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Darwin Correspondence Project
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Tegetmeier, William Bernhard. 1854. Profitable poultry; their management in health and disease. 2d ed. London: Darton and Co.

Matches: 1 hit

  • … Profitable poultry; their management in health and disease. 2d ed. London: Darton and Co. …

Walsh, John Henry (‘Stonehenge’). 1859. The dog in health and disease. London: Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts.

Matches: 1 hit

  • … John Henry (‘Stonehenge’). 1859. The dog in health and disease. London: Longman, Green, …

Winslow, Forbes. 1842. On the preservation of the health of body and mind. London: Renshaw.

Matches: 1 hit

  • … Forbes. 1842. On the preservation of the health of body and mind. London: Renshaw. …

Wood, Neville. 1912. Health resorts of the British Islands. London: Hodder & Stoughton for University of London Press.

Matches: 1 hit

  • … Wood, Neville. 1912. Health resorts of the British Islands. London: Hodder & Stoughton for …

Littlejohn, H. D. (1826–1914)

Matches: 2 hits

  • … of police for Edinburgh, from 1854. Medical officer of health, Edinburgh, from 1862. …
  • … Professor of forensic medicine and public health, Edinburgh University, from 1897. …

To J. D. Hooker   20 [February 1861]



Asa Gray’s pamphlet.

Ill health.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  20 [Feb 1861]
Classmark:  DAR 115.2: 88
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3065

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Asa Gray’s pamphlet. Ill health. …
  • … 1 2 weeks since a vomiting attack. — My health has lately been very bad, & I am become so …

From J. B. Innes   17 December [1863]



Suggests a new school for CD’s son [Horace].

Author:  John Brodie Innes
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  17 Dec [1863]
Classmark:  DAR 167: 13
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4357

Matches: 7 hits

  • … University Press. 1985–. Cresy, Edward. 1850. Public Health Act, 11 & 12 Vict. , cap. …
  • … 63. Report to the General Board of Health on a preliminary inquiry into the sewerage, …
  • … town of Worthing. London: General Board of Health. Crockford’s clerical directory : The …
  • … University Press. Wood, Neville. 1912. Health resorts of the British Islands. London: …
  • … 3. The reference is to Horace Darwin , whose ill health had led to the interruption of his …
  • … Cresy’s report to the General Board of Health on the sanitary condition of Worthing ( …
  • … superintending inspector to the General Board of Health in 1848 (see Correspondence vol.   …

To Emma Darwin   [17 April 1851]



Reports the state of Anne Darwin’s health.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Date:  [17 Apr 1851]
Classmark:  DAR 210.13: 8
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1399

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Reports the state of Anne Darwin’s health. …
  • … concerning Anne’s illness. ‘Poor Emma is very low, but her health is not injured. She …
  • … that this anxiety may injure Charles’s health, which is always affected by his mind, that …

From Max Steffen   12 February 1882



Seven German students drink to CD’s health on his 75th [sic] birthday.

Author:  Maximilian Alexander (Max) Steffen
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  12 Feb 1882
Classmark:  DAR 177: 253
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13678

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Seven German students drink to CD’s health on his 75th [sic] birthday. …
  • … day seven German students drink on your health in the old Teutonic manner. Albrecht von …

To the President and Council of the Geological Society of London   24 March 1840


Regrets that state of his health forces him to resign as one of the Secretaries of the Society.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Geological Society of London
Date:  24 Mar 1840
Classmark:  Geological Society of London (GSL/L/R/5/8 )
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-561

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Regrets that state of his health forces him to resign as one of the Secretaries of the …
  • … be happy to attend in it, as often as my health permits I have the honour to remain | …
  • … I feel myself compelled, from the state of my health to resign the office of one of your …

To G. M. Humphry   14 March 1873


Sorry that his health prevents him attending a meeting to honour Adam Sedgwick.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  George Murray Humphry
Date:  14 Mar 1873
Classmark:  Sotheby’s (dealers) (13 December 2016)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8810F

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Sorry that his health prevents him attending a meeting to honour Adam Sedgwick. …
  • … I am sorry to say that the state of my health prevents me from attending the meeting to …

To Emma Darwin   [25 May 1848]



Anxiety about R. W. Darwin’s health.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Date:  [25 May 1848]
Classmark:  DAR 210.8: 30
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1179

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Anxiety about R. W. Darwin’s health. …
  • … She declares it has nothing to do with her health! did you ever hear anything so odd. — My …

To W. D. Fox   23 May [1863]


Health has been poor but eczema is improved.

