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To J. D. Hooker   21 [May 1856]



Huxley’s "vehement" [Royal Institution?] Lectures make it difficult to propose him for Athenaeum.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  21 [May 1856]
Classmark:  DAR 114: 163
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1876

Matches: 1 hit

  • … DCP-LETT-1876

Richardson, Benjamin Ward. 1876. Abstract report to ‘Nature’ on experimentation on animals for the advance of practical medicine. Nature, 15 June 1876, pp. 149–52; 22 June 1876, pp. 170–2; 29 June 1876, pp. 197–9; 20 July 1876, pp. 250–2; 3 August 1876, pp. 289–91; 17 August 1876, pp. 339–41; 31 August 1876, pp. 369–72.

Matches: 8 hits

  • … Richardson, Benjamin Ward. 1876. Abstract report to ‘Nature’ on experimentation on animals …
  • … for the advance of practical medicine. Nature , 15 June 1876, pp. …
  • … 149–52; 22 June 1876, pp. …
  • … 170–2; 29 June 1876, pp. …
  • … 197–9; 20 July 1876, pp. …
  • … 250–2; 3 August 1876, pp. …
  • … 289–91; 17 August 1876, pp. …
  • … 339–41; 31 August 1876, pp. 369–72. Online or CP340:1.b.95 24 …

To Georg von Seidlitz   13 October 1876


CD is much obliged to receive Beiträge zur Descendenz-Theorie [1876].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Georg Karl Maria (Georg) von Seidlitz
Date:  13 Oct 1876
Classmark:  Zoologische Staatssammlung München
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10643F

Matches: 6 hits

  • … Seidlitz 1876 . …
  • … To Georg von Seidlitz   13 October 1876
  • … München Charles Robert Darwin Down 13 Oct 1876 Georg Karl Maria (Georg) von Seidlitz …
  • … CD is much obliged to receive Beiträge zur Descendenz-Theorie [1876]. …
  • … Bibliography Seidlitz, Georg. 1876. Beiträge zur Descendenz-Theorie . Leipzig: W. …
  • … Station | Orpington. S.E.R. Oct.  13 th 1876 Dear Sir I am much obliged to you for your …

To G. J. Romanes   [15 June 1876 or later]


Describes discovery by his son [Francis Darwin] of protoplasmic filaments extending from small glands in the leaves of Dipsacus [see Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 26 (1877): 4–8].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  George John Romanes
Date:  [15 June 1876 or later]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.495)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10520

Matches: 16 hits

  • … To G.  J.  Romanes   [15 June 1876 or later] …
  • … Mss.B.D25.495) Charles Robert Darwin unstated [15 June 1876 or later] George John Romanes …
  • … report (see n. 7, below). See letter to G. J. Romanes, 4 June [1876] , and letter from G. …
  • … J. Romanes, 11 June [1876] . Romanes had worked on medusae ( G. …
  • … J. Romanes 1875 , 1876, …
  • … and 1876–7). Francis Darwin’s research was published in F. Darwin 1877b . On the quadrifid …
  • … 1875. Richardson, Benjamin Ward. 1876. Abstract report to ‘Nature’ on experimentation on …
  • … animals for the advance of practical medicine. Nature , 15 June 1876, pp. …
  • … 149–52; 22 June 1876, pp. …
  • … 170–2; 29 June 1876, pp. …
  • … 197–9; 20 July 1876, pp. …
  • … 250–2; 3 August 1876, pp. …
  • … 289–91; 17 August 1876, pp. …
  • … 339–41; 31 August 1876, pp. 369–72. …
  • … The first part of Richardson’s report ( B. W. Richardson 1876 ) appeared in Nature …
  • … on 15 June 1876. It was an abstract of his experience of the value of experimentation on …

To James Torbitt   6 April 1876


JT may publish CD’s letter.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  James Torbitt
Date:  6 Apr 1876
Classmark:  National Botanic Gardens of Ireland Library, Glasnevin
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10442

