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To T. H. Huxley   4 May [1856]


It seems improper that his advances to G. B. Sowerby Jr for payment of engravings should not have been mentioned to Council of Ray Society. His appreciation of the Society.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Huxley
Date:  4 May [1856]
Classmark:  Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine Archives (Huxley 5: 35)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1868

Matches: 1 hit

  • … DCP-LETT-1868

To J. J. Weir   7 May [1868]


Thanks JJW for his great assistance.

Discusses sexual selection in birds.

Sends queries on secondary sexual characteristics of birds.

Has often marvelled at the different growth of the flowering and creeping branches of ivy.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Jenner Weir
Date:  7 May [1868]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6165

Matches: 26 hits

  • … To J.  J.  Weir   7 May [1868] …
  • … Society (Mss.B.D25. ) Charles Robert Darwin Down 7 May [1868] John Jenner Weir …
  • … George Henslow’s paper on phyllotaxis was read at the Linnean Society in April 1868 ( …
  • … Henslow 1868 ); see also letter from …
  • … George Henslow, 13 April 1868 . For CD’s own interest in phyllotaxy, see Correspondence …
  • … the letter from J.  J.  Weir, [4–7] May 1868 . Weir had written four letters to CD since …
  • … CD’s last letter to him: see letters from J.  J.  Weir, 20 April 1868 , [before …
  • … 28 April] 1868 , 28 April – …
  • … 4 May 1868 , and [4– …
  • … 7] May 1868 . In …
  • … his letter to Weir of 18 April [1868] , CD had asked Weir’s opinion of Alfred Wallace’s …
  • … from J.  J.  Weir, 28 April – 4 May 1868 . CD probably refers to Marcgravia umbellata (see …
  • … while young. Weir’s reply is in his letter to CD of 20 April 1868. See letter from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, [4–7] May 1868  and n.  4. See letters …
  • … to J.  J.  Weir, 27 February [1868] and …
  • … 29 February [1868] , and letter from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, [before 5] March 1868 ; see also letter from …
  • … Harrison Weir, 28 March 1868 . No further observations by the Weirs on the subject have …
  • … see letter from J.  J.  Weir, 24 March 1868 ). In Descent 1: 395, CD cited Weir’s account …
  • … from J.  J.  Weir, [before 5] March 1868 ). According to CD’s ‘Journal’ ( Correspondence …
  • … he began working on the section on birds for Descent on 17 May 1868. See letter from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, [4–7] May 1868 . See letter to J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, 4 April [1868] and n.  4. The letter to Abraham Dee Bartlett has not been found. …
  • … See letter from J.  J.  Weir, [4–7] May 1868 . See letter from J.   …
  • … J.   Weir, 20 April 1868 . See letter from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, [before 28 April] 1868 . The Gardeners’ Chronicle , 27 April 1861, p.  390, …

From J. D. Hooker   24 November 1868



On H. C. Watson’s false and contemptuous criticism of [J. D. Hooker and T. Thomson] Flora Indica [1855].

W. B. Carpenter’s deep-sea dredgings.

James Croll’s last paper ["On geological time", Philos. Mag. 35 (1868): 363; 36 (1868): 141, 362].

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  24 Nov 1868
Classmark:  DAR 102: 240–1
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6471

Matches: 20 hits

  • … From J.  D.  Hooker   24 November 1868
  • … DAR 102: 240–1 Joseph Dalton Hooker Kew 24 Nov 1868 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … dredgings. James Croll’s last paper ["On geological time", Philos. Mag. 35 (1868): 363; …
  • … 36 (1868): 141, 362]. …
  • … Antarctic region could account for such low temperatures ( Carpenter 1868 , pp.  187–8). …
  • … The reference is to James Croll and Croll 1868 (see letter to …
  • … James Croll, 24 November 1868 ). Asa Gray and …
  • … Jane Loring Gray had been in England since September 1868 (see letter from …
  • … Asa Gray, 17 September 1868 ). John Lubbock . …
  • … Publishing. 1990. Watson, Hewett Cottrell. 1868–70. Compendium of the Cybele Britannica; …
  • … was published privately in three instalments between 1868 and 1870 and later appeared …
  • … in a single volume ( Watson 1868–70  and 1870). …
  • … CD’s annotated copy of Watson 1868–70  is in the Darwin Library–CUL (see Marginalia 1: …
  • … Bibliography Carpenter, William Benjamin. 1868. Preliminary report of dredging operations …
  • … of Natural History in Queen's College, Belfast. [Read 17 December 1868. ] Proceedings …
  • … of the Royal Society of London 17 (1868–9): 168–200. …
  • … Croll, James. 1868. On geological time, and the probable date of the Glacial and the Upper …
  • … 1 January 186[8], and n.  8. In Watson 1868–70 , 1: 45, Watson commented on the ‘baneful …
  • … Steam-Vessel Lightning in August and September 1868. The results of this expedition were …
  • … the north of the British islands’ ( Carpenter 1868 ). In his report, Carpenter referred to …

