866 ). …
  • … Down Thursday | Feb 15 th My dear Lyell Many thanks for Hooker’s letter. It is …
  • … a real pleasure to me to read his letters, they are alway written with such spirit. I …
  • … in a series of hitherto unpublished letters. Edited by Francis Darwin and Albert Charles …
  • … after the other. I shall very much like to see Agassiz’ letter whenever you receive one. …
  • … 3 February 1866 and nn.   7 and 8, and the letter to Charles Lyell, 7 February [1866] . …
  • … temperature, see Correspondence vol.  12, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [20–]22 February [ …
  • … 1864] and nn.  10 and 11. See also letter to Charles Lyell, 7 February [1866] and n.  12. …
  • … 1865 ). CD and Hooker had exchanged letters on elevation and subsidence, for example in …
  • … of Globe!! ’ ( Correspondence vol.  10, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 2 November 1862 ). CD …
  • … George Gardner and Gardner 1846b (see also letter to Charles Lyell, 7 February [1866] and …
  • … distribution of plants (see, for example, Correspondence vol.  5, letter to J.  D.   …
  • … April [1855] , and Correspondence vol.  11, letters from J.  D.  Hooker, [7 May 1863] and …
  • … Daniel Oliver (see Correspondence vol.  13, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 19 January [ 1865] …
  • … such a period (see Correspondence vol.  6, letter from J.  D. Hooker, 9 November 1856 ). …
  • … Peckham ed.  1959, p.  595). For earlier letters from CD to Hooker concerning the possible …
  • … see, for example, Correspondence vol.  13, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 19 January [1865] …
  • … and Correspondence vol.  13, Supplement, letter to J.  D. Hooker, [14 November 1858] . For …

To J. D. Hooker   16 May [1866]



Glad to see Asa Gray’s letter.

Asks whether he may insert a sentence about Cape Verde alpine plants in new edition [4th] of Origin.

Fears "twaddle" may also be the word for his two chapters on cultivated plants. Asks for Crawfurd’s paper.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  16 May [1866]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 289, 289b
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5091

Matches: 26 hits

  • … Glad to see Asa Gray’s letter. Asks whether he may insert a sentence about Cape Verde …
  • … nn.  2 and 3, and letter to Friedrich Hildebrand, 16 May [1866] and n.  10. Hooker and his …
  • … The year is established by the relationship between this letter and …
  • … the letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 13 May 1866 . Hooker had enclosed a letter from Asa Gray . …
  • … See letter from J.  D. Hooker, 13 May 1866  and n.   …
  • … 1. For Hooker’s notes on the content of his letter to Gray, …
  • … see the letter from J.  D. …
  • … Hooker, [17 May 1866] . See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 13 May 1866  and n.  13. The …
  • … I have been very glad to see Asa Gray’s letter; but how I sh d have liked to have seen …
  • … Peak on Fernando Po, now known as Bioko Island, in his letter to Charles Lyell, 7  …
  • … February [1866] , and his letter to J.  D. Hooker, [28 February 1866] . CD cited …
  • … at the home of Charles Wentworth Dilke (see letter from C.  W.  Dilke, 24 April 1866) . CD …
  • … Royal Society of London on 28 April (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 13 May 1866  and n.   …
  • … CD refers to Edward Burnett Tylor . See letter from J.  D.   Hooker, 13 May 1866  and n.   …
  • … 5. Crawfurd 1866 . See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 13  …
  • … May 1866  and n.  7. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 13 May 1866 . CD refers to chapters …
  • … April [1866] ; see also Correspondence vol.  13, letters to T.  H.  Huxley, 27 May [1865] …
  • … 12 July [1865] . Hildebrand 1866d . See letter to Friedrich Hildebrand, 16 May [1866] and …
  • … nn.  3–5. See letter to George Henslow, 16 April [1866] . Hildebrand had published a paper …
  • … CD refers to Hildebrand 1866c . See letter from Friedrich Hildebrand, 11  May 1866  and …
  • … in the distribution of plants. In his letter of 13 May 1866 , Hooker had suggested that he …
  • … to inform Caspary that he could visit CD at Down House (see letter from Robert Caspary, …
  • … 7 May 1866 , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [12 May 1866] ). CD …
  • … Alphonse de Candolle had also been invited (see letter from J.  E. Gray, 9 April 1866 ). …
  • … 2: 372–3, 398–402). For a further discussion of pangenesis, see the letter to J.  D.   …

