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To W. B. Tegetmeier   25 April [1856]


Foresees WBT will work out poultry so well that CD will "be gladly saved the trouble". Would like some eggs from WBT’s Polish fowl and thanks him for acquiring the Indian laughing pigeons.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Bernhard Tegetmeier
Date:  25 Apr [1856]
Classmark:  Archives of the New York Botanical Garden (Charles Finney Cox Collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1860

Matches: 1 hit

  • … DCP-LETT-1860

To Asa Gray   22 July [1860]


Greatly praises AG’s discussion of Origin in Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. [4 (1860): 411–15; 424–6].

Mentions other reviews of Origin; believes the BAAS meeting at Oxford greatly advanced the subject. Has heard his views are gaining ground in Germany.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  22 July [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (30)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2876

Matches: 25 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   22 July [1860] …
  • … D.  Hooker, [20? July 1860] and n.  5. …
  • … University (30) Charles Robert Darwin Hartfield Down letterhead 22 July [1860] Asa Gray …
  • … Origin in Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. [4 (1860): 411–15; 424–6]. Mentions other reviews of …
  • … Sarah Elizabeth Wedgwood lived, from 10 July 1860 to 2 August (‘Journal’; Appendix II). CD …
  • … Sudbrook Park, Richmond, Surrey, from 28 June 1860 to 7 July (‘Journal’; Appendix II). He …
  • … of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 4 (1860): 410–15, 424–31. See letter to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, [17 July 1860] . Joseph Dalton Hooker’s remark was probably made in a letter, …
  • … H.  Huxley, 20 July [1860]). See letter from J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 2 July 1860 , and Appendix VI. Ferdinand Hochstetter, who was appointed …
  • … mineralogy and geology at the Imperial Polytechnic Institute in Vienna in 1860, attended …
  • … the 1860 meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Oxford. …
  • … Bronn trans.  1860, pp.  495– …
  • … 520. Hopkins 1860 . See letter to J.   …
  • … University Press. 1985–. Hopkins, William. 1860. Physical theories of the phenomena of …
  • … Murray. 1859. [Wilberforce, Samuel. ] 1860. [Review of Origin. ] Quarterly Review 108: …
  • … J.  D.  Hooker, 19 [July 1860] . CD’s annotated copies of all three articles from the …
  • … in the October issue. [Wilberforce] 1860 . CD believed that Richard Owen had helped Samuel …
  • … Wilberforce write the review (see letters to J.  D.  Hooker, [20? July 1860] , and to T.   …
  • … in the interval between receiving the letters to J.  D.  Hooker, [17 July 1860] and …
  • … 19 [July 1860] . [Gray] 1860a. William Hepworth Dixon was editor of the Athenæum from …
  • … Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 4 (1860): 411–16) was published …
  • … in the Athenæum , 4 August 1860, p.  161. See also letter …
  • … to J.  D.  Hooker, 7 August [1860] . The ‘missing’ pages did not include any discussions …
  • … to Darwin. See also letter to J.  D.  Hooker, [17 July 1860] . [Gray] 1860b. See letter to …

To Charles Lyell   11 August [1860]


Comments on his fear that "so many heavy guns fired by great men" might influence the public and scientists.

Sends CL the Owen-inspired Wilberforce review [Q. Rev. 108 (1860): 225–64].

Mentions defence of Origin by Asa Gray at American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Agassiz and Theophilus Parsons have poor criticisms ["Prof. Agassiz on the origin of species", Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 30 (1860): 142–54].

Lists other negative reviews by Rudolph Wagner ["An essay on classification by Louis Agassiz", Göttingische Gelehrte Anz. (1860) pt 2: 761–800], Charles Daubeny ["Remarks on the final causes of the sexuality of plants, with particular reference to Mr Darwin’s work On the origin of species by natural selection", Rep. BAAS 30 (1860) pt 2: 109–10], and two anonymous ones (one favourable).

Huxley says K. E. von Baer "goes a long way with us".

Comments on "pipes" in chalk as evidence of geological processes still at work.

Is writing on origin of dog breeds [Variation 1: 15–43].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  11 Aug [1860]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.223)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2895