A "squib" about Owen and Huxley on the brain has appeared in Public Opinion [3 (1863): 497–8].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Darwin Fox
Date:  23 May [1863]
Classmark:  Christ’s College Library, Cambridge (MS 53 Fox 139)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4181

Matches: 3 hits

  • … see Correspondence vol.  10), and CD’s health had been poor since the end of February  …
  • Health has been poor but eczema is improved. A "squib" about Owen and Huxley on the brain …
  • … eczema; during eczema attacks, CD’s general health improved (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, …

To James Dwight Dana    15 June [1851]


Thanks for note of 13 May and tracings of the "curious Bopyrid".

Is astonished at amount of work JDD does and frightened it will cause ill-health, such as CD has experienced.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  James Dwight Dana
Date:  15 June [1851]
Classmark:  Gilman 1899, p. 310
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2107

Matches: 3 hits

  • … know to my cost what ill-health is,—may you never have my experience. …
  • … of work JDD does and frightened it will cause ill-health, such as CD has experienced. …
  • … work; reflect sometimes how much you will do if you can keep ten years of good health. I …

To Robert Monsey Rolfe?   15 August [1860]


Declines his Lordship’s invitation to dinner for reasons of health.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Robert Monsey Rolfe, 1st Baron Cranworth of Cranworth
Date:  15 Aug [1860]
Classmark:  Paul C. Richards Autographs (dealer) (7 November 1992)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2897A

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Declines his Lordship’s invitation to dinner for reasons of health. …
  • … Saturday, but I am sorry to say that my health still prevents me going out to a distance …

To ?   11 June [1861–8]


CD regrets he has to turn down an invitation because of his ill health.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Unidentified
Date:  11 June [1861-8]
Classmark:  Christie’s, London (dealers) (online 31 October – 8 November 2018, lot 6)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3179F

Matches: 2 hits

  • … CD regrets he has to turn down an invitation because of his ill health. …
  • … sorry to say that the state of my health renders it impossible for me to accept. — My dear …

To W. D. Fox   24 [October 1852]


News of his health; has been well of late, but cannot stand excitement. Hereditary weakness is another of his bugbears.

At work on cirripedes – "I hate a Barnacle as no man ever did before."

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Darwin Fox
Date:  24 [Oct 1852]
Classmark:  Christ’s College Library, Cambridge (MS 53 Fox 81)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1489

Matches: 6 hits

  • … News of his health; has been well of late, but cannot stand excitement. Hereditary …
  • … Hall, the Fox family home near Derby. CD’s Health diary (Down House MS) indicates that he …
  • … London [£]4 17[ s . ]’ CD’s entry in his Health diary (Down House MS) indicates that the …
  • … except M rs . Parker, who is much out of health; & so is Erasmus at his poor average: he …
  • … not think last Treatment did me much good. —’ The Health diary shows that CD was unusually …
  • … well during October 1852: this good health continued to the end of the year. See CD’s …

To J. B. Innes   26 January [1871]


CD’s health has been poor.

Appreciates JBI’s letter and his expression of friendship.

In the opinion of a Q.C., Horsman has no case.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Brodie Innes
Date:  26 Jan [1871]
Classmark:  Cleveland Health Sciences Library (Robert M. Stecher collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7455

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Cleveland Health Sciences Library (Robert M. Stecher collection) Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … CD’s health has been poor. Appreciates JBI’s letter and his expression of friendship. In …

To J. D. Hooker   26 November [1874]



Quite agrees with JDH on inadvisability of Huxley’s taking on the Edinburgh lectures.

Is awaiting JDH’s memorial to the Board [of Works?] on his burdensome duties.

