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From A. R. Wallace   4 December [1869]



Inquires about arrangements for the German translation and publication of their original Linnean Society papers [Collected papers 2: 3–19].

ARW thinks he has hit upon a solution to problem of geological time.

Author:  Alfred Russel Wallace
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  4 Dec [1869]
Classmark:  DAR 106: B88–9
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7019

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Linnean Society (C.  Darwin and Wallace 1858; see letter from A.  B.  Meyer, 16 November  …
  • … translation of C.  Darwin and Wallace 1858 in a letter that has not been found; see letter …
  • letter from A.  B.  Meyer, 16 November 1869 (see n.  2, below). Meyer translated Wallace’s Malay Archipelago ( Wallace 1869a ; the translation is Wallace 1869c ). Meyer had also asked CD for permission to translate CD’s and Wallace’s papers in the 1858

To A. B. Meyer   27 November [1869]



Not willing to sit for photographer again.

ABM’s translation of Wallace’s Malay Archipelago has not yet arrived.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Adolf Bernhard Meyer
Date:  27 Nov [1869]
Classmark:  DAR 146: 362
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7014

Matches: 2 hits

  • … is to C.  Darwin and Wallace 1858; see the letter from A.  B.  Meyer, 24 November 1869 . …
  • … a translation of C.  Darwin and Wallace 1858. See letter from A.  B.  Meyer, 24 November  …

From A. B. Meyer   24 November 1869



Wants to arrange a joint photograph of CD and Wallace for a publication on their lives and works.

Author:  Adolf Bernhard Meyer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  24 Nov 1869
Classmark:  DAR 171: 167
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7008

Matches: 2 hits

  • … and Wallace 1858. Meyer had sent CD a copy of Wallace 1869c ; see the letter from A.  B.   …
  • letter from A.  B.  Meyer, 16 November 1869) . Meyer refers to C.  Darwin and Wallace 1858. …

To A. R. Wallace   5 December [1869]


Further comments on arrangements for German translation of their joint paper.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Alfred Russel Wallace
Date:  5 Dec [1869]
Classmark:  The British Library (Add MS 46434: 194–5)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7020

Matches: 2 hits

  • … CD refers to C.  Darwin and Wallace 1858. See letter to Fritz Müller, 1 December [1869] . …
  • letter to A.  B.  Meyer, 27 November [1869] and n.  6. Meyer’s translation of C.  Darwin and Wallace 1858 ( …

To A. R. Wallace   22 March [1869]


Comments on Wallace’s Malay Archipelago.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Alfred Russel Wallace
Date:  22 Mar [1869]
Classmark:  The British Library (Add MS 46434)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6677

Matches: 1 hit

  • … Casuarius bennettii ) in 1858. No letter from Bartlett discussing cassowaries has been …

From Adolf Bernhard Meyer   16 November 1869



Sends his translation of Wallace’s Malay Archipelago.

Wishes to translate 1858 essays by CD and Wallace from Linnean Society Proceedings [Collected papers 2: 3–19].

Plans journey to tropics.

Hopes to meet CD.

Author:  Adolf Bernhard Meyer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  16 Nov 1869
Classmark:  DAR 171: 166
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6990

Matches: 2 hits

  • … in 1858, in the “Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society”, for these letters and …
  • letter from CD to Asa Gray , and an introductory explanation by Charles Lyell and Joseph Dalton Hooker (see C.  Darwin and Wallace 1858 ). …

From Andrew Crombie Ramsay   2 February 1869



Lyell says CD is revising what he says about the Weald in the Origin. Asks CD to look at his subaerial denudation views in his book [Physical geology and geography of Great Britain, 2d ed. (1864)].

Author:  Andrew Crombie Ramsay
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  2 Feb 1869
Classmark:  DAR 176: 14
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6594

Matches: 1 hit

  • … see Correspondence vol.  7, letter from A.  C.  Ramsay, 29 December 1858) . This edition ( …

To Walter Elliot   3 August [1869]


Asks whether the wild boar in India is polygamous.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Walter Elliot
Date:  3 Aug [1869]
Classmark:  John Hay Library, Brown University
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6849

Matches: 1 hit

  • letter from Walter Elliot, 7 August 1869 . CD cited Elliot a number of times in Variation for providing him with information on horses and poultry in India. Their last known correspondence was in 1858; …

To A. R. Wallace   14 April 1869



ARW’s review of 10th ed. of Lyell’s Principles [see 6684] is admirable.