To John Dean Caton   18 September 1868



Thanks JDC for paper ["American Cervus", Trans. Ottawa Acad. Nat. Sci. (1868); read 21 May 1868].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Dean Caton
Date:  18 Sept 1868
Classmark:  DAR 143: 253
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6377

Matches: 15 hits

  • … To John Dean Caton   18 September 1868
  • … DAR 143: 253 Charles Robert Darwin Down 18 Sept 1868 John Dean Caton …
  • … Thanks JDC for paper ["American Cervus ", Trans. Ottawa Acad. Nat. Sci. (1868); read …
  • … 21 May 1868]. …
  • … the feeding of the deer and elk in Caton 1868 , pp.  29–31; CD marked the margins of …
  • … passages. CD made other citations of Caton 1868 , in addition to those in nn.  2–4, above, …
  • … Bibliography Caton, John Dean. 1868. American Cervus. …
  • … the Ottawa Academy of Natural Sciences, 21 May 1868. Ottawa, Illinois: Osman and Hapeman. …
  • … Dann Walsh sent a copy of ‘American Cervus’ ( Caton 1868 ) to CD (see letter from B.   …
  • … D.  Walsh, 29 August 1868 ). There …
  • … is an annotated offprint of Caton 1868  in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL.  The paper …
  • … the animal was about one year old ( Caton 1868 , p.  13). In Descent 1: 288, CD discussed …
  • … in deer, see the letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 19 August 1868 ; see also letter from …
  • … Edward Blyth, 24 August 1868 . CD …
  • … marked the passage on the topic ( Caton 1868 , p.  9) in his offprint, and quoted Caton on …

To J. J. Weir   18 April [1868]


Discusses rapid replacement of mates among birds. "I begin to think that the pairing of birds must be as delicate and tedious an operation as the pairing of young gentlemen and ladies. If I can convince myself that there are habitually many unpaired birds it will be a great aid to me in sexual selection". Notes rivalry of singing birds.

Heard from George Rolleston of the inherited effects of an eye injury.

Disagrees with A. R. Wallace’s idea "that birds learn to make their nests from having seen them whilst young" ["The philosophy of birds’ nests", Intellect. Obs. 11 (1867): 413–20].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Jenner Weir
Date:  18 Apr [1868]
Classmark:  Duke University, Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library (RL.10387)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6128

Matches: 23 hits

  • … To J.  J.  Weir   18 April [1868] …
  • … Manuscript Library (RL.10387) Charles Robert Darwin Down 18 Apr [1868] John Jenner Weir …
  • … Russel Wallace and to A.  R.  Wallace 1867a , 1867e, and 1868. See A.  R.  Wallace 1867e . …
  • … between this letter and the letter from J.  J.  Weir, 5 April 1868 . See letters from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, 5 April 1868 , [14  …
  • … April 1868] , and …
  • … 16 April 1868 . See letter from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, [14 April 1868] and n.  3; in Descent 2: 105–6, CD cited Weir on the incident. …
  • … B103). See letter from J.  J.  Weir, 5 April 1868 . CD refers to Edward Jenner . CD refers …
  • … to George Rolleston . See letter from J.  J.  Weir, 5 April 1868  and n.  6. See letter …
  • … from J.  J.  Weir, 5 April 1868 . Belief in maternal imagination as the source of various …
  • … of the magpies, see the letter to W.   D.  Fox, 25 February [1868] , the letter to J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, 29 February [1868] , and Descent 2: 103. CD probably refers to William Reeves . …
  • … See also letter to W.  D.  Fox, 25 February [1868] and n.  2. …
  • … In his letter of 16 April 1868 , Weir had mentioned unpaired birds and also expressed the …
  • … See letter from J.   J.  Weir, [14 April 1868] . CD included the information in Descent 2: …
  • … a now missing part of the letter from J.  J.  Weir, 5 April 1868 , or the letter from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, [14 April 1868] . For earlier discussion of bullfinch behaviour, see the letters …
  • … from J.  J.  Weir, [before 3] March 1868  and [before …
  • … 5] March 1868 . See letter from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, 16 April 1868  and n.  9. CD refers to Abraham Dee …
  • … Bartlett ; see letter to J.  J.  Weir, 4 April [1868] and n.  4. See letter …
  • … from J.  J.  Weir, 16 April 1868 . In a note dated 22 March, CD recorded Bartlett’s …

To J. D. Hooker   23 August [1868]


Pleased at success of JDH’s address. Has read several press reports.

Spectator pitches into JDH about theology ["Dr Hooker on the evidences", 22 Aug 1868, pp. 986–7].

