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From Bernard Peirce Brent   29 May 1861



Sexual behaviour of fowls.

Author:  Bernard Peirce Brent
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  29 May 1861
Classmark:  DAR 84.1: 1–9
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3167

Matches: 33 hits

  • … underl blue crayon 5.3 an old hen … or cock, 5.5] scored blue crayon 5.8 she submits …  …
  • … their desire 18.5] scored blue crayon 18.6 an old hen … old cock, 18.7] scored blue crayon …
  • … force; the simple gallantries offered by the cock to his hens, consists in bending himself …
  • … fowls and hen Pigeons, when kept without cocks have acknowledged my imitations of their …
  • … both consent and understand each other, the cock elevates his head raises his hackle in a …
  • … and drops the feathers below her vent.  the cock steps on holding her by the hackle. When …
  • … the eye and the actions— for instance the cock looks up catches the eye of a hen at a …
  • … they will accept the gallantries of any cock who offers them, if they are laying, but …
  • … a very young chicken, or even a strange cock if her desire has been lately satisfied.   …
  • … there are some termagant hens, that will fight any stranger hen or cock, and …
  • … if the cock is not man enough to knock the spirit of opposition out of her she will not …
  • … hiding— where many fowls are kept and more cocks than one the head man takes the beat most …
  • … the others ground, will be accosted by the cock on to whose ground or into whose presence …
  • … runs away to the protection of the head cock where she knows the other dares not come.   …
  • … I have had hens that were kept without a cock frequently stoop to me; laying hens if tame …
  • … position if gently handled, when kept from a cock   that is provided they are so tame that …
  • … known where several hens were kept without a cock one hen, a laying one, took to treading …
  • … I donot think a hen would care how ugly a cock was if he could only knock her spirit of …
  • … the train is a sexual ask, In turkeys the cock or gobbeler struts with expanded tail and …
  • … has some effect   every gobble of the cock she answers by puck and at last lays herself …
  • … and presses her beak to her chest, the cock mounts tramples her and she squeaks   it is a …
  • … shy that very few have ever seen them.  the cock challenges everything walking on tiptoe, …
  • … raised   that is their common call.  the cock makes a kind of saw setting noise, and a …
  • … feels the desire stoops and calls, the cock flies to her and treads her, though perhaps at …
  • … some I had when I could not afford to buy cocks, would come down from the top of the house …
  • … not resist the natural feeling. thus the cock Pigeon coos he bows his head sweeps the …
  • … a wanton will often take the tread of a cock at such times with out pairing. When paired …
  • … your enquiries as you put them, where two cocks are in one yard the victor would not get …
  • … hens, will only submit to a strange cock if he can thrash them, but the generality, are …
  • … think the hen cares for the beauty, of the cock   she may for his attentions, beauty may …
  • … bird and seek the protection of the old cock, just to escape the annoyances of the …
  • … young stags the hens will run to the old cock for peace and quietness   A game hen will …
  • … in want. I have no experience of Henney cocks but have never heard that their wives ever …

From W. D. Fox   29 October [1868]



Thanks CD for a recent letter.

Reports on his health, which has been bad for 12 months.

Sends extracts of works on domestication.

Discusses the pairing of various birds; comments on the pugnacity of partridges, pheasants, male guinea-fowl, and peacocks.

Gives proportions of sexes in pheasants.

Author:  William Darwin Fox
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  29 Oct [1868]
Classmark:  DAR 164: 189; DAR 193: 112; DAR 83: 187, DAR 84.1: 128–30, DAR 86: A87–9
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6436