Glad to hear JDH finds ease in his work.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  26 Nov [1874]
Classmark:  DAR 95: 345–6
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9734

Matches: 5 hits

  • … when he suffered a serious breakdown in health in early 1872 owing to overwork (L.  Huxley …
  • … Smith , president of the American Public Health Association, on sanitary studies in …
  • … the effects of recent epidemics (‘The Health congress: meeting of the American Association …
  • … address of the president–papers on infant mortality–hereditary defects upon the health of …
  • … the people–health of tenement populations, &c. ’, New York Times , 11 November 1874, pp.   …

To Grant Allen   17 February 1881


Thanks for Evolutionist at large [1881]. Envies GA’s power of writing. Some statements are too bold, but several of the views are new to CD and seem "extremely probable".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Grant Blairfindie (Grant) Allen
Date:  17 Feb 1881
Classmark:  Cleveland Health Sciences Library (Robert M. Stecher collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13055

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Cleveland Health Sciences Library (Robert M. Stecher collection) Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … you can spare time a very few lines, saying how your health is; for I was grieved to hear …
  • … last winter a very poor account of your health. — My dear Sir | yours sincerely | Ch. …
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health in keywords
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Darwin's health


On 28 March 1849, ten years before Origin was published, Darwin wrote to his good friend Joseph Hooker from Great Malvern in Worcestershire, where Dr James Manby Gully ran a fashionable water-cure establishment. Darwin apologised for his delayed reply to…

Matches: 6 hits

  • … letter which he put down to his exceptionally poor health: Indeed all this winter, I …
  • … up to its name. Darwin experienced chronic episodes of ill health, which increased in severity in …
  • … treatment. In April 1864, Darwin attributed his improved health to Dr Jenner’s advice: ‘ drinking …
  • … very least, it seems clear that Darwin’s periods of ill health were quite useful. Citing a troubled …
  • … letter to Robert FitzRoy, [20 February 1840] . Darwin’s health diary (Down House MS), which he …
  • … Darwin had sometimes noted the acidity of his vomit in his health diary (Down House MS; see Colp …

Darwin in letters, 1864: Failing health


On receiving a photograph from Charles Darwin, the American botanist Asa Gray wrote on 11 July 1864: ‘the venerable beard gives the look of your having suffered, and … of having grown older’.  Because of poor health, Because of poor health, Darwin…

Matches: 8 hits

  • … had plagued him since the spring of 1863. Because of poor health, Darwin corresponded little during …
  • … and having scientific papers read to him. In March, his health improved enough for him to make some …
  • … he could work (presumably at writing) for two hours. As his health grew worse during the last two …
  • … flower-peduncle, petiole, leaf, and aerial roots. When his health deteriorated in 1863, he found …
  • … forms of the trimorphic  Lythrum , and when his health permitted in 1864 he drew up the results …
  • … Sabine, 4 December [1864] ). Struggling with ill-health Darwin received news of …
  • … form of letters during 1864; because of his fragile state of health, he saw few people outside the …
  • … scientific colleagues, and he continued writing even as his health worsened again in November and …

Darwin's notes for his physician, 1865


On 20 May 1865, Emma Darwin recorded in her diary that John Chapman, a prominent London publisher who had studied medicine in London and Paris in the early 1840s, visited Down to consult with Darwin about his ill health. In 1863 Chapman started to treat…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … 1840s, visited Down to consult with Darwin about his ill health. In 1863 Chapman started to treat …
  • … Jenner. In November and December of 1864, however, his health grew worse.  In his ‘Journal’, Darwin …
  • … for references to the extensive literature on CD’s health, see Colp 1977 and 1998, and Bowlby 1990. …

Darwin's illness


Was Darwin an invalid? In many photographs he looks wearied by age, wrapped in a great coat to protect him from cold. In a letter to his cousin William Fox, he wrote: "Long and continued ill health has much changed me, & I very often think with…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … his cousin William Fox, he wrote: " Long and continued ill health has much changed me, & I …
  • … and he stopped after a month. Darwin's health has been of great interest to …
  • … hypo-adrenalism (the list goes on). Surprisingly, Darwin's health improved in later life. Emma …

Climbing plants


Darwin’s book Climbing plants was published in 1865, but its gestation began much earlier. The start of Darwin’s work on the topic lay in his need, owing to severe bouts of illness in himself and his family, for diversions away from his much harder book on…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … the winter, his writing continually interrupted by his poor health. He did not lose his sense of …
  • … Dalton Hooker in January 1863, ‘ I have been trying for health sake to be idle with no success. …

Darwin soundbites


From atheistical cats to old fogies in Cambridge, we've collected some of Darwin's pithier remarks - some funny, some serious - but all quotes from letters you can read in full here. We particularly like this one: Will you be so kind as…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Where's it from?   On sickness, health, and bananas …you began your …