Feels JDH has "immensely advanced the belief in evolution of species".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  23 Aug [1868]
Classmark:  DAR 94: 85–8
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6327

Matches: 27 hits

  • … To J.  D.  Hooker   23 August [1868] …
  • … DAR 94: 85–8 Charles Robert Darwin Down 23 Aug [1868] Joseph Dalton Hooker …
  • … theology ["Dr Hooker on the evidences", 22 Aug 1868, pp. 986–7]. Feels JDH has "immensely …
  • … at Julia Margaret Cameron’s house on 10 August 1868, while Hooker was visiting them. …
  • … Press. 1985–. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1868. Address of the president. Report of the thirty- …
  • … the Advancement of Science was reported or discussed in The Times , 20 August 1868, p.   …
  • … 6, 21 August 1868, p.   …
  • … 4, and 22 August 1868, pp.   …
  • … 4–5; the Daily Telegraph , 20 August 1868, p.   …
  • … 2, and 21 August 1868, p.   …
  • … 6; the Spectator , 22 August 1868, pp.   …
  • … 986–7; and the Athenæum , 22 August 1868, pp.  242–8. See letter …
  • … and plants under domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868. …
  • … from J.  D.  Hooker, [20 August 1868] and n.  5. …
  • … An editorial article in The Times , 22 August 1868, pp.  4–5, drew attention to Hooker’s …
  • … his discussion of megalithic monuments. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [20 August 1868] . …
  • … According to The Times , 21 August 1868, p.  4, John Tyndall , seconding Thomas Henry …
  • … was printed in full in the Athenæum , 22 August 1868, pp.  243–8. Hooker had visited CD …
  • … the Norwich meeting (see letter to Asa Gray, 15 August [1868] ). In his address ( J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker 1868 , p.  lxx), Hooker referred to the Athenæum ’s view, as he saw it, that …
  • … guesses’ about pigeons (see Athenæum , 15 February 1868, p.  243 ([Robertson] 1868a)). …
  • … of his address ( Athenæum , 22 August 1868, p.  242), the editor wrote, ‘although we had …
  • … see letter to John Lubbock, 15 February [1868] and n.  10). Hooker discussed astronomers’ …
  • … Review ( [Jenkin] 1867 ), in his address ( J.  D.  Hooker 1868 , pp.  lxxi–lxxii). In …
  • … his address ( J.  D.  Hooker 1868 , p.  lxxi), Hooker spoke of how Charles Lyell had …
  • … originator of the theory ( J.  D.  Hooker 1868 , p.  lxxi). The Darwins, including Erasmus …
  • … Isle of Wight from 17 July to 20 August 1868 ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). Cameron’s …

From J. D. Hooker   5 September 1868



Has met A. J. Gower, Consul at Nagasaki, Japan, who knows all about the Ainus. JDH has given away all the copies of CD’s Queries about expression.

Nettled by Pall Mall Gazette review of BAAS address [see 6342].

Owen is indeed an ass. Carlyle’s comment on Owen’s smile.

The Asa Grays at Kew.

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  5 Sept 1868
Classmark:  DAR 102: 233–4
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6349

Matches: 26 hits

  • … J.  D.  Hooker, [8–10 September 1868] . …
  • … From J.  D.  Hooker   5 September 1868
  • … DAR 102: 233–4 Joseph Dalton Hooker Kew 5 Sept 1868 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Bibliography Bickmore, Albert S. 1868. The Ainos, or hairy men, of Saghalien and the …
  • … Boston Society of Natural History, 4 March 1868. ] American Journal of Science and Arts 2d …
  • … letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 30 August 1868 . CD’s annotations were notes for his letter to …
  • … transferred to Hiogo (Hyogo) and Osaka in July 1868 ( Foreign Office list ). The Ainu, a …
  • … CD and Hooker may have learned of the Ainu from reading Bickmore 1868 (see letter to …
  • … Charles Lyell, 14 July 1868  and n.  2). CD had …
  • … human expression in late 1867 or early 1868; for a transcription of the printed queries, …
  • … March 1976): 14–19. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1868. Address of the president. Report of the …
  • … the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 19 August 1868 (see letter to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 1 September [1868] and n.  11). See letter …
  • … to J.  D.  Hooker, 1 September [1868] and n.  12. Less than three pages of …
  • … s eighteen-page address ( J.  D.  Hooker 1868 ) were concerned with science and religion. …
  • … from Hooker’s address ( J.  D.  Hooker 1868 , p.  28), where Hooker referred to: Natural …
  • … it,” as a punishment for its bad conduct’ ( Pall Mall Gazette , 22 August 1868, p.  1). …
  • … The Pall Mall Gazette , 22 August 1868, p.  1, claimed that presidential addresses at …
  • … Owen (see letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 1 September [1868] and nn.  2 and 3). For some earlier …
  • … Chambers ). In his letter of 30 August 1868 , Hooker wrote that Asa Gray and his wife, …
  • … Loring Gray , were to sail from New York on 2 September 1868. CD had invited the Grays …
  • … to Down in his letter to Asa Gray of 15 August [1868] . Hooker and …
  • … the Grays dined at Down on 24 October 1868, and some or all of them stayed until 30  …
  • … H.  Hooker to Emma Darwin, 24 September [1868] ). Jane Loring Gray’s inconsistent health …
  • … of a service at Norwich cathedral held during the 1868 meeting of the British Association, …
  • … the Pall Mall Gazette , 3 September 1868, p.  9, reported: an anthem was sung which seemed …

To J. D. Hooker   1 September [1868]


Athenæum [Owen’s?] attack on JDH [BAAS address] and CD. False statement that CD’s sole groundwork is from pigeons.

