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3.3 Maull and Polyblank photo 2


< Back to Introduction Despite the difficulties that arose in relation to Maull and Polyblank’s first photograph of Darwin, another one was produced, this time showing him in three-quarter view. It was evidently not taken at the same session as the…

Matches: 17 hits

  • in relation to Maull and Polyblanks first photograph of Darwin, another one was produced, this time
  • this second photograph is not precisely dated. An entry in Darwins account book for February 1858
  • be dated to a few years later. It may be the photograph that Darwin was promising to order and post
  • had given him such anatrociously wickedexpression. Darwin also wrote to Asa Gray in April 1861: …
  • commercially produced, not the one taken by his son William Darwin at that time, which he mentions
  • than Maull and Polyblank are known to have been employed by Darwin before the second half of the
  • It must have been available before April or May 1862, when Darwins brother Erasmus solicited some
  • hand, that ofJ.D.’), ‘Photograph of Charles Darwin taken about the time of the publication of the
  • in late November 1859. In his letter of spring 1862, Darwins brother Erasmus sought Charless
  • and Polyblank, rather than just a supply of prints to the Darwin family for presentation to selected
  • to volume 1 of The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin (1887), edited by Francis Darwin (with a
  • in Annals of Botany in 1899, to illustrate an article on Darwins botanical work by Francis
  • of 1903. It was also, alas, one of the portrayals of DarwinExhibited by William E. and Leonard
  • … ‘A reminiscence of Mr. Darwin’ [by James Hague]. Francis Darwin, ‘The botanical work of Darwin’, in
  • … (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1909), p. 23, no. 117, the original photographenlarged
  • … ‘List of Exhibits . . . Exhibited by William E. and Leonard Darwin’, First International Eugenics
  • p. 1, B3. Karl Pearson, The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton , 3 vols (Cambridge: …

Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 24 hits

  • In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished
  • used these notebooks extensively in dating and annotating Darwins letters; the full transcript
  • … *128). For clarity, the transcript does not record Darwins alterations. The spelling and
  • book had been consulted. Those cases where it appears that Darwin made a genuine deletion have been
  • a few instances, primarily in theBooks Readsections, Darwin recorded that a work had been
  • of the books listed in the other two notebooks. Sometimes Darwin recorded that an abstract of the
  • own. Soon after beginning his first reading notebook, Darwin began to separate the scientific
  • the second reading notebook. Readers primarily interested in Darwins scientific reading, therefore, …
  • editorsidentification of the book or article to which Darwin refers. A full list of these works is
  • page number (or numbers, as the case may be) on which Darwins entry is to be found. The
  • in the bibliography that other editions were available to Darwin. While it is likely that Darwin
  • are not found listed here. The description given by Francis Darwin of his fathers method of
  • Darwin Library (AC.34). Darwins books were bequeathed to Francis Darwin, who, in 1908, gave all but
  • to be available to scholars using the archive. Books that Francis Darwin had kept were left to his
  • 1828] 31 An analysis of British Ferns. G. W. Francis 4 s  [Francis 1837]— plates of
  • … — Des causes du rire. In8A. Durand . 3 fr. 117  [Dumont 1862] Goethe. — Œuvres d
  • work is listed again on p. [22]. 44  Probably Francis Boott. 45  Edward
  • …  CD marked this entry withOin pencil. 117  This entry and the following one are
  • Africa . London.  *119: 18v.; 119: 14a Bacon, Francis. 182536The works of Francis
  • eds.] [Abstract in DAR 91: 13.]  119: 9b Horner, Leonard, ed. 1843Memoirs and
  • …   conflict . 3 vols. London128: 25 Jenyns, Leonard. 1838. Further remarks on the
  • dit jardin.  Augsbourg128: 16 [Knapp, John Leonard]. 1829Journal of a   …
  • waters.  Philadelphia128: 8 Staunton, George Leonard. 1797An authentic account of
  • Transactions of the Royal Society   of London  117: 26875.  *119: 3v. ——. 1836A