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From Francis Darwin   [c. 25 February 1879]


Directs CD where to find tools in his room. Has been looking at agave and aloe flowers. Thanks family for their letters.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [c. 25 Feb 1879]
Classmark:  DAR 274.1: 60
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11883F

Matches: 9 hits

  • Darwin, Francis Darwin, C. R. …
  • … From Francis Darwin   [ c. 25 February 1879] …
  • … Bibliography Darwin, Francis. 1886. On the relation between the ‘bloom’ on leaves and the …
  • … DAR 274.1: 60 Francis Darwin Colonne Voirol, Algiers [ c. 25 Feb 1879] Charles Robert …
  • … see n. 9, below. See letter to Francis Darwin, [before 25 February 1879] and n. 2. …
  • … to distribution of stomata (see Correspondence vol. 26, letter from Francis Darwin, 24 and …
  • … provided him with seeds; see letter to Francis Darwin, [4 February – 8 March 1879] and n. …
  • … Henry Lettington . Francis had gone to rest and visit George Howard Darwin in Algiers; see …
  • … 1878 ); Francis published some of the results of these experiments in F. Darwin 1886 . …

From Francis Darwin   [16 or 17 August 1873]



Gives his opinion on why tubes of peas split to the right of the loose stamens [inLathyrus sylvestris].

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [16 or 17 Aug 1873]
Classmark:  DAR 77: 140–1
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-9012

Matches: 5 hits

  • Darwin, Francis Darwin, C. R. …
  • … From Francis Darwin   [16 or 17 August 1873] …
  • … DAR 77: 140–1 Francis Darwin Machynlleth [16 or 17 Aug 1873] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … between this letter and the letters to Francis Darwin , 15 August [1873] and 18 [August  …
  • … 1873] . See letter from Francis Darwin, 14 August [1873] and n.  2. The reference is to …

To Francis Darwin   2 June [1879]



Thanks for FD’s letter describing microscopic work under experienced supervision.

Is glad to hear of C. E. Stahl’s objection to treating plants as mere machines.

Pleased that J. von Sachs has yielded on growth.

Perhaps Stahl will recognise whether the case of the silver fir is the same as that referred to in the German account [see 12074b].

CD has finished the first draft of his essay on Erasmus Darwin’s life and is "heartily sick of the job".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  2 June [1879]
Classmark:  DAR 271.4: 15
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12078A

Matches: 10 hits

  • … Darwin, C. R. Darwin, Francis
  • … To Francis Darwin   2 June [1879] …
  • … DAR 271.4: 15 Charles Robert Darwin Down 2 June [1879] Francis Darwin
  • … in plants. By Charles Darwin. Assisted by Francis Darwin. London: John Murray. 1880. …
  • … by the relationship between this letter and the letter from Francis Darwin, 29 May 1879 . …
  • … See letter from Francis Darwin, 29 May 1879 . Francis had asked Ernst Stahl about Albert …
  • … plant movement (see letter from Francis Darwin, 29 May 1879 and n. 9). In Movement in …
  • … sides of any plant (see letter from Francis Darwin, 29 May 1879 ). CD had spent several …
  • … 1879. Abberdubby was a pet name for Francis’s son, Bernard Darwin . ‘Cocket’: pert, saucy; …
  • … Erasmus Darwin ). In his letter of [before 29 May 1879] CD had asked Francis to find and …

From Francis Darwin   11 June 1877


Lists the tasks he has completed; sends on letter from Romanes; news of Bernard.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  11 June 1877
Classmark:  DAR 274.1: 2
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10994F

Matches: 6 hits

  • Darwin, Francis Darwin, C. R. …
  • … From Francis Darwin   11 June 1877 …
  • … DAR 274.1: 2 Francis Darwin 11 June 1877 Down Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … See letter to Francis Darwin, [10 June 1877] ; there was evidently another letter to …
  • … 1877, pp. 100–1. See also letter from Francis Darwin, [before 21 May 1877] and n. 3, and …
  • Francis had recently completed a paper on the teasel ( Dipsacus sylvestris ; F. Darwin

To Francis Darwin   6 June [1871]



Thanks for FD’s help. CD cannot conceive what Mivart means by "the identity between eyes of Cephalopods and Vertebrata".