Agrees with JDH on foolishness of Red Lion Club.

Huxley’s want of judgment.

JDH’s argument about astronomy and astronomers.

Pall Mall Gazette [8 (1868): 593, 595–6] and Morning Advertiser on JDH’s address.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  1 Sept [1868]
Classmark:  DAR 94: 89–90
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6342

Matches: 17 hits

  • … D.  Hooker, 30 August  1868 . …
  • … To J.  D.  Hooker   1 September [1868] …
  • … DAR 94: 89–90 Charles Robert Darwin Down 1 Sept [1868] Joseph Dalton Hooker …
  • … and astronomers. Pall Mall Gazette [8 (1868): 593, 595–6] and Morning Advertiser on JDH’s …
  • … Garnier Frères. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1868. Address of the president. Report of the …
  • … this letter and the letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 30 August 1868 . See letter from J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 30 August 1868  and n.  19. A report in the Athenæum of Hooker’s address to …
  • … article in the Pall Mall Gazette , 22 August 1868, p.  1, noted that in Hooker’s address …
  • … sets of opinions. See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 30 August 1868 . See letter from J.   …
  • … and plants under domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868. …
  • … statement in his address ( J.  D.  Hooker 1868 , p.  lxx). CD evidently refers to Marie …
  • … letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 30 August 1868 . CD refers to Frances Harriet Hooker . John …
  • … letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 30 August 1868 . CD refers to William Henslow Hooker . Hooker …
  • … meeting of the British Association in his letter of 30 August 1868  and n.  6. See letter …
  • … from J.  D.  Hooker, 30 August 1868 . CD refers to Thomas Henry Huxley . The reference is …
  • … to John Crouch Adams; see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 30 August 1868 . The …
  • … in the Morning Advertiser , 20 August 1868, p.  5, commented on Hooker’s appointment as …

From Asa Gray   25 May 1868



CD’s book taking on famously. AG’s review in Nation [see 5921] and preface to American edition.

Author:  Asa Gray
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  25 May 1868
Classmark:  DAR 165: 164
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6206

Matches: 16 hits

  • … From Asa Gray   25 May 1868
  • … DAR 165: 164 Asa Gray Cambridge Mass. 25 May 1868 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Bibliography [Gray, Asa. ] 1868. [Review of Variation. ] …
  • … Nation 6 (19 March 1868): 234–6. Variation : The variation of animals and plants under …
  • … domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868. …
  • … Loring Gray visited England from mid-September until mid-November 1868 (see letter from …
  • … Asa Gray, 17 September 1868 , and letter from J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 24 November 1868 ). They …
  • … visited Down from 24 to 30 October 1868 ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). …
  • … See letter to Asa Gray, 8 May [1868] . See …
  • … letter to Asa Gray, 8 May [1868] and n.  2. …
  • … Gray’s review in Nation is [A.  Gray] 1868 . Gray refers to his preface to the US edition …
  • … Variation , published by Orange Judd & Co. See letter to Asa Gray, 8 May [1868] and n.  3. …
  • … See letter to Asa Gray, 8 May [1868] and n.  5. …
  • … See letter to Asa Gray, 8 May [1868] and n.  6. …
  • … Cambridge [Massachusetts] 25 May, 1868 My Dear Darwin, I want to write you a long letter— …

To W. E. Darwin   8 April [1868]



Thanks Charles Langstaff for his observations relating to expression. Has requested observations on the platysma. Discusses the actions of other facial muscles, especially during crying. [Encloses 5828.]

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  8 Apr [1868]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 124, 128
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6103

Matches: 18 hits

  • … To W.  E.  Darwin   8 April [1868] …
  • … DAR 210.6: 124, 128 Charles Robert Darwin Down 8 Apr [1868] William Erasmus Darwin …
  • … from W.  E.  Darwin, [7 April 1868] and n.  5. [ …
  • … A.  Gray] 1868 . See Correspondence vol.  15, letter from Asa Gray, [ …
  • … of Variation was published in April 1868. CD’s ‘provisional hypothesis of pangenesis’ was …
  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1872. [Gray, Asa. ] 1868. [Review of Variation. ] …
  • … Nation 6 (19 March 1868): 234–6. Variation : The variation of animals and plants under …
  • … domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868. …
  • … and the letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 5 March [1868] . CD refers to Charles Langstaff . See …
  • … letters from W.  E.  Darwin, 5 March [1868] and n.   …
  • … 4, and [7 April 1868] . CD discussed the obliqueness of the eyebrows and the transverse …
  • … pp.  179–93. CD’s query to London surgeons appeared in the 4  April 1868 issue of the …
  • … British Medical Journal 1 (1868): 332 (see letter from St G.   …
  • … J.  Mivart, 6 April 1868 and n.  2). For James Paget’s initial response to CD’s enquiry, …
  • … See letter from William Bowman, 1 April [1868] . CD also refers to Charles Bell . See …
  • … letter to W.  E.  Darwin, [15 March 1868] and n.   6. See letter …
  • … to W.  E.  Darwin, [15 March 1868] and n.  7. CD did not discuss suppressed yawning in …
  • … p.  214). See letter from W.  E.  Darwin, [7 April 1868] and n.  2. See letter …

From George Rolleston   30 September 1868



CD’s doctrines apply to man’s mental organisation, but the soul is a different matter. Cites Dean Henry Alford, M. J. Berkeley, and Prof. [J. F.?] Ferrier.