Matches: 12 hits

  • … To James Torbitt   6 April 1876
  • … Down , 6th April, 1876. You may publish what I have said. …
  • … Gardens of Ireland Library, Glasnevin Charles Robert Darwin Down 6 Apr 1876 James Torbitt …
  • … text of the letter to Torbitt of 4 April 1876 is also on the sheet, although the text in …
  • … See letter from James Torbitt, 6 April 1876 and n. 1. …
  • … CD’s words in his letter of 4 April 1876 were paraphrased in the …
  • … Daily Telegraph , 18 April 1876, p. 5; …
  • … see letter from James Torbitt, 19 April 1876 and n. 7. …
  • … text of this telegram, the telegram from James Torbitt , 6 April 1876, and the letter from …
  • … James Torbitt, 7 April 1876 , are from a printed sheet headed ‘Authorized …
  • … formerly inserted into a copy of Torbitt 1876 at the National Botanic Gardens of Ireland …
  • … Bibliography Torbitt, James. 1876. Cras credemus. A treatise on the cultivation of the …

From J. D. Hooker   [18 April 1876]



JDH has heard from Asa Gray, who approves of the botany primer [Botany (1876)].

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [18 Apr 1876]
Classmark:  DAR 104: 49–50
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10282

Matches: 14 hits

  • … From J.  D.  Hooker   [18 April 1876] …
  • … DAR 104: 49–50 Joseph Dalton Hooker Kew [18 Apr 1876] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … JDH has heard from Asa Gray, who approves of the botany primer [ Botany (1876)]. …
  • … and the letter to J. D. Hooker, 19 April [1876] . The seeds of teasel ( Dipsacus ) were …
  • … probably sent for Francis Darwin , who was working on it by late May 1876 (see letter from …
  • … Francis Darwin, [31 May 1876] . CD had submitted Lawson Tait’s paper on the tropical …
  • … series of Macmillan and Co. , had been published in March 1876 ( Publishers’ Circular , …
  • … 16 March 1876, p. …
  • … 218); two further editions appeared in 1876, after which it was reprinted several times. …
  • … Street, London, from 27 April to 3 May 1876 (see ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)); he had intended …
  • … fell ill while she was staying at Down (see letter to J. D. Hooker, 19 April [1876] ). …
  • … see letter to Lawson Tait, 24 April 1876 ). Evidently Michael Foster was the physiological …
  • … s paper, see the letter from J. D. Hooker, 28 January 1876 . George Howard Darwin arrived …
  • … back from a trip to Malta on 28 March 1876; Hooker visited Down on 15 April ( Emma Darwin’ …

From Francis Darwin   [after 8 October 1876]


Thanks for papers and letter; has been working in the mornings on teasel.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [after 8 Oct 1876]
Classmark:  DAR 274.1: 36
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10635F

Matches: 15 hits

  • … From Francis Darwin   [after 8 October 1876] …
  • … 274.1: 36 Francis Darwin Pantlludw, Machynlleth [after 8 Oct 1876] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … letter to Francis Darwin, 8 October [1876] ). CD stayed at William Erasmus Darwin’s house …
  • … 2d ed. were expected soon (see letter to Francis Darwin, 8 October [1876] and n. 5). …
  • … Bibliography Airy, Hubert. 1876. On the leaf-arrangement of the crowberry ( Empetrum …
  • … nigrum ). Abstract. Communicated by Charles Darwin. [Received 8 May 1876. ] Proceedings …
  • … of the Royal Society of London 25 (1876–7): 158–60. …
  • … Gibelli, Giuseppe. 1876. Di una singolare struttura delle foglie delle Empetracee. Nuovo …
  • … the letter to Francis Darwin, 8 October [1876] . CD had recommended two articles in the …
  • … see letter to Francis Darwin, 8 October [1876] and nn. 1 and 3). Francis was experimenting …
  • … see letter from Francis Darwin, [1 June 1876] and n. 2). Absorption, circulation, and …
  • … catching pitchers of Nepenthes and Sarracenia appeared in Nature , 5 October 1876, p. 518. …
  • … in Nuovo Giornale Botanico Italiano ( Gibelli 1876 ). CD had communicated ‘On the …
  • … Empetrum nigrum )’ by Hubert Airy ( Airy 1876 ) to the Royal Society of London ( …
  • … see letter from Hubert Airy, 2 May 1876 ). CD had referred to Mary Anne Ruck …