Matches: 33 hits

  • … To Charles Lyell   11 August [1860] …
  • … Mss.B.D25.223) Charles Robert Darwin Down 11 Aug [1860] Charles Lyell, 1st baronet …
  • … Bibliography Agassiz, Louis. 1860. On the origin of species. American Journal of Science …
  • … in Annals and Magazine of Natural History 3d ser. 6 (1860): 219–32. ] Correspondence : The …
  • … inspired Wilberforce review [ Q. Rev. 108 (1860): 225–64]. Mentions defence of Origin by …
  • … origin of species", Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 30 (1860): 142–54]. Lists other negative reviews …
  • … Down from Hartfield, Sussex, on 2 August 1860 (‘Journal’; Appendix II). Samuel Pickworth …
  • … Agassiz", Göttingische Gelehrte Anz. (1860) pt 2: 761–800], Charles Daubeny ["Remarks on …
  • … by natural selection ", Rep. BAAS 30 (1860) pt 2: 109–10], and two anonymous ones (one …
  • … request. See preceding letter and letter to Asa Gray, 22 July [1860] . See letters to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, [17 July 1860] , and to Asa …
  • … Gray , 22 July [1860]. R.  Owen 1859b . …
  • … See letters to J.  D.  Hooker, 7 August [1860] , and to T.   …
  • … H.  Huxley, 8 August [1860]. …
  • … Agassiz 1860 . Probably Jeffries Wyman . See preceding letter. Wagner 1860b . …
  • … See also letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 8 August [1860] and n.  5. See letter …
  • … from T.  H.  Huxley, 6 August 1860 . …
  • … Parsons 1860 . See preceding letter. The reference is to an anonymous review of Origin …
  • … John Murray. 1859. Parsons, Theophilus. 1860. On the Origin of species. American Journal …
  • … Murray. 1868. [Wilberforce, Samuel. ] 1860. [Review of Origin. ] Quarterly Review 108: …
  • … in the Quarterly Review ( [Wilberforce] 1860 ) regarding Lyell’s published opposition to …
  • … transmutation. See letters to J.  D. Hooker, [20? July 1860] , and to Charles …
  • … Lyell , 30 July [1860]. CD read the …
  • … Quarterly Review that included [Wilberforce] 1860  while he was visiting Hartfield (see …
  • … letters to J.  D.  Hooker, [20? July 1860] , to T.  H.   …
  • … Huxley, 20 July [1860], and to Asa …
  • … Gray , 22 July [1860]). John Murray , the publisher of the Quarterly Review and …
  • … had also sent CD a copy (see letter to John Murray, 3 August [1860] ). See letter to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 7 August [1860] . CD refers to the 4 August issue of the Athenæum , which …
  • … Agricultural Society of Scotland n.s.  69 (1860): 333–53. There is an annotated copy of …
  • … of Politics, Literature, Art and Society 1 (1860): 11–12, 32–3, 58–9. See also letter to …
  • … J.  D.  Hooker, 29 July [1860] . …
  • … Daubeny 1860 . Lyell had been interested in the origin of sandpipes in Chalk deposits …

To Charles Lyell   15 and 16 [February 1860]


Auguste Bravard’s discoveries magnificent.

Bravard has sent pamphlets [Observaciones geológicas (1857) and Monografia de los terrenos marinos terciarios (1858)] with strange doctrine that Pampean deposit is subaerial.

Review of Origin by Wollaston [Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 3d ser. 5 (1860): 132–43] clever and misinterprets CD only in a few places.

Wallace’s MS ["Zoological geography of the Malay Archipelago", J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool.) 4 (1860): 172–84] admirably good.

Henslow "will go very little way with us". "He, also, shudders at the eye!"

Baden Powell says CD’s statement about eye is conclusive.

Leonard Jenyns cannot go as far as CD, yet cannot give good reason.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  15 and 16 Feb 1860
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.198); The University of Edinburgh Centre for Research Collections (Lyell collection Coll-203/B1/ Lyell Temp Box 3.1 Folder_6)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2700

Matches: 33 hits

  • … To Charles Lyell   15 and 16 [February 1860] …
  • … Coll-203/B1/ Lyell Temp Box 3.1 Folder_6) Charles Robert Darwin Down 15 [Feb 1860] 16 [ …
  • … Feb 1860] Charles Lyell, 1st baronet …
  • … J. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zool. ) 4 (1860): 172–84] admirably good. Henslow "will go very …
  • … to the letter from C.  J.  F. Bunbury, 30 January 1860 , which he had sent to Lyell ( …
  • … letter to Charles Lyell, 12 [February 1860] ). The note from Lyell has not been found. …
  • … Wollaston [ Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 3d ser. 5 (1860): 132–43] clever and misinterprets CD …
  • … letter from Charles Lyell, [13–14 February 1860] . Bravard 1857  and 1858. Both works are …
  • … review of Origin appeared in Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5 (1860): 132–43. …
  • … See letter from Charles Lyell, [13–14 February 1860] . Wollaston’s review referred to CD’s …
  • … London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1846. Wallace, Alexander. 1860. Remarks on the occurrence of …
  • … rarer British Sphingidae. [Read 4 June 1860. ] Transactions of the Entomological Society …
  • … Intelligent First Cause of all’ ( [Wollaston] 1860 , p.  138). Samuel Wilberforce , bishop …
  • … had made this remark to Lyell. See letter from Charles Lyell, [13–14 February 1860] . …
  • … Wallace 1860 (see letter from Charles …
  • … Lyell, [13–14 February 1860] ). CD refers to George Windsor Earl’s work on the depth of …
  • … s attention when he first read Wallace 1860  in manuscript (see Correspondence vol.  7, …
  • … the stretches of ocean that separated geographical regions in Wallace 1860 , pp.  179–82. …
  • … from the published version of Wallace 1860 . Wallace described the fauna of Celebes as …
  • … nearer than in tropical Africa’ ( Wallace 1860 , pp.  176–8). CD omitted a word when he …
  • … it on to Joseph Dalton Hooker . See letter to Asa Gray, 18 February [1860] . John Stevens …
  • … Henslow visited Down from 14 to 16 February 1860 ( Emma Darwin’s diary). For Charles James …
  • … see the letter from C.  J.  F.  Bunbury, 30 January 1860 , and the letter to C.  J.   …
  • … F.  Bunbury, 9 February [1860] . CD had used this expression …
  • … in his letter to Asa Gray, [8 or 9 February 1860] , in response to Gray’s remark that the …
  • … weakest point in his book (see letter from Asa Gray, 23 January 1860 ). CD had sent Gray’s …
  • … letter to Charles Lyell, 12 [February 1860] ). The manuscript from this point up to the …
  • … been found, but see both the first and second letters to Baden Powell, 18 January [1860]. …
  • … Letter from Leonard Jenyns, 4 January 1860 . Lyell copied this letter into his scientific …
  • … his letter to J.  S.  Henslow, 3 February [1860] . This probably alludes to the time, just …
  • … he reported his doubts in a series of letters printed in the Athenæum in 1859 and 1860. …
  • … In the autumn of 1860 he visited the gravel pits in Abbeville and Amiens, where various …
  • … works of man. ’ ( Athenæum , 20 October 1860, p.  516). This paragraph was also written in …

To Asa Gray   3 April [1860]


Thinks AG’s review [of Origin] will aid much in making people think about subject.

