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To Asa Gray   2 March [1860]


Has been ill with pleurisy.

Sends more corrections and additions for American edition of Origin.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  2 Mar [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (24)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2718

Matches: 6 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   2 March [1860] …
  • … the relationship to the following letter and to the letter to Asa Gray, 8 March [1860] . …
  • … Probably the letter from Asa Gray, 20 February 1860 . CD replied to …
  • … it in his next letter to Gray ( letter to Asa Gray, 8 March [1860] ). …
  • … See letter to Asa Gray, 8 March [1860] . …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (24) Charles Robert Darwin Down 2 Mar [1860] Asa Gray …

From Asa Gray   [10 January 1860]



Agassiz denounces Origin as "atheistical";

AG is currently reviewing it [in Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 29 (1860): 153–84].

Jeffries Wyman praises it, though not a convert.

Author:  Asa Gray
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [10 Jan 1860]
Classmark:  DAR 98 (ser. 2): 26a
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2631

Matches: 11 hits

  • … From Asa Gray   [10 January 1860] …
  • … letter from Asa Gray, 23 January [1860] . …
  • … DAR 98 (ser. 2): 26a Asa Gray unstated [10 Jan 1860] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … relationship to the letter to Asa Gray, 28 January [1860] , in which CD refers to ‘your …
  • … Origin . See also letter from Asa Gray, 23 January 1860 , and letter to John Murray, [25  …
  • … n.  7, below, and letter to Asa Gray, 28 January [1860] . Details concerning the public …
  • … the extract, see the letter to Asa Gray, 28 January [1860] , n.  10. At a meeting of the …
  • … basis of the letter from Asa Gray to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 January 1860 . The missing portion …
  • … see Appel 1988 . See also letter from Asa Gray to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 January 1860 , and …
  • … 8, and letter from Asa Gray to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 January 1860 ). Gray had asked CD about …
  • 1860): 219–32. ] Appel, Toby A. 1988. Jeffries Wyman, philosophical anatomy, and the scientific reception of Darwin in America. Journal of the History of Biology 21: 69–94. Correspondence : The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–. Dupree, Anderson Hunter. 1959. Asa Gray, …

To Asa Gray   8 March [1860]


Further additions and corrections for American Origin.

Views of Owen, G. H. K. Thwaites, and W. H. Harvey on CD’s theories.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  8 Mar [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (31)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2726

Matches: 9 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   8 March [1860] …
  • … Library. See letter from Asa Gray, 20 February 1860 , and also Dupree 1959 , pp.   …
  • … 271–2. See letter from Asa Gray, 20 February 1860 . …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (31) Charles Robert Darwin Down 8 Mar [1860] Asa Gray …
  • … United States (see letters from Asa Gray , [10 January 1860] , [17 January 1860] , and 23  …
  • … the edition (see letters to Asa Gray , 28 January [1860] , 1 February [1860] , and [8 or …
  • … 1860] ). See also letter to Asa Gray, 2 March [1860] . The additional material for the …
  • … in February (see letters to Asa Gray , 18 February [1860] and 24 February [1860] ). Letter …
  • … new American edition (see letter to Asa Gray, [8 or 9 February 1860] ). CD had received …

To Asa Gray   18 May [1860]


Bitter and incessant attacks on the Origin.

Any truth in it has been saved only by a small body of men like Lyell, AG, Hooker, and Huxley.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  18 May [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (14)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2808

Matches: 8 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   18 May [1860] …
  • … found, but see the letter from Asa Gray, 20 February 1860 . Gray had forwarded to CD a …
  • … see enclosure to letter from Asa Gray, 20 February 1860 ). The second letter to which CD …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (14) Charles Robert Darwin Down 18 May [1860] Asa
  • … R.  Owen] 1860a. See letter to Asa Gray, 3 April [1860] and nn.  4 and 5. CD refers to …
  • … sent this letter on to CD as well. See also letter from Asa Gray, 23 January 1860 , n.   …
  • … 2, and letter to Asa Gray, 22 May [1860] . The first three printings of Origin published …
  • … to Asa Gray (see letters to Asa Gray , 28 January [1860] , 1 February [1860] , [8 or 9  …

From Asa Gray   [10 July 1860]


Cases of "dioecio-dimorphism" as in primroses are widespread. AG always considered them the first step toward bisexuality.

Author:  Asa Gray
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [10 July 1860]
Classmark:  DAR 110 (ser. 2): 77
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2819

Matches: 4 hits

  • … From Asa Gray   [10 July 1860] …
  • … CD thanked Gray for these ‘valuable hints’ in the letter to Asa Gray, 11 August [1860] . …
  • … DAR 110 (ser. 2): 77 Asa Gray unstated [10 July 1860] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … s statement in the letter to Asa Gray, 11 August [1860] : ‘I received your note of July 10 …

From Asa Gray   20 February 1860


Arrangements for the American edition of Origin.