But he differs "grievously" with ARW on man. CD sees no necessity for an additional and proximate cause.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Alfred Russel Wallace
Date:  14 Apr 1869
Classmark:  The British Library (Add MS 46434: 181–3)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6706

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Wallace 1858; see Correspondence vol.  7). CD refers to William Thierry Preyer. See letter
  • letter to G.  H.  Darwin, [9 December 1868] . In [Wallace] 1869b, pp.  381–2, Wallace criticised Jean Baptiste Lamarck’s supposition of a ‘tendency to progressive development’. Charles Lyell and Joseph Dalton Hooker had communicated CD and Wallace’s papers on the theory of natural selection to the Linnean Society in 1858  …

To Richard Kippist   31 January [1869?]


"You are most perfectly welcome to Fragmenta [F. J. H. von Mueller Fragmenta phytographiae Australiae (1858–64)], & I shall be delighted if they are of the slightest use to you."

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Richard Kippist
Date:  31 Jan [1869?]
Classmark:  Linnean Society of London (pasted in Mueller 1858–82, vol. 1)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3426A

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1858–82 . The work consists of twelve volumes, two of which (vols.  1 and 5) were dedicated to CD by the author. CD’s copy of volume 5 had been sent by Ferdinand von Mueller in care of Joseph Dalton Hooker (see Correspondence vol.  16, letter

From W. T. Preyer   21 March 1869



Has given a lecture series on Darwinism which was attended by 200–500 students.

Would like to compile a list of CD’s works.

Author:  William Thierry (William) Preyer
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  21 Mar 1869
Classmark:  DAR 174: 67
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6676

Matches: 2 hits

  • letter venture to trouble you once more: Could you send me a copy of your’s and M r . Wallace’s paper, printed in the proceedings of the Linnean Society 1858? …
  • letter to W.  T.  Preyer, [before 21 March 1869] and n.  1); the article was not accepted for publication ( Preyer 1896 , pp.  148–9). Preyer refers to Darwin and Wallace 1858. …

To Charles Lyell   20 May 1869


Cites article by David Forbes dealing with the geology of the S. American Cordillera ["Geology of Bolivia and South Peru", Q. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 17 (1861): 7–62].

Discusses the flexures of the Cordillera, the age of the mountains, and basaltic dikes in granite areas.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Lyell, 1st baronet
Date:  20 May 1869
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.370)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6751

Matches: 1 hit

  • letter of 5 May 1869 . CD refers to ‘On the geology of Bolivia and southern Peru’ by David Forbes ( Forbes 1860 ). For Forbes’s references to CD, see Forbes 1860 , pp.  10, 11, and 29. George Wareing Ormerod’s revised Classified index to the Transactions, Proceedings, and Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London was published in February 1870. The first edition appeared in 1858 ( …
letter 1858 in keywords
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Abstract of Darwin’s theory


There are two extant versions of the abstract of Darwin’s theory of natural selection. One was sent to Asa Gray on 5 September 1857, enclosed with a letter of the same date (see Correspondence vol. 6, letter to Asa Gray, 5 September [1857] and enclosure).…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … There are two extant versions of the abstract of Darwin’s theory of natural selection. One was …

The writing of "Origin"


From a quiet rural existence at Down in Kent, filled with steady work on his ‘big book’ on the transmutation of species, Darwin was jolted into action in 1858 by the arrival of an unexpected letter (no longer extant) from Alfred Russel Wallace outlining a…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … When I was in spirits I sometimes fancied that my book w d  be successful; but I never even …

The evolution of honeycomb


Honeycombs are natural engineering marvels, using the least possible amount of wax to provide the greatest amount of storage space, with the greatest possible structural stability. Darwin recognised that explaining the evolution of the honey-bee’s comb…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Honey-bees construct wax combs inside their nests. The combs are made of hexagonal prisms – cells …

Darwin in letters, 1858-1859: Origin


The years 1858 and 1859 were, without doubt, the most momentous of Darwin’s life. From a quiet rural existence filled with steady work on his ‘big book’ on species, he was jolted into action by the arrival of an unexpected letter from Alfred Russel Wallace…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … The years 1858 and 1859 were, without doubt, the most momentous of Darwin’s life. From a quiet …

Diagrams and drawings in letters


Over 850 illustrations from the printed volumes of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin have been added to the online transcripts of the letters. The contents include maps, diagrams, drawings, sketches and photographs, covering geological, botanical,…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Over 850 illustrations from the printed volumes of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin have …