Has invited Michael Foster to Down.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  6 June [1871]
Classmark:  DAR 271.3: 4
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7806

Matches: 6 hits

  • … Darwin, C. R. Darwin, Francis
  • … To Francis Darwin   6 June [1871] …
  • … DAR 271.3: 4 Charles Robert Darwin Down 6 June [1871] Francis Darwin
  • … cephalopod eye ( Hensen 1865 ). See letter to Francis Darwin, 21 May [1871] and n.  10. …
  • … between this letter and the letter to Francis Darwin, 21 May [1871] . CD had asked Francis …
  • … s claims in Mivart 1871a (see letter to Francis Darwin, 21 May [1871] and n.  4). CD may …

To Francis Darwin   [12 October 1876]



Has seen notice on Empetrum but cannot understand how leaves in bud could act as fly-catchers.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  [12 Oct 1876]
Classmark:  DAR 211: 18
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10641

Matches: 4 hits

From Francis Darwin   [21 July 1878]


Has been investigating nutational movements of climbing plants; comments on the opinions of Julius von Wiesner and Julius Sachs. Remarks on the sleep movements of certain plants and the mechanism of tendril curvature. Is experimenting with Porlieria.

Has visited K. G. Semper’s laboratory.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [21 July 1878]
Classmark:  DAR 162: 59, DAR 209.8: 151
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11623

Matches: 13 hits

  • Darwin, Francis Darwin, C. R. …
  • … From Francis Darwin   [21 July 1878] …
  • … DAR 162: 59, DAR 209.8: 151 Francis Darwin Botanisches Institut, Würzburg [21 July 1878] …
  • … in ‘July 21— 1878’ (see CD annotations). See letter to Francis Darwin, 17 July [1878] . …
  • … explain his meaning (see letter to Francis Darwin, 17 July [1878] and n. 5). Hugo de Vries …
  • … these movements with Sachs (see letter to Francis Darwin, 14 July [1878] ). Francis had …
  • … this would be valuable if true (see letter from Francis Darwin, [12 July 1878] , …
  • … and letter to Francis Darwin, 14 July [1878] ). Francis had …
  • … two large leaflets ( letter from Francis Darwin, [12 July 1878] ) and had referred to …
  • … as Albizia Zulu brizzia ( letter from Francis Darwin, [before 17 July 1878] ). Pterolobium …
  • … s tongue or siris tree. See letter to Francis Darwin, 17 July [1878] and n. 4. In the …
  • … kept its leaves open (see letter from Francis Darwin, [after 7 July 1878] and n. 3). Carl …
  • Darwin’s nickname. Cobaea is a subtropical genus of the family Polemoniaceae (phlox). CD had discussed Cobaea scandens (cup and saucer vine) in Climbing plants 2d ed. , pp. 106–11. CD had been puzzled by Julius Wiesner’s description of heliotropism and gravitropism as ‘induction phenomena’ and had asked Francis

To Francis Darwin   [c. 23 June 1878]



Can send FD twisted branches of some climbing plants if he wishes.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  [c. 23 June 1878]
Classmark:  DAR 211: 28
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11564

Matches: 7 hits

  • … Darwin, C. R. Darwin, Francis
  • … To Francis Darwin   [ c. 23 June 1878] …
  • … DAR 211: 28 Charles Robert Darwin Down [ c. 23 June 1878] Francis Darwin
  • … Pamphlet Collection–CUL, marked ‘For Francis Darwin with compliments of the author’. …
  • … while Francis was in Würzburg (see letter to Francis Darwin, 7 [July 1878] and n. …
  • … 5). Francis Darwin had shown Julius Sachs his discovery of protoplasmic filaments on the …
  • … 23 June [1878] and n. 4. Francis’s baby son, Bernard Darwin ; see letter to G. J. Romanes, …

To Francis Darwin   25 July [1878]



Is forwarding the writing machine to Carl Semper.

Is glad FD has taken up his old friends, the twiners.

Hopes to get heliotropic aerial roots from J. D. Hooker. Asks FD to find out whether any moulds or roots are apheliotropic. Is puzzled by heliotropism in subterranean roots.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  25 July [1878]
Classmark:  DAR 211: 40
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11631

Matches: 14 hits

  • … Darwin, C. R. Darwin, Francis
  • … To Francis Darwin   25 July [1878] …
  • … DAR 211: 40 Charles Robert Darwin Down 25 July [1878] Francis Darwin
  • … on 8 August 1878 (see letter from Francis Darwin, [21 July 1878] ). Francis had reported …
  • … garden were tightly closed (see letter from Francis Darwin, [21 July 1878] and n. 10). …
  • … In his letter of [21 July 1878] , Francis Darwin had referred to the slight sideways …
  • … By Charles Darwin. Assisted by Francis Darwin. London: John Murray. 1880. Timiriazeff, …
  • … borrowed from Kew (see letter to Francis Darwin, 6 [July 1878] ). Leguminosae (a synonym …
  • … from other families (see letter to Francis Darwin, 14 July [1878] and n. 2). CD carried …
  • … modified circumnutation (see letter to Francis Darwin, 14 July [1878] ). Francis had made …
  • … given time period (see letter from Francis Darwin, [21 July 1878] and n. 4). CD concluded …
  • … in climbing plants (see letter from Francis Darwin, [21 July 1878] and n. 6). De Vries had …
  • … from moisture (see letter from Francis Darwin, [21 July 1878] ). Kliment Arkady Timiryazev …
  • … 10 October 1878 . See the letter to Francis Darwin, 20 [July 1878] , in which CD wondered …