Has been savagely and unfairly reviewed by Adam Sedgwick in the Spectator [24 Mar 1860],

but thinks F. J. Pictet’s review in opposition ["Sur l’origine de l’espèce", Arch. Sci. Phys. & Nat. n.s. 7 (1860): 231–55] a very fair one.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  3 Apr [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (47)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2743

Matches: 22 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   3 April [1860] …
  • … Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (47) Charles Robert Darwin Down 3 Apr [1860] Asa Gray …
  • … J.  Pictet de la Rive, 1 April [1860] . Pierre Louis François Léveque de Vilmorin …
  • … published works on economic botany and plant breeding. He died in Paris on 21 March 1860. …
  • … by Adam Sedgwick in the Spectator [24 Mar 1860], but thinks F. J. Pictet’s review in …
  • … l’origine de l’espèce", Arch. Sci. Phys. & Nat. n.s. 7 (1860): 231–55] a very fair one. …
  • … Bibliography Agassiz, Louis. 1860. On the origin of species. American Journal of Science …
  • … in Annals and Magazine of Natural History 3d ser. 6 (1860): 219–32. ] Correspondence : The …
  • … 1859. Pictet de la Rive, François Jules. 1860. Sur l’origine de l’espèce par Charles …
  • … et étrangère n.s. 7: 233–55. [Sedgwick, Adam. ] 1860. Objections to Mr Darwin’s theory of …
  • … the origin of species. Spectator , 24 March 1860, pp. 285–6. [ …
  • … Reprinted with revisions in ibid. , 7 April 1860, pp. 334–5. ] …
  • … to [Gray] 1860a. See letter to Asa Gray, 24 February [1860] . Apparently Gray included …
  • … in his now-missing letter of 19 March 1860 an example, given him by Jeffries Wyman , of …
  • … from Jeffries Wyman , [ c . 15] September 1860). The black pigs were the only varieties …
  • … from A.  C.  Ramsay, 29 December 1858) . Pictet de la Rive 1860 . See letter to F.   …
  • … p.  12. See letter from Jeffries Wyman , [ c . 15] September 1860. CD may be referring …
  • … either to Louis Agassiz’s review of Origin ( Agassiz 1860 ), which appeared …
  • … in June 1860, or to Agassiz’s contribution to special meetings of the American Academy of …
  • … American Academy of Arts and Sciences 4 ( 1860): 410–16, 424–31. CD’s annotated copy of …
  • … was professor of chemistry at Harvard University. [Sedgwick] 1860 . See the enclosure …
  • … with the letter to Asa Gray, 1 February [1860] and n.  16. In Origin , pp.  285–7, CD had …

To J. S. Henslow   26 October [1860]



CD does not mind C. R. Bree’s dull, unvarying abuse and misrepresentation, but when he doubts CD’s deliberate word, "that is the act of a man who has not the soul of a gentleman in him".

JSH’s letter in Athenæum ["Flints in the drift", 20 Oct. 1860, p. 516] is interesting.

H. Freke’s paper [On the origin of species by means of organic affinity (1861)] is beyond CD’s scope.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Stevens Henslow
Date:  26 Oct [1860]
Classmark:  DAR 93: A81–2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2964

Matches: 19 hits

  • … Henry Freke also discussed the generation of living matter in his review ( Freke 1860 ). …
  • … To J.  S.  Henslow   26 October [1860] …
  • … DAR 93: A81–2 Charles Robert Darwin Eastbourne 26 Oct [1860] John Stevens Henslow …
  • … Bibliography Bree, Charles Robert. 1860. Species not transmutable, nor the result of …
  • … University Press. 1985–. Freke, Henry. 1860. Observations upon Mr Darwin’s recently …
  • … Athenæum ["Flints in the drift", 20 Oct. 1860, p. 516] is interesting. H. Freke’s paper [ …
  • … See letters to J.  S.  Henslow, 14 May [1860] , 17  …
  • … May [1860] , and …
  • … 28 September [1860] . CD usually paid a small sum to the girls in Henslow’s parish who …
  • … implements found in drift deposits ( Bree 1860 , p.  220): They have never yet been found …
  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1860. Origin : On the origin of species by means …
  • … Murray. 1859. [Wilberforce, Samuel. ] 1860. [Review of Origin. ] Quarterly Review 108: …
  • … 516). Freke 1860 . There is a copy of the review of Origin by Henry Freke in the Darwin …
  • … from the satire in his anonymous review of Origin ( [Wilberforce] 1860 , p.  255). …
  • … Henslow discussed the subject in a letter to the Athenæum , 11 February 1860, pp.  206– …
  • … 7. Bree 1860 , p.  244. Bree insinuated that CD might have fabricated the remark by a ‘ …
  • … in France was published in the Athenæum , 20 October 1860, p.  516. See also letter …
  • … to J.  S.  Henslow, 28 September [1860] . CD refers to a point discussed in Henslow’s …
  • … deposits from the Chalk with those in the gravel ( Athenæum , 20 October 1860, p.   …

To Asa Gray   19 October [1860]


Is thinking of publishing AG’s three-part Origin review [from Atlantic Monthly] in England.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  19 Oct [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (32)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2955