Matches: 34 hits

  • … 48.2] scored blue crayon 49.2 The Pearl Cock … opportunities.  49.3] double scored blue …
  • … each other’ added blue crayon 35.1 Both cocks … died.  35.2] crossed blue crayon 37.2 At …
  • … frequently observed that when he has shot the Cock Birds (he says the hens are generally …
  • … as occurring this Summer . “I shot the cock Bird of a Carrion Crows nest in M r Wilbrahams …
  • … a fortnight afterwards when I shot another Cock Bird at nest—& afterwards I caught the hen …
  • … a trap. ” He said he had many times shot cock Birds of Magpies & Carrion Crows & found …
  • … place. That it is much easier to kill the Cocks, as they feed the Hens on nest & are less …
  • … years since) that he with another man—shot 19 Cock Magpies from the nest one morning. His …
  • … to the sex— Probably 9 out of 10 are the cock Birds. Partridges. He never saw an odd Bird. …
  • … so. He says he has often known 2 hens to 1 Cock bird, & that they have generally had large …
  • … the other hand he has known several times 2 cocks to 1 hen, when they rarely or never have …
  • … young ones. This year he has observed 5 old Cock Birds, which have always kept together …
  • … kill each other (I picked up a splendid Cock in Bolton Abbey Wood some years since in …
  • … said he had watched above an hour. Both cocks were so exhausted that England picked them …
  • … ble & Rev Foresters acct. He says he never observed a fresh cock come if he killed one—but …
  • … that he has often found the Cock Bird will bring up the young, if he killed the hen bird. …
  • … or Sparrow hawk who had young—& caught the Cock Bird a fortnight afterwards on nest. This …
  • … them—& I have several times met with fine cock Birds of the smaller kinds of finches &c— …
  • … Chester, who breeds Canaries—putting a paired cock to several other hens. He impregnates …
  • … To the great amusement of my children, she cocks her tail exactly like a hen. I shewed her …
  • … much— Even at this time of year the young Cocks are constantly doing so—and the Hens also …
  • … neck & head. In spring—you cannot keep 2 Cocks in a flock— I feel sure the stronger w d …
  • … kill the weaker bird. The Cocks go some distance from Farm yard to Farm yard to attack …
  • … told you that Guinea Fowl do better—1 cock to 2 or 3 Hens than when paired. That they are …
  • … white—the rest pied more or less. The Pearl Cock was the master of yard & evidently made …
  • … of providential arrangement to kill the extra cocks—but in a state of nature those kindly …
  • … of 20 Pheasants &c hatched—there w d be 10 cocks—& only 2 being required for the 10 hens— …
  • … they do not seem to herd together—as pairing Birds do. I cannot fancy a Community of Cock
  • … Turkeys—Cock pheasants & c in spring. Animals do often herd together in separate sexes, as …
  • … sometimes there is an excess of Turkey Cocks one year—& of hens the next—but on the …
  • … w d be compassionately cared for by some cock bird in her neighbourhood, who w d keep her …
  • … meet with a lady love. It has often puzzled me what becomes of all the cock pheasants B …
  • … k Game —Turkey Cocks &c that are extra—as I suppose …
  • … we may take 5 Hens to one cock as an average, in Breeding season. Some no doubt kill each …

From W. B. Tegetmeier   13 May 1872


Has found the skull of the horned cock.

With regard to CD’s suggestion about the possibility of producing a pigeon breed with differently coloured sexes, WBT reports the results of crossing blue and silver dragons; the silver offspring are almost always hens.

Would like the latest edition of the Origin.

Encloses notes on volume one [of Descent].

Encloses a photograph showing the bleaching effect of the sun’s rays on dun feathers in pigeons.

Author:  William Bernhard Tegetmeier
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  13 May 1872
Classmark:  DAR 88: 175–6, DAR 90: 101, DAR 178: 83, DAR 193: 22
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8322

Matches: 16 hits

  • … Has found the skull of the horned cock. With regard to CD’s suggestion about the …
  • … I asked you for the skull of the “Horned Cock” figured by you— I find that you returned it …
  • … page 39 Terror causes feathers on head of cowardly game cock or hen to be raised, …
  • … a mark of cowardice recognised by cock fighters. 1.1 I … by you— 2.1] cross in margin …
  • … crossed pencil 4.4 instances] ‘instances’ added above pencil 4.5 Cocks] ‘Silver’ added …
  • … pencil 4.5 Cocks … sex. — …
  • … 5.4] ‘When [‘Blu’ del ] a Silver-cock was procured others Blue? ’ added pencil 7.1 I … …
  • … are almost always hens, and a silver hen and blue cock mated together will breed in the …
  • … greatest number of instances a blue cock and silver hen in the same …
  • … nest. Cocks are hard to procure, during the last two years I failed in …
  • … procuring one and consequently bred 10 silver dragon hens but not one cock from, …
  • … blue cocks and silver hens matched together This year …
  • … I have been fortunate in getting two silver cocks to breed from.  they are both matched to …
  • … has had two nests. The first nest a blue cock and silver hen— the second a single blue …
  • … difficulty in raising a breed in which all the cocks should be blue and the hens silver. — …
  • … is quite right respecting the dark markings of cocks of the mealy or “pâle panaché” of the …

From W. B. Tegetmeier   [28 May 1861]



[Queries in CD’s hand answered on same pages by WBT.] Sexual selection of fowls; role of beauty in cocks.

