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To William Kemp   [9 November 1843]


CD has been reflecting on John Lindley’s and C. C. Babington’s comments.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Kemp
Date:  [9 Nov 1843]
Classmark:  Cambridge University Library (MS Add. 10252/20) (gift of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-711F

Matches: 7 hits

  • … To William Kemp   [9 November 1843] …
  • … of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond) Charles Robert Darwin Down [9 Nov 1843] William Kemp
  • … in a sand pit (see this volume, supplement, letter to William Kemp, 1 November [1843] ). …
  • … vol.  2, letter from William Kemp, 4 November 1843 . John Lindley originally had written …
  • … volume, Supplement, letter to William Kemp, 1 November [1843] . The short statement was …
  • … this letter and the letters from William Kemp of 4 November 1843  and 10 November 1843 ( …
  • … Babington . In his letter to William Kemp of 1 November [1843] (this volume, Supplement), …

To William Kemp   1 December [1843]


Robert Brown has cast much doubt on the integrity of the seed-planting experiment.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Kemp
Date:  1 Dec [1843]
Classmark:  Cambridge University Library (MS Add. 10252/22) (gift of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-716F

Matches: 7 hits

  • … To William Kemp   1 December [1843] …
  • … of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond) Charles Robert Darwin Down 1 Dec [1843] William Kemp
  • … Correspondence vol.  2, letter from William Kemp, 24 November 1843 and n.  2. For Kemp’s …
  • … and witness, see Correspondence vol.  2, letter from William Kemp, 4 December 1843 . …
  • … letter and the letter from William Kemp, 4 December 1843 ( Correspondence vol.  2). CD …
  • … 18, Supplement, letter to William Kemp, [8 September 1843] and n.  4). CD refers to John …
  • … 18, Supplement, letter to William Kemp, 22 November [1843] and n.  2). CD also refers to …

To William Kemp   24 [April 1843]


Has not yet heard from R. Brown, but John Lindley thinks species will probably turn out to be common ones.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Kemp
Date:  24 [Apr 1843]
Classmark:  Cambridge University Library (MS Add. 10252/15) (gift of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-672F

Matches: 5 hits

  • … To William Kemp   24 [April 1843] …
  • … of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond) Charles Robert Darwin Down 24 [Apr 1843] William Kemp
  • … this letter, the letter from William Kemp, 2 October 1843 ( Correspondence vol.  2), and …
  • … vol.  2). See this volume, Supplement, letter to William Kemp, 7 April [1843] and n.  6. …
  • … volume, Supplement, letter to William Kemp, 7 April [1843] . CD refers to Robert Brown . …

To William Kemp   [8 September 1843]


Seeds sent by Kemp have germinated and been identified by Lindley as Rumex acetosella and an Atriplex which has been sent on to J. S. Henslow.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Kemp
Date:  [8 Sept 1843]
Classmark:  Cambridge University Library (MS Add. 10252/23) (gift of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-691F

Matches: 5 hits

  • … To William Kemp   [8 September 1843] …
  • … of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond) Charles Robert Darwin Down [8 Sept 1843] William Kemp
  • … 2 September 1843] , and letter from William Kemp, 2 October 1843 . Atriplex hastata is now …
  • … vol.  2, letter from William Kemp, 2 October 1843 ). An account was later published in …
  • … not been found. See this volume, Supplement, letter to William Kemp, 7 April [ 1843] . …

To William Kemp   1 November [1843]


J. S. Henslow’s and C. C. Babington’s opinions on WK’s seeds.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Kemp
Date:  1 Nov [1843]
Classmark:  Cambridge University Library (MS Add. 10252/18) (gift of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-710F

Matches: 6 hits

  • … To William Kemp   1 November [1843] …
  • … of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond) Charles Robert Darwin Down 1 Nov [1843] William Kemp
  • … Correspondence vol.  2, letters from William Kemp , 2 October 1843  and 17 October 1843 . …
  • … volume, Supplement, letter to William Kemp, [14 October 1843] , n.  2, and Correspondence …
  • … vol.  2, letter from William Kemp, 17 October 1843 . See Correspondence vol.  2, letter …
  • … vol.  2, letter from William Kemp, 17 October 1843 ). CD refers to John Stevens Henslow . …

To William Kemp   9 October [1843]


WK’s paper has reached him safely.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Kemp
Date:  9 Oct [1843]
Classmark:  Cambridge University Library (MS Add. 10252/16b and 10252/17) (gift of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-701F

Matches: 6 hits

  • … To William Kemp   9 October [1843] …
  • … of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond) Charles Robert Darwin Down 9 Oct [1843] William Kemp
  • … this letter and the letter from William Kemp, 2 October 1843 ( Correspondence vol.  2). …
  • … CD refers to the letter from William Kemp, 2 October 1843 ( Correspondence vol.  2). No …
  • … also have been wet ( Correspondence vol.  2, letter from William Kemp, 2 October 1843 ). …
  • William Kemp 1[0] May [1840] and n.  5). CD had sent some of Kemp’s seeds to John Lindley for identification. See Correspondence vol.  2, letter from John Lindley, [before 2 September 1843] …

To William Kemp   22 November [1843]


CD is pleased with how good a case WK’s facts have made.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Kemp
Date:  22 Nov [1843]
Classmark:  Cambridge University Library (MS Add. 10252/21) (gift of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-715F

Matches: 4 hits

  • … To William Kemp   22 November [1843] …
  • … of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond) Charles Robert Darwin Down 22 Nov [1843] William Kemp
  • … vol.  2, letter from William Kemp, 10 November 1843 . Kemp explained in this letter that …
  • … from the letters from William Kemp of 2 October 1843 , 17 October 1843 , 4 November 1843 , …

From William Kemp   4 November 1843



Thanks CD for kind letter concerning seeds. Believes soil in which they were planted was contaminated.