Author:  George Rolleston
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  30 Sept 1868
Classmark:  DAR 176: 208
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6401

Matches: 17 hits

  • … From George Rolleston   30 September 1868
  • … DAR 176: 208 George Rolleston Oxford 30 Sept 1868 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … at the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in August 1868 ( …
  • … Berkeley 1868 ). See the letter to M.   …
  • … J.  Berkeley, 7 September 1868 , for CD’s comments on the address; see also letter to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 25 September 1868 . Rolleston refers probably to the Scottish metaphysician, …
  • … Bibliography Alford, Henry. 1868. The Christian conscience. …
  • … Good Words , 1 January 1868, pp. 25–32. …
  • … Berkeley, Miles Joseph. 1868. [Address to the biology section. ] Report of the 38th …
  • … Oxford. Sept 30. 1868. My dear Sir. When I had the advantage of seeing you in the College …
  • … appeared in the “Good Words” for January 1868. This I do now; and I have pasted on the …
  • … the Royal College of Surgeons in March 1868; he was in London from 3 March until 1 April ( …
  • … DAR 80: 171 and comprise most of page 26 of Alford 1868  and two paragraphs of Rolleston’s …
  • … address on physiology delivered on 5 August 1868 to the annual meeting of the …
  • … Medical Association at Oxford ( Rolleston 1868 , p.  184). Miles Joseph Berkeley gave the …
  • … University Press. 2004. Rolleston, George. 1868. [The address in physiology delivered …
  • … meeting of the British Medical Association. ] [Read 5 August 1868. ] Lancet 92: 176–84. …

To J. J. Weir   4 April [1868]


CD thanks JJW for the mine of information his last "ten!" letters contain. Comments on sexual display of pheasants and colour preferences of pigeons.

Asks about hens that pair earliest in spring and about possible existence of unpaired birds.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Jenner Weir
Date:  4 Apr [1868]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6090

Matches: 16 hits

  • … To J.  J.  Weir   4 April [1868] …
  • … Society (Mss.B.D25. ) Charles Robert Darwin Down 4 Apr [1868] John Jenner Weir …
  • … birds to the beauty of male plumage. See letters from J.  J.  Weir, 7 March 1868 , 23  …
  • … March 1868 , and …
  • … 31 March 1868 . …
  • … CD refers to ten letters from Weir dated between [after 27 February] 1868 and …
  • … 31 March 1868. Alfred Russel Wallace had asked Weir to carry out experiments to test …
  • … letter from J.  J.  Weir, 24 March 1868 ), CD had asked whether he should forward Weir’s …
  • … See letter from H.  W.  Weir, 28 March 1868 . Dun Hen Carrier: a female dun-coloured …
  • … in Descent 2: 118. Roland Trimen visited CD in London on 25 March 1868 (see letter to …
  • … Roland Trimen, [21 March 1868] ). See …
  • … letter from Edward Hewitt, 28 March 1868 . In Descent 2: 117, CD cited Hewitt on the …
  • … publish the results (see letter to J.  J.  Weir, 27 March [1868] , and letter from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, 31 March 1868  and n.  4). In Descent 1: 417, CD reported Weir’s experiments and …
  • … CD was in London from 3 March to 1 April 1868 (see ‘Journal’ ( Correspondence vol.  16, …
  • … see the letter from J.  J.  Weir, 11 March 1868 . The order Gallinaceae included fowls, …

From J. D. Hooker   [20 August 1868]



Reports on Norwich address [Rep. BAAS 38 (1868): lviii–lxxv]. Left out some things, i.e., Asa Gray’s being superseded.

Tyndall says CD and JDH are types of "unconscious merit".

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [20 Aug 1868]
Classmark:  DAR 102: 227–8
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6326

Matches: 10 hits

  • … Au 24 | 68’. CD’s annotations are notes for his reply to Hooker of 23 August [ 1868]. …
  • … From J.  D.  Hooker   [20 August 1868] …
  • … DAR 102: 227–8 Joseph Dalton Hooker Norwich [20 Aug 1868] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … on Norwich address [ Rep. BAAS 38 (1868): lviii–lxxv]. Left out some things, i.e. , Asa …
  • … Press. 1985–. Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1868. Address of the president. Report of the thirty- …
  • … address was given on Wednesday 19 August 1868 ( Report of the 38th meeting of the British …
  • … Drill Hall in Norwich ( J.  D.  Hooker 1868 ; see n.  1, above). He concluded the address …
  • … was printed in The Times , 20 August 1868, p.  6. The version in The Times contained a …
  • … Palgrave . In his address ( J.  D.  Hooker 1868 , p.  lxiv), Hooker referred to John …
  • … seconded by John Tyndall ( The Times , 20 August 1868, p.  6). Hooker refers to his wife, …

To W. B. Tegetmeier   23 April [1868]


Likes WBT’s review [of Variation] in the Field [31 (1868): 309, 350].