To G. J. Romanes   29 May [1876]


Encloses essay by Haeckel criticising Pangenesis [Die Perigenesis der Plastidule (1876)]. Discusses Haeckel’s theory of inheritance.

Asks about the Physiological Society.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  George John Romanes
Date:  29 May [1876]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.493)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10516

Matches: 17 hits

  • … To G.  J.  Romanes   29 May [1876] …
  • … Society (Mss.B.D25.493) Charles Robert Darwin Hopedene 29 May [1876] George John Romanes …
  • … Die Perigenesis der Plastidule (1876)]. Discusses Haeckel’s theory of inheritance. Asks …
  • … Society during its first fifty years, 1876–1926 . London: Cambridge University Press. …
  • … letter from G. J. Romanes, [ c. 19 March 1876]). CD forwarded a copy of Die Perigenesis …
  • … 23: 87–103. Romanes, George John. 1876–7. An account of some new species, varieties, …
  • … and monstrous forms of medusæ. [Read 6 April 1876 and 18 January 1877. ] …
  • … of the Linnean Society ( Zoology ) 12 (1876): 524–31; 13 (1878): 190–4. Sharpey-Schafer, …
  • … see n. 2, above. See letter from Francis Darwin, 27 May 1876 and n. 6. …
  • … The Physiological Society had been formed in March 1876; at a meeting …
  • … on 5 May 1876, it was decided that CD would be elected …
  • … honorary member of the society on 26 May 1876 ( Sharpey-Schafer 1927 , pp. 7 and 13). CD …
  • … Haeckel 1876a ) sent to him by Haeckel (see letter from Ernst Haeckel, 9 May 1876 ). See …
  • … letter from Ernst Haeckel, 9 May 1876 and n. 7. George Douglas , the earl of Moreton, had …
  • … known as telegony. See letter from Ernst Haeckel, 9 May 1876 and n. 6. CD stayed …
  • … Hensleigh Wedgwood , from 24 May to 7 June 1876 (CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II). Romanes was …
  • … monstrous forms of medusae ( G. J. Romanes 1876–7 ). For Romanes’s pangenesis experiments, …

From G. H. Darwin   1 May 1876



Writes of his "geo-mathematical" work.

Author:  George Howard Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  1 May 1876
Classmark:  DAR 210.2: 52
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10489

Matches: 18 hits

  • … From G.  H.  Darwin   1 May 1876
  • … 210.2: 52 George Howard Darwin Trinity College, Cambridge 1 May 1876 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Bibliography Evans, John. 1876. The anniversary address of …
  • … the president. [Read 18 February 1876. ] Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of …
  • … London 32, Proceedings, pp. 53–121. Sidgwick, Henry. 1876. The theory of evolution and its …
  • … on the earth’s axis of rotation (see letter from G. H. Darwin, 25 April 1876 and n. 2). …
  • … to the Royal Society of London in November 1876 ( G. H. Darwin 1876b ). John Evans had …
  • … a large effect on the position of the earth’s axis of rotation ( J. Evans 1876 , p. 108). …
  • … H. Darwin, 27 April [1876] . Francis Maitland Balfour . …
  • … CD and Emma were in London from 27 April to 3 May 1876 (CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)). …
  • … Emma had been unwell from 20 to 22 April 1876, and was ‘poorly’ …
  • … again on 2 May 1876 ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). …
  • … Leonard Darwin arrived in Down from Malta on 8 May 1876 (see second letter to G. …
  • … H. Darwin, 27 April [1876] and n. 4). There is no evidence in Emma Darwin’ s diary (DAR …
  • … J. Evans 1876 , p. 108. Henrietta Emma Litchfield’s letter has not been …
  • … she had regained her health after being ill from 17 to 21 April 1876 (see letter to J. …
  • … D. Hooker, 19 April [1876] and n. 2). For CD’s …
  • … evolution and its application to practice’ ( Sidgwick 1876 ), see the second letter to G. …

From James Torbitt   22 April 1876



Thanks for CD’s assistance and his advice on crossing.