Matches: 19 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   19 October [1860] …
  • … H.  Harvey, 24 August 1860  and …
  • … 8 October 1860 . …
  • … University (32) Charles Robert Darwin Eastbourne Down letterhead 19 Oct [1860] Asa Gray …
  • … Magazine of Natural History in September 1860. It was published in the November issue ( …
  • … H. Huxley, 18 September [1860] ). See …
  • … letter to Charles Lyell, 23 [September 1860] , and letter from …
  • … Charles Lyell, 25 September 1860 . For Lyell’s and John Murray’s …
  • … responses to CD’s proposal, see the letter to Asa Gray, 24 October [1860] . …
  • … Bree 1860 . …
  • … Hopkins 1860 . George Henry Kendrick Thwaites’s letter has not been found, but see the …
  • … letter to G.  H.  K.  Thwaites, 20 October [1860] . …
  • … Harvey 1860 . See letters from W.   …
  • … Bibliography Bree, Charles Robert. 1860. Species not transmutable, nor the result of …
  • … Maclachlan & Stewart. Harvey, William Henry. 1860. An inquiry into the probable origin of …
  • … Dublin: privately printed. Hopkins, William. 1860. Physical theories of the phenomena of …
  • … Annals and Magazine of Natural History 3d ser.  6 (1860): 373–86). …
  • … See letter to Asa Gray, 10 September [1860] . The extract from Gray’s article was preceded …
  • … Huxley had suffered the death of his oldest child in September 1860 (see letter to T.   …

To Charles Lyell   6 June [1860]


Mentions Etty’s illness.

A "coarsely contemptuous" review of Origin by Samuel Haughton ["On the form of the cells made by various wasps and by the honey bee; with an appendix on the origin of species", Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Dublin 3 (1860): 128–40].

Comments on reception of Malthus’ ideas.

Says William Hopkins does not understand him.

Discusses problem of term "natural selection".

J. A. Lowell’s review of Origin [Christian Examiner (1860): 449–64].

Relationship between instinct and structure.

Discusses blindness of cave animals.

The fallacy of Andrew Murray and others; the slight importance of climate.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  6 June [1860]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.215)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2822

Matches: 24 hits

  • … To Charles Lyell   6 June [1860] …
  • … Mss.B.D25.215) Charles Robert Darwin Down 6 June [1860] Charles Lyell, 1st baronet …
  • … be held in Oxford. See letter to Charles Lyell, 25 [June 1860] . …
  • … s review of Origin [ Christian Examiner (1860): 449–64]. Relationship between instinct and …
  • … theory. [Read 27 March, 10 April, and 1 May 1860. ] Memoirs of the American Academy of …
  • … University Press. 1985–. [Duns, John. ] 1860. On the Origin of species. North British …
  • … 61: 739–52; 62: 74–90. [Lowell, John Amory]. 1860. Darwin’s Origin of species. Christian …
  • … of species", Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Dublin 3 (1860): 128–40]. Comments on reception of …
  • … See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 June [1860] and n.  1. [ …
  • … Haughton] 1860b. [Duns] 1860 . See letter to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 5 June [1860] and n.  8. …
  • … in articles in both the April and May 1860 issues of The Future: a Monthly Journal of …
  • … 1860a (see letter to Charles Lyell, 1 [June 1860] ). William Henry Harvey’s letter has not …
  • … 1860a , p.  277). See letter to Andrew Murray, 28 April [1860] . Godron 1859 , 2: 6–11. …
  • … See letter to Charles Lyell, 18 May [1860] . Origin , pp.   …
  • … 346–7. The 1860 meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science was to …
  • … Paris: J. B. Baillière. Hopkins, William. 1860. Physical theories of the phenomena of …
  • … Collection–CUL. The author of the May 1860 review in The Future , p.  29, stated ‘that …
  • … author is universally held, both as a man and a naturalist’ ( Hopkins 1860 , 61: 752). [ …
  • … Lowell] 1860 . Binney 1847 and Schaaffhausen 1853 . …
  • … See letter to Charles Lyell, 22 May [1860] . Francis Bowen had …
  • … Origin in the North American Review 49 (1860): 474–506. There is an annotated copy of this …
  • … In another article on CD’s theory written in 1860 but published the following year, Bowen …
  • … See also letter to Asa Gray, 18 May [1860] . Lyell’s letter discussing Andrew Murray’s …

From Asa Gray   [10 January 1860]



Agassiz denounces Origin as "atheistical";

AG is currently reviewing it [in Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 29 (1860): 153–84].

Jeffries Wyman praises it, though not a convert.

Author:  Asa Gray
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [10 Jan 1860]
Classmark:  DAR 98 (ser. 2): 26a
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2631

Matches: 19 hits

  • … From Asa Gray   [10 January 1860] …
  • … DAR 98 (ser. 2): 26a Asa Gray unstated [10 Jan 1860] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … 1988 . See also letter from Asa Gray to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 January 1860 , and letter from …
  • … Asa Gray, 23 January [1860] . …
  • … reviewing it [in Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 29 (1860): 153–84]. Jeffries Wyman praises it, though …
  • … Bibliography Agassiz, Louis. 1860. On the origin of species. American Journal of Science …
  • … and Magazine of Natural History 3d ser. 6 (1860): 219–32. ] Appel, Toby A. 1988. Jeffries …
  • … to the letter to Asa Gray, 28 January [1860] , in which CD refers to ‘your letter to me of …
  • … The manuscript was, however, marked ‘Jan 5 1860’ by Francis Darwin , perhaps on the basis …
  • … from Asa Gray to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 January 1860 . The missing portion of this letter may …
  • … version of Origin . See also letter from Asa Gray, 23 January 1860 , and letter to …
  • … John Murray, [25 January 1860] . Jeffries Wyman , a colleague of Gray’s at Harvard …
  • … below, and letter to Asa Gray, 28 January [1860] . Details concerning the public lecture …
  • … a transcript of the extract, see the letter to Asa Gray, 28 January [1860] , n.  10. At …
  • … Academy of Arts and Sciences on 25 January 1860, Agassiz and others ‘ discussed several …
  • … of the Boston Natural History Society on 15 February 1860 ( Proceedings of the Boston …
  • … Natural History Society 7 (1860): 231–5). For the debate between Gray and Agassiz over CD’ …
  • … Journal of Arts and Sciences ( Agassiz 1860 ). Gray wrote a three-part article on Origin …
  • … from Asa Gray to J.  D.  Hooker, 5 January 1860 ). Gray had asked CD about the possibility …