Awaits remarks on coloured pigeons and proportion of sexes.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Bernhard Tegetmeier
Date:  23 Apr [1868]
Classmark:  Archives of the New York Botanical Garden (Charles Finney Cox Collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6141

Matches: 13 hits

  • … To W.  B.  Tegetmeier   23 April [1868] …
  • … Cox Collection) Charles Robert Darwin Down 23 Apr [1868] William Bernhard Tegetmeier …
  • … s review [of Variation ] in the Field [31 (1868): 309, 350]. Awaits remarks on coloured …
  • … B.  Tegetmeier, 9 March 1868 . Tegetmeier may have discussed his trip …
  • … to Paris when he visited CD in London on 16 March 1868 (see letter to W.   …
  • … B.  Tegetmeier, 17 [March 1868] . CD had been …
  • … in London from 3 March to 1 April 1868 (see ‘Journal’ ( Correspondence vol.  16, Appendix …
  • … and plants under domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868. …
  • … of Variation that appeared in the 18 April 1868 issue of the Field ([Tegetmeier] 1868b). …
  • … The second part appeared in the 2 May 1868 issue. See letters to W.   …
  • … B.  Tegetmeier, 11 February [1868] , 21  …
  • … February [1868] , and …
  • … 17 [March 1868] , and letter from W.   …

To J. J. Weir   27 March [1868]


Thanks for information [about sex ratios] received from bird-catchers.

"Can you form any theory about all the many cases which you have given me and others which have been published, of when one pair is killed, another soon appearing?"

Facts about gay-coloured caterpillars very satisfactory.

Comments on Pangenesis.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Jenner Weir
Date:  27 Mar [1868]
Classmark:  Linnean Society of London (Quentin Keynes Collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6059

Matches: 19 hits

  • … To J.  J.  Weir   27 March [1868] …
  • … Collection) Charles Robert Darwin London, Chester Place, 4 27 Mar [1868] John Jenner Weir …
  • … expressed support for the theory in his letter of 24 February 1868 . See letter from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, 23 March 1868  and n.  2. …
  • … this letter and the letter from J.  J.  Weir, [26] March 1868 . See letters from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, 23 March 1868 , 24  …
  • … March 1868 , and [ …
  • … 26] March 1868 . See letter from J.   …
  • … J.  Weir, [26] March 1868  and n.  7. See letter …
  • … from J.  J.  Weir, 23 March 1868 . …
  • … Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868. Variation US ed. : The variation of animals and …
  • … under domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. New York: Orange Judd & Co. [1868. ] …
  • … Wallace . See letter from J.  J.  Weir, 23 March 1868  and n.  6. Weir’s information was …
  • … to three of the four foreign editions of Variation (Carus trans.  1868, Moulinié trans.   …
  • 1868, Kovalevsky trans.   …
  • 1868–9), but was added to the American edition ( Variation US ed. , 1: iii), and was later …
  • … In a note dated 24 March 1868 (DAR 86: C18), CD wrote, ‘Gould believes strongly that males …
  • … John Gould at the British Museum on 23 March 1868 (DAR 84.2: 209). In Descent 1: 259, CD …
  • … See letter from J.  J.  Weir, 24 March 1868  and n.  1. The reference is to Alfred Russel …

To B. D. Walsh   21 September 1868


Thanks BDW for pamphlets [by S. H. Scudder and J. D. Caton].

His information about Cicada is of extraordinary interest. Discusses stridulation organs which certainly sometimes differ in the sexes. CD would be curious to know if "dumb" Cicada can breed.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Benjamin Dann Walsh
Date:  21 Sept 1868
Classmark:  Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (Walsh 14)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6382

Matches: 16 hits

  • … To B.  D.  Walsh   21 September 1868
  • … History, Chicago (Walsh 14) Charles Robert Darwin Down 21 Sept 1868 Benjamin Dann Walsh …
  • … organs, see the letter to A.  R.  Wallace, 16 September [1868] and nn.  2 and 3. See …
  • … letter from B.  D.  Walsh, 29 August 1868 . Scudder wrote that the day and night songs …
  • … songs. On the ‘forced’ cicadas, see the letter from B.  D.  Walsh, 29 August 1868 . …
  • … Bibliography Caton, John Dean. 1868. American Cervus. …
  • … the Ottawa Academy of Natural Sciences, 21 May 1868. Ottawa, Illinois: Osman and Hapeman. …
  • … Down. | Bromley. | Kent. S.E. Sep 21 1868 My dear Sir I am very sorry that my book has …
  • … See letter to John Murray, 16 September [1868] , and letter from …
  • … John Murray, 18 September [1868] . CD refers to a work by Samuel Hubbard Scudder on the …
  • … see letter from B.  D.  Walsh, 29 August 1868  and n.  14). CD used information from …
  • … mistakenly cited it as being from the April 1868 issue of the periodical, rather than from …
  • … see Scudder 1867 ). For CD’s use of Caton 1868 , sent to him by Walsh, see the letter to …
  • … J.  D.  Caton, 18 September 1868  and nn.  2–5. For Charles Valentine Riley’s article on …
  • … the letter from B.  D.  Walsh, 29 August 1868 ; Walsh had also asked whether CD could send …
  • … s . See letter from B.  D.  Walsh, 29 August 1868 . For more on CD’s recent investigations …

To J. D. Hooker   21 May [1868]


JDH too severe on Duke of Argyll.