Author:  James Torbitt
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  22 Apr 1876
Classmark:  DAR 178: 135
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10466

Matches: 15 hits

  • … From James Torbitt   22 April 1876
  • … DAR 178: 135 James Torbitt Belfast 22 Apr 1876 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … letter to James Torbitt, 21 April 1876 . See …
  • … letter to James Torbitt, 21 April 1876 and n. 3. …
  • … Belfast 22 April 1876 Charles Darwin Esqr. | Down Beckenham Kent. My dear Sir, I am sorry, …
  • … and others]. 1802–1967. Torbitt, James. 1876. Cras credemus. A treatise on the cultivation …
  • … In his letter to Torbitt of 21 April 1876 , CD said he was too unwell to perform potato- …
  • … future. See letter to James Torbitt, 21 April 1876 and n. 2. Robertson, Brooman and Co. , …
  • … s business in England (see Torbitt’s advertisement in The Times , 22 February 1876, p. …
  • … 1, and Post Office London directory 1876). Torbitt refers to …
  • … his Treatise on the cultivation of the potato ( Torbitt 1876 ), and the letter to …
  • … James Torbitt, 4 April 1876 , which CD gave his permission to publish ( …
  • … see telegram to James Torbitt , 6 April 1876). …
  • … The title page of Torbitt 1876 states that Torbitt sent it to members of the House of …
  • … of Bedford; the note has not been found. See letter to James Torbitt, 21 April 1876 . See …

From Louis Grenier   20 May 1876



Thanks CD for his authorisation for the résumé which LG will read to the Société Botanique de Lyon.

Insectivorous plants has made a sensation in France. Some are for, some against. Some doubt that a plant could absorb and assimilate the matter dissolved by the secretions. Asks CD if N. B. Ward’s method of culture might be used to answer the question definitively.

Author:  Louis Grenier
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  20 May 1876
Classmark:  DAR 165: 226
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10511

Matches: 19 hits

  • … From Louis Grenier    20 May 1876
  • … DAR 165: 226 Louis Grenier Tenay 20 May 1876 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … University Press. 1985–. Fraustadt, Alexander. 1876. Anatomie der vegetativen Organe von …
  • … R. Nischkowsky. [Reprinted in: Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 2 (1876–7): 27–64. ] …
  • … Grenier, Louis. 1876. Analyse de l’ouvrage de M. Ch. …
  • … plantes insectivores. [Read 10 February 1876. ] Annales de la Société botanique de Lyon …
  • … John van Voorst. Planchon, Jules Emile. 1876. Les plantes carnivores. Revue des deux …
  • … Tenny le 20 Mai 1876 Mon cher Monsieur J’ai bien reçu votre lettre du 26 Dec bre . , et …
  • … Fraustadt’s dissertation in March (see letter to F. J. Cohn, 31 March 1876 ). Grenier …
  • … referred to Fraustadt’s work in Grenier 1876 , p. 114. …
  • … has not been identified. In Grenier 1876 , p. 114, Grenier mentioned CD’s reservations …
  • … Tenny 20 May 1876 My dear Sir I have duly received your letter of 26 December and thank …
  • … meeting of the Lyon botanical society of 10 February 1876, and his lecture was scheduled …
  • … to be delivered on 13 July 1876, but was postponed to the following meeting on 27 July. …
  • … Both appear to be included in Grenier 1876 , which was published …
  • … in 1877 (see Grenier 1876 , p. 114, where Grenier refers to CD’s response to his letter, …
  • … plants was published by Jules Emile Planchon in Revue des deux mondes , 1 February 1876 ( …
  • … Planchon 1876 ). In 1875, Auguste Bellynck had published Les plantes carnivores , a …
  • … muscipula (Venus fly trap; Fraustadt 1876 ). Ferdinand Julius Cohn had sent CD a copy of …

To Francis Darwin   [1 May 1876]



Expresses his pride in FD, whose article ["On the structure of the snail’s heart", J. Anat. Physiol. 10 (1876): 506–10] was highly praised by G. H. Lewes.