Author:  Asa Gray
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  20 Feb 1860
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (37)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2706

Matches: 4 hits

  • … From Asa Gray   20 February 1860
  • … Herbarium of Harvard University (37) Asa Gray unstated 20 Feb 1860 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … See enclosure. See letter to Asa Gray, 1 February [1860] and enclosure. Gray apparently …
  • … edition of Origin . See letter to Asa Gray, 28 January [1860] . Gray’s review of Origin ([ …

To Asa Gray   [8 or 9 February 1860]


Sends historical preface and corrections for American edition of Origin;

would have liked AG’s review [Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 29 (1860): 153–84] at the head.

Agrees with AG’s assessment of weak points.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  [8 or 9 Feb 1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (11)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2701

Matches: 8 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   [8 or 9 February 1860] …
  • … See letter from Asa Gray, 23 January 1860 . The sentence was corrected in Origin US ed. , …
  • … 186–7. Jeffries Wyman and James Dwight Dana . See letter from Asa Gray, 23 January 1860 . …
  • … 1853, pp.  186–7. See the enclosure with the letter to Asa Gray, 1 February [1860] . …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (11) Charles Robert Darwin Down [8 or 9 Feb 1860] Asa
  • … that CD sent ( letter to Asa Gray, 8 March [1860] ), had to be listed separately in a …
  • … see Correspondence vol.8, Appendix IV.  See also letter to Asa Gray, 1 February [1860] . …
  • … See letter from Asa Gray, 23 January 1860 . In the authorised American edition of Origin , …

To Asa Gray   14 December [1860]


Encloses note from Huxley [see 3022], who would be grateful for Chauncey Wright’s review.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  14 Dec [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (39)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3023

Matches: 7 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   14 December [1860] …
  • … in England. See letter to Asa Gray, 11 December [1860] . CD refers to the American Journal …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (39) Charles Robert Darwin Down 14 Dec [1860] Asa
  • … Gray 1861 ). See letter to Asa Gray, 11 December [1860] . The review had been published in …
  • … For CD’s comments on the second part, see the letter to Asa Gray, 26 September [1860] . …
  • … Henry Harvey’s letter to Asa Gray , dated 3 November 1860, is in the Gray Herbarium, …
  • Asa Gray, 1810–1888. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University. Fawcett, Henry. 1860. …

To Asa Gray   24 October [1860]


Has been consulting with John Murray about the possibility of publishing AG’s three Atlantic Monthly articles [see 2910] as a pamphlet, but has been strongly advised against it.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  24 Oct [1860]
Classmark:  Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Harvard University (33)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2961

Matches: 5 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   24 October [1860] …
  • … CD had sent it to the Saturday Review . See letter to Asa Gray, 26 September [1860] . …
  • … Darwin’s diary). See letter to Asa Gray, 19 October [1860] . The letter from Charles Lyell …
  • … Correspondence vol.  9. See letter to Asa Gray, 19 October [1860] and n.  4. CD refers to …
  • Gray Herbarium, Harvard University (33) Charles Robert Darwin Eastbourne 24 Oct [1860] Asa

To Asa Gray   11 December [1860]


The pamphlet of AG’s Origin reviews [Natural selection not inconsistent with natural theology (1861)]. CD will bear half the costs of publishing.

Will write to Huxley about Chauncey Wright’s review of Origin.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  11 Dec [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (38)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3017

Matches: 6 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   11 December [1860] …
  • … advised against it on the grounds of cost (see letter to Asa Gray, 24 October [1860] ). …
  • … See also letters to Asa Gray , 31 October [1860] and 26 November [1860] . The review was …
  • … 1860 . See also letters to Asa Gray , 19 October [1860] and 24 October [1860] . Gray …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (38) Charles Robert Darwin Down 11 Dec [1860] Asa
  • Asa Gray for Pamphlet’. Archibald Campbell Tait , university reformer and liberal theologian, was appointed bishop of London in 1856. The review of Origin in the Quarterly Review was by Samuel Wilberforce , bishop of Oxford ( [Wilberforce] 1860 ). …

To Asa Gray   1 February [1860]


CD is glad there is to be an American edition of Origin printed from the corrected 2d English edition.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  1 Feb [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (44)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2676

Matches: 7 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   1 February [1860] …
  • … edition of Origin . See letters from Asa Gray , [10 January 1860] and [17 January  …
  • … 1860] , and letter to Asa Gray, 28 January [1860] . CD refers to the suggestion that Gray’ …
  • … electrotyped Origin (see letter from Asa Gray, 23 January 1860 , n.  2), CD’s corrections …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (44) Charles Robert Darwin Down 1 Feb [1860] Asa Gray …
  • … have been sent in the letter to Asa Gray, 28 January [1860] , there CD states that he is …
  • … enclosure and also the letter to Asa Gray, [8 or 9 February 1860] . CD refers to [T.  H.   …

To Asa Gray   11 August [1860]


Agassiz is strongly opposed to Origin, but CD thinks K. E. von Baer may come out in support.