Pities JDH on [BAAS] address [see 6099]; Huxley feels JDH will do well and will not pity him.

Thinks Huxley will give an excellent and original lecture on geographical distribution of birds.

Has been working hard on sexual selection and correspondence about it.

Mignonette is sterile with its own pollen but any two distinct plants are fertile together. It is utterly mysterious and not even Pangenesis will explain it.

On Lyell’s book [Principles, 10th ed.].

Wallace’s wonderful cleverness, but he is not cautious enough. CD differs from Wallace on birds’ nests and protection.

A. Murray’s miserable criticism of Wallace [J. Travel & Nat. Hist. 1 (1868): 137–45].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  21 May [1868]
Classmark:  DAR 94: 62–4
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6196

Matches: 22 hits

  • … To J.  D.  Hooker   21 May [1868] …
  • … DAR 94: 62–4 Charles Robert Darwin Down 21 May [1868] Joseph Dalton Hooker …
  • … A. Murray’s miserable criticism of Wallace [ J. Travel & Nat. Hist. 1 (1868): 137–45]. …
  • … See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 20 May 1868 . CD refers to George Douglas Campbell , the …
  • … See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 20 May 1868  and n.  7. Hooker, as president of the …
  • … to give an address at the annual meeting at Norwich in August 1868 (see letter from J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 20 May 1868 ). CD refers to Thomas Henry Huxley , and to Hooker’s paper on …
  • … See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 20 May 1868 . CD refers to Alfred Russel Wallace . See …
  • … letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 20 May 1868 . See letter to A.   …
  • … R.  Wallace, 5 May [1868] . …
  • … CD refers to Murray 1868  and the Journal of Travel and Natural History. The Natural …
  • … See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 20 May 1868  and n.  5. On CD’s relief at being able to …
  • … See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [20 May 1868] and nn.  2 and 3. CD later discovered that …
  • … from J.  D.  Hooker, 26[–7] February 1868 . CD refers to Variation and George Bentham . …
  • … See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 20 May 1868 . The Athenæum published …
  • … a scathing review of Variation on 15 February 1868, pp.  243–4. An …
  • … and plants under domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868. …
  • … floras (see letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 20 May 1868  and n.  11). Henrietta Anne Huxley , …
  • … stayed at Down House from 18 April to 4 May 1868 ( Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)); Huxley …
  • … had been published (see letter from Asa Gray, 18 May 1868 ); French, German, and Russian …
  • … translations were also published in 1868 (see also Correspondence vol.  15 for …
  • … letter from Giovanni Canestrini, 14 May 1868 ). CD refers to Charles Lyell and the tenth …

From T. H. Huxley   12 September 1868



BAAS Norwich meeting. Hooker [President] came out in great force. "Darwinismus" spread over the sections and crept into everything. CD will have rare happiness of seeing his ideas triumph during his life.

Author:  Thomas Henry Huxley
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  12 Sept 1868
Classmark:  DAR 166: 314
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6363

Matches: 16 hits

  • … From T.  H.  Huxley   12 September 1868
  • … DAR 166: 314 Thomas Henry Huxley London, Jermyn St 12 Sept 1868 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Bibliography Hooker, Joseph Dalton. 1868. Address of the president. Report of the thirty- …
  • … J.  D.  Hooker, 20 May 1868  and n.  13); for …
  • … reports of Fergusson’s lecture, see The Times , 24 August 1868, p.  7, …
  • … and the New-York Herald Tribune , 10 September 1868, p.  2. …
  • … letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 25 September 1868 . No record of Peter Martin Duncan’s recent …
  • … Duncan visited Down House on 16 September 1868. On the Huxleys’ holiday at Littlehampton, …
  • … Jermyn St Sep r 12 th . | 1868 My dear Darwin I find among a heap of accumulated letters …
  • … Advancement of Science ( J.  D.  Hooker 1868 ). For more on the impact of CD’s theory at …
  • … of the British Association, see the letters from J.  D.  Hooker, [20 August 1868] and …
  • … 30 August 1868 . James Fergusson delivered a lecture on …
  • … at the Drill Hall in Norwich on 21 August 1868; Hooker chaired the event (see letter from …
  • … for Henry (Harry) Huxley, see the letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 10 June 1868  and n.  3. Harry …
  • … had stayed at Down House with his family from 18 April to 4 May 1868 (see letter to …
  • … Roland Trimen, 14 April [1868] , and Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242)). Huxley’s wife was …

To H. T. Stainton   2 March [1868]


Thanks HTS for his valuable information. Hopes to arrive at probable answer to question of proportion of males to females in the progeny of butterflies bred in domestication.

