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From John Beck   15 May 1869



Sends his MS "The real presence" [on transubstantiation] for CD’s comments.

Author:  John Beck
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  15 May 1869
Classmark:  DAR 160: 104
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6747

Matches: 1 hit

  • … on religious subjects ( Correspondence vol.  12, letter from John Beck, 6 October 1864 ). …

To Fritz Müller   14 March 1869


Translation of Für Darwin has been published [Facts and arguments for Darwin (1869)].

Discusses dimorphic plants, commenting on FM’s observations on Oxalis.

Is greatly interested in Eschscholzia, which seems somewhat more self-sterile in Brazil than in England.

Thinks FM’s grass is "most wonderful".

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Müller
Date:  14 Mar 1869
Classmark:  The British Library (Loan MS 10 no 27)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6662

Matches: 8 hits

  • … 10. CD enclosed Müller’s letter of 12 January 1869  with his letter to Joseph Dalton …
  • … seeds of this species (see letter from Fritz Müller, 12 January 1869  and nn.  1 and 2). …
  • … of 31 October 1868 ( Correspondence vol.  16) or with his letter of 12 January 1869 . …
  • … Müller 1885 , pp.  440–2). See letter from Fritz Müller, 12 January 1869  and nn.  6–8. …
  • … of researches 2d ed. , p.  52. See letter from Fritz Müller, 12 January 1869  and n.   …
  • … to Descent and Origin 5th ed. See letter from Fritz Müller, 12 January 1869 . Müller had …
  • … See letter from Fritz Müller, 12 January 1869  and nn.  3–5. Müller did not publish his …
  • … P.S.  I have just received your letter of Jan.  12 th . — I am greatly interested by what …

From T. H. Huxley   17 March 1869



Last letter was written to be passed on for Lushington’s edification. "(Standing on the points of my toes and my tail very stiff)." Is tiring of controversy as a waste of time. Begins to understand CD’s sufferings over Origin.

Author:  Thomas Henry Huxley
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  17 Mar 1869
Classmark:  DAR 166: 318
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6665

Matches: 1 hit

  • … letter to Vernon Lushington, [12 March 1869] , and letter to T.  H.  Huxley, 12 March [ …

To George Maw   13 January 1869


Thanks GM for offer of observations. Would be interested to know when the horns of merino rams first appear,

and has long wished for living specimens of Drosophyllum.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  George Maw
Date:  13 Jan 1869
Classmark:  Royal Horticultural Society, Lindley Library (MAW/1/14)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6552

Matches: 1 hit

  • … unsuccessful (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26 November [1864] …

From Richard Spruce   [before 1 April 1869]



Sends CD a paper ["Ant-agency in plant structure", published in Spruce Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes, ed. A. R. Wallace (1908)] on plant structures he believes are the work of insects; asks him to forward it to the Linnean Society [read 15 Apr 1869].

Writes of his support for the Origin, before which he had been much concerned by the delimitation of so-called species.

Author:  Richard Spruce
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  [before 1 Apr 1869]
Classmark:  DAR 177: 241
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6690

Matches: 2 hits

  • … to the end of his stay in South America (see Correspondence vol.  12, letter from A.  R.   …
  • … Wallace, 2 January 1864  and nn.  12 and 13); CD’s letter to Spruce has not been found. CD …

To W. C. Tait   12 and 16 March 1869


Thanks for specimen of Drosophyllum.

Describes capacity of various plants to catch flies.

Cannot name fern specimen.

Laugher pigeon descended from Columba livia.

Discusses tailless dogs.

Believes astronomical phenomenon responsible for oscillation of level of earth’s crust.

Would WCT like copy of Orchids?

Expected plants [Drosophyllum] have arrived.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Chester Tait
Date:  12 and 16 Mar 1869
Classmark:  DAR 147: 541; Sotheby’s (dealers) (19 July 1990)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6661

Matches: 2 hits

  • … Hooker , see Correspondence vol.  12, letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 26 November [1864] . There …
  • … Kent. S.E. March 12, 1869 Dear Sir I have received your two letters of Mar.  2nd and 5th; …

From Alfred Russel Wallace   20 January 1869



Dedication of Malay Archipelago to CD.

Comments on scientific papers.

Author:  Alfred Russel Wallace
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  20 Jan 1869
Classmark:  DAR 106: B73–4
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6561

Matches: 1 hit

  • … by January 1864 ( Correspondence vol.  12, letter from A.  R.  Wallace, 2 January 1864 and …

From J. D. Hooker   14 November 1869



Describes how the offer of C.B. was made. He declined a knighthood. Murchison and Lyell are trying to get him made Knight Commander of the Star of India, but he does not think there is a chance. The Duke [of Argyll?] might do it, but does not like JDH’s Darwinism.

Next Presidency of Royal Society discussed: all (Brodie, the X Club botanists, et al.) are agreed on Lyell.