Dining at Down House


Sources|Discussion Questions|Experiment Dining, Digestion, and Darwin's Domestic Life While Darwin is best remembered for his scientific accomplishments, he greatly valued and was strongly influenced by his domestic life. Darwin's…

Matches: 7 hits

  • … One of Darwin's defining characteristics was his poor health. The letters provide insight into …
  • … to Caroline Darwin, 13 October 1834 Darwin’s ill health began on his Beagle voyage. In …
  • … to their marriage, Emma expresses her concern for Darwin’s health, her sympathy for the frustration …
  • … spiritualism. Darwin expresses his regrets that his own ill health prevents him from visiting the …
  • … his own aches and pains, Lenny reports on their father’s health, noting that Darwin’s frustration …
  • … of Darwin's personal life? 2. How did Darwin's health affect his scientific …
  • … married. In it Emma expressed her concern for Darwin’s health, her sympathy for the frustration he …

Insectivorous plants


Darwin’s work on insectivorous plants began by accident. While on holiday in the summer of 1860, staying with his wife’s relatives in Hartfield, Sussex, he went for long walks on the heathland and became curious about the large number of insects caught by…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … I sometimes think Drosera is a disguised animal! ’ His health interfered however, and his research …
  • … it, had to be postponed . He announced to Hooker: ‘ My health has lately been very bad … It will …

Darwin in letters, 1847-1850: Microscopes and barnacles


Darwin's study of barnacles, begun in 1844, took him eight years to complete. The correspondence reveals how his interest in a species found during the Beagle voyage developed into an investigation of the comparative anatomy of other cirripedes and…

Matches: 4 hits

  • … friends and relatives, Darwin felt sufficiently restored in health to work for two or three hours a …
  • … keeping up the battle, he gave up only from fatigue and ill health ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 9 …
  • … that it was a success, and there is no doubt that his health improved, at least temporarily. This is …
  • … a methodical mind keen to establish order: he chronicled his health, his daily and household …

Darwin in letters, 1837–1843: The London years to 'natural selection'


The seven-year period following Darwin's return to England from the Beagle voyage was one of extraordinary activity and productivity in which he became recognised as a naturalist of outstanding ability, as an author and editor, and as a professional…

Matches: 3 hits

  • … theism and Brooke 1985 for a review of the question.) Health Active and productive as …
  • … field trip One major consequence of Darwin’s poor health during these years was that it put …
  • … From his South American days he knew how important good health was for the expeditions that original …

Dramatisation script


Re: Design – Adaptation of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Asa Gray and others… by Craig Baxter – as performed 25 March 2007

Matches: 7 hits

  • … and here, attended by every blessing except that of vigorous health… DARWIN:  4   My …
  • … In truth there is nothing which I should enjoy more; but my health is not, and will, I suppose, …
  • … able to suppress his anger. He is in his 70s and in poor health. SEDGWICK:   69   …
  • … They are enjoying the furore. Darwin is more earnest, his health – mental and physical – is …
  • … In which Drwin struggles more than usual with his health, grows a beard, and cancels The Times; and …
  • … to cross over to England in two months… Mrs Gray’s health makes me anxious to avoid another winter …
  • … if he had had a good laugh. Then, Darwin’s health dictates that he and his American guests …

Darwin in letters, 1863: Quarrels at home, honours abroad


At the start of 1863, Charles Darwin was actively working on the manuscript of The variation of animals and plants under domestication, anticipating with excitement the construction of a hothouse to accommodate his increasingly varied botanical experiments…

Matches: 5 hits

  • … dropped markedly, reflecting a decline in his already weak health. Darwin then began punctuating …
  • … is the mother of fine children all over the world’. Health worries Despite his …
  • … no reason why he should not recover his previous state of health. Brinton’s words must have …
  • … to J. D. Hooker, 26 December [1863] ) that Darwin’s health fluctuated and showed little improvement …
  • … from his sons. She was pessimistic about his prospects of health over the next few months: ‘When not …

List of correspondents


Below is a list of Darwin's correspondents with the number of letters for each one. Click on a name to see the letters Darwin exchanged with that correspondent.    "A child of God" (1) Abberley,…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Benjamin (1) District Health Office (1) …



Darwin's interest in emotional expression can be traced as far back as the Beagle voyage. He was fascinated by the different sounds and gestures among the peoples of Tierra del Fuego, and on his return from the voyage he started recording observations…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … The exigencies of the public service have already ruined my health, & curtailed my capacities. …