To Asa Gray   11 August [1860]


Agassiz is strongly opposed to Origin, but CD thinks K. E. von Baer may come out in support.

Discusses the possibility of favourable monstrosities in the light of Theophilus Parsons’ essay ["On the origin of species", Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 30 (1860): 1–13].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  11 Aug [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (35)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2896

Matches: 19 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   11 August [1860] …
  • … Herbarium of Harvard University (35) Charles Robert Darwin Down 11 Aug [1860] Asa Gray …
  • … of Florida (see letter to Asa Gray, 3 April [1860] ). The ‘story’ was given in Origin 3d …
  • … ed. , p.  12. See letter from Jeffries Wyman , [ c . 15] September 1860. See …
  • … letter from Asa Gray, [10 July 1860] . …
  • … Parsons’ essay ["On the origin of species", Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 30 (1860): 1–13]. …
  • … annotated copy in the Darwin Pamphlet Collection–CUL. Athenæum , 4 August 1860, p.  161. …
  • … See letters to Asa Gray , 22 July [1860] , and to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 7 August [1860]. …
  • … Agassiz 1860 , p.  143. The sentence reads: ‘If species do not exist at all, as the …
  • … John Murray. 1859. Parsons, Theophilus. 1860. On the Origin of species. American Journal …
  • … Bibliography Agassiz, Louis. 1860. On the origin of species. American Journal of Science …
  • … and Magazine of Natural History 3d ser. 6 (1860): 219–32. ] Origin 3d ed. : On the origin …
  • … Winsor 1979 . See letter from T.  H.  Huxley, 6 August 1860 . Wagner 1860b . See letter to …
  • … T.  H.  Huxley, 8 August [1860] and n.  5. Theophilus Parsons , professor …
  • … with two exclamation marks ( Parsons 1860 , p.  5). Parsons cited a remark from Murchison …
  • … links between crustaceans and fishes. ’ ( Parsons 1860 , p.  5). Gray had sent CD …
  • … Journal of Science and Arts ( Parsons 1860 ). Gray apparently sent the review to CD: there …
  • … gradual changes in organisms ( Parsons 1860 , p.  2). CD marked the passage in his copy …

From J. S. Henslow to J. D. Hooker   10 May 1860


Describes Sedgwick’s attack on CD’s views [at Cambridge Philosophical Society] and his own defence, though he believes CD has pressed his hypothesis too far.

Author:  John Stevens Henslow
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  10 May 1860
Classmark:  MS Add. 9537/2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2794

Matches: 26 hits

  • … From J.  S.  Henslow to J.  D.  Hooker    10 May 1860
  • … MS Add. 9537/2 John Stevens Henslow Cambridge 10 May 1860 Joseph Dalton Hooker …
  • … Adam & Charles Black. Phillips, John. 1860. Life on the earth, its origin and succession. …
  • … on to CD.  CD discusses it in his letters to J.  D.  Hooker, 13 [May 1860] , and to J.   …
  • … S.  Henslow, 14 May [1860]. The provisions of the Cambridge University lectureship endowed …
  • … and London: Macmillan and Co. Powell, Baden. 1860. On the study of the evidences of …
  • … 7 Downing Terrace | Cambr. 10 May 1860. My dear Joseph, I don’t know whether you care to …
  • … a board of studies was established in March 1860 for the natural sciences. Henslow, the …
  • … its origin and succession’ ( Phillips 1860 ). Phillips addressed, among other topics, …
  • … selection and the mutability of species ( Phillips 1860 , pp.  200–17). Adam Sedgwick read …
  • … at a meeting of the Cambridge Philosophical Society on 7 May 1860. A synopsis of his …
  • … in the Cambridge Chronicle , 19  May 1860, pp.  4–5. The Proceedings of the Cambridge …
  • … See also letter to Charles Lyell, 18 May [1860] and n.  7. Henslow was professor of botany …
  • … Baden Powell , until his death in June 1860, was Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford …
  • … late Essay’ was his contribution to the 1860 volume of Essays and reviews , in which he …
  • … of the grand principle of the self-evolving powers of nature’ ( Powell 1860 , p.  139). …
  • … See also CD’s two letters to Baden Powell , 18 January [1860] , and letter to …
  • … Charles Lyell, 15 [February 1860] , in which CD quotes Powell as having told him he had ‘ …
  • … number of the Natural History Review for 1860 included an anonymous article entitled ‘ …
  • … geologist Samuel Haughton ([Haughton] 1860b). See letter to a Bookseller, 13 [May 1860] . …
  • … The Saturday Review , 5 May 1860, pp.  573–4, carried an anonymous review of Richard Owen’ …
  • … in our planet. The Spectator , 24 March 1860, pp.  285–6, published remarks on Origin …
  • … also appeared in the issue of 7 April 1860, pp.  234–5. The author primarily attacked CD’s …
  • … a number of other points. A letter dated 16 April 1860 from Belfast and signed ‘J.  J.   …
  • … M. ’, appeared in the issue of 21 April 1860, p.  380, under the title ‘Darwin’s theory …
  • … See letter from J.  D.  Hooker, [20 April 1860] . The tripos is the system of honours …

To Charles Lyell   4 May [1860]


Is sending CL an arrow-head. Says John Lubbock tells of vast numbers of flint tools in peat in France. Urges CL to conduct further research on the subject.

