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From Emma Wedgwood to F. E. E. Wedgwood   [28 October 1836]


CD will not get to Maer that week. The Langtons are leaving and will meet him at Shrewsbury.

Author:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Addressee:  Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) Mackintosh; Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) Wedgwood
Date:  [28 Oct 1836]
Classmark:  V&A / Wedgwood Collection (MS WM 233)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-316

Matches: 2 hits

  • … MS WM 233) Emma Wedgwood/Emma Darwin Maer [28 Oct 1836] Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) …
  • … Wedgwood, [24  October 1836] . Emma refers to Caroline Darwin , Elizabeth Wedgwood (1793– …

From Emma Wedgwood to F. E. E. Wedgwood   [24 October 1836]


They are impatient for CD’s arrival.

EW is reading F. Head’s "gallop" [Rapid journeys across the Pampas (1826)] "to get up a little knowledge for him".

CD has nearly settled in favour of living in Cambridge.

Author:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Addressee:  Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) Mackintosh; Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) Wedgwood
Date:  [24 Oct 1836]
Classmark:  V&A / Wedgwood Collection (MS WM 233)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-315

Matches: 2 hits

  • … MS WM 233) Emma Wedgwood/Emma Darwin Maer [24 Oct 1836] Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) …
  • 1836 . Emma Allen . Neither Penelope nor John Jones has been identified. A cholera epidemic had spread through Italy having first been detected at the port of Genoa and in Turin in November 1835 ( Snodgrass 2017 ). Louisa Strachan . Henry Allen Wedgwood , and possibly Edward Vaughan Williams , who had been Wedgwood’s contemporary at Cambridge University. Louisa Frances Wedgwood . CD’s brother, Erasmus Alvey Darwin , …

From Emma Wedgwood to F. E. E. Wedgwood   [17 December 1836]


The Darwin family are anxious for FEEW’s and Hensleigh’s opinions of CD’s journal. EW is convinced that Henry Holland is wrong if he thinks it not worth publishing.

Author:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Addressee:  Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) Mackintosh; Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) Wedgwood
Date:  [17 Dec 1836]
Classmark:  V&A / Wedgwood Collection (MS WM 233)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-328

Matches: 4 hits

  • … MS WM 233) Emma Wedgwood/Emma Darwin Maer [17 Dec 1836] Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) …
  • 1836 . Susan Elizabeth Darwin . See Correspondence vol. 1, letter from E. C. Darwin, 15 [January 1837] and n. 11. For Emma
  • Emma Wedgwood to F. E. E. Wedgwood, [24 October 1836] . Allen Wedgwood . See letter to Caroline Darwin, [ …
  • Darwin . Alexander John Scott published his Lectures expository and practical on the Epistle to the Romans in 1838 (London: James Darling). Godfrey Wedgwood and his sister Amy Wedgwood . John Hensleigh Allen Sr , Elizabeth Wedgwood (1764–1846), and possibly one or more of their sisters. See this volume, Supplement, letter from Emma Wedgwood and Louisa Holland to F.  E. E.  Wedgwood, [21 and 24 November 1836] …

From Emma Wedgwood and Louisa Holland to F. E. E. Wedgwood   [21 and 24 November 1836]


Tells of the pleasure that CD’s visit gave the family.

Author:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin; Louisa Holland; Louisa Croft
Addressee:  Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) Mackintosh; Frances Emma Elizabeth (Fanny) Wedgwood
Date:  21 and 24 Nov 1836
Classmark:  V&A / Wedgwood Collection (MS WM 233)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-324

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Wedgwood/Emma Darwin Louisa Holland/Louisa Croft Maer [21 and 24 Nov 1836] Frances Emma …
  • Emma Wedgwood to F. M. Wedgwood, [21 November 1836]’. Ellen Harriet Tollet , Caroline Darwin , …

Allen, Jane (1771–1836)

Matches: 1 hit

  • … 1771–1836 Daughter of John Bartlett Allen. Married John Wedgwood in 1794. Emma Darwin ( …

Wedgwood, C. E. (1836–1916)

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1836–1916 Daughter of Henry Allen and Jessie Wedgwood. BMD ( Death index ) Emma Darwin ( …

To A. B. Buckley   23 February 1875


Expresses his feelings following the death of Charles Lyell.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Arabella Burton Buckley
Date:  23 Feb 1875
Classmark:  DAR 143: 178
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9868

Matches: 1 hit

  • … E.  A.  Darwin to Emma Darwin, 24 April [1873] ). CD first met Lyell on 29 October 1836 in …

To Charles Lyell   24 September 1873


Discusses apple specimens received from CL; reversion to crab state. Cites passage on subject in Variation.

