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Darwin Correspondence Project

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Darwin Correspondence Project
"Darwin C R" in search-correspondent disabled_by_default
Mivart, S. G. J. in addressee disabled_by_default
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Mivart, S. G. J. in correspondent disabled_by_default
1871::01::26 in date disabled_by_default
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Darwin, C. R. in correspondent disabled_by_default
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To St G. J. Mivart   26 January [1871]


CD apologises for having thought that StGJM’s religious feelings had led him to feel personal animosity towards him. [See 7454.]

He remembers having thought and written that belief in evolution is infinitely more important for science than belief in Natural Selection. For his own part he would have felt little interest in evolution apart from the explanation "in a general manner" of how each organism is so adapted to its conditions.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  St George Jackson Mivart
Date:  26 Jan [1871]
Classmark:  Karpeles Manuscript Library Museums
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-7459A
Document type
Darwin, C. R.disabled_by_default
Mivart, S. G. J.disabled_by_default
Darwin, C. R.disabled_by_default
Mivart, S. G. J.disabled_by_default