Lewes has also been quoting FD’s letter in Nature [13 (1876): 384–5] on pycrotoxine in relation to the vivisection controversy.

Was introduced to James Sully, author of the article in Mind on Wilhelm Wundt ["Physiological psychology in Germany", 1 (1876): 20–43]

and Sensation and intuition (1874) [see 10320], by "Mrs Lewes" (George Eliot).

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  [1 May 1876]
Classmark:  DAR 271.4: 5
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10489A

Matches: 14 hits

  • … To Francis Darwin   [1 May 1876] …
  • … DAR 271.4: 5 Charles Robert Darwin [1 May 1876] Francis Darwin …
  • … the Protection of Animals Liable to Vivisection 1876 , p. 22). James Sully had published a …
  • … 1874 ); his article on Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt was published in Mind in January 1876 ( …
  • … Sully 1876 ). …
  • … of the snail’s heart", J. Anat. Physiol. 10 (1876): 506–10] was highly praised by G. H. …
  • … been quoting FD’s letter in Nature [13 (1876): 384–5] on pycrotoxine in relation to the …
  • … Physiological psychology in Germany", 1 (1876): 20–43] and Sensation and intuition ( …
  • … with minutes of evidence and appendix; 1876 (C.1397, C.1397-1) XLI.277, 689. House of …
  • … of Animals Liable to Vivisection. 1876. Statement of the Society for the Protection of …
  • … CD visited Lewes and Evans on 30 April 1876. Francis Darwin’s article ‘On the structure of …
  • … Darwin 1876a ) had been published in April 1876; his letter on the use of pycrotoxine (now …
  • … London: Henry S. King & Co. Sully, James. 1876. Physiological psychology in Germany. Mind …
  • … vivisection experiments in Nature , 16 March 1876, pp. 384–5. In the latter, Francis wrote …

To F. J. Cohn   31 March [1876]


Thanks FJC for paper by Alexander Fraustadt ["Vegetative Organe von Dionaea", Ell. Beitr. Biol. Pfl. 2 (1877): 27–64].

Mentions paper by A. W. Bennett ["Glands of carnivorous plants", Mon. Microsc. J. 15 (1876): 1–5].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Ferdinand Julius Cohn
Date:  31 Mar [1876]
Classmark:  Stuart Opotowsky (private collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10436

Matches: 11 hits

  • … To F.  J.  Cohn   31 March [1876] …
  • … plants’ ( Bennett 1875 ). See letter from F.  J.  Cohn, 28 March 1876 and n. 1. …
  • … private collection) Charles Robert Darwin Down 31 Mar [1876] Ferdinand Julius Cohn …
  • … paper by A. W. Bennett ["Glands of carnivorous plants", Mon. Microsc. J. 15 (1876): 1–5]. …
  • … carnivorous plants. [Read 1 December 1875. ] Monthly Microscopical Journal 15 (1876): 1–5. …
  • … Fraustadt, Alexander. 1876. Anatomie der vegetativen Organe von Dionaea muscipula Ell. ( …
  • … R. Nischkowsky. [Reprinted in: Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen 2 (1876–7): 27–64. ] …
  • … in the Monthly Microscopical Journal Jan 1. 1876 on certain absorptive glands which he …
  • … Letter from F.  J.  Cohn, 28 March 1876 . CD’s annotated copy of Alexander …
  • … muscipula (the Venus fly trap; Fraustadt 1876 ) contains the plates, which must have been …
  • … separately by Cohn. In his letter of 28 March 1876 , Cohn said that he and Fraustadt were …

To Gustav Jäger   23 October 1876


Thanks for a copy of GJ’s Zoologische Briefe (Jäger 1876).