Comments on letter from Mr Wood on inheritance in fruit-trees.

Would like to cross flowers of "Hawthornden" with many distinct varieties.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  24 Sept 1873
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.432)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9065

Matches: 1 hit

  • … in London ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). Lyell lived at 16 Hart Street in 1836, when CD …

From Arthur Mellersh   25 January 1872



Reminisces on the evening he, B. J. Sulivan, and J. C. Wickham from the Beagle spent with CD, nearly ten years ago.

Hopes the mission at Tierra del Fuego will not "improve" the people to extinction.

Author:  Arthur Mellersh
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  25 Jan 1872
Classmark:  DAR 171: 146
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8182

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1836. Mellersh, Sulivan, and John Clements Wickham visited Down House on 21 October 1862 ( Emma Darwin’ …

From William Henry Harvey   3 February 1863


Is pleased that CD has [Roland] Trimen to collect specimens of Cape orchids. Suggests directions for securing dry specimens of what he draws.

Identifies Disa barbata and D. Cornuta of the Ophridiae.

Author:  William Henry Harvey
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  3 Feb 1863
Classmark:  Royal Entomological Society (Trimen papers, box 21: 78)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3966F

Matches: 1 hit

  • … between 1836 and 1842 ( DNB ). CD enclosed this copy, made by Henrietta Emma Darwin , with …

To H. W. Bates   3 December [1861]


Thanks HWB for references.

Praises his paper ["Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon valley", read before Linnean Society, 21 Nov 1861, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 23 (1862) : 495–566] which solves "one of the most perplexing problems which could be given to solve".

Discusses the difficulties of writing and expresses disappointment at Wallace’s book [Travels on the Amazon (1861)].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Henry Walter Bates
Date:  3 Dec [1861]
Classmark:  Cleveland Health Sciences Library (Robert M. Stecher collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3338

Matches: 1 hit

  • … to Caroline Darwin, [7 December 1836] ; see also ibid . , letters from Emma Wedgwood to …

To William Lonsdale   6 May [1864]


Thanks WL for his MS on coral and suggests that it be sent to the Geological Society for printing or preserving in the archives.

Comments on his and WL’s bad health and recalls WL’s past kindness to him.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Lonsdale
Date:  6 May [1864]
Classmark:  Murch 1893, pp. 436–7
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5080A

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1836] ). CD had considered Lonsdale as a possible editor of his 1844 species sketch, in the event of his death (see Correspondence vol.  3, letter to Emma Darwin, …

To J. D. Hooker   [1 May 1847]



Delighted that Brongniart thinks Sigillaria aquatic, and that E. W. Binney thinks coal is a sort of submarine peat. Thinks coal-plants will prove to be aquatic, though JDH will sneer at this.

Has acquired a new microscope.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  [1 May 1847]
Classmark:  DAR 114: 89
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1085

Matches: 1 hit

  • Emma Darwin gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth, on 8 July. A volume of Webb and Berthelot, Histoire naturelle des Îles Canaries (1836– …

To Emma Darwin   [9 May 1842]



Is "stomachy and be-blue-devilled" because of costs of publishing [Zoology and Coral reefs]. Wonders how the remainder [of the Zoology and Geology of "Beagle"] can be published without taking £200 or £300 out of their personal funds.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Date:  [9 May 1842]
Classmark:  DAR 210.8: 20
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-626

Matches: 1 hit

  • … the years 1832 to 1836. By Charles Darwin. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1842. Emma Darwin ( …

To W. D. Fox   16 July [1872]


Is correcting proofs for Expression.