Discusses the possibility of favourable monstrosities in the light of Theophilus Parsons’ essay ["On the origin of species", Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 30 (1860): 1–13].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  11 Aug [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (35)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2896

Matches: 5 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   11 August [1860] …
  • … pigs of Florida (see letter to Asa Gray, 3 April [1860] ). The ‘story’ was given in Origin …
  • … from Jeffries Wyman , [ c . 15] September 1860. See letter from Asa Gray, [10 July 1860] . …
  • … August 1860, p.  161. See letters to Asa Gray , 22 July [1860] , and to J.  D.  Hooker, 7  …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (35) Charles Robert Darwin Down 11 Aug [1860] Asa

To Asa Gray   26 November [1860]


Has reread AG’s third Atlantic Monthly article. It is admirable, but CD cannot go as far as AG on design.

Mentions other opinions and reviews of Origin.

Relates some experiments on Drosera showing its extreme sensitivity; requests some observations on orchids.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  26 Nov [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (27)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2998

Matches: 7 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   26 November [1860] …
  • … has been found. Letter to Asa Gray, 31 October [1860] . CD refers to the second part of …
  • … 1860): 373–86. See letter to Asa Gray, 26 September [1860] . CD received the third part of …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (27) Charles Robert Darwin Down 26 Nov [1860] Asa
  • … Spiranthes . See letter to Asa Gray, 31 October [1860] and the enclosure. CD had read …
  • … in September. See letter to Asa Gray, 26 September [1860] . CD annotated this passage ([ …
  • Asa Gray, 1810–1888. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University. Olmsted, Frederick Law. 1856. A journey in the seaboard slave states, with remarks on their economy. New York: Dix & Edwards. London: S. Low. Olmsted, Frederick Law. 1860. …

From Asa Gray   23 January 1860



American edition of Origin. AG’s assessment of the book’s weak and strong points. Suggests Jeffries Wyman would be a useful source of facts and hints for CD.

Author:  Asa Gray
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  23 Jan 1860
Classmark:  DAR 98 (ser. 2): 22–5
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2663

Matches: 9 hits

  • … From Asa Gray   23 January 1860
  • … DAR 98 (ser. 2): 22–5 Asa Gray Cambridge Mass. 23 Jan 1860 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Letter from Asa Gray, [10 January 1860] . Gray refers to the proof-sheets of the second …
  • … Murray . See also letter from Asa Gray, [17 January 1860] . Gray refers to the New York …
  • … from D.  Appleton & Co .  to Asa Gray , dated 19 January [1860], in the Gray Herbarium …
  • … proper places’. See letter to Asa Gray, 1 February [1860] , and Appendix IV.  This edition …
  • … Dalton Hooker . See letter to Asa Gray, 7 January [1860] and n.  4. James Dwight Dana …
  • … 685–6). See also see letter to Asa Gray, [8 or 9 February 1860] . CD was critical of the …
  • Gray, Asa. 1860b. Review of Darwin’s theory on the origin of species by means of natural selection. American Journal of Science and Arts 2d ser. 29: 153–84. Origin 2d ed. : On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1860. …

To Asa Gray   28 January [1860]


If an American edition of Origin is considered worth while, CD would like AG’s reviews prefixed to it.

Will use all his strength to produce first part of his three-volume big work [Variation].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  28 Jan [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (43)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2665

Matches: 8 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   28 January [1860] …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (43) Charles Robert Darwin Down 28 Jan [1860] Asa
  • … vol.  7. See the letters to Asa Gray , 1 February [1860] and [8 or 9 February 1860] , in …
  • … section of the letter from Asa Gray, [10 January 1860] . His review of Origin however, was …
  • … April 1859 . See also letter to Asa Gray, 1 February [1860] . CD refers to Jeffries Wyman …
  • … mid-February ( see letter to Asa Gray, [8 or 9 February 1860] ). For CD’s arrangement with …
  • … Origin . See letter from Asa Gray to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 January 1860 , and letter to J.   …
  • Asa Gray, 4 April [1858] . The enclosure has not been found. CD had asked his publisher to send Gray the unbound sheets of the second English edition of Origin late in 1859 ( Correspondence vol.  7, letter to John Murray, 22 December [1859] ). For some of the corrections CD made to the second edition of Origin , published on 7 January 1860, …

To John Murray   [25 January 1860]


CD asks how soon JM will go to press with Journal [of researches]; thinks he had better look it over to see if progress of science has made any correction necessary.

