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To W. E. Darwin   8 November [1866]



Tells WED of a change in his will.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  8 Nov [1866]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 120
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5271

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   4 [November 1862]



Discusses a crossing experiment.

Has been counting the seeds in pods [of Lythrum?].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  4 [Nov 1862]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 105
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3682

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   [25 October 1862]



Asks WED to make some observations on differences in pods of Lythrum.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [25 Oct 1862]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 106
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3782

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   [24 July 1862]



Discusses dimorphic plants, valerian and Erythraea. Would like to look at them; suggests WED draw up a paper on them.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [24 July 1862]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 101
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3632

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   29 [June 1863?]



Would like WED to send a specimen of the unusual plant organ of which he sent a drawing.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  29 [June 1863?]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 94
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3367

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   17 [October 1861]



Discusses business matters relating to WED and the bank.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  17 [Oct 1861]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 79
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3287

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   [8 December 1860]



Asks identity of [Henry] Fawcett, who wrote a capital article on the Origin in Macmillan’s Magazine [3 (1860): 81–92], "A popular exposition of Mr Darwin".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [8 Dec 1860]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 60
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3014

Matches: 1 hit

To Susan Darwin   3 December [1833]


Has had to draw bills totalling £217 in seven months.

Is glad the Captain has decided to winter in Tierra del Fuego, because this will facilitate "glorious excursions" into the Andes.

Has obtained fragments of fossil bones and part of a Megatherium head.

Their long delay occurred because the charts were not complete for sending home.

CD is now on shore because of seasickness.

The family may not hear from him for a year.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Susan Elizabeth Darwin
Date:  3 Dec [1833]
Classmark:  DAR 154: 80
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-233

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   5 [November 1858]



Discusses matters relating to WED’s first term [at Cambridge].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  5 [Nov 1858]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 33
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2353

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   10 [December 1856]



Writes of arrangements for the end of the school-term.

Condition of Emma and the new baby [C. W. Darwin].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  10 [Dec 1856]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 12
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2019

Matches: 1 hit

To [W. E. Darwin]   [1857?]



Will be grateful for facts from Mr Linton on numbers of eggs from goldfinch–canary crosses.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [1857?]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 187
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2029

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   [November 1857]



Is trying to find a tutor for WED.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [Nov 1857]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 21
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2095

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   1 March [1853]



Discusses WED’s affairs and events at Down.

Writes of the benefits of reading.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  1 Mar [1853]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 5
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1639

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   4 August [1881]



Reports on a luncheon of scientific savants at which the Crown Prince of Germany [and Prince of Wales?] were present.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  4 Aug [1881]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 181
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13274

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   8 February [1881]



Thanks WED for sending leaves and making observations on how earthworms drag them into their burrows.

Doubts justice of fierce review against J. Geikie’s book [Prehistoric Europe (1881)] in Nature [by W. B. Dawkins, 23 (1881): 309–10], but if reindeer and hippopotamus have really been found in close contact in same bed – "it tells horribly against interglacial periods".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  8 Feb [1881]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 176
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13042

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   19 February [1881]


Uncle Erasmus is ill.

Thanks WED for his trouble about the cottages.

He has signed the note to Higgins.

CD has used WED’s Rhododendron case in Earthworms [p. 69].

Is using paper triangles in experiments on intelligence of worms.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  19 Feb [1881]
Classmark:  Houghton Library, Harvard University (Autograph File, D)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13058

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   2 December [1880]



Gives instructions to WED about looking for earthworm activity at Brading.

Mentions James Geikie’s excellent book [Prehistoric Europe (1881)].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  2 Dec [1880]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 164
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12882

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   12 December [1878]



Writes of Anthony Rich’s bequest.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  12 Dec [1878]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 151
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11786

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   10 January [1879]



G[eorge] has visited A[nthony] R[ich] at Worthing.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  10 Jan [1879]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 152
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11824

Matches: 1 hit

To W. E. Darwin   9 [June 1880]



Sends Asa Gray’s lectures on Natural science and religion [1880].

Greatly enjoyed their stay at Bassett.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  9 [June 1880]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 159
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12624

Matches: 1 hit

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