Everyone is disappointed with Nature.

What did CD think of "Huxley’s rhapsody on Goethe’s ditto" [Nature 1 (1869): 9–11]?

Author:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  14 Nov 1869
Classmark:  DAR 103: 35—8
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6988

Matches: 1 hit

  • … the Spectator , see Correspondence vol.  12, letter from J.  D.  Hooker, 29 March 1864 , …

From George Swaysland   12 June 1869



Observations on birds entering the country in spring. Some have clods of earth on their feet.

Author:  George Swaysland
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  12 June 1869
Classmark:  DAR 205.2 (Letters): 252
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6780

Matches: 2 hits

  • … DAR 205.2 (Letters): 252 George Swaysland Brighton 12 June 1869 Charles Robert Darwin …
  • … 4 Queens Road | Brighton June 12 th 1869 Sir In reply to your letter I beg to say that the …

To J. J. Weir   27 May [1869]



Thanks for information about bird migration.

Comments on canary hybridisation.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Jenner Weir
Date:  27 May [1869]
Classmark:  DAR 148: 323
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6759

Matches: 1 hit

  • … not been found, but see the letter from George Swaysland, 12 June 1869 . See letter from …

To J. D. Hooker   8 March [1869]


Transmits letter [from Fritz Müller].

Has been asked to permit a French translation of Orchids and Journal of researches.

At work on sexual selection.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Joseph Dalton Hooker
Date:  8 Mar [1869]
Classmark:  DAR 94: 116-17
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6647

Matches: 2 hits

  • … the relationship between this letter and the letter from Fritz Müller, 12 January 1869 . …
  • … CD evidently enclosed the letter from Fritz Müller, 12 January 1869 . CD refers to Müller’ …

From W. C. Tait   13 April 1869



Insectivorous plants; Drosophyllum lusitanicum.

Descriptions of the local sheep.

Author:  William Chester Tait
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  13 Apr 1869
Classmark:  DAR 178: 46
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6696

Matches: 5 hits

  • … r . Dear Sir, I received your kind letter of the 12 th .  ult mo .  and am sorry to learn …
  • … very truly, | William C.  Tait. Your letter of the 12 th . March was delayed many days on …
  • … See letter to W.  C.  Tait, 12 and 16 March 1869 . Tait had sent plants of Drosophyllum …
  • … and Climbing plants. See letter to W.  C.  Tait, 12 and 16 March 1869 . Alexander Rossari …
  • … not been further identified. See letter to W.  C.  Tait, 12 and 16 March 1869  and n.  2. …

To T. H. Huxley   9 July [1869]


Haeckel wants British specimens of calcareous sponges. Can THH tell him to whom he can apply?

Health not improving – cannot climb even a hill.

Has heard THH’s article on Comte ["Scientific aspects of Positivism", Lay sermons (1870)] is a splendid success.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Huxley
Date:  9 July [1869]
Classmark:  Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine Archives (Huxley 5: 271)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6823

Matches: 1 hit

  • … H.  Huxley, 10 March 1869  and 12 March [1869] , and letter from T.  H.  Huxley, 11 March …

To F. C. Donders   17 November [1869]


There is no hurry for information. Delighted that FCD is making experiments.

It was a sincere pleasure to make FCD’s acquaintance.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Frans Cornelis (Franciscus Cornelius) Donders
Date:  17 Nov [1869]
Classmark:  American Philosophical Society (Mss.B.D25.)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6991

Matches: 3 hits

  • … C.  Donders, 21 June 1870 . See letter from F.  C.  Donders, 12 November 1869  and n.  3. …
  • … this letter and the letter from F.  C.  Donders, 12 November 1869 . See letter from F.   …
  • 12 November 1869 . CD had asked Donders questions for his research on human expression; see memorandum to F.  C.  Donders, 6 September 1869. At the time, CD still thought that this research would be included in Descent , but it was later published in Expression. See Correspondence vol.  18, letter

To T. H. Huxley   12 March [1869]



Apologises for passing on what he agrees were offensive remarks in V. Lushington’s letter. Has told VL he had no right to make them. Asks THH to make allowance for red-hot disciples defending the master.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Thomas Henry Huxley
Date:  12 Mar [1869]
Classmark:  Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Archives (Huxley 5: 264)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6658

Matches: 2 hits

  • … March 1869  and n.  1. See letter to Vernon Lushington, [12 March 1869] . Auguste Comte . …
  • … Kent. S.E. Mar 12. My dear Huxley I read Lushington’s letter in a rather hurried manner, …

To W. C. Tait   7 April [1869]


Drosophyllum plants recovering [from trip]. Describes experiments on them.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  William Chester Tait
Date:  7 Apr [1869]
Classmark:  Natural History Museum, Library and Archives (General Special Collections DC AL 1/10)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6693

Matches: 3 hits

  • … letter to W.  C.  Tait, 12 and 16 March 1869 , and letter to J.  D.  Hooker, 17 March [ …
  • … on 29 September 1869. CD also refers to the letter to W.  C.  Tait, 12 and 16 March 1869 . …
  • … between this letter and the letter to W.  C.  Tait, 12 and 16 March 1869 . Tait had sent …

From Fritz Müller   15 June 1869


FM much gratified by the appearance of Für Darwin translation.