P.S. Asa Gray has written that Origin has caused great excitement in U. S. Agassiz has denounced it.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Murray
Date:  [25 Jan 1860]
Classmark:  National Library of Scotland (John Murray Archive) (Ms.42152 ff.64–67)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2632

Matches: 4 hits

  • … See letter from Asa Gray, [10 January 1860] and n.  3. …
  • … 1977 , p.  39). Letter from Asa Gray, [10 January 1860] . The part of the letter to which …
  • … to John Murray, 22 December [1859] ). See letter to Asa Gray, 1 February [1860] . CD …
  • … had not yet received the letter from Asa Gray, 23  January 1860 . …

To a bookseller   6 September [1860]


Asks that Fraser’s Magazine for July or the review from it on Origin (Hopkins 1860) be sent to Asa Gray.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Bookseller.
Date:  6 Sept [1860]
Classmark:  Bernard Quaritch (dealers) (2003, 2007)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2906F

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Correspondence vol.  8, letter to Asa Gray, 10 September [1860] . The review was Hopkins  …
  • … s Magazine for July or the review from it on Origin (Hopkins 1860) be sent to Asa Gray. …

To Asa Gray   19 October [1860]


Is thinking of publishing AG’s three-part Origin review [from Atlantic Monthly] in England.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  19 Oct [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (32)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2955

Matches: 4 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   19 October [1860] …
  • … CD’s proposal, see the letter to Asa Gray, 24 October [1860] . Bree 1860 . Hopkins 1860 . …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (32) Charles Robert Darwin Eastbourne Down letterhead 19 Oct [1860] Asa
  • … 6 (1860): 373–86). See letter to Asa Gray, 10 September [1860] . The extract from Gray’s …

To Asa Gray   3 April [1860]


Thinks AG’s review [of Origin] will aid much in making people think about subject.

Has been savagely and unfairly reviewed by Adam Sedgwick in the Spectator [24 Mar 1860],

but thinks F. J. Pictet’s review in opposition ["Sur l’origine de l’espèce", Arch. Sci. Phys. & Nat. n.s. 7 (1860): 231–55] a very fair one.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  3 Apr [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (47)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2743

Matches: 5 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   3 April [1860] …
  • Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (47) Charles Robert Darwin Down 3 Apr [1860] Asa Gray …
  • … to [Gray] 1860a. See letter to Asa Gray, 24 February [1860] . Apparently Gray included in …
  • … the enclosure with the letter to Asa Gray, 1 February [1860] and n.  16. In Origin , pp.   …
  • 1860): 219–32. ] Correspondence : The correspondence of Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick Burkhardt et al. 29 vols to date. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985–. Dupree, Anderson Hunter. 1959. Asa Gray, …

To Asa Gray   3 July [1860]


Origin has "stirred up the mud with a vengeance"; AG and three or four others have saved CD from annihilation and are responsible for the attention now given to the subject. Reports events at Oxford BAAS meeting.

New evidence supports AG’s view of a warm post-glacial period.

Discusses his recent orchid observations.

Poses AG a question on design in nature.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  3 July [1860]
Classmark:  Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Harvard University (41)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2855

Matches: 6 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   3 July [1860] …
  • … and 24 December [1859] ; see also letter to Asa Gray, 7 January [1860] . Hooker 1854b . …
  • … reviews of Origin (see letter to Asa Gray, 8 June [ 1860] ). It was published as the last …
  • … of Origin . See letter to Asa Gray, 25 April [1860] and n.  5. [Gray] 1860b comprised …
  • Gray Herbarium, Harvard University (41) Charles Robert Darwin Sudbrook Park Down letterhead 3 July [1860] Asa
  • 1860 , and K.  M.  Lyell ed.  1881, 2: 334–5. See Correspondence vol.  7, letters to Asa Gray , …
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Darwin in Conversation exhibition


Meet Charles Darwin as you have never met him before. Come to our exhibition at Cambridge University Library, running from 9 July to 3 December 2022, and discover a fascinating series of interwoven conversations with Darwin's many hundreds of…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … 9 July – 3 December 2022 Milstein Exhibition Centre, Cambridge University …