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From Francis Darwin to Ernst Krause   [after 10 February 1881]


CD thanks him for his congratulations and for details of letters, which he will keep with the Butlerian documents.

FD is happy for his lecture to be republished in Kosmos.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause
Date:  [after 10 Feb 1881]
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (HM 36219)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13048F

Matches: 6 hits

From Francis Darwin to Ernst Krause   23 October 1879


CD thanks Krause for the errata.

CD is sorry to hear that Krause’s part will not appear in the French edition, and cannot believe that C.-F. Reinwald would be influenced by antagonism to the Germans. Reinwald always gives CD a small percentage on sales, and CD had intended to pass it on to EK.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause
Date:  23 Oct 1879
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (HM 36217)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12268H

Matches: 3 hits

From Francis Darwin to Ernst Krause   [29 October 1879]


Encloses a letter from CD to C.-F. Reinwald for EK to read, and if he approves, to send on.

Author:  Francis Darwin
Addressee:  Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause
Date:  [29 Oct 1879]
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (HM 36218)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12275F

Matches: 3 hits

To Ernst Krause   18 May 1881


Thanks EK for his article [on CD’s Movement in plants].

Admires EK’s wide interest in science. Would like to send him something to publish in Kosmos.

Fears his new book [Earthworms] will hardly do, but will send sheets when printed so that EK can decide whether any chapter or a part of one will serve. Victor Carus’s consent would be needed for publication in Kosmos, and CD will ask for it.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause
Date:  18 May 1881
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (HM 36215)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13163

Matches: 4 hits

  • Darwin 1881a ), was a German translation of a lecture Francis gave in 1880 (see letter from Ernst Krause, …
  • Ernst Krause, 7 February 1881 ). CD and Francis Darwin had recently begun correcting proof-sheets of Earthworms (see letter from Francis
  • Ernst Krause. Translated from the German by W. S. Dallas, with a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin. London: John Murray. 1879. Movement in plants : The power of movement in plants. By Charles Darwin. Assisted by Francis
  • Ernst Krause, 15 May 1881 ). See letter to J. V. Carus, 18 May 1881 ; Julius Victor Carus was CD’s German translator. The journal Kosmos , which was edited by Krause, had recently been purchased by Koch. Fritz Müller’s article, ‘ Atyoida Potimirim , eine schlammfressende Süsswassergarneele’ ( Atyoida Potimirim , a mud-eating freshwater shrimp; F. Müller 1881a ), was published in Kosmos , May 1881. Atyoida potimirim is a synonym of Potimirim potimirim , the tiny or neon shrimp. See letter to Francis Darwin, …

To Ernst Krause   7 July 1879


Sends proofs of his preface [to EK’s Erasmus Darwin], with which he is disappointed. Suggests additions and improvements he would like to make.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause
Date:  7 July 1879
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (HM 36188)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12136

Matches: 1 hit

  • Ernst Krause, 13 June 1879 ). Erasmus Darwin was published by John Murray (1808–92) in November; it contained a portrait of Erasmus Darwin as the frontispiece and two woodcuts ( ibid. , pp. 3, 125). The relations have not been identified, but CD’s wife, Emma Darwin , and sons George and Francis

To Ernst Krause   30 July 1881


Publication of Earthworms delayed, but will send sheets to EK when he receives them [so that he can decide about publishing extracts in Kosmos].

Thanks for "Die Gegenwart".

"’Instinct’ of plants" is a most puzzling problem.

Does not see how mind can be defined "if we subtract consciousness".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause
Date:  30 July 1881
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (HM 36216)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13260

Matches: 2 hits

  • … by Francis Darwin. London: John Murray. 1880. Sterne, Carus, pseud. (Ernst Krause. ) …
  • Krause wanted to publish a chapter of Earthworms , translated into German, in his journal, Kosmos (see letter from Ernst Krause, 15 May 1881 ). Under the pseudonym Carus Sterne, Krause had published an article about CD’s Movement in plants , titled ‘Sind die Pflanzen beseelt? ’ (Do plants have souls? ), in the German weekly Die Gegenwart ( Sterne 1881b ). Francis Darwin ’ …

To Ernst Krause   19 August [1879]


CD is relieved by EK’s response to his criticisms. Will attend to all his instructions and will not print his preface until EK has seen it.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause
Date:  19 Aug [1879]
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (HM 36192)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12198

Matches: 1 hit

  • Ernst Krause, 16 August 1879 . In his letter of 16 August 1879 , Krause agreed to CD’s extensive cuts to Krause’s manuscript for Erasmus Darwin . Krause had asked CD not to include a statement that CD had condensed his manuscript in the preface of Erasmus Darwin ; see letter from Ernst Krause, 16 August 1879 and n. 10. For the list of plant names that Francis

To Ernst Krause   7 October 1880


Insists that EK take the profits from the English edition of Erasmus Darwin. EK’s essay is the valuable part of the book; CD’s is mainly gossip.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause
Date:  7 Oct 1880
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (HM 36208)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12740

Matches: 1 hit

  • Francis Darwin. London: John Murray. 1880. Müller, Fritz. 1880a. Paltostoma torrentium. Eine Mücke mit zwiegestaltigen Weibchen. Kosmos 8 (1880–1): 37–42. Sterne, Carus, pseud. (Ernst Krause. ) …

To Ernst Krause   9 May [1879]


Answers EK’s queries about Erasmus Darwin’s friends and relations. Will rectify Anna Seward’s false account of Dr Darwin’s conduct. Advises EK to leave to him the account of the Darwin family. Declines EK’s offer to allow CD to alter his MS. Fears repetition in the two essays. They can judge how best to present the material when they have seen each other’s manuscripts.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause
Date:  9 May [1879]
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (HM 36182)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12042

Matches: 1 hit

  • Ernst Krause, 5 May 1879 and n. 11. Mary Darwin , née Howard, was CD’s grandmother; ‘the philanthropist’ was John Howard (no relation). Robert Darwin of Elston’s elder brother was William Darwin (1681–1760) , and his eldest son was Robert Waring Darwin (1724–1816) . See letter to Reginald Darwin, 8 April 1879 , n. 8. Francis

To Ernst Krause   19 March 1879


Sends copy of a lecture [by John Dowson, see 11949] published in 1861.

Has not yet found a copy of Anna Seward’s biography for EK. It is a wretched, inaccurate book. To contradict Anna Seward’s version, CD intends to write a short preface to the translation of EK’s essay. Doubts that it will be worth translating into German.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Ernst Ludwig (Ernst) Krause
Date:  19 Mar 1879
Classmark:  The Huntington Library (HM 36177)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-11944

Matches: 1 hit

  • Ernst Krause. Mit seinem Lebens- und Charakterbilde von Charles Darwin ( Krause 1880 ). Krause expanded his part of the work, adding a section on precursors to Erasmus Darwin ( ibid. , pp. 78–124). See letter to B. W. Richardson, 14 March 1879 , and letter to Francis
Document type
letter (10)
Krause, Ernstdisabled_by_default
1879 (6)
1880 (1)
1881 (3)