Comments on paper by J. S. Newberry concerning palaeozoic deposits in America [Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 29 (1860): 208–18]

and on A. von Keyserling’s view of species change.

Mentions J. W. Salter’s chart arranging Spirifer.

Comments on Andrew Murray’s paper on the Origin ["On Mr Darwin’s theory of the origin of species", Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 4 (1860): 274–91].

A Manchester newspaper article says CD has proved "might is right".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  4 May [1860]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.210)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2782

Matches: 20 hits

  • … To Charles Lyell   4 May [1860] …
  • … Society (Mss.B.D25.210) Charles Robert Darwin Down 4 May [1860] Charles Lyell, 1st baronet …
  • … of species", Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 4 (1860): 274–91]. A Manchester newspaper article …
  • … The Manchester Guardian , 20  April 1860, p.  4, carried a commentary on Origin entitled ‘ …
  • … in America [ Am. J. Sci. 2d ser. 29 (1860): 208–18] and on A. von Keyserling’s view of …
  • … John Murray. 1887–8. Newberry, John Strong. 1860. Notes on the ancient vegetation of North …
  • … The date is incorrectly given as ‘January 4th? 1860’ in LL 2: 261. Henry Knight …
  • … Royal Aberdeenshire Highlanders ( Army list 1860); his estate was Pittodrie at Chapel of …
  • … Garioch, Inverurie. Early in April 1860, John Lubbock travelled with Joseph Prestwich and …
  • … Davidson, 26 April 1861 . CD had seen Salter’s arrangement in April 1860 (see letter to …
  • … Andrew Murray, 28 April [1860] ). See also letter from J.   …
  • … B.  Jukes, 27 February 1860  and n.  5. …
  • … See preceding letter and the letters to Andrew Murray , 28 April [1860] and …
  • … 28 [April 1860] . …
  • … Letter from Charles Lyell, 2 May 1860 . …
  • … revisited France and also toured sites in Germany in September 1860 (K.  M.  Lyell ed.   …
  • … 1881, 2: 336). Newberry 1860 . See letter …
  • … to Charles Lyell, 27 and 28 April [1860] . The note from Alexandr Andreevich Keyserling …
  • … the letter to R.  I.  Murchison, 1 May [1860] . John William Salter was palaeontologist to …
  • … See letter to Andrew Murray, 28 April [1860] , and Correspondence vol.  9, letter to T.   …

To A. R. Wallace   18 May 1860


Pleasure in ARW’s approbation of the Origin. Other supporters among scientists. ARW’s generosity.

Attacks by Owen, Sedgwick, and others.

Anticipation of natural selection by Matthew in 1830.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Alfred Russel Wallace
Date:  18 May 1860
Classmark:  The British Library (Add MS 46434: 21–23v)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2807

Matches: 22 hits

  • … To A.  R.  Wallace   18 May 1860
  • … Add MS 46434: 21–23v) Charles Robert Darwin Down 18 May 1860 Alfred Russel Wallace …
  • … vol.8, Appendix V. See letters to Gardeners’ Chronicle , [13 April 1860], and to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 13 [April 1860]. Schaaffhausen 1853 . …
  • … See letter to Charles Lyell, 18 May [1860] . The letter has deteriorated, and the final …
  • … University Press. 1985–. [Jardine, William]. 1860. On the Origin of species. Edinburgh New …
  • … Down Bromley Kent May 18 th 1860 My dear M r Wallace I received this morning your letter …
  • … response to Origin is given in two letters he wrote to friends at the end of 1860. In a …
  • … letter to George Silk , dated 1 September 1860, Wallace wrote about Origin ( Wallace  …
  • … Henry Darwin Rogers , and Alexandr Andreevich Keyserling. Pictet de la Rive 1860 . Bronn …
  • … trans.  1860. See letter to T.   …
  • … H.  Huxley, 9 April [1860] . See letter from J.  S.   …
  • … Henslow to J.  D.  Hooker, 10 May 1860 . …
  • … Phillips 1860 . [ …
  • … Jardine] 1860 . [ …
  • … Wollaston] 1860 . Murray 1860a . Haughton 1860a. …
  • … of Origin that were published in 1859 and 1860, see Correspondence vol.8, Appendix VII. …
  • … C.  Lyell 1863 ). Hooker 1859 . See letters to J.  D.  Hooker, 15 [May 1860] , and to Asa …
  • … Gray , 18 May [1860]. The three botanists were William Henry Harvey , John Hutton …
  • … John Murray. 1859. Phillips, John. 1860. Life on the earth, its origin and succession. …
  • … Co. Pictet de la Rive, François Jules. 1860. Sur l’origine de l’espèce par Charles Darwin. …
  • … to Henry Walter Bates , dated 24 December 1860, Wallace again gave his reaction to the …

To John Murray   4 February [1860]


Final arrangements for new edition of Journal of researches [1860]. Wants one copy to give to P. L. Sclater, who has aided him.

Asks that copy of Origin be sent immediately to Schweizerbart for German translation.