Dates of composition of Darwin's manuscript on species


Many of the dates of letters in 1856 and 1857 were based on or confirmed by reference to Darwin’s manuscript on species (DAR 8--15.1, inclusive; transcribed and published as Natural selection). This manuscript, begun in May 1856, was nearly completed by…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Many of the dates of letters in 1856 and 1857 were based on or confirmed by reference to Darwin’s …

Instinct and the Evolution of Mind


Sources|Discussion Questions|Experiment Slave-making ants For Darwin, slave-making ants were a powerful example of the force of instinct. He used the case of the ant Formica sanguinea in the On the Origin of Species to show how instinct operates—how…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Sources | Discussion Questions | Experiment Slave-making ants For …

Dramatisation script


Re: Design – Adaptation of the Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Asa Gray and others… by Craig Baxter – as performed 25 March 2007

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Re: Design – performance version – 25 March 2007 – 1 Re: Design – Adaptation of the …

Women’s scientific participation


Observers | Fieldwork | Experimentation | Editors and critics | Assistants Darwin’s correspondence helps bring to light a community of women who participated, often actively and routinely, in the nineteenth-century scientific community. Here is a…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Observers |  Fieldwork |  Experimentation |  Editors and critics  |  Assistants …

Alfred Russel Wallace’s essay on varieties


The original manuscript about varieties that Wallace composed on the island of Gilolo and sent to Darwin from the neighbouring island of Ternate (Brooks 1984) has not been found. It was sent to Darwin as an enclosure in a letter (itself missing), and was…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … The original manuscript about varieties that Wallace composed on the island of Gilolo and sent to …



The best-known controversies over Darwinian theory took place in public or in printed reviews. Many of these were highly polemical, presenting an over-simplified picture of the disputes. Letters, however, show that the responses to Darwin were extremely…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Disagreement & Respect | Conduct of Debate | Darwin & Wallace The best-known …

Fake Darwin: myths and misconceptions


Many myths have persisted about Darwin's life and work. Here are a few of the more pervasive ones, with full debunking below...

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Many myths have persisted about Darwin's life and work. Here are a few of the more pervasive ones, …

Darwin's health


On 28 March 1849, ten years before Origin was published, Darwin wrote to his good friend Joseph Hooker from Great Malvern in Worcestershire, where Dr James Manby Gully ran a fashionable water-cure establishment. Darwin apologised for his delayed reply to…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … On 28 March 1849, ten years before  Origin  was published, Darwin wrote to his good friend …

Darwin and Fatherhood


Charles Darwin married Emma Wedgwood in 1839 and over the next seventeen years the couple had ten children. It is often assumed that Darwin was an exceptional Victorian father. But how extraordinary was he? The Correspondence Project allows an unusually…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Charles Darwin married Emma Wedgwood in 1839 and over the next seventeen years the couple had ten …

Darwin as mentor


Darwin provided advice, encouragement and praise to his fellow scientific 'labourers' of both sexes. Selected letters Letter 2234 - Darwin to Unidentified, [5 March 1858] Darwin advises that Professor C. P. Smyth’s observations are not…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Darwin provided advice, encouragement and praise to his fellow scientific 'labourers' of both …

Darwin's bad days


Despite being a prolific worker who had many successes with his scientific theorising and experimenting, even Darwin had some bad days. These times when nothing appeared to be going right are well illustrated by the following quotations from his letters:

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Despite being a prolific worker who had many successes with his scientific theorising and …

John Murray


Darwin's most famous book On the origin of species by means of natural selection (Origin) was published on 22 November 1859. The publisher was John Murray, who specialised in non-fiction, particularly politics, travel and science, and had published…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Darwin's most famous book  On the origin of species by means of natural selection (Origin)  was …

Darwin in letters, 1863: Quarrels at home, honours abroad


At the start of 1863, Charles Darwin was actively working on the manuscript of The variation of animals and plants under domestication, anticipating with excitement the construction of a hothouse to accommodate his increasingly varied botanical experiments…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … At the start of 1863, Charles Darwin was actively working on the manuscript of  The variation of …



Darwin’s most famous work, Origin, had an inauspicious beginning. It grew out of his wish to establish priority for the species theory he had spent over twenty years researching. Darwin never intended to write Origin, and had resisted suggestions in 1856…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Darwin’s most famous work, Origin, had an inauspicious beginning. It grew out of his wish to …

Darwin in letters, 1865: Delays and disappointments


The year was marked by three deaths of personal significance to Darwin: Hugh Falconer, a friend and supporter; Robert FitzRoy, captain of the Beagle; and William Jackson Hooker, director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and father of Darwin’s friend…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … In 1865, the chief work on Charles Darwin’s mind was the writing of  The variation of animals and …
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