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Gustav Jäger
Date:  23 Oct 1876
Classmark:  Frau Dr Hildegard Jaeger (private collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10651F

Matches: 6 hits

  • … To Gustav Jäger   23 October 1876
  • … Bibliography Jäger, Gustav. 1876. Zoologische Briefe. Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller. …
  • … Hildegard Jaeger (private collection) Charles Robert Darwin 23 Oct 1876 Down Gustav Jäger …
  • … Thanks for a copy of GJ’s Zoologische Briefe (Jäger 1876). …
  • … Jäger’s Zoologische Briefe ( Jäger 1876 ) is in the Darwin Library–Down. …
  • … Down, | Beckenham, Kent. Oct.  23. 1876 Dear Sir I owe to your kindness or to that of your …

From W. E. Darwin   30 November [1876]



Pleased to hear about GHD’s paper at the Royal Society.

Author:  William Erasmus Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  30 Nov [1876]
Classmark:  Cornford Family Papers (DAR 275: 65)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11260F

Matches: 15 hits

  • … From W. E. Darwin   30 November [1876] …
  • … 275: 65) William Erasmus Darwin Basset [Southampton] 30 Nov [1876] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … there is an entry for £53 on 5 November 1876, ‘Deposit on Purchase of 4 acres & cottage’, …
  • … 24, letter to W. E. Darwin, 29 September [1876] . Henrietta Emma Litchfield , William’s …
  • … Darwin to Leonard Darwin, [5? ] December [1876] (DAR 239.23: 1.54), which quotes from this …
  • … letter to W. E. Darwin, [before 30 November 1876] and n. 3. William had made notes of his …
  • … See Correspondence vol. 24, letter to James Geikie, 16 November 1876 , and letter to W. …
  • … s axis of rotation. [Read 23 November 1876. ] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal …
  • … of the Royal Astronomical Society 37 (1876–7): 77–89. Record of the Royal Society of …
  • … letter from G. H. Darwin, [27? November 1876] . Emma Darwin ’s notes would probably have …
  • … land that CD agreed to purchase in November 1876. In CD’s Investment book (Down House MS), …
  • … E. Darwin, [after 20 November 1876] . George Howard Darwin’s paper ‘On the influence of …
  • … changes on the earth’s axis of rotation’ ( G. H. Darwin 1876 ) was read at the Royal …
  • … Society of London on 23 November 1876. He was elected a fellow of the society in 1879 ( …
  • … the Royal Society of London ). In the December 1876 issue of Monthly Notices of the Royal …

From G. J. Romanes   1 June 1876


Anticipates reading Haeckel’s Perigenesis der Plastidule [1876].

Physiologists will think vivisection bill stringent.

Honorary memberships of Physiological Society created expressly to honour CD.

Working hard at jellyfish just now. Needs snake poison.

Author:  George John Romanes
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  1 June 1876
Classmark:  E. D. Romanes 1896, pp. 52–4
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10524