From J. D. Hooker   10 June 1863



JDH lays hard treatment of John Scott to J. H. Balfour’s anti-Darwinism.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  10 June 1863
Classmark:  DAR 101: 149–50
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4210

Matches: 31 hits

  • … Press , 1 April  1863, pp.  1–2, and 2 April 1863, pp.  2–3 (see letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 19 June 1863 , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 23 [June 1863] ). Haliburton 1863 . …
  • … its wheel. Ev yr aff | J D Hooker End of letter : ‘John Scott— Humble. | Herbert Spencer | …
  • … Biologie of orchids. | Bentham | Haast letter—& Account— | Visit here. — | Sneezing …
  • … of the six home counties 1862). CD sent the enclosure to the letter from John Scott, 21  …
  • … May [1863] , with his letter to Hooker of 8 [June 1863] . Hooker refers to John Hutton …
  • … William McNab ( R.  Desmond 1994 ). See letter to J.  D. Hooker, 8 [June 1863] . Sigismund …
  • … Clarke’s at Bagshot park. Thanks for Scotts letter, he really must be a very superior man. …
  • … annotations relate to subjects discussed by CD in his letter to Hooker of 23 [June 1863] . …
  • … See also letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 19 June 1863 . …
  • … Bentham 1863 . The reference is to the letter from Julius von Haast, 5 March 1863 , and …
  • … circulation of its Journals whatever. A Grays letter would be diverting were it not sad. — …
  • … correspondence is a mystery to me— he & I would quarell over the 2 d letter we exchanged. …
  • … What a capital letter Evan’s is in Athenæum. Phyllotaxis is to me a most puzzling subject. …
  • … 1862b, 1862c, 1862d, and 1863a). In his letter to Hooker of 8 [June 1863] , CD mentioned …
  • … of Scott’s papers to the Linnean Society . CD had enclosed the letter from Asa Gray, 26  …
  • … May 1863 , with his letter to Hooker of 8 [June 1863] . Hooker and Asa Gray held radically …
  • … War, and had for some time tacitly agreed not to discuss the matter in their letters ( …
  • … see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [1 March 1863] and …
  • … n.  7). Hooker refers to John Evans’s letter in the Athenæum , 6 June 1863, pp.  747–8, in …
  • … and Van Riper 1993 , pp.  134–9. See also letter from S.  P.  Woodward, 5 June 1863 , n.   …
  • … with regard to natural selection in Falconer 1863a , p.  80 (see letter to J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 13 January [1863] , letter to Daniel Oliver, …
  • … 20 [February 1863] , and letter from Daniel Oliver, 17 February 1863 ). He carried out …
  • … on the subject in May 1863, requesting references from Hooker (see letters to J.  D.   …
  • … 9 May 1863] and 29 May [1863] , and letters from J.  D.  Hooker, [13 May 1863] and [24  …
  • … by Gray’s remarks on the subject in his letter to CD of 26 May 1863 (see n.  6, above). …
  • … CD subscribed (see Correspondence vol.  8, letter to Herbert Spencer, 2 February [1860] ); …
  • … by Gustav Mann (see, for example, letters from J.  D.  Hooker, [15 March 1863] , [7 May  …
  • … in tropical areas (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 9 May [1862] and …
  • … on the history of plant migrations (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [24 May 1863] ). …

From John Scott   8 June 1864



Discusses cost of trip to India and CD’s offer to advance sum. Thanks Hooker for assistance. Would prize a scientific testimonial from CD.

Author:  John Scott
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  8 June 1864
Classmark:  DAR 177: 108
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4524