Discusses dimorphism in Rubiaceae.

Author:  Johann Friedrich Theodor (Fritz) Müller
Addressee:  Charles Robert Darwin
Date:  15 June 1869
Classmark:  DAR 110: B115; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Directors’ Correspondence 215/175)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6783

Matches: 2 hits

  • … 14 March 1869  and 18 March 1869 . In a letter of 12 June 1869 , Müller told his brother, …
  • … See Correspondence vol. 17, letter from Fritz Müller, 12 January 1869  and nn.  3–5, and …

To F. M. Malven   [after 12 February 1869]


Honoured to be mentioned with Alexander von Humboldt, who was an inspiration to him.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Ferdinand Maria Malven
Date:  [after 12 Feb 1869]
Classmark:  Neue Freie Presse (Vienna), 4 March 1869, p. 8
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6610F

Matches: 3 hits

  • … between this letter and the letter from F. M. Malven, 12 February [1869] ( Correspondence …
  • … between this letter and the letter from F. M. Malven, 12 February [1869] ( Correspondence …
  • … Freie Press , 12 February 1869, pp. 1–2. This extract from CD’s letter was published in a …

To J. J. Weir   1 July [1869]



"My health got so bad I could do nothing at Down".

Gives information about migration of male and female birds.

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  John Jenner Weir
Date:  1 July [1869]
Classmark:  DAR 148: 324
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-6810

Matches: 1 hit

  • … insects and swifts is now missing. See letter from George Swaysland, 12 June 1869 . …

To Benjamin Dann Walsh   3 April [1869]


Glad BDW has proved his case on dimorphism of Cynips.

Interested in galls

and BDW’s Cicada articles [Proc. Entomol. Soc. Philadelphia (1864)].

Author:  Charles Robert Darwin
Addressee:  Benjamin Dann Walsh
Date:  3 Apr [1869]
Classmark:  Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (Walsh 17)
Letter no:  DCP-LETT-5482

Matches: 3 hits

  • … My dear Sir I have received your kind letter of March 12 th & the 3 numbers of the Amer. …
  • … explained the experiment in his letter to CD of 12 November 1865 ( Correspondence vol.   …
  • 12. Frederick Smith was an entomologist in the British Museum . Walsh and Riley started the American Entomologist in 1868 (see Correspondence vol.  16, letter
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Lost in translation: From Auguste Forel, 12 November 1874


You receive a gift from your scientific hero Charles Darwin. It is a book that contains sections on your favourite topic—ants. If only you had paid attention when your mother tried to teach you English you might be able to read it. But you didn’t, and you…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … You receive a gift from your scientific hero Charles Darwin. It is a book that contains sections …

Darwin in letters, 1874: A turbulent year


The year 1874 was one of consolidation, reflection, and turmoil for Darwin. He spent the early months working on second editions of Coral reefs and Descent of man; the rest of the year was mostly devoted to further research on insectivorous plants. A…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … The year 1874 was one of consolidation, reflection, and turmoil for Darwin. He spent the early …

Darwin in letters, 1879: Tracing roots


Darwin spent a considerable part of 1879 in the eighteenth century. His journey back in time started when he decided to publish a biographical account of his grandfather Erasmus Darwin to accompany a translation of an essay on Erasmus’s evolutionary ideas…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … There are summaries of all Darwin's letters from the year 1879 on this website.  The full texts of …

Darwin’s hothouse and lists of hothouse plants


Darwin became increasingly involved in botanical experiments in the years after the publication of Origin. The building of a small hothouse - a heated greenhouse - early in 1863  greatly increased the range of plants that he could keep for scientific…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Towards the end of 1862, Darwin resolved to build a small hothouse at Down House, for …

1.2 George Richmond, marriage portrait


< Back to Introduction Few likenesses of Darwin in his youth survive, although more may once have existed. In a letter of 1873 an old Shrewsbury friend, Arthur Mostyn Owen, offered to send Darwin a watercolour sketch of him, painted many years…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … < Back to Introduction Few likenesses of Darwin in his youth survive, although more …

Darwin in letters, 1862: A multiplicity of experiments


1862 was a particularly productive year for Darwin. This was not only the case in his published output (two botanical papers and a book on the pollination mechanisms of orchids), but more particularly in the extent and breadth of the botanical experiments…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … As the sheer volume of his correspondence indicates, 1862 was a particularly productive year for …

Darwin's in letters, 1873: Animal or vegetable?


