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List of correspondents


Below is a list of Darwin's correspondents with the number of letters for each one. Click on a name to see the letters Darwin exchanged with that correspondent.    "A child of God" (1) Abberley,…

Matches: 25 hits

  • … Airy, Hubert (27) Aitchison, William (2) …
  • … Allen, John (1) Allen, Thomas (2) …
  • … Baird, S. F. (1) Baird, William (1) …
  • … Baxter, W. W. (36) Baxter, William (7) …
  • … Bell, Robert (b) (2) Bell, Thomas (2) …
  • … Bennett, A. W. (21) Bennett, William (2) …
  • … Birch, Samuel (5) Birkett, Thomas (1) …
  • … Blanche (2) Blenkiron, William, Jr (1) …
  • … Blow, T. B. (1) Blunt, Thomas (2) …
  • … Bowles, W. B. (2) Bowman, William (29) …
  • … Brewer, T. M. (1) Bridges, Thomas (b) (2) …
  • … British Museum (1) Brittain, Thomas (2) …
  • … Frank (17) Buckland, William (6) …
  • … Clephan, T. R. (1) Clift, William (1) …
  • … Coldstream, John (2) Cole, William (3) …
  • … Cooper, W. B. (1) Cooper, William (1) …
  • … Croll, James (16) Crookes, William (1) …
  • … la Beche, H. T. (3) Dealtry, William (1) …
  • … Farr, John (2) Farr, William (7) …
  • … Farrer, T. H. (137) Farrer, William (1) …
  • … Graham, C. C. (3) Graham, William (5) …
  • … Green, Thomas (1) Green, William (2) …
  • … Hardy, R. P. (4) Hardy, William (1) …
  • … Spratt, T. A. B. (1) Spring Rice, Thomas (2) …
  • … Wheler, E. A. (9) Whewell, William (8) …

Satire of FitzRoy's Narrative of the Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle, by John Clunies Ross. Transcription by Katharine Anderson


[f.146r Title page] Voyages of the Adventure and Beagle Supplement / to the 2nd 3rd and Appendix Volumes of the First / Edition Written / for and in the name of the Author of those / Volumes By J.C. Ross. / Sometime Master of a…

Matches: 20 hits

  • an abstract of anessay &con the subject by Professor Whewellthe sameof which I have
  • also called Cocoswere discovered in 1608-9 by Captain William Keeling who was in the East India
  • had at Diego Garcia so he went on to Pulo Niasgot some rice but not enoughcame on along
  • Settlementtook him into Keyser's Baythereonly rice could be obtainedwhen being
  • the most importantto witconstantly kept short of riceand that only given to be eaten along
  • I did not let him stop herebut as tohis eating our ricethat is not possiblethere being
  • … (Mr H's) quarters stop with his party and be eating their rice] the rice allowance that you
  • to Captain Ross I know not as yetwithout enough of rice it is impossible to do any amount of good
  • to bush ranging for some timethey helped themselves to rice from Mr Hs store which he kept on a
  • thetrustworthyparty who after Mr H removing to the rice house Isle remained at the original
  • builders can work upwardsnamely that oflow water or spring tides.” – but kept above ityea
  • know I have very lately made a trip to Bencoolen for ^the^ rice of which you [ f.190r p.87 ] …
  • West Isle he removed to the little isle on which he kept his riceas above-mentionedyet ^that^ …
  • the pirates) set them to clear the forest and jungles raise rice, sugarcane, pepper, and spice trees
  • boards and the pillars of the Island timber. Two Englishmen (Thomas Deeley and George Bailey) of the
  • Sandilands went to see Mr Harewho was then living on Rice Islet. Mr H. made the interview as
  • whilst these reefs remained at the level of low water spring tides (above which Mr Darwin very truly
  • time. That plan was thisafter Mr Hare had moved on to Rice Islet he had proposed to put up a
  • along with their foundation down to the level of low water spring tides above which you yourself
  • so calledappear to have been discovered by Captain William Keeling employed in the service of the