Asa Gray is going to bring out an edition of Origin.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Murray
Date:  4 Feb [1860]
Classmark:  National Library of Scotland (John Murray Archive) (Ms.42152 ff.84–85)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2686

Matches: 15 hits

  • … To John Murray   4 February [1860] …
  • … Murray Archive) (Ms.42152 ff.84–85) Charles Robert Darwin Down 4 Feb [1860] John Murray …
  • … for new edition of Journal of researches [1860]. Wants one copy to give to P. L. Sclater, …
  • … Co (see letter from Asa Gray, 23 January 1860 ). CD sent corrections to Gray that were …
  • … and augmented’ edition published by D.  Appleton & Co .  in May 1860 (see letter to …
  • … Asa Gray, 1 February [1860] ). …
  • … new edition of Journal of researches (see letters to John Murray , [25 January 1860] and …
  • … 30 [January 1860] ). The corrections were added in a ‘ …
  • … Postscript’, p. vii, dated 1 February 1860. See letter from P.   …
  • … L.  Sclater, [3? February 1860] . In the …
  • … preface of Journal of researches (1860) , p.  vii, CD stated that Strix punctatissima , …
  • … Bibliography Journal of researches (1860): Journal of researches into the natural history …
  • … Reprint edition. London: John Murray. 1860. Journal of researches : Journal of researches …
  • … See letter from P.  L.  Sclater, [3? February 1860] , and following letter. The address is …
  • … See letter to H.  G.  Bronn, 4 February [1860] . The first printing of Origin in America, …

To Cottage Gardener   [after 8 May 1860]


Inquires whether "a Devonshire Bee-keeper" [T. W. Woodbury] who reported a common drone entering a hive of Ligurian bees [Cottage Gard. 24 (1860): 94] believes, with Andrew Knight, that queen bees are seldom fertilised by their own blood-relations. Asks how far a hive of common bees was from that of the Ligurians.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Cottage Gardener
Date:  [after 8 May 1860]
Classmark:  Cottage Gardener 24 (1860): 143
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2777

Matches: 9 hits

  • … fertilised by the offspring of the same mother’ ( Cottage Gardener 24 ( 1860): 143). …
  • … To Cottage Gardener    [after 8 May 1860] …
  • … Cottage Gardener 24 (1860): 143 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … Down [after 8 May 1860] Cottage Gardener …
  • … a hive of Ligurian bees [ Cottage Gard. 24 (1860): 94] believes, with Andrew Knight, that …
  • … letter to W.  B.  Tegetmeier, 17 April [1860] . In a reply, dated 24 May, that immediately …
  • … The letter is a reply to a note published on 8 May 1860 in the …
  • … Cottage Gardener 24 (1860): 94. CD’s letter appeared in the issue of 29 May. There is an …
  • … published in the Cottage Gardener on 8 May 1860 (see n.  1, above). The author stated that …

To Edward Cresy   26 [December 1843 – April 1846 or September 1855 – October 1860?]



Says Hooker does not want plant.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Edward Cresy, Jr
Date:  26 [Dec 1843 - Apr 1846 or Sept 1855 - Oct 1860]
Classmark:  DAR 143: 311
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13787

Matches: 12 hits

  • … To Edward Cresy   26 [December 1843 – April 1846 or September 1855 – October 1860? ] …
  • … 26 July 1859 26 Aug 1859 26 Sept 1859 26 Oct 1859 26 Nov 1859 26 Dec 1859 26 Jan 1860 26 …
  • … Feb 1860 26 …
  • … Mar 1860 26 …
  • … Apr 1860 26 …
  • … May 1860 26 …
  • … June 1860 26 …
  • … July 1860 26 …
  • … Aug 1860 26 …
  • … Sept 1860 26 …
  • … Oct 1860 Edward Cresy, Jr …
  • … letters rather than ‘My dear sir’ in November 1860. The letters referred to have not been …

To Asa Gray   8 March [1860]


Further additions and corrections for American Origin.

Views of Owen, G. H. K. Thwaites, and W. H. Harvey on CD’s theories.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  8 Mar [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (31)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2726

Matches: 22 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   8 March [1860] …
  • … Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (31) Charles Robert Darwin Down 8 Mar [1860] Asa Gray …
  • … Library. See letter from Asa Gray, 20 February 1860 , and also Dupree 1959 , pp.  271–2. …
  • … See letter from Asa Gray, 20 February 1860 . …
  • … By Charles Darwin. New York: D. Appleton. 1860. Peckham, Morse, ed. 1959. The Origin of …
  • … of Origin in the United States (see letters from Asa Gray , [10 January 1860] , [17  …
  • … January 1860] , and …
  • … 23 January 1860 ). CD had already sent Gray new material and …
  • … to be incorporated into the edition (see letters to Asa Gray , 28 January [1860] , 1  …
  • … February [1860] , and [8  …
  • … or 9 February 1860] ). See …
  • … also letter to Asa Gray, 2 March [1860] . The additional material for the chapter on …
  • … By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1860. Origin 3d ed. : On the origin of species by …
  • … edition (see letter to Asa Gray, [8 or 9 February 1860] ). CD had received sheets of …
  • … the review in February (see letters to Asa Gray , 18 February [1860] and …
  • … 24 February [1860] ). …
  • … Letter from Francis Boott, 29 February 1860 . Boott was a close friend of Gray’s. …
  • … reaction to CD’s theory on 5 January 1860 (Gray Herbarium, Harvard University). CD …
  • … Darwin 1794–6 . See letter from G.  H.   K.  Thwaites, [14 February 1860] . See letters …
  • … to Charles Lyell , 18 [and 19 February 1860] , and to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 26 [February 1860] . William Henry Harvey had …
  • … a long letter to Gray on 9 February 1860  itemising his objections to CD’s theory (Gray …

To Charles Lyell   5 [July 1860]


Glad CL plans trip to Amiens to investigate flints and post-glacial period.

