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To W. E. Darwin   [24 July 1862]



Discusses dimorphic plants, valerian and Erythraea. Would like to look at them; suggests WED draw up a paper on them.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [24 July 1862]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 101
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3632

Matches: 6 hits

  • … by the relationship to the letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 14 July 1862 , and to the letter …
  • E.  Darwin, 14 July 1862 . See letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 14 July 1862 . There is a …
  • … Gray, 14 July [1862] ). See letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 14 July 1862 , and letter to W.   …
  • E.  Darwin, [after 14 July 1862] . See letter from W.   …
  • … W.  E.  Darwin, 4 [July 1862] , 9 July [1862] , and [after 14 July 1862] , and letter to …
  • E.  Darwin, [after 14 July 1862] , and by reference to a postscript, written in pencil, in Emma Darwin’s hand: ‘Enquire a little about quiet sea places near Southampton   I expect G & F will come to you at the end of next week’. George Howard Darwin and Francis stayed with William in Southampton from 2 August (see letter

To W. E. Darwin   [after 14 July 1862]



Leonard’s illness.

Polymorphism in valerian and Erythraea.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [after 14 July 1862]
Classmark:  DAR 185: 12
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3650

Matches: 3 hits

  • … William send specimens, see the letter to W.  E.  Darwin, [24 July 1862] . In the letter …
  • … Dated by the relationship to the letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 14 July 1862 . Leonard Darwin …
  • … letters to W.  E.  Darwin, 4 [July 1862] and 9 July [1862] , and letter to Asa Gray, 14  …

From H. E. Darwin to W. E. Darwin   [18 May 1864]



CD would like to see Rhamnus, as an American species is dimorphic.

Sends red cowslip pollen to be measured.

Author:  Henrietta Emma Darwin; Henrietta Emma Litchfield
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [18 May 1864]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 118
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4442

Matches: 6 hits

  • … A41–3, 50, and DAR 111. See letter to W.  E.  Darwin, [14–17 May 1864] and n.  2. George …
  • … the letter from Emma Darwin to W.  E.  Darwin, [17 May 1864] , and the letters from W.   …
  • … are from 1866 (see, for example, letter to W.  E.  Darwin, 20 June [1866] ( Calendar no.   …
  • E.  Darwin, 18 May [1864] and [19 May 1864] . For CD’s query regarding Menyanthes , see the letter
  • E.  Darwin, [16 March 1864] , n.  3). Emma Darwin recorded in her diary (DAR 242) for Saturday 21 May 1864: ‘Boys from school’. James Mackintosh Wedgwood. See letter
  • E.  Darwin, [17 May 1864] . No recent reference to Rhamnus , the buckthorn, has been found in CD’s correspondence. In 1861, CD asked Joseph Dalton Hooker where he could purchase a specimen after Asa Gray wrote that a North American species ( Rhamnus lanceolatus ) was dimorphic (see Correspondence vol.  9, letter

To W. E. Darwin   [19 May 1864]



Mentions WED’s extraordinary discovery of some pollen-grains of different sizes. The observations must be followed up.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [19 May 1864]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 186
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5333

Matches: 5 hits

  • … between this letter and the letters from W.  E.  Darwin, 18 May [1864] and [20 May 1864] ( …
  • … see Correspondence vol.  12, letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 18 May [1864] . For CD’s query …
  • E.  Darwin, 18 May [1864] . William had included sketches of the anthers of long-styled and short-styled flowers of Pulmonaria angustifolia (blue cowslip); see also letter
  • E.  Darwin, [17 May 1864] ( Correspondence vol.  12). For CD’s interest in Rhamnus (buckthorn), see ibid. , letter
  • Darwin, [18 May 1864] and n.  2. Most of CD’s work on Rhamnus was done in 1866 (see Correspondence vol.  14). The mare was evidently a horse that William planned to buy, but which was kept at Down for some time (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter from H.  E.   …

From Emma and Charles Darwin to W. E. Darwin   [20 May 1864]



CD much obliged for specimen and drawings.