Having laboured for nearly five years on human evolution, sexual selection, and the expression of emotions, Darwin was able to devote 1873 almost exclusively to his beloved plants. He resumed work on the digestive powers of sundews and Venus fly traps, and…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Having laboured for nearly five years on human evolution, sexual selection, and the expression of …

Darwin in letters, 1881: Old friends and new admirers


In May 1881, Darwin, one of the best-known celebrities in England if not the world, began writing about all the eminent men he had met. He embarked on this task, which formed an addition to his autobiography, because he had nothing else to do. He had…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … In May 1881, Darwin, one of the best-known celebrities in England if not the world, began …

Women’s scientific participation


Observers | Fieldwork | Experimentation | Editors and critics | Assistants Darwin’s correspondence helps bring to light a community of women who participated, often actively and routinely, in the nineteenth-century scientific community. Here is a…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Observers |  Fieldwork |  Experimentation |  Editors and critics  |  Assistants …

German and Dutch photograph albums


Darwin Day 2018: To celebrate Darwin's 209th birthday, we present two lavishly produced albums of portrait photographs which Darwin received from continental admirers 141 years ago. These unusual gifts from Germany and the Netherlands are made…

Matches: 1 hits

  • …   In 1877, Charles Darwin was sent some unusual birthday presents: two lavishly …

Darwin in letters, 1875: Pulling strings


‘I am getting sick of insectivorous plants’, Darwin confessed in January 1875. He had worked on the subject intermittently since 1859, and had been steadily engaged on a book manuscript for nine months; January also saw the conclusion of a bitter dispute…

Matches: 1 hits

  • …   I am merely slaving over the sickening work of preparing new Editions …

Darwin in letters, 1878: Movement and sleep


In 1878, Darwin devoted most of his attention to the movements of plants. He investigated the growth pattern of roots and shoots, studying the function of specific organs in this process. Working closely with his son Francis, Darwin devised a series of…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … I think we have proved that the sleep of plants is to lessen injury to leaves from radiation …

Darwin in letters, 1869: Forward on all fronts


At the start of 1869, Darwin was hard at work making changes and additions for a fifth edition of  Origin. He may have resented the interruption to his work on sexual selection and human evolution, but he spent forty-six days on the task. Much of the…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … At the start of 1869, Darwin was hard at work making changes and additions for a fifth edition of  …

Darwin in letters, 1863: Quarrels at home, honours abroad


At the start of 1863, Charles Darwin was actively working on the manuscript of The variation of animals and plants under domestication, anticipating with excitement the construction of a hothouse to accommodate his increasingly varied botanical experiments…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … At the start of 1863, Charles Darwin was actively working on the manuscript of  The variation of …

The Lyell–Lubbock dispute


In May 1865 a dispute arose between John Lubbock and Charles Lyell when Lubbock, in his book Prehistoric times, accused Lyell of plagiarism. The dispute caused great dismay among many of their mutual scientific friends, some of whom took immediate action…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … In May 1865 a dispute arose between John Lubbock and Charles Lyell when Lubbock, in his book …

Darwin in letters, 1872: Job done?


'My career’, Darwin wrote towards the end of 1872, 'is so nearly closed. . .  What little more I can do, shall be chiefly new work’, and the tenor of his correspondence throughout the year is one of wistful reminiscence, coupled with a keen eye…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … ‘My career’, Darwin wrote towards the end of 1872, ‘is so nearly closed. . .  What little more I …

Darwin in letters, 1882: Nothing too great or too small


In 1882, Darwin reached his 74th year Earthworms had been published the previous October, and for the first time in decades he was not working on another book. He remained active in botanical research, however. Building on his recent studies in plant…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … In 1882, Darwin reached his 74th year Earthworms had been published the previous October, and …

Diagrams and drawings in letters


Over 850 illustrations from the printed volumes of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin have been added to the online transcripts of the letters. The contents include maps, diagrams, drawings, sketches and photographs, covering geological, botanical,…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Over 850 illustrations from the printed volumes of The Correspondence of Charles Darwin have …

Darwin in letters, 1847-1850: Microscopes and barnacles


Darwin's study of barnacles, begun in 1844, took him eight years to complete. The correspondence reveals how his interest in a species found during the Beagle voyage developed into an investigation of the comparative anatomy of other cirripedes and…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … Species theory In November 1845, Charles Darwin wrote to his friend and confidant Joseph …

Darwin’s queries on expression


When Darwin resumed systematic research on emotions around 1866, he began to collect observations more widely and composed a list of queries on human expression. A number of handwritten copies were sent out in 1867 (see, for example, letter to Fritz Muller…

Matches: 1 hits

  • … When Darwin resumed systematic research on emotions around 1866, he began to collect observations …
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