Author:  William Kemp
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  4 Nov 1843
Classmark:  DAR 50: A16
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-711

Matches: 3 hits

To William Kemp   7 April [1843]


CD will sent seeds to specialists for identification.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Kemp
Date:  7 Apr [1843]
Classmark:  Cambridge University Library (MS Add. 10252/14) (gift of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-667F

Matches: 4 hits

  • … To William Kemp   7 April [1843] …
  • … of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond) Charles Robert Darwin Down 7 Apr [1843] William Kemp
  • … this letter and the letter from William Kemp, 2 October 1843 ( Correspondence vol.  2). CD …
  • … vol.  2, letter from William Kemp, 2 October 1843 . CD refers to John Lindley (see …

From William Kemp   10 November 1843



Describes growth of plants raised from seeds he found in sand-pit.

Author:  William Kemp
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  10 Nov 1843
Classmark:  DAR 50: A17
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-713

Matches: 3 hits

To William Kemp   7 December [1843]


Has sent WK’s paper to the Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Kemp 1844).

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Kemp
Date:  7 Dec [1843]
Classmark:  Cambridge University Library (MS Add. 10252/25) (gift of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-720F

Matches: 3 hits

  • … To William Kemp   7 December [1843] …
  • … of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond) Charles Robert Darwin Down 7 Dec [1843] William Kemp
  • … him by William Kemp on 2 October, 17 October, 4 November, and 10 November 1843 describing …

From William Kemp   4 December 1843



Describes circumstances surrounding discovery of seed in sand-pit. Encloses certificates testifying to the good character of the men involved.

Author:  William Kemp
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  4 Dec 1843
Classmark:  DAR 50: A19–20
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-720

Matches: 4 hits

  • … From William Kemp   4 December 1843
  • … DAR 50: A19–20 William Kemp Galashiels 4 Dec 1843 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … 18, Supplement, letter to William Kemp, 1 December [1843] . In Scotland, an attorney or …
  • William Kemp Charles Darwin Esq re | &c Edinburgh and Leith Bank, | Galashiels 4 Dec 1843

From William Kemp   24 November 1843



Approves of the paper CD has drawn up concerning WK’s seed discovery.

Mentions article in Gardeners’ Chronicle.

Author:  William Kemp
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  24 Nov 1843
Classmark:  DAR 50: A18
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-716

Matches: 3 hits

To William Kemp   [14 October 1843]


J. S. Henslow expresses his doubts about WK’s seeds.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Kemp
Date:  [14 Oct 1843]
Classmark:  Cambridge University Library (MS Add. 10252/16a) (gift of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-705F

Matches: 2 hits

From William Kemp   17 October 1843



Describes germination of seeds he discovered. Cites similar story of seeds found in coal-mine.

Gives further description of gravel bank [of River Tweed] and other geological details.

Author:  William Kemp
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  17 Oct 1843
Classmark:  DAR 50: A12–15
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-706

Matches: 3 hits

From William Kemp   2 October 1843



Describes germination of seeds found in sand-pit and the geological setting of the sand-pit.

Postulates existence of ancient lake along the course of the River Tweed. Notes evidence of glaciation.

Author:  William Kemp
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  2 Oct 1843
Classmark:  DAR 50: A8–11
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-699

Matches: 3 hits

To J. S. Henslow   [4 November 1843]



Babington has reared a facsimile [of W. Kemp’s Atriplex] by sowing seeds of A. angustifolia. CD has advised Kemp not to publish since anyone would say it was more probable that the seeds of his specimens were in the soil, than that the ones he found had retained vitality. CD regrets this, as he has no doubt of the antiquity of the seeds.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Stevens Henslow
Date:  [4 Nov 1843]
Classmark:  DAR 93: A13–14
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-712

Matches: 2 hits

  • … the results (see letters from William Kemp , 10 November 1843  and 24 November 1843 , and …
  • … VI). See Correspondence vol. 18, Supplement, letter to William Kemp, 22 November [1843] . …

Kemp, William. 1843. Observations on the latest geological changes in the south of Scotland. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 3d ser. 23: 28–41.

Matches: 1 hit

  • Kemp, William. 1843. Observations on the latest geological changes in the south of …

To William Kemp   23 February [1844]


Regrets the delay in sending copies of his paper.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Kemp
Date:  23 Feb [1844]
Classmark:  Cambridge University Library (MS Add. 10252/34) (gift of Ruth Cramond and David Cramond)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-736F

Matches: 2 hits

  • … letter and the letter to William Kemp, 7 December [1843] (this volume, Supplement). CD …
  • … volume, Supplement, letter to William Kemp, 7 December [1843] and Correspondence vol.  2, …

Bell, John (1800/2–91)

Matches: 1 hit

  • … Correspondence vol. 2, letter from William Kemp, 4 December 1843 Scotland statutory deaths …
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