Author:  Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin; Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [20 May 1864]
Classmark:  DAR 97: A7
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3366

Matches: 5 hits

  • … between this letter and the letter from W.  E.  Darwin, [19 May 1864] , and by George …
  • … Forms of flowers , p.  115). See letter from W.  E.  Darwin, [19 May 1864] and n.  8. The …
  • … at Maer until 1847, had recently visited Down (see letter from Emma Darwin to W.  E.   …
  • … 18 May 1864] and n.  4. See letter from W.  E.  Darwin, [19 May 1864] and n.  3. CD wrote …
  • Darwin, [17 May 1864] and n.  4). For CD’s speculation on the self-fertility of short-styled Pulmonaria angustifolia , see letter to W.  E. …

To W. E. Darwin   5 May [1864]



Experiment instructions.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  5 May [1864]
Classmark:  DAR 185: 13
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4483

Matches: 2 hits

  • … relationship between this letter, the memorandum from W.  E.  Darwin, [30 April 1864], and …
  • … the letter to W.  E.  Darwin, 3 May [1864] . See letter to W.  E.  Darwin, 3 May [1864] …

To W. E. Darwin   [10 May 1863]



Thanks WED for his botanical specimens and observations.

Discusses Corydalis and the fertilisation of Fumariaceae.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [10 May 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 111
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4151

Matches: 6 hits

  • … 1861] , and letter from W.  E.  Darwin, [17 November 1861] ). Bates 1863 . …
  • … between this letter and the letter from W.  E. Darwin, 8 May [1863] , and by the address. …
  • … joined the bank in 1861 (see Correspondence vol.  9, letter to W.  E.  Darwin, 17 [October …
  • … See also Correspondence vol.  12, letter to W.  E.  Darwin, 14 May [1864] . For CD’s …
  • … of flowers , pp.  105– 10. See letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 8 May [1863] and n.  5. As part …
  • E.  Darwin, 8 May [1863] . The plant was subsequently identified as Pulmonaria angustifolia (see letter

To W. E. Darwin   3 January [1872]


Thanks for letter [8137]. Finds observation at Stonehenge of depth of mould at different parts of slope "most valuable".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  3 Jan [1872]
Classmark:  Natural History Museum, Library and Archives (General Manuscripts MSS DAR 30)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-8140

Matches: 3 hits

  • … See CD’s annotations to the letter from W.  E.  Darwin, [1 January 1872] . The bottom …
  • … relationship between this letter and the letter from W.  E.  Darwin, [1 January 1872] . …
  • E.  Darwin, [1 January 1872] . The diagram has not been found in the Darwin Archive–CUL.  CD’s notes for Earthworms are in DAR 63–5. The second page of the letter

To W. E. Darwin   8 April [1868]



Thanks Charles Langstaff for his observations relating to expression. Has requested observations on the platysma. Discusses the actions of other facial muscles, especially during crying. [Encloses 5828.]

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  8 Apr [1868]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 124, 128
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6103

Matches: 5 hits

  • … 7 April 1868] and n.  2. See letter from W.  E.  Darwin, [7 April 1868] and n.  5. [A.   …
  • … between this letter and the letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 5 March [1868] . CD refers to …
  • … CD also refers to Charles Bell . See letter to W.  E.  Darwin, [15 March 1868] and n.   …
  • … 6. See letter to W.  E.  Darwin, [15 March 1868] and n.  7. CD did not discuss suppressed …
  • E.  Darwin, 5 March [1868] and n.  4, and [7 April 1868] . CD discussed the obliqueness of the eyebrows and the transverse wrinkles across the forehead during the expression of grief in Expression , pp.  179–93. CD’s query to London surgeons appeared in the 4  April 1868 issue of the British Medical Journal 1 (1868): 332 (see letter

To W. E. Darwin   [2–3 August 1862]



Discusses Lythrum, "a really wonderful case"; asks WED to make observations and collect specimens; sends a diagram which shows what crosses he believes are fertile.

Would like George to watch bees visiting the flowers; wants some pods from different forms to compare shapes and count seeds.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [2–3 Aug 1862]
Classmark:  DAR 185: 70, DAR 210.6: 102
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3678