Darwin in letters, 1871: An emptying nest


The year 1871 was an extremely busy and productive one for Darwin, with the publication in February of his long-awaited book on human evolution, Descent of man. The other main preoccupation of the year was the preparation of his manuscript on expression.…

Matches: 5 hits

  • … respect for the elder naturalist, inquired after Darwin’s health, and expressed his desire to meet …
  • … Galton, 13 September 1871 ). A return to poor health During the summer months, Darwin …
  • … ). On 23 September he informed Murray that owing to poor health he had done nothing for six …
  • … described the joyous occasion in great detail, her uncertain health requiring her to attend …
  • … Murchison, and the earl of Derby. Given his poor state of health for much of the summer, it is …

Darwin on marriage


On 11 November 1838 Darwin wrote in his journal ‘The day of days!’. He had proposed to his cousin, Emma Wedgwood, and been accepted; they were married on 29 January 1839. Darwin appears to have written these two notes weighing up the pros and cons of…

Matches: 4 hits

  • … be exclusively geological United States, Mexico Depend upon health & vigour & how far I …
  • … music & female chit-chat.— These things good for one’s health.—  [16]   but terrible loss of …
  • … to gain one’s bread.— (But then it is very bad for ones health[19] to work too much) Perhaps …
  • … rather than with the advantages. [19] ‘for ones health’  interl.i [20] The heading …

Darwin in letters,1866: Survival of the fittest


The year 1866 began well for Charles Darwin, as his health, after several years of illness, was now considerably improved. In February, Darwin received a request from his publisher, John Murray, for a new edition of  Origin. Darwin got the fourth…

Matches: 6 hits

  • … The year 1866 began well for Charles Darwin, as his health, after several years of illness, was now …
  • … consulted Jones in July 1865 and attributed his improved health by the end of that year to the diet …
  • … with his brother, Erasmus Alvey Darwin. Owing to improved health, Darwin was able to make a number …
  • … she and Emma continued to play in safeguarding Darwin’s health and securing his privacy. Similarly, …
  • … waterlilies prevailed over considerations of health in this case. Ernst Haeckel Nor …
  • … died in October. On learning of Catherine’s poor state of health, Hooker, who had lost his father …

The full edition is now online!


For nearly fifty years successive teams of researchers on both sides of the Atlantic have been working to track down all surviving letters written by or to Charles Darwin, research their content, and publish the complete texts. The thirtieth and final…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … was still working on botanical experiments, but his health was failing. He died at home in Down on …
  • … end of March. Huxley had evidently heard of Darwin’s ill health from Darwin’s son Francis and was …

Darwin and Fatherhood


Charles Darwin married Emma Wedgwood in 1839 and over the next seventeen years the couple had ten children. It is often assumed that Darwin was an exceptional Victorian father. But how extraordinary was he? The Correspondence Project allows an unusually…

Matches: 4 hits

  • … country. Darwin frequently expressed regrets that his ill health (e.g., Darwin to J. D. Hooker,  14 …
  • … to hydropathic spas or the seaside to strengthen their health. Although his interest in inheritance …
  • … ). In addition to his fears for his children’s health, Darwin’s other principal concern as a …
  • … and holidays at the seaside were often necessitated by ill health rather than pleasure. It was …

Darwin in letters, 1872: Job done?


'My career’, Darwin wrote towards the end of 1872, 'is so nearly closed. . .  What little more I can do, shall be chiefly new work’, and the tenor of his correspondence throughout the year is one of wistful reminiscence, coupled with a keen eye…

Matches: 8 hits

  • … reminiscences, and laments about advancing age and poor health, with family friends from childhood, …
  • … operation, combined with Moulinié’s increasingly poor health, led to yet further delay, and the new …
  • … to Darwin which he, however, declined on the grounds of ill health. Expression : …
  • … usual chemist, William Baxter, were not in this case for his health, but to test their effects when …
  • … he repeated to several correspondents.  His own health was slightly better than in the …
  • … sons spent some time on the continent for the sake of their health ( see letter to W. D. Fox, 16 …
  • … over their wills, and he poured out such a litany of ill health to one correspondent that Emma …
  • … Darwin gracefully declined on the habitual grounds of ill health ( letter from J. S. Craig, 4 …
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