Mentions support by Huxley, Hooker, and Lubbock at Oxford BAAS meeting. Asa Gray also goes on fighting.

Likes article by William Hopkins ["Physical theories and the phenomena of life", Fraser’s Mag. 61 (1860): 739–52; 62 (1860): 74–90].

Comments on hybrids of hare and rabbit.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  5 [July 1860]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.221)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2860

Matches: 13 hits

  • … To Charles Lyell   5 [July 1860] …
  • … Charles Robert Darwin Sudbrook Park 5 [July 1860] Charles Lyell, 1st baronet …
  • … Bibliography Hopkins, William. 1860. Physical theories of the phenomena of life. Fraser’s …
  • … Hopkins ["Physical theories and the phenomena of life", Fraser’s Mag. 61 (1860): 739– …
  • … 52; 62 (1860): 74–90]. Comments on hybrids of hare and rabbit. …
  • … tour lasted from 6 July until 23 September 1860 (Wilson ed.  1970, p.  490 n.  88). …
  • … of some of its contents, see the letter to Asa Gray, 3 July [1860] . See letter from J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 2 July 1860 , and letters to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, [2 July 1860] , to T.  H.   …
  • … Huxley, 3 July [1860], and to John …
  • … Lubbock , [4 July 1860]. …
  • … The second part of Hopkins 1860  appeared in the July issue of Fraser’s Magazine . In his …
  • … zoological gardens in London on 1 July 1860. He further noted that the gestation periods …

To J. D. Hooker   17 December [1860]



Analysing results of last spring’s Primula experiments, CD infers pollen of short-styled plants "suits" long-styled plants.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  17 Dec [1860]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 81
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3024

Matches: 16 hits

  • … To J.  D.  Hooker   17 December [1860] …
  • … DAR 115: 81 Charles Robert Darwin Down 17 Dec [1860] Joseph Dalton Hooker …
  • … The year is given by the reference to Phillips 1860 . See letter from J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, [6–11 December 1860] , and letter to J.   …
  • … D. Hooker, 11 December [1860] . See preceding letter. The photograph that CD refers to as …
  • … Royal Society on Thursday, 20 December 1860, at which William Benjamin Carpenter reported …
  • … Cambridge University Press. 1985–. Phillips, John. 1860. Life on the earth, its origin and …
  • … materials into a new volume. See letters to J.  D.  Hooker, 8 February [1860] , 12  …
  • … March [1860] , and …
  • … 18 [March 1860] . …
  • … Phillips 1860 . See n.  4, above. Oliver was also assisting CD with …
  • … Botanic Gardens, Kew. See letter to Daniel Oliver, 16 November [1860] , and letter from …
  • … Daniel Oliver, 23 November 1860 . See letters to J.   …
  • … D.  Hooker, 26 April [1860] , 11  …
  • … May [1860] , and …
  • … 12 July [1860] . CD read a paper on the two forms of flowers, or dimorphic condition, of …

To Asa Gray   18 May [1860]


Bitter and incessant attacks on the Origin.

Any truth in it has been saved only by a small body of men like Lyell, AG, Hooker, and Huxley.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  18 May [1860]
Classmark:  Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (14)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-2808

Matches: 18 hits

  • … To Asa Gray   18 May [1860] …
  • … Herbarium of Harvard University (14) Charles Robert Darwin Down 18 May [1860] Asa Gray …
  • … American Academy of Arts and Sciences 4 (1860): 410–16, 424–31. CD’s annotated copy of an …
  • … see the letter from Asa Gray, 20 February 1860 . Gray had forwarded to CD a letter he had …
  • … Co .  of New York dated 17 February 1860 agreeing to grant CD copyright over the American …
  • … published (see enclosure to letter from Asa Gray, 20 February 1860 ). The second letter to …
  • … which CD refers may be that of 7 February 1860 from D.  Appleton to Gray (Gray Herbarium …
  • … J.  S.  Henslow to J.  D.  Hooker, 10 May 1860 . Murray 1860a . Dawson 1860b . [Haughton] …
  • … 1860b. Haughton 1860a. See letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 15 [May 1860] . [R.  Owen] …
  • … 1860a. See letter to Asa Gray, 3 April [1860] and nn.  4 and 5. CD refers to Francis …
  • … of Arts and Sciences in Boston on 10 April 1860. Bowen, Agassiz, and Lowell had criticised …
  • … sent this letter on to CD as well. See also letter from Asa Gray, 23 January 1860 , n.  2, …
  • … and letter to Asa Gray, 22 May [1860] . The first three printings of Origin published in …
  • … York (issued in January, February, and March 1860) all had identical texts taken from the …
  • … changes that CD sent to Asa Gray (see letters to Asa Gray , 28 January [1860] , 1  …
  • … February [1860] , [8 or …
  • … 9 February 1860] , and …
  • … 8 March [1860] ). The revised American edition thus incorporated most of the changes made …
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Darwin in letters, 1858-1859: Origin


The years 1858 and 1859 were, without doubt, the most momentous of Darwin’s life. From a quiet rural existence filled with steady work on his ‘big book’ on species, he was jolted into action by the arrival of an unexpected letter from Alfred Russel Wallace…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Correspondence  vol. 8, letters to Asa Gray, 28 January [1860] and [8 or 9 February 1860] ). …