From Francis Darwin to Raphael Meldola   12 January 1882


CD happy to lend Weismann’s pamphlet to RM.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Raphael Meldola
Date:  12 Jan 1882
Classmark:  Oxford University Museum of Natural History (Hope Entomological Collections 1350: Hope/Westwood Archive, Darwin folder)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13611

Matches: 4 hits

  • Darwin, Francis Meldola, Raphael …
  • … From Francis Darwin to Raphael Meldola   12 January 1882 …
  • … 1350: Hope/Westwood Archive, Darwin folder) Francis Darwin unstated 12 Jan 1882 Raphael …
  • … that you will keep it as long as it is of any use to you Yours faithfully | Francis Darwin

To Francis Darwin?   [1879–80?]


Discusses A. B. Frank’s views [Beiträge zur Pflanzenphysiologie (1868)] on how plants position themselves; differences and similarities compared with their own conclusions.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  [1879–80?]
Classmark:  DAR LIB 2003/2004 (in box with A. B. Frank, Beiträge zur Pflanzenphysiologie, 1868, and Die natürliche wagerechte Richtung von Pflanzentheilen, 1870)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11816

Matches: 3 hits

From Francis Darwin   [4–7 August 1878]



Experiments on effects of removing "bloom" from leaves and fruit.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [4–7 Aug 1878]
Classmark:  DAR 162: 57
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11632

Matches: 9 hits

  • Darwin, Francis Darwin, C. R. …
  • … From Francis Darwin   [4–7 August 1878] …
  • … DAR 162: 57 Francis Darwin Botanisches Institut, Würzburg [4–7 Aug 1878] Charles Robert …
  • … this letter and the letter to Francis Darwin, 3 August [1878] , and by the reference to …
  • … bearing climbers ( letter from Francis Darwin, [before 3 August 1878] ). CD suggested that …
  • … growth or ill health (see letter to Francis Darwin, 3 August [1878] and n. 2). Francis was …
  • … from the petals (see letter from Francis Darwin, [21 July 1878] ). Francis was trying to …
  • … to visit him at Down (see letter to Francis Darwin, 25 July [1878] ). The letter has not …
  • … her family; the Darwins visited there from 7 to 12 August 1878. Francis planned to join …

From Francis Darwin   [before 4 January 1870]


Humphrey does not think more bones in female os coccyx than in male. Because of maceration it is impossible to compare male and female skeletons. Has another coach while Stuart ill.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [before 4 Jan 1870]
Classmark:  DAR 274.1: 18
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6520F

Matches: 3 hits

From Francis Darwin to Anton Stecker   17 March 1878


Sends father’s regrets that CD will not be able to help Stecker as appointments are few in number and much sought after.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Anton Stecker
Date:  17 Mar 1878
Classmark:  Cleveland Health Sciences Library (Robert M. Stecher collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11429F

Matches: 5 hits

  • Darwin, Francis Stecker, Anton …
  • … From Francis Darwin to Anton Stecker   17 March 1878 …
  • … help you in your object, which he fully sympathises in. Yours faithfully | Francis Darwin
  • … Library (Robert M. Stecher collection) Francis Darwin Down 17 Mar 1878 Anton Stecker …
  • … see letter from Anton Stecker to Francis Darwin, 12 March 1878 ). He later obtained …

To Francis Darwin   [26 June 1879]



Believes that the response of root tips to being "blinded" with foil is much more interesting than response to cauterisation.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  [26 June 1879]
Classmark:  DAR 211: 58
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12124

Matches: 6 hits

  • … Darwin, C. R. Darwin, Francis
  • … To Francis Darwin   [26 June 1879] …
  • … DAR 211: 58 Charles Robert Darwin London, Queen Anne St, 6 [26 June 1879] Francis Darwin
  • … CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)). See letter to Francis Darwin, 25 June [1879] and n. 5. …
  • … this letter and the letter to Francis Darwin, 25 June [1879] . The Thursday following 25 …
  • … the genus of hawkweed; see letter from Francis Darwin, [before 26 June 1879] ). CD was in …

To Francis Darwin   7 [July 1878]



Describes sleep movements in Porlieria and his experiments on movements of radicles.