Family news.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Darwin Fox
Date:  16 July [1872]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8413

Matches: 1 hit

  • Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). CD also refers to Caroline Sarah Wedgwood . CD often associated Fox and Albert Way , his fellow-students at Cambridge, with the hunt for the beetle Panagaeus crux-major (see Correspondence vol.  1, letters to W.  D.  Fox, May 1832 , [7–11] March 1835 , and 15 February 1836 ; …

To C. E. Norton   1 June 1881


No Benjamin Franklin letters to Erasmus Darwin preserved.

Was inaccurate about Franklin’s nephews [in Erasmus Darwin].

Recounts story about Franklin at court of France.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Eliot Norton
Date:  1 June 1881
Classmark:  Houghton Library, Harvard University (Charles Eliot Norton Papers, MS Am 1088.14: 1599)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13187

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1836–40, 1: 435). The Darwins visited Patterdale in the Lake District from 2 June to 5 July 1881 ( Emma

To J. D. Hooker   24 December [1862]



Thanks for Dawson’s letter. Doubts his evidence that climate of land was not glacial when upheaved after submergence.

Encloses memorandum of questions for C. V. Naudin.

Expression of the emotions.

Is building a hothouse for plant experimenting.

JDH’s ideas on America are more atrocious than his. What a new idea that struggle for existence is necessary to try to purge a government! Probably true. Slavery draws him one way one day, another the next. Yankees are "detestable toward us". Tocqueville.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  24 Dec [1862]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 177
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3875

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1836  in February 1849 (see Correspondence vol.  4, Appendix IV, 119: 22b). William Henslow Hooker . See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [21 December 1862] . Emma and William Erasmus Darwin . …

To W. D. Fox   17 July [1853]


Discusses Rugby and education in general. The enormous proportion of time spent on classics checks interest "in anything in which reasoning & observation comes into play".

Expresses shock and sympathy on learning of the deaths in WDF’s house.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Darwin Fox
Date:  17 July [1853]
Classmark:  Christ’s College Library, Cambridge (MS 53 Fox 84)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1522

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1836–66, was an outstanding classical teacher and emphasised the value of a classical education ( DNB ). CD had been a pupil at Shrewsbury School, 1818–25. According to Emma Darwin’ …

From Ernst Haeckel   [before 6 February 1868]



Describes his lectures on CD’s theory.

Thanks CD for copy of Variation. Comments on book.

Describes work of two protégés in Jena: Nicolas von Miklucho[-Maclay] and Anton Dohrn.

His cousin, Wilhelm Bleek, is sending an article about the origin of language.

Asks to keep book a few months longer but will return it if CD needs it [Webb and Berthelot, Histoire naturelle des Îles Canaries, vol. 3, pt 1: Géographie botanique (1840)].

Describes research on Siphonophora.

Describes life in Jena. Mentions alpine accident during wedding trip.

Author:  Ernst Philipp August (Ernst) Haeckel
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [before 6 Feb 1868]
Classmark:  DAR 166: 46
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5840

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1836–50. Haeckel probably refers in particular to the Géographie botanique (vol.  2, pt 1, in tome 3), 1840. Haeckel’s research on siphonophores was published in Haeckel 1869 . Agnes Haeckel . Haeckel refers to Emma Darwin

To P. G. King    21 February 1854


PGK’s letter stirred memories of their old days in the Beagle.

Gives news of his work on cirripedes. Would like to examine Scalpellum papillosum of King from Patagonia if PGK’s father has a duplicate in his collection.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Philip Gidley King
Date:  21 Feb 1854
Classmark:  Mitchell Library, Sydney (MLMSS 3447/2 Item 1)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1554A

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1836 after having been midshipman aboard the Beagle . In 1854, he was assistant superintendent of the estates of the Australian Agricultural Company and manager of the Peel River Land and Mining Company and lived in Goonoo Goonoo, New South Wales (Nicholas and Nicholas 1989 , p.  133). CD and Emma Darwin
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