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To Adam Sedgwick   11 October [1850]


Thanks AS for a copy of his book, Discourse [on the studies of the University, 5th ed.].

Thinking of not sending his eldest son [William] to a classical school.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Adam Sedgwick
Date:  11 Oct [1850]
Classmark:  Rensselaer Libraries, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Gerald and Sue Friedman manuscript collection MC 72 Box 1)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-1369F

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  • Caroline Darwin, 9–28 March [1834] ). CD refers to his eldest son, William Erasmus Darwin . William was still 10 years old at the time this letter was written, reaching his 11th birthday on 27 December 1850; he entered Rugby School in 1852. On the question of William’s schooling, see Correspondence vol.  4, letter to W.  D.  Fox, 10 October [1850] and n.  2. Sedgwick, in the first edition of Discourse on the studies of the University of Cambridge ( Sedgwick 1833 ), …