Author:  William Bernhard Tegetmeier
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [28 May 1861]
Classmark:  DAR 84.1: 144
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3166

Matches: 8 hits

  • … hand answered on same pages by WBT. ] Sexual selection of fowls; role of beauty in cocks. …
  • … a hen when with egg will yield to any cock   I do not think she refuses (as with pigeons) …
  • … the scapular region as with the feet of a cock I had a tame cochin hen who used to squat …
  • … dress often produced the movement. My hen cock was victor always and some of the hens …
  • … same yard. — I have never heard that game cocks after being trimmed for fighting were not …
  • … favorites with the hens In fact strong cocks make the hens yield by stamping alternately …
  • … hens impregnated by the hen tailed game cock lay very fertile eggs. — I have just looked …
  • … been very effectually performed. 2.1 You … cock 2.2] scored brown crayon 3.2 much to …  …

From Harrison William Weir   23 March 1869


Proportion of sexes in pigeons, pigs, and pheasants.

Sexual preferences of females.

Author:  Harrison William Weir
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  23 Mar 1869
Classmark:  DAR 86: C10, DAR 84.1: 118
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6680

Matches: 9 hits

  • … one of neither sex a little of each . As regards Pigeons There are more cocks then hens, I …
  • … have often bred two cocks in a nest, but seldom two hens. The hen in the nest is generally …
  • … hen in nest is sometimes yellow while the cock bird is red. With regards to the likes and …
  • … will often take a fancy to one particular cock and often leave their own mates   this I …
  • … breeding the above, he generally gets 4 to 5 Cocks to 1 hen. When out shooting (where we …
  • … I have noticed the great preponderance of cocks, when the bag has been laid out. Pigeons M …
  • … I am informed that the best singing bird (cock) generally gets a mate first when they are …
  • … and Spanish) that some years his Spanish run mostly to cocks and the Bramahs the opposite. …
  • … Then the next year the Bramah are mostly cocks possibly, but he seems to have the idea …

To W. D. Fox   4 June [1856]


Thanks WDF for specimen of Dorking cock.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Darwin Fox
Date:  4 June [1856]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.130)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1887

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Thanks WDF for specimen of Dorking cock. …
  • … I am quite wearied) to say that a Dorking Cock, more like an ostrich than a simple fowl, …

From W. B. Tegetmeier   29 March 1867



Answers CD’s queries about polygamous birds. Does not think appearance of cock makes any difference to female. Dyeing the male has no effect on female.

Author:  William Bernhard Tegetmeier
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  29 Mar 1867
Classmark:  DAR 84.1: 30–1
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5473

Matches: 6 hits

  • … polygamous birds. Does not think appearance of cock makes any difference to female. Dyeing …
  • … has any foundation whatever— A Game cock closely trimmed for fighting is as unlike an …
  • … would be ill received— If two or more cocks are turned down the hens will receive anyone …
  • … but little to do with the reception of the cock in fowls— I have just turned down a polish …
  • … removed the same day from white cochin cocks   the advances of the polish male (though …
  • … any of my runs as they only contain a single cock each—but I will do what I can elsewhere— …

From Edward Hewitt   28 March 1868



On various subjects related to sexual selection: preferences, proportion of sexes. [See Descent 2: 117–18, 122.]

Author:  Edward Hewitt
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  28 Mar 1868
Classmark:  DAR 84.1: 83–5
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6065

Matches: 8 hits

  • … old hen, carefully abstain f m .  letting the cock run with younger females. As to giving …
  • … distinguishable, some hens though laying, cocks will not associate with, though you test …
  • … as it were, without attractiveness, to all cocks, however persistant an owner may be, to …
  • … endeavour to procure a union. I have known a hen kept with several cocks a whole season, …
  • … yet not a single cock acknowledged her presence, though all feasible allurements were …
  • … to attempt true breeding, if a Game cock in good health & condition runs the locality, for …
  • … the roosting place will resort to the Game cock, even though that bird may not actually …
  • … result, as a trial with any true Game cock will prove at once, irrespective of feather, …

To W. B. Tegetmeier   3 November [1856]


Has received nine skins from Walter Elliot of Madras; WBT may describe them if he wishes.

Expects some Persian fowls.

Can WBT inquire about the fertility of certain duck hybrids?

