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Darwin in letters, 1881: Old friends and new admirers


In May 1881, Darwin, one of the best-known celebrities in England if not the world, began writing about all the eminent men he had met. He embarked on this task, which formed an addition to his autobiography, because he had nothing else to do. He had…

Matches: 29 hits

  • in Unconscious memory in November 1880 and in an abusive letter about Darwin in the St Jamess
  • memory in Kosmos and sent Darwin a separate letter for publication in the Journal of Popular
  • publishers decided to print500 more, making 2000’ ( letter to H. E. Litchfield, 4 January 1881 ) …
  • the animal learnt from its own individual experience ( letter from G. J. Romanes, 7 March 1881 ). …
  • whether observations of their behaviour were trustworthy ( letter to Francis Galton, 8 March [1881] …
  • about the sale of books beinga game of chance’ ( letter to R. F. Cooke, 12 April 1881 ). On 18
  • for more suggestions of such plants, especially annuals ( letter to W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, 21 March
  • supposed he would feelless sulky in a day or two’ ( letter to R. F. Cooke, 29 July 1881 ). The
  • dead a work falls at this late period of the season’ ( letter from R. F. Cooke, 30 July 1881 ). …
  • conversation with you’, a Swedish teacher told him ( letter from C. E. Södling, 14 October 1881 ), …
  • add, however little, to the general stock of knowledge’ ( letter to E. W. Bok, 10 May 1881 ). …
  • regularbread-winners’ ( Correspondence vol. 30, letter to C. A. Kennard, 9 January 1882 ). …
  • any future publication & to acknowledge any criticism’ ( letter to C. G. Semper, 19 July 1881
  • view of the nature & capabilities of the Fuegians’ ( letter to W. P. Snow, 22 November 1881 ). …
  • the kindly protection of the high priests of science’ ( letter from Francisco de Arruda Furtado, 29
  • Nature , which he thoughtan excellent Journal’ ( letter to G. J. Romanes, 4 July [1881] ). In
  • minds, without being in the least conscious of it’ ( letter to Alexander Agassiz, 5 May 1881 ). …
  • this produced about the year 1840(?) on all our minds’ ( letter to John Lubbock, [18 September 1881
  • big oneand hadgone much outof his mind ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 20 June [1881] ). Feeling
  • than for originality’, and telling Hooker, ‘Your long letter has stirred many pleasant memories of
  • poured in so atrocious a manner on all physiologists’ ( letter to G. J. Romanes, 18 April 1881 ). …
  • George Jesse and Frances Power Cobbe. Jesse, in a private letter, stated that Darwin must not have
  • Royal Commission for the regulation of vivisection, and a letter from Cobbe in The Times made
  • about Darwins religious views. An 1883 pamphlet by Edward Aveling described the private discussion
  • … ‘the greatness of their power’ ( letter from M. C. Stanley, 16 October 1881 ). Hooker thanked
  • method in future science classes, the American entomologist Charles Riley praised Darwin for not
  • in plants. A critical study of the work of the same name by Charles Darwin, together with new
  • loss of a close friend were prompted by the publication of Charles Lyells Life, letters, and
  • year ended with the happy news of a birth. On 7 December, Charles and Emma Darwins second

Darwin’s reading notebooks


In April 1838, Darwin began recording the titles of books he had read and the books he wished to read in Notebook C (Notebooks, pp. 319–28). In 1839, these lists were copied and continued in separate notebooks. The first of these reading notebooks (DAR 119…