Matches: 19 hits

  • … From G.  J.  Romanes   1 June 1876
  • … D. Romanes 1896, pp. 52–4 George John Romanes Dunskaith 1 June 1876 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Haeckel’s Perigenesis der Plastidule [1876]. Physiologists will think vivisection bill …
  • … Dunskaith, Nigg, Ross-shire, N.B. : June 1, 1876. Many thanks for your long and kind …
  • … See letter to G. J. Romanes, 29 May [1876] . CD sent a copy of Ernst Haeckel’s Die …
  • … Collection–CUL. In his letter of 29 May [1876] , CD had written that he had gone to …
  • … Romanes had also worked on medusae (see G. J. Romanes 1875 , G. J. Romanes 1876 , and G. …
  • … J. Romanes 1876–7 ). See G. …
  • … J. Romanes 1876 , p. 171. Romanes was investigating whether the nerve tissue of medusae …
  • … 1875. ] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 166 (1876): 269–313. …
  • … Romanes, George John. 1876–7. An account of some new species, varieties, …
  • … and monstrous forms of medusæ. [Read 6 April 1876 and 18 January 1877. ] …
  • … Journal of the Linnean Society ( Zoology ) 12 (1876): 524–31; 13 (1878): 190–4. …
  • … Romanes, George John. 1876. The physiology of the nervous …
  • … system of medusae. [Read 28 April 1876. ] Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great …
  • … Society during its first fifty years, 1876–1926 . London: Cambridge University Press. …
  • … had been ill ( letter to C. S. Wedgwood, 20 April 1876 ). A bill to regulate vivisection …
  • … introduced into the House of Lords on 15 May 1876 ( Hansard Parliamentary Debates 3d ser. …
  • … its inaugural dinner took place on 26 May 1876 (see Sharpey-Schafer 1927 , p. 15). William …

To Anton Kerner von Marilaun   31 October [1876]


Thanks for Die Schutzmittel der Blüthen gegen unberufene Gäste (Kerner 1876).

Will send a copy of Cross and self fertilisation.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Anton Kerner von Marilaun
Date:  31 Oct [1876]
Classmark:  Archive of the University of Vienna (151.273-3)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10659F

Matches: 13 hits

  • … To Anton Kerner von Marilaun   31 October [1876] …
  • … of Vienna (151.273-3) Charles Robert Darwin Down 31 Oct [1876] Anton Kerner von Marilaun …
  • … der Blüthen gegen unberufene Gäste (Kerner 1876). Will send a copy of Cross and self …
  • … in the vegetable kingdom. By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1876. Kerner, …
  • … Anton. 1876. Die Schutzmittel der Blüthen gegen unberufene Gäste. In Festschrift der K. …
  • … fertilisation was published on 10 November 1876 ( Correspondence vol. 24, Appendix II). …
  • … See also this volume, Supplement, letter to Anton Kerner von Marilaun, 20 November 1876 . …
  • … is established by the reference to Kerner 1876 (see n. 2, below). There is an annotated …
  • … protective measures of flowers against uninvited guests; Kerner 1876 ) in DAR 139: 15.1. …
  • … In Nature , 26 October 1876, p. 584, a paper …
  • … as appearing in Naturforscher , August 1876, under the translated title ‘On the natural …
  • … animal destroyers’. In fact, a summary of Kerner‘s book ( Kerner 1876 ) was published in …
  • … Der Naturforscher , 5 August 1876, pp. 301–4. CD’s bookseller was Williams & Norgate , but …

From G. J. Romanes   [after 23 September 1876]


No results yet with graft-hybrids.

Has been writing a paper.

"Lankester seems to have doubled up [H.] Slade [the medium] in fine style".

Author:  George John Romanes
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [after 23 Sept 1876]
Classmark:  E. D. Romanes 1896, p. 45
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10584

Matches: 17 hits

  • … From G.  J.  Romanes   [after 23 September 1876] …
  • … testimony at Slade’s trial ( The Times , 30 October 1876, p. 11). …
  • … 1896, p. 45 George John Romanes Dunskaith [after 23 Sept 1876] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Green, and Co. Romanes, George John. 1876–7. An account of some new species, varieties, …
  • … see letter from G. J. Romanes, 1 June 1876 and n. 10). He spent part of the year at …
  • … and monstrous forms of medusæ. [Read 6 April 1876 and 18 January 1877. ] …
  • … Journal of the Linnean Society ( Zoology ) 12 (1876): 524–31; 13 (1878): 190–4. …
  • … him in the further pursuit of these experiments’ ( The Times , 23 September 1876, p. 9). …
  • … Wallace attended séances at Slade’s house in August and October 1876. He wrote in defense …
  • … of Slade in a letter in The Times , 19 September 1876, p. 4, and gave …
  • … Society on 18 January 1877 ( G. J. Romanes 1876–7 ), and a longer paper on their locomotor …
  • … see letter from G. J. Romanes, 11 June [1876] ). Edwin Ray Lankester attended several …
  • … In a letter to The Times , 16 September 1876, p. 7, Lankester claimed that Slade’s hands …
  • … Slade for conspiracy to obtain money by false pretences ( The Times , 3 October 1876, p. …
  • … 9, and 11 October 1876, p. 12). Slade was convicted under …
  • … with hard labour ( The Times , 1 November 1876, p. 9); however, he appealed against the …
  • … s letter appeared in The Times , 21 September 1876, p. 3. In another letter, he explained …

To James Torbitt   4 April 1876



Thanks for essay [Cras credemus: a treatise on the cultivation of the potato from the seed, having for proposed results the extinction of the disease (1876)] and seeds. Thinks principle on which JT is acting is right.

Cannot allow publication of his earlier letter [10368], as he cannot recall what he wrote.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  James Torbitt
Date:  4 Apr 1876
Classmark:  DAR 148: 92
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10440

Matches: 10 hits

  • … To James Torbitt   4 April 1876
  • … DAR 148: 92 Charles Robert Darwin Down 4 Apr 1876 James Torbitt …
  • … what is an individual? ’, contained in the letter to James Torbitt, 26 January 1876 . …
  • … results the extinction of the disease (1876)] and seeds. Thinks principle on which JT is …
  • … Down, April 4, 1876. Dear Sir I thank you for your very obliging letter and present of the …
  • … See letter from James Torbitt, 1 April 1876 . Torbitt …
  • … his pamphlet on potato blight, Torbitt 1876 , which was accompanied by a packet of seeds. …
  • … over successive generations was the best way to improve yields ( Torbitt 1876 , pp. 3–4). …
  • … See letter from James Torbitt, 1 April 1876 and n. 2. Torbitt wanted to publish CD’s reply …
  • … Bibliography Torbitt, James. 1876. Cras credemus. A treatise on the cultivation of the …

From James Torbitt   7 April 1876


Believes publishing CD’s letter will enable JT to suppress the potato disease several years sooner.

Returns CD’s answer to JT’s question "What is an individual?", and repeats his request for permission to publish it.

Author:  James Torbitt
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  7 Apr 1876
Classmark:  National Botanic Gardens of Ireland Library, Glasnevin
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10443

Matches: 13 hits

  • … From James Torbitt   7 April 1876
  • … Gardens of Ireland Library, Glasnevin James Torbitt Down 7 Apr 1876 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … text of the letter to Torbitt of 4 April 1876 is also on the sheet, although the text in …
  • … Bibliography Torbitt, James. 1876. Cras credemus. A treatise on the cultivation of the …
  • … B elfast 7th April, 1876. Charles Darwin, Esq. , | Down, Beckenham, Kent. D ear S ir ,— …
  • … Letter to James Torbitt, 4 April 1876 . …
  • … Telegram to James Torbitt , 6 April 1876. See …
  • … letter to James Torbitt, 4 April 1876 and n. 2. …
  • … In his letter of 4 April 1876 , CD had refused Torbitt permission to publish …
  • … his letter to Torbitt of 26 January 1876 , because he could not remember what he had said. …
  • … text of this letter, the telegram from James Torbitt , 6 April 1876, and the telegram to …
  • … James Torbitt , 6 April 1876, are from a printed sheet headed ‘Authorized …
  • … formerly inserted into a copy of Torbitt 1876 at the National Botanic Gardens of Ireland …
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1876 in keywords
natural selection in Commentary
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Darwin in letters, 1868: Studying sex


The quantity of Darwin’s correspondence increased dramatically in 1868 due largely to his ever-widening research on human evolution and sexual selection.Darwin’s theory of sexual selection as applied to human descent led him to investigate aspects of the…

Matches: 1 hits

  • …   On 6 March 1868, Darwin wrote to the entomologist and accountant John Jenner Weir, ‘If …