Matches: 27 hits

  • … your’ interl pencil 5.1 in D r Hookers letter] del pencil 6.1 You … pen.  6.2] crossed …
  • … CD’s letter to Scott has not been found. Scott …
  • … had forwarded testimonials from John Hutton Balfour and James McNab with his letter of 28  …
  • … May [1864] (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [4 June 1864] and n.  2). …
  • … Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh (see Correspondence vol.  11, letter from John Scott, 22  …
  • … May 1863 , and this volume, letter from John Scott, 28 March 1864 ); he was particularly …
  • … with the testimonial he received from McNab (see letter from John Scott, 28 May [1864] ). …
  • … Hooker, 10 June [1864] . See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [4 June 1864] and n.   …
  • … 19. CD’s offer was evidently made in the missing letter of 4 June 1864 (see n.  7, …
  • … above). For CD’s testimonial, see the letter to John Scott, 10 June 1864 . …
  • … CD annotated Scott’s letter in order to extract a …
  • … portion for inclusion in the letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 10 June [1864] . …
  • … See also letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 22 [May 1864] . …
  • … in India in May 1863 (see Correspondence vol.  11, letters from John Scott , 22 May  …
  • … 1863  and 26 May [1863] , and letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [23–7 May 1863] ). The reference …
  • … Edinburgh directory 1863–4, R.  Desmond 1994 ). The letter to Scott has not been found. …
  • … Scott refers to Joseph Dalton Hooker (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [4 June 1864] ). …
  • … found; however, see CD’s annotations to the letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [4 June 1864] . …
  • … Hooker had been assisting Scott to obtain a post in India (see letters from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 19 May 1864  and [4 June 1864] ). See letter to J.  D.   …
  • … which you have enclosed from D r . Hookers letter is indeed most highly gratifying    I …
  • … so. In reference to P.S.  in D r Hookers letter I shall be glad indeed to go via the Cape …
  • … See also enclosure to letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, 6 April 1864 . Letter from John Scott, 28 May [1864] . After Scott left his …
  • … had offered financial assistance, which Scott initially refused (see letter to John Scott, …
  • … 9 April 1864 , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 25 April [1864] ). When …
  • … CD offered to pay the expenses of the journey (see letter to John Scott, 21 May [1864] ). …

To Asa Gray   2 January [1863]


Thanks AG for Cypripedium and Mitchella.

Plans to investigate pollination of Cypripedium.

Has finished Linum paper [Collected papers 2: 93–105].

Would welcome facts on "bud-variations".

Hears that Cinchona is dimorphic.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  2 Jan [1863]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (56)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3897

Matches: 40 hits

  • … s neighbour, George Henry Turnbull (see letter to G.  H.  Turnbull, [16? February 1863] , …
  • … extra unwell of late & overburdened with letters, but I cannot rest without thanking you …
  • … The year is established by the relationship of this letter to …
  • … the letters from Asa Gray , 24 November 1862  and 9 December 1862 ( Correspondence vol.   …
  • … feeling unwell in late December 1862 (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter from J.  D.   …
  • … Hooker, [21 December 1862] , and letter to W.  B.   …
  • … Tegetmeier, 27 [December 1862] ). In a letter to William Erasmus Darwin of [13 December  …
  • … E. P. Dutton. LL : The life and letters of Charles Darwin, including an autobiographical …
  • … uncomf—’. See Correspondence vol.  10, letters from Asa Gray , 24 November 1862  and 9  …
  • … of the transatlantic steamer Africa (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter from Asa Gray, …
  • … 9 December 1862 , and letter to James Anderson, 23 December [1862] ). …
  • … In his letter of 11 October 1861 ( Correspondence vol.  9), Gray suggested that Mitchella …
  • … sent CD specimens of the plant with his letter of 15 July [1862] ( Correspondence vol.   …
  • … year (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter to Asa Gray, 6 November [1862] ). Cooper …
  • … had suggested in Orchids , pp.  274–5. See Correspondence vol.  10, letter from Asa Gray, …
  • … 17 November 1862 , letter to Asa Gray, 26[–7] November [1862] , and CD’s experimental note …
  • … 1863] in DAR 70: 112–13. See also letter to Asa Gray, 20 April [1863] , ‘Fertilization of …
  • … was the same species as L.  perenne (see letter from Asa Gray, 27 January 1863 ). See also …
  • … to conduct experiments on the species on CD’s behalf (see letter from John Scott, [ …
  • … 3 June 1863] , and letter to John Scott, 6 June [1863] ). See also Forms of flowers , p.   …
  • … with the plant since March 1862 (see Correspondence vol.  9, letter from Asa Gray, …
  • … 9 November 1861 , and letter to J.  D.   …
  • … 1861] , and Correspondence vol.  10, letter to Asa Gray, 15 March [1862] ). His results …
  • … member of the Rubiaceae (see Correspondence vol.  10, letters to G.  H.  K.  Thwaites, 15  …
  • … 1862] ). See also Correspondence vol.  9, letter from Asa Gray, [27 and 29 August] and 2  …
  • … see Correspondence vol.  11, Appendix IV). Letter from J.  D.  Dana, 4 December 1862 ( …
  • … from which he never fully recovered (see Correspondence vol.  7, letter to Charles Lyell, …
  • … 29 [December 1859] , and letter to J.  D.  Dana, 30 December [1859] ). CD refers to his …
  • … Leonard’s collection (see, for example, Correspondence vol.  10, letter to Asa Gray, 10– …
  • … 20 June [1862] , and letter from Asa Gray, 2–3 July 1862 ). …
  • … Gray’s letter of 24 November 1862 ( Correspondence vol.  10) had been sent using a ‘ …
  • … cultivated (see Correspondence vol.  10, letters to Asa Gray , 23 November [1862] and 26[– …
  • … s queries in the missing section of his letter of 29 December 1862 ( Correspondence vol.   …
  • … in Variation 1: 351 n.  100. See also letter to Journal of Horticulture , [before 25  …
  • … see, for instance, Correspondence vol.  9, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 23 October [1861] …
  • … and n.  4, and Correspondence vol.  10, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 20 August 1862 ). He …
  • … 1862d ). See Correspondence vol.  10, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [21 December 1862] . On  …
  • … Francis Boott (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter from Asa Gray, 24 November 1862 ). …
  • … However, in his letter of 26 December 1862 ( ibid. ), Boott asked that CD stop sending …
  • … at Down House (see Correspondence vol.  10, letter to J.  D. Hooker, 24 December [1862] ). …
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Darwin in letters, 1871: An emptying nest