Matches: 27 hits

  • by H. W. Rutherford ( Catalogue of the library of Charles Darwin now in the Botany School, …
  • … [Reimarius 1760] The Highlands & Western Isl ds  letter to Sir W Scott [MacCulloch 1824
  • Louisiana [darby 1816] & Finch Travels [Finch 1833]. (Lyell) Maximilian in Brazil [Wied
  • … . [Knapp] 1838] Read Gleanings in Natural History. By Edward Jesse, Surveyor of Her Majestys
  • 183440]: In Portfolio ofabstracts34  —letter from Skuckard of books on Silk Worm
  • of Mexico [W. H. Prescott 1843], strongly recommended by Lyell (read) Berkeleys Works
  • M rs  Frys Life [Fry 1847] Horace Walpoles letter to C t . of Ossory [Walpole 1848] …
  • 1844] L d  Cloncurry Memm [Lawless 1849] Lady Lyell Sir J Heads Forest scenes in
  • Asiatic Society ]—contains very little Macleays letter to D r  Fleming [Macleay 1830] …
  • round world 18036 [Lisyansky 1814]— nothing Lyells Elements of Geology [Lyell 1838] …
  • J 57  Brownes Religio Medici [T. Browne 1643] Lyells Book III 5th Edit 58  [Lyell 1837] …
  • travels in N. America [W. Bartram 1791] May 18 Stanley Familiar Hist. of Birds [E. Stanley
  • … [Ranke 1840] 30 th . Arnolds life 3 vols [A. P. Stanley 1844] Jan 5 th . L d . …
  • … [Heer 1854].— Hooker has it.— Very important Hookers letter Jan. 1859 Yules Ava [Yule 1858] …
  • 1859]. (goodish) 1  The personal library of Charles Stokes from whom CD borrowed books
  • from these portfolios is in DAR 205, the letter from William Edward Shuckard to which CD refers has
  • 44  Probably Francis Boott. 45  Edward Forbes provided sketches and notes for the
  • Erskine. 2 vols. London.  *119: 14 Babington, Charles Cardale. 1839Primitiæ floræ   …
  • of Useful Knowledge.) London.  *119: 13 Badham, Charles David. 1845Insect life . …
  • London. [Other eds.]  *119: 15; 119: 22b Belcher, Edward. 1848Narrative of the voyage
  • … [Abstract in DAR 205.3: 180.] 119: 21a Bell, Charles. 1806Essays on the anatomy of
  • domesticorum . Hafniæ.  *128: 182 Bennett, Edward Turner, ed. 1837The natural history
  • … …  [By Gilbert White.] A new edition with notes by Edward Turner Bennett. London. [Abstract in DAR
  • … . Edinburgh. [Other eds.]  119: 21b Bevan, Edward. 1827. The honey-bee; its natural
  • of the London Clay . London.  *119: 12v. Brace, Charles Loring. 1852Hungary in 1851: …
  • life from 1838 to the present   time . Edited by John Charles Templer. 3 vols. London128: 9
  • of   H.M.S. Rattlesnake, commanded by the late Captain O. Stanley   … during the years 184650

Darwin's in letters, 1873: Animal or vegetable?


Having laboured for nearly five years on human evolution, sexual selection, and the expression of emotions, Darwin was able to devote 1873 almost exclusively to his beloved plants. He resumed work on the digestive powers of sundews and Venus fly traps, and…

Matches: 28 hits

  • … I omitted to observe, which I ought to have observed” ( letter to J. D. Hooker, 12 January [1873] …
  • … work your wicked will on it—root leaf & branch!” ( letter from J. D. Hooker, 12 January 1873 ) …
  • … . . . His son Francis was assisting the histologist Edward Emanuel Klein at the Brown Animal …
  • … that month. Finally, Darwin enlisted the chemist Edward Frankland to help analyse the …
  • … parts of the flower would become modified & correlated” ( letter to T. H. Farrer, 14 August …
  • … it again, “for Heaven knows when it will be ready” ( letter to John Murray, 4 May [1873] ). …
  • … we take notes and take tracings of their burrows” ( letter from Francis Darwin, 14 August [1873] ) …
  • … in importance; and if so more places will be created” ( letter to E. A. Darwin, 20 September 1873 …
  • … our unfortunate family being fit for continuous work” ( letter from E. A. Darwin, 25 September …
  • … on any point; for I knew my own ignorance before hand” ( letter to George Cupples, 28 April [1873] …
  • … edition. A provincial doctor and asylum superintendent, Stanley Haynes, reported on the …
  • … “he would fly at the Empr’s throat like a bulldog” ( letter from L. M. Forster to H. E. Litchfield, …
  • … force & truth of the great principle of inheritance!” ( letter to F. S. B. F. de Chaumont, 3 …
  • … the heavy breathing that accompanied sexual intercourse? (letter from ?, [1873?]). The Scottish …
  • … with up lines; & sadness & decay with the reverse—” ( letter from William Main, 2 April …
  • … with the advance of civilisation and good breeding ( letter from Henry Reeks, 3 March 1873 ). …
  • … have never felt an inclination to have a second dose” ( letter from Robert Swinhoe, 26 March 1873 …
  • … of an orbital one produces snapping of the jaws” ( letter from James Crichton-Browne, 16 April 1873 …
  • … that illustrated the physiognomy of the disease ( letter to James Crichton-Browne, 30 December 1873 …
  • … by an individual could be transmitted to its offspring ( letter from J. T. Moggridge, 1 February …
  • … a related discussion in  Nature  magazine, forwarding a letter from William Huggins on a case of …
  • … Kepler who was fearful of butchers and butcher’s shops ( letter to  Nature , [before 13 February …
  • … smell. Darwin joined the debate, writing to  Nature  ( letter to  Nature , [before 13 March …
  • … The debate later shifted to ants when Darwin forwarded a letter from the mining engineer James …
  • … disperse wildly after he had smashed some with his finger ( letter to  Nature , [before 3 April …
  • … danger by seeing the corpses of a fellow species” ( letter to  Nature , [before 24 July 1873] ). …
  • … fund was first suggested in early April by Katharine Murray Lyell in conversation with Emma Darwin, …
  • … & usefulness”, citing the examples of John Stuart Mill and Charles Lyell, who would have had far …