Thalia flowers have interesting mechanism to ensure cross-fertilisation.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  7 [July 1878]
Classmark:  DAR 211: 34
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11595

Matches: 8 hits

  • … Darwin, C. R. Darwin, Francis
  • … To Francis Darwin   7 [July 1878] …
  • … DAR 211: 34 Charles Robert Darwin Down 7 [July 1878] Francis Darwin
  • … Kew, on 5 July 1878 (see letter to Francis Darwin, 6 [July 1878] and n. 2). Francis had …
  • … be almost always asleep (see letter from Francis Darwin, [22 June 1878] and n. 6). CD may …
  • … Nature was published weekly. Bernard Darwin was Francis Darwin’s son; he had lived with CD …
  • … s diary (DAR 242)). See letter from Francis Darwin, [before 7 July 1878] and n. 5. Francis …
  • … their irritability (see letter to Francis Darwin, 6 [July 1878] and n. 4). Getting the …

To Francis Darwin   12 May [1881]



Copies of FD’s paper have arrived ["The theory of growth", J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.) 18 (1881): 406–19]. Does he want them dispatched?

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  12 May [1881]
Classmark:  DAR 211: 72
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13155

Matches: 5 hits

  • … Darwin, C. R. Darwin, Francis
  • … To Francis Darwin   12 May [1881] …
  • … Bibliography Darwin, Francis. 1880c. The theory of the growth of cuttings; illustrated by …
  • … DAR 211: 72 Charles Robert Darwin Down 12 May [1881] Francis Darwin
  • Francis was working in the laboratory of Anton de Bary at the Botanical Institute, Straßburg (Strasbourg). His paper, ‘The theory of the growth of cuttings’ ( F. Darwin

From Francis Darwin   [14 June? 1877]


Forwards letters.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [14 June? 1877]
Classmark:  DAR 274.1: 3
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-10762F

Matches: 6 hits

  • Darwin, Francis Darwin, C. R. …
  • … From Francis Darwin   [14 June? 1877] …
  • … DAR 274.1: 3 Francis Darwin [Down] [14 June? 1877] Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … of their absence (see letter from Francis Darwin, 11 June 1877 ). A report of an inquest …
  • … Erasmus Darwin in Southampton on 13 June (CD’s ‘Journal’ (Appendix II)). Francis evidently …
  • Francis played the bassoon. His ‘bassoon man’ was William Henry Stone , a physician at St Thomas’s Hospital, London ( letter from Emma Darwin

To Francis Darwin   [after 23 July 1874]



Asks for a specimen of Pinguicula.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  [after 23 July 1874]
Classmark:  DAR 211: 9
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13796

Matches: 6 hits

  • … Darwin, C. R. Darwin, Francis
  • … To Francis Darwin   [after 23 July 1874] …
  • … DAR 211: 9 Charles Robert Darwin unstated [after 23 July 1874] Francis Darwin
  • … Insectivorous plants , pp.  375–6). Francis Darwin found specimens of Pinguicula while on …
  • … common butterwort), and by the date of Francis Darwin’s visit to Switzerland (see n.  2, …
  • … July 1874 (DAR 251: 1604); see also letter from Francis and Amy Darwin, 8 August [1874] ). …

To Francis Darwin   14 July [1878]



Asks for list of families of sleeping plants. Believes sleep is merely modified circumnutation at a particular time of day.

Porlieria has had no water for some time but shows no sign of flagging.

Describes the response of Thalia flowers to touch.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Francis Darwin
Date:  14 July [1878]
Classmark:  DAR 211: 35, 36, 39
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11608

Matches: 12 hits

  • … Darwin, C. R. Darwin, Francis
  • … To Francis Darwin   14 July [1878] …
  • … DAR 211: 35, 36, 39 Charles Robert Darwin Down 14 July [1878] Francis Darwin
  • … By Charles Darwin. Assisted by Francis Darwin. London: John Murray. 1880. Orchids : On the …
  • … of species that slept (see letters from Francis Darwin , [after 7 July 1878] and [12 July  …
  • … see n. 3, above). See letter from Francis Darwin, [12 July 1878] . Gossypium is the genus …
  • … like the one CD owned ( letter from Francis Darwin, [12 July 1878] ). Horace Darwin had …
  • … the differences in behaviour (see letter to Francis Darwin, [after 7 July 1878] and n. 3). …
  • … alligator-flag), see the letter to Francis Darwin, 7 [July 1878] , the letters to G. H. …
  • … is a misspelling) is swamp wattle. Bernard Darwin was Francis’s son. CD evidently sent the …
  • … of the journal Nature to Francis (see letter to Francis Darwin, 7 [July 1878] and n. …
  • … 5). Horace Darwin’s suggestion was in response to Francis’s observation that an unwatered …
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