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Bernhard Tegetmeier
Date:  3 Nov [1856]
Classmark:  Archives of the New York Botanical Garden (Charles Finney Cox Collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1981

Matches: 7 hits

  • … mentioned, that the two other African cocks, have a treble comb; the two external parallel …
  • … I sh d . be very glad to buy an old Malay Cock for skeleton. — Since writing to you I have …
  • … Elliot of Madras, skins of following poultry, diag 2. Game Cock & Hen (of great size) 2. …
  • … Black-boned, hairy Cock & Hen 2. …
  • … Caffir Cock & Hen with curled feathers. …
  • … 1 Cock of doubtful origin ticketed …
  • … Rangoon 2 Common or Pariah Cock & Hen, such as are commonly kept by the country …

Bishop, Henry Rowley. [1864]. The pilgrim of love: recitative and romance. London: Robert Cocks & Co.

Matches: 1 hit

  • … of love: recitative and romance. London: Robert Cocks & Co. Anderson Room A1871.2052 17 …

To W. B. Tegetmeier   14 April [1861]


Inquires about rabbits.

Sends list of queries on poultry.

WBT’s fowls’ skulls have arrived.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Bernhard Tegetmeier
Date:  14 Apr [1861]
Classmark:  Archives of the New York Botanical Garden (Charles Finney Cox Collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3118

Matches: 6 hits

  • … your Hen-tailed Game, as readily as to other cocks. He would be victor, & so have enormous …
  • … with his amatory success, supposing any other & gorgeous cock were present . — I formerly …
  • … clipping and mutilating the feathers of a cock & observing, but I could not spare time to …
  • … has kept many Hen-tailed Games & other Game-cocks, such a man might have observed on this …
  • … read) the Field to day & see your curious Cock, which I have quoted in my M.S. I have now …
  • … the skull of Poland? (19) Though the cock which conquers, naturally gets first choice of …

From F. B. Zincke   23 [May 1876]



On communication noises used by domestic poultry.

Author:  Foster Barham Zincke
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  23 [May 1876]
Classmark:  DAR 184: 10
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10513

Matches: 6 hits

  • … I used years ago to keep small birds. Some weeks ago I placed in this a cock & two hens. …
  • … I soon found that the cock wished the hens to take possession of the box I had placed on …
  • … these that I shut up in the old aviary the cock, of whose language I have been giving you …
  • … F.  Barham Zincke. P.S.  And when the cock goes into the box, & turns about in it, &
  • … Cochin China, Bramah putra, & creve-cœur hens, with only Creve Cœur cocks. Among all these …
  • … there was not a white feather, & all the cocks were raven black. From the first about 10  …

To T. C. Eyton   3 May [1861]


Has received the shipment of skeletons of fowls. Asks TCE species name of Gungla cock. Mentions other specimens.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Campbell Eyton
Date:  3 May [1861]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.247)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3134

Matches: 3 hits

  • … of skeletons of fowls. Asks TCE species name of Gungla cock. Mentions other specimens. …
  • … sorry to give trouble; but one domestic cock in longest box with sliding lid has no sort …
  • … without name. — Also what is “Gungla” cock   is G.  Bankiva? or G.  Sonneratii? The other …

From Bernard Peirce Brent   23 October 1857



Discusses the difficulties of breeding mules by crossing canaries and finches.

Author:  Bernard Peirce Brent
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  23 Oct 1857
Classmark:  DAR 160: 299
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2158

Matches: 6 hits

  • … the only difficulty I have found is to get the cock bird either Goldfinch; Grey Linnet; or …
  • … hens reared a young one from eggs given I have had both Goldfinch mule cocks and Green …
  • … linnet mule cocks paired with, and tread hen canaries, but no produce, from what I hear …
  • … productive, but it is stated that the mule cock must be paired with its own mother, though …
  • … I had a hen Goldfinch mule paired with a cock Goldfinch they built and the hen mule laid, …
  • … I put up two hen Goldfinch mules, with a cock canary, and they both, built and laid eggs, …

To William Yarrell   [5 or 12 September 1842]


CD is too dull and languid to see Mr Bicheno but will be glad to answer his questions if he writes.