Matches: 9 hits

  • … by the relationship to the letters from W.  E.  Darwin, 1 August 1862 , 2 August [1862] , …
  • … invite her. See enclosure. See letters from W.  E.  Darwin, 1 August 1862  and 2 August [ …
  • E.  Darwin, 1 August 1862 . The reference is to CD’s sister, Susan Elizabeth Darwin . In a letter
  • … W.  E. Darwin, 5 August 1862 ); CD cited his results, along with those given in the letter
  • Darwin was recovering from scarlet fever (see Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242), and letter to W.  E.   …
  • … 2: 178; see also letter to W.  E. Darwin, 4 [July 1862] and n.  8). See letter from W.   …
  • E.  Darwin, 2 August [1862] . In June, George Darwin had made a series of observations on the insects visiting orchids (see letter
  • E.  Darwin, 1 August 1862 , in ‘Three forms of Lythrum salicaria ’ , p.  174 ( Collected papers 2: 110). Francis and George Howard Darwin arrived in Southampton on a visit to William on 2 August 1862 (see letter
  • E.  Darwin, 5 August  1862 . Although CD referred to William’s drawings in ‘Three forms of Lythrum salicaria ’ , p.  172 ( Collected papers 2: 108–9), he did not reproduce them as engravings. Vaucher 1841 , 2: 371. CD refers to Lythrum hyssopifolia (see letter

To W. E. Darwin   30 [June 1866]



Cuttings have arrived. Different flower forms [in Rhamnus?].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  30 [June 1866]
Classmark:  DAR 185: 17
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5136

Matches: 6 hits

  • … was a twenty-franc coin ( OED ). See letter to W.  E.  Darwin, [24 June 1866] and n.  5. …
  • … between this letter and the letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 29 June [1866] . CD had requested …
  • … of 29 June [1866] . See letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 29 June [1866] and n.  2. In Forms of …
  • E.  Darwin, [24 June 1866] ). William had sent drawings of pollen and styles of Rhamnus cathartica with his letter
  • Darwin and accompany her back to England. Henrietta had been in France from 15 March to mid-June with Elinor Mary Bonham-Carter and Elinor’s aunt, Julia Smith (see letter to H.  E.   …
  • E.  Darwin, 29 June [1866] and n.  3. William had enclosed flowers of the two male forms of Rhamnus cathartica with his letter

To W. E. Darwin   3 January [1881]



Thanks WED for some earthworm observations.

Discusses investments.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  3 Jan [1881]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 170
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12973

Matches: 5 hits

  • … see Correspondence vol. 28, letter from W. E. Darwin, 31 December [1880] and n. 3). …
  • … 1881] (DAR 219.1: 140)). See letter from W. E. Darwin, 1 January [1881] . CD purchased …
  • … 1881 ; see Correspondence vol. 28, letter to W. E. Darwin, 2 December 1880 ). CD showed …
  • … letter from W. E. Darwin, 31 December [1880] and n. 4). CD refers to the letter from James …
  • … W. E. Darwin, 1 January [1881] . Sara had spent time at Down after Christmas ( letter from …

To W. E. Darwin   30 [October 1862]



Thanks WED for observations on Lythrum.

Discusses family affairs.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  30 [Oct 1862]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 107
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3789

Matches: 6 hits

  • … Dated by the relationship to the letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 28 October 1862 . …
  • … See letter to W.  E.  Darwin, [25 October 1862] and n.  2, and letter from W.   …
  • … from W.  E.  Darwin, 21 October [1862] and n.  4, and letter to W.  E.  Darwin, [25  …
  • Darwin started at a school in Kensington run by Miss Buob, on 27 January 1863 (see Emma Darwin’s diary (DAR 242), and the letter from Emma Darwin to W.  E.   …
  • E.  Darwin, [19 November 1862] and [2 December 1862? ], in DAR 219.1: 67–8). William had probably sent CD a copy of the anonymous review of Orchids that appeared in the Saturday Review of 18 October 1862 ( Anon 1862 ); there is a copy of the review in CD’s Scrapbook of reviews (DAR 226.1). See letter
  • E.  Darwin, 28 October 1862 . CD reported this observation in ‘Three forms of Lythrum salicaria ’ , p.  172 ( Collected papers 2: 108). Maud Atherley was the daughter of George Atherley , William’s banking partner in the Southampton and Hampshire Bank, Southampton. Henrietta Emma Darwin . See letter

To W. E. Darwin   [24 June 1866]



Polymorphic flowers of Rhamnus [see Forms of flowers, p. 294].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [24 June 1866]
Classmark:  DAR 185: 16
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5132

Matches: 4 hits

  • … between this letter and the letter to W.  E.  Darwin, 22 June [1866] , and by the …
  • … see letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 20 June [1866] ). In his letter to William of 22 June [ …
  • E.  Darwin, 22 June [1866] . See letter to W.  E.  Darwin, 22 June [1866] and n.   5. …
  • … W.  E.  Darwin, 20 June [1866] ). CD had asked the same question in his letter to W.   …

