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Darwin Correspondence Project
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From Emma and Charles Darwin   13 May 1865



CD and ED bequeath an annuity of £50 to J. Parslow [the Darwins’ butler].

Author:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin; Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  13 May 1865
Classmark:  DAR 210.10: 26
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4832

From Emma and Charles Darwin to W. E. Darwin   [20 May 1864]



CD much obliged for specimen and drawings.

Author:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin; Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [20 May 1864]
Classmark:  DAR 97: A7
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3366

From Charles and Emma Darwin to W. E. Darwin   [13 January 1861]



Two letters for WED at E. A. Darwin's. G. H. Darwin has been to dentist. Please collect and pay for GHD’s skates.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin; Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [13 Jan 1861]
Classmark:  DAR 185: 117
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3046F

From Charles and Emma Darwin to William Erasmus Darwin   [4 May 1863]


Glad to hear of the plant; CD instructs WED to make further observations. If it is a good case he will insist on WED’s sending a communication to the Linnean Society.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin; Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [4 May 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 219.1: 55
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4139F

From Charles and Emma Darwin to J. D. Hooker   [10 July 1865]



Health very bad. All scientific work stopped for 2½ months.

E. B. Tylor’s Early history of mankind [1865] impresses him.

Would like JDH’s opinion of last number of Spencer’s [Principles of] Biology [vol. 1 (1864)], especially on umbellifers. CD not satisfied with Spencer’s views on irregular flowers.

ED reports on CD’s health.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin; Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  [10 July 1865]
Classmark:  DAR 115: 272
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4868

To Alphonse de Candolle   25 May [1839]


Invitation to dine at the Darwins’ with J. S. Henslow.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin; Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Addressee:  Alphonse de Candolle
Date:  25 May [1839]
Classmark:  Archives de la famille de Candolle (private collection)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-512

From Charles and Emma Darwin to F. J. Wedgwood   [after 11 March 1871]


A draft letter [but sent in the original state by Emma Darwin]. Approves of FJW’s notice of his views.

CD has slightly revised parts in view of both approving and disapproving critics, but still remains convinced about his fundamental notions.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin; Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Addressee:  Frances Julia (Snow) Wedgwood
Date:  [after 11 Mar 1871?]
Classmark:  V&A / Wedgwood Collection (MS W/M 57–31570)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8127
Document type
letter (7)
1839 (1)
1861 (1)
1863 (1)
1864 (1)
1865 (2)
1871 (1)