Asks WY to ask J. Sebright "whether the cross with white bantam brought back any of the ""secondary male characters"" to the hen–cock breed".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Yarrell
Date:  [5 or 12] Sept 1842
Classmark:  Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand (Letters to Dr William Kitchen Parker and his sons, MS-Papers-1256-2)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-613

Matches: 3 hits

  • … the “secondary male characters” to the hen-cock breed. Believe me | dear Yarrell | Yours …
  • … white bantam brought back any of the ""secondary male characters"" to the hen–cock breed". …
  • … He bred the famous Sebright bantam, in which the cocks lack male plumage ( EB, 22: 215). …

To John Edward Gray   [January 1851]


Is coming tomorrow to see Lorenz Spengler on cirripedes [Auserlesne Schnecken, Muscheln und andre Schaalthiere (1758)] and the remaining sessile cirripedes in the collection. Has finished Balanus.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Edward Gray
Date:  [Jan 1851]
Classmark:  Natural History Museum, Library and Archives (Zoology letters 2: 57)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1383

Matches: 4 hits

  • … Balanus. And Lastly could I see M r . Cocks’ collection? — Forgive this trouble | yours …
  • … vol.  4, Appendix I). William Pennington Cocks , Cornish surgeon and collector. …
  • Cocks donated a small collection to the British Museum in 1849, which included specimens …
  • … which is perhaps why CD wished to examine Cocks’s collection (see Living Cirripedia ( …

To W. B. Tegetmeier   5 August [1859]


Has an astonishing lot of mongrel poultry and expects next generation to approach Gallus bankiva in red-brown plumage.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Bernhard Tegetmeier
Date:  5 Aug [1859]
Classmark:  Archives of the New York Botanical Garden (Charles Finney Cox Collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2479

Matches: 4 hits

  • … bankiva . The reversion appeared in the cocks, but the hens from the crosses showed ‘ …
  • … of Origin . CD had borrowed a young Spanish cock from Tegetmeier for use in his breeding …
  • … My dear Sir When shall I return the Spanish Cock for which I am so much indebted to your …
  • … but a very few mottled. One of the young cocks, however, has lately acquired a few reddish …

To W. B. Tegetmeier   16 November [1858]


Wants WBT’s advice on poultry breeding experiments. Are certain birds true to their kind, and what should he pay for them?

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Bernhard Tegetmeier
Date:  16 Nov [1858]
Classmark:  Archives of the New York Botanical Garden (Charles Finney Cox Collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2362

Matches: 5 hits

  • … following little experiment, viz to get a cock & some Hens of several breeds, which never …
  • … d keep the succeeding year 2 or 3 or 4 mongrel cocks & mongrels Hens from all, & destroy …
  • … all the old pure Birds, Cocks & Hens. — Perhaps …
  • … it would be better to keep my Polish Cock & destroy my present Polish Hen & get one …
  • … except two hens. — diag One old Spanish Cock Silver Poland Black Rumpless Silver pencilled …

From Edward Hewitt   22 December 1857



Replies to more queries about fowl hybrids.

Author:  Edward Hewitt
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  22 Dec 1857
Classmark:  DAR 166: 197
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2193

Matches: 6 hits

  • … I bred several at different times from a Golden Cock Pheasant and Common Hen Pheasant , …
  • … but not from Golden or Silver cock Pheasants, and a fowl. …
  • … It was only the English cock Ph t . with the fowl that produced. …
  • … very plain coloured birds, from a Golden cock Ph t . and Silver Hen Ph t . , but never …
  • … instance mentioned in my former note, of a cock fowl breeding with a hen pheasant , in all …
  • … in perfect hate. In the pair now spoken of—cock silverlaced Sebright with hen common Ph …

From William A. Wooler   4 February 1861



Discusses the colouring of the young of various breeds of rabbit.

Observations on results of various poultry crosses and on a character which is linked to sex.

Author:  William Alexander Wooler
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  4 Feb 1861
Classmark:  DAR 181: 156
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3058

Matches: 7 hits

  • … comes either from the Frizzled hen & the cock (which is the cross between the Frizzled & …
  • … Frizzled Hen or a Frizzled silk Hen— The Cock I know was a Frizzled silk— we generally …
  • … Hens were confined with the Frizzled silk cock & I should say at least 30 chickens hatched …
  • … sterile— Yet in experiment no 2 with Hybrid Hen (produce of Pheasant cock & Black red Game …
  • … Hen) with Domestic cock of the same blood as the Black red Game Hen the mother produced a …
  • … the issue from a Hybrid Hen & Pheasant cock as in no 4—&c &c and from one of these “Inter …
  • … of non productive eggs”)   with Pheasant cock the issue was “one chick but did not survive …
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cock in keywords
Descent in Commentary
1 Items

Sexual selection


Although natural selection could explain the differences between species, Darwin realised that (other than in the reproductive organs themselves) it could not explain the often marked differences between the males and females of the same species.  So what…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … such as the horns on a stag or the spurs on a cock. Sexual selection, he wrote, depends 'not on …