To W. E. Darwin   [19 July 1880]



Writes about gravel deposits [at Southampton] and sends a James Geikie letter [12655?] on the subject.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [19 July 1880]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 161
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-12661

Matches: 3 hits

  • … 1876 (see Correspondence vol. 24, letter to W. E. Darwin, [after 20 November 1876] , and …
  • … 17 July 1880 , and letter to E. W. Badger, [19 July 1880] . Sara Darwin was consulting a …
  • … Supplement, letter from W. E. Darwin, 30 November [1876] . See letter to James Geikie, 19 …

To W. E. Darwin   [25 October 1862]



Asks WED to make some observations on differences in pods of Lythrum.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [25 Oct 1862]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 106
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3782

Matches: 5 hits

  • … by the relationship to the letters from W.  E.  Darwin, 21 October [1862] and 28 October …
  • … see the letter from W. E. Darwin, 23 October [1862] ; see also the letter to W.   …
  • … See letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 21 October [1862] and n.  5, letter from W. E. Darwin, 23 …
  • E.  Darwin, 30 [October 1862] . William was assisting his father by collecting seed-pods from wild plants of Lythrum salicaria (see the letters
  • E. Darwin 21 October [1862] and 23 October [1862] ); however, CD had concluded that he would have to perform a further 126 crosses before he could publish his results (see letter

To W. E. Darwin   14 May [1864]



Discusses WED’s observations on polymorphic flowers.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  14 May [1864]
Classmark:  DAR 97: A1–2, A4–5
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4495

Matches: 7 hits

  • … between this letter and the letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 12 May [1864] . CD published a …
  • … May in DAR 110: A51 v. See also letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 12 May [1864] and n.  6, and …
  • … in the long-styled forms (see letter to W.  E.  Darwin, 3 May [1864] , n.  2, and ‘Three …
  • … Collected papers 2: 46); see also letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 14 April [1864] and n.  4, …
  • … anthers on 6 May 1864 (see letter to W.  E.  Darwin, 3 May [1864] , n.  2). In Forms of …
  • … see Correspondence vol.  11, letters to W.  E.  Darwin, [5 May 1863] and n.  6, and [10  …
  • E.  Darwin, 18 April 1864  and n.  3, and 12 May [1864] and nn.  3 and 4). CD is referring to William’s letter

To W. E. Darwin   [25 July 1863]



Relates events at Down;

asks WED to make some observations on Lythrum.

His present hobby-horse is tendrils.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [25 July 1863]
Classmark:  DAR 210.6: 112
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-4199

Matches: 4 hits

  • … member of the Boraginaceae (see letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 4 May [1863] and n.  2). …
  • … see Correspondence vol.  10, letters to W.  E.  Darwin, [25 October 1862] and 30 [October  …
  • … in the Boraginaceae (see letters to W.  E.  Darwin, [5 May 1863] and [10 May 1863] ). In …
  • … and letter from W.  E.  Darwin, 28 October 1862 ). See also letter from W.  E.  Darwin, …

To W. E. Darwin   20 May [1881]


Discusses his investments.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  20 May [1881]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.590)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-13167

Matches: 3 hits

  • … between this letter and the letter from W. E. Darwin, 7 May 1881 . William had suggested a …
  • … States Funded Loan shares (see letter to W. E. Darwin, 4 May [1881] ). See letter from W. …
  • E. Darwin, 7 May 1881 and n. 2. The newspaper announcement has not been identified. CD’s bank was the Union Bank , Charing Cross Branch, London (see Correspondence vol. 5, letter

From Charles and Emma Darwin to W. E. Darwin   [13 January 1861]



Two letters for WED at E. A. Darwin's. G. H. Darwin has been to dentist. Please collect and pay for GHD’s skates.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin; Emma Wedgwood; Emma Darwin
Addressee:  William Erasmus Darwin
Date:  [13 Jan 1861]
Classmark:  DAR 185: 117
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-3046F

Matches: 3 hits

  • … Two letters for WED at E. A. Darwin's. G. H. Darwin has been to dentist. Please collect …
  • … H.  Darwin to W.  E.  Darwin, [9 December 1860] (DAR 251: 2226), letters from Emma Darwin …
  • E. Darwin, [30 January 1861] (DAR 219.1: 36), [12 February 1861] (DAR 219.1: 37), and [20 February 1861] (DAR 219.1: 38), and Correspondence vol.  9, letter
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