The year 1871 was an extremely busy and productive one for Darwin, with the publication in February of his long-awaited book on human evolution, Descent of man. The other main preoccupation of the year was the preparation of his manuscript on expression.…

Matches: 28 hits

  • … do to talk about it, which no doubt promotes the sale’ ( letter from J. D. Hooker, 26 March 1871 ) …
  • … to her liking, ‘to keep in memory of the book’ ( letter to H. E. Darwin, 20 March 1871 ). …
  • … and had forsaken his lunch and dinner in order to read it ( letter from James Crichton-Browne, 19 …
  • … they believe to be the truth, whether pleasant or not’ (letter from W. W. Reade, 21 February 1871). …
  • … and Oldham … They club together to buy them’ ( letter from W. B. Dawkins, 23 February 1871 ). …
  • … one’s n th . ancestor lived between tide-marks!’ ( letter from T. H. Huxley, 20 February 1871 ). …
  • … habits, furnished with a tail and pointed ears”  (letter from Asa Gray, 14 April 1871) …
  • … ‘will-power’ and the heavy use of their arms and legs ( letter from C. L. Bernays, 25 February 1871 …
  • … in order to make it darker than the hair on his head ( letter from W. B. Tegetmeier, [before 25 …
  • … together with an image of an orang-utan foetus ( letter from Hinrich Nitsche, 18 April 1871 ). …
  • … of himself, adding that it made a ‘very poor return’ ( letter to Hinrich Nitsche, 25 April [1871] …
  • … each night, returning to its allotted space each morning ( letter from Arthur Nicols, 7 March 1871 …
  • … without having a high aesthetic appreciation of beauty ( letter from E. J. Pfeiffer, [before 26 …
  • … endowment of spiritual life’ at some time in the past ( letter from Roland Trimen, 17 and 18 April …
  • … to the white’. Darwin thanked Innes for his ‘pleasant letter’, but asserted his antipathy to human …
  • … myself a good way ahead of you, as far as this goes’ ( letter to J. B. Innes, 29 May [1871] ). …
  • … ‘whereas the baboon is as the Creator made it’ ( letter from George Morrish, 18 March 1871 ). …
  • … could also redeem the wayward author of  Descent  ( letter from a child of God, [after 24 …
  • …  with the most deep and tender religious feeling’ ( letter from F. E. Abbot, 20 August 1871 ). The …
  • … charges of atheism amongst his ‘clerical brethren’ ( letter from George Henslow, 5 December 1871 ) …
  • … from one and the same  catarrhine monkey !’ ( letter from Ernst Haeckel, 21 December 1871 ). …
  • … review as ‘a windbag full of metaphysics & classics’ ( letter to John Murray, 13 April [1871] …
  • … law &c’, and transmitted by culture, not biology ( letter from John Morley, 30 March 1871 ). …
  • … dog when it was confronted by the presence of its master. ( Letter from Hensleigh Wedgwood, [3–9 …
  • … sense was especially troubling to Emma, as indicated in a letter that she wrote to Cobbe on 25 …
  • … was emotionally and morally bound. In one particularly long letter to Wedgwood, Darwin alluded to …
  • … ‘Every point of agreement is a satisfaction to me’ ( letter to Hensleigh Wedgwood, 9 March 1871 ). …
  • …  and found only the ‘most guarded expressions’ ( letter to St G. J. Mivart, 23 January [1871] ). …