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Darwin Correspondence Project
Darwin and H and E and 1880 in keywords disabled_by_default
Gray, Asa in addressee disabled_by_default
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To Asa Gray   24 March [1880]


Thanks for Megarrhiza seeds and information. Has been greatly interested by Megarrhiza germination.

Samuel Butler has attacked CD over Erasmus Darwin.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  24 Mar [1880]
Classmark:  Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Harvard University (130)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12545

Matches: 1 hit

  • H. E. Litchfield, 1 February [1880] , enclosure 1), comparing Ernst Krause’s original German essay on Erasmus Darwin ( …

To Asa Gray   24 October 1879


Requests seeds of Ipomoea and Megarrhiza for observations on seedling growth.

Is rereading MS of Movement in plants.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Asa Gray
Date:  24 Oct 1879
Classmark:  Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Harvard University (125)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12269

Matches: 1 hit

  • 1880. Jane Loring Gray . CD had asked Gray to send seeds of Echinocystis lobata (wild cucumber) to Hugo de Vries so that De Vries could observe the tendrils (see letter to Hugo de Vries, 13 February 1879 and n. 5). De Vries had probably visited Down on 21 September ( letter from Emma Darwin to H. E. …
Document type
letter (2)
1879 (1)
1880 (1)