On courtship of butterflies, CD believes something more than chance is involved in determining which male is successful.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Henry Tibbats Stainton
Date:  2 Mar [1868]
Classmark:  Natural History Museum, Library and Archives (General Manuscripts MSS DAR 23)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5967

Matches: 20 hits

  • … To H.  T.  Stainton   2 March [1868] …
  • … Manuscripts MSS DAR 23) Charles Robert Darwin Down 2 Mar [1868] Henry Tibbats Stainton …
  • … T.  Stainton, 21 February [1868] ). CD’s letter to Armand de Quatrefages has …
  • … the letter from Armand de Quatrefages, 4 March 1868 . Quatrefages had written treatises on …
  • … letter from H.  T.  Stainton, 29 February 1868 . Stainton enclosed copies of letters from …
  • … Hellins with his letter to CD of 29 February 1868 . The subject of the ratio of sexes in …
  • … of the Entomological Society on 17 February 1868; both Stainton and Henry Walter Bates …
  • … the meeting to CD (see letter from H.  W.  Bates, 18 February 1868 , and letter from H.   …
  • … T.  Stainton, 20 February 1868 ). In a letter to W.   …
  • … B.  Tegetmeier, 11 February [1868] , CD had asked for records on proportions of sexes in ‘ …
  • … letter from W.  B.  Tegetmeier, [before 15 February 1868] ). See also letter to H.   …
  • … T.  Stainton, 21 February [1868] . Alexander Wallace discussed the ailanthus silk moth, …
  • … in his letter to CD of 25 February 1868 . Wallace had not, in fact, written that a …
  • … later corrected CD on this point (see letter from Alexander Wallace, 14 March 1868 ). In …
  • … his letter to Stainton of 28 February [1868] , CD had asked whether the colouring of …
  • … In a letter to Stainton of 26 February 1868 , Henry Doubleday mentioned that when males of …
  • … letter from H.  T.  Stainton, 29 February 1868 ). In Descent 1: 409, CD argued there was …
  • … referred to as whites and yellows). See letter to Henry Doubleday, 1 March [1868] . See …
  • … letter from Alexander Wallace, 25 February 1868 . CD refers to the behaviour …
  • … Lasiocampa quercus (see letter from Roland Trimen, 20 February 1868 , and letter to H.   …

From George Thurber   18–20 April 1868



About an American edition of Variation.

Author:  George Thurber
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  18–20 Apr 1868
Classmark:  DAR 178: 120
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6129

Matches: 20 hits

  • … From George Thurber   18–20 April 1868
  • … DAR 178: 120 George Thurber New York 18–20 Apr 1868 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … cited an article in American Agricultural (1868), p.  100, for information on the colours …
  • … Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1871. [Gray, Asa. ] 1868. [ Review of Variation. ] …
  • … CD’s letter to Asa Gray of 11 March 1868 has not been found, but see …
  • … the letter from Asa Gray, 24 February 1868 . Thurber refers to Variation . Thurber …
  • … had edited since 1863, and to [Thurber] 1868 ( ANB ). No copies of the magazine have been …
  • … corrections in late March (see letter to W.  E.  Darwin, 25 March [1868] ). The ‘Author’s …
  • … to the American edition is dated 28 March 1868; three pages of corrections are inserted …
  • … Nation 6 (19 March 1868): 234–6. Meckier, Jerome. 1990. Innocent abroad: Charles Dickens’s …
  • … Press of Kentucky. [Thurber, George. ] 1868. Varieties and variation. [Review of …
  • … Darwin. 2 vols. London: John Murray. 1868. Variation US ed. : The variation of animals and …
  • … under domestication. By Charles Darwin. 2 vols. New York: Orange Judd & Co. [1868. ] …
  • … New York April 18 th 1868 Mr Charles Darwin My Dear Sir— Our Excellent friend Doctor Gray …
  • … Journal of Science and Arts 2d ser.  45 (1868): 411. The journal was popularly known as ‘ …
  • … and to a public dinner held on 18 April 1868 in New York in honour of Charles Dickens , …
  • … Gray’s review of Variation had appeared in the 19 March 1868 edition of the Nation ( [A.   …
  • … Gray] 1868 ). Thurber probably refers to Isaac Sprague . …
  • … review of Variation appeared in the July 1868 issue of Atlantic Monthly ([Sprague? ] …
  • 1868). A brief notice of the publication of the American edition of …
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Darwin in letters, 1867: A civilised dispute


Charles Darwin’s major achievement in 1867 was the completion of his large work, The variation of animals and plants under domestication (Variation). The importance of Darwin’s network of correspondents becomes vividly apparent in his work on expression in…

Matches: 2 hits

  • … derived from Asa Gray’s printed queries, was published in 1868 in the  Annual Report of the Board …
  • … work itself.’